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  • Report:  #1050705

Complaint Review: False, and MISLEADING REVIEWS Internet

  • Reported By:
    The Sicilian — New York
  • Submitted:
    Tue, May 14, 2013
  • Updated:
    Wed, May 15, 2013 is scamming customers. Do you not think that reviews are helpful? Should they NOT be true? Correct?! Accurate, and ABOVE ALL HONEST AND INFORMATIVE?! Well, let me tell you all some FACTS about I am considered a serious computer tech, builder, designer, even gamer. When I know my stuff, I share to help other consumers and just plain fellow human beings who I suspect would wish to be accurately informed before they purchase any item...Not only of the quality of the harware, but the quality and compatibility of the software that goes with it, and ESPECIALLY the Customer Service, OR LACK OF if applicable. Well, tigerdirect FALSLY Advertises SO-CALLED FIVE STAR products that I KNOW FOR A FACT I DID NOT RATE MORE THAN ONE STAR?! In fact, if you notice the VERY short and all sweet GENERIC "review" that gives the product 5 stars across the board with some lane generic short review that mentions NOTHING about any specs, etc. ITS A SCAM, False Advertising, and Knowingly and willingly misleading customers/consumers. these so-called reviews are FAKE. these "reviewers" work for to FOOL consumers into a FALSE sense of security that this product is worthy of even ONE STAR. When has this become acceptable in our society?! Then you read the actual WEB, and see all the NIGHTMARE reviews OF THIS SAME SO-CALLED FIVE STAR PRODUCT?!! SHAME ON YOU tigerdirect, youre CROOKS IMO. You LIE, CHEAT, and STEAL peoples hard earned money with smoke screens and LIES and FALSE reports that HOLD NO MERIT. Then, you REFUSE TO POST MY ACCURATE reviews that DO NOT break your purposefully confusing and crooked TOS rules that try so hard to STOP any and all SERIOUS and accurate reviews from REAL people who actually have EXPERIENCe with the products you FALSLY advertise as "FIVE STAR" products. WE need a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT, and SOON! This is just the tip of this infestation of snake oil salesman business practices they get to enjoy for so long now.

2 Updates & Rebuttals

The Sicilian

I call BS on YOU then mr.

#3Author of original report

Wed, May 15, 2013

 I will copy and paste my reviews that I have saved, and you will not see any "foul" language, you will not see any "competitors names" mentioned, in fact I even state in my reviews that you refuse to allow that, and thats a whole new subject as to why you will not allow such a helpful tool to other consumers as to an honorable mention of a reputable company for them to look to.

Your site says SPECIFICALLY, "review posted", YET, ... YET,.... When I go back into your website, MY REVIEW IS NOT THERE?! I have tried it all mr. I hit the refresh on the browser right away, i logeed out and logged back in,... i waited a few minutes,...hours,...even days,... MY REVIEW WAS NEVER POSTED AS YOU STATED IT WAS WHEN I HIT THE POST REVIEW BUTTON?.

I CALL BS. This has been going on for YEARS, I just now had time and decided to post in here about it.

If you continue to insist on your statement being true, then I offer you this: I will take my valuable time to take a non-stop video of my "attempted" postings of appropriate, Informative, Accurate reviews that are made to help fellow consumers, I will do up to FIVE and show THE WORLD how FOS your statement is that you do not block reviews. IF,... you put your word and JOB on the line that they will be/get posted. And I will show the world how you lie and say "Review was Posted" and I will refresh the browser and MY REVIEW is NO WHERE TO BE SEEN. If you try to tell me theres a "lag" or it takes "time" etc etc etc. Where are they still? Hours, Days, even Months later, My Reviews are still Not posted.

Furthermore, I read other posts, and they are no where near informative, and some are downright wrong and inaccurate about the subject matter not just the product, also company names mentioned, and other suppossed TOS rules not allowed. It is so easy for you to hide behind some rule some where in your long winded "legal" document to insure you the status of blocking any truth and facts YOU do NOT want the public to know or be informed about on your precious website so diligently guarded your gestapo, apparently with you at the helm.

With what little respect I have left for your "company", I know what I have written, I know what I have indured while TRYING to post Very Important Facts and much needed Information for honest consumers who just want to get the best for their money, but also avoid having to endure what myself AND Others have had to,  from companies and products that get such high ratings from "companies" like you, and its all due to your loyalty to them, favors, endorsements of your company on THEIR websites, packaging?, company emails? mailings? fliers? buying-selling-sharing peoples personal information (yeah you and I BOTH know thats HUGE business) etc etc. only you or your company bosses know what shady deals go down behind the lies and doors and private meetings, again, etc.....

Again, let me reiterate, my Reviews State Facts, are honest, are consumer friendly and informative, most if not all are also from personal experience and relate Completely to the item AND OR the Company (which is completely relative in any business transaction) of which reviewed product or service pertains to.

In fact, up to this very second, NONE of my stated reviews that promted this original post have yet to be "allowed" by YOU, as you so dilegently stated was in charge of just that task.

Sum Up: Remember my promise to VIDEO my entire post attempts and the outcomes, With YOUR Promise to Put YOUR JOB and word on the line In Writing that they will ALL get Posted.

Do I come across pissed off? Yeah, It makes me sick how companies like yours think just because You can make all the "rules" in your favor, because its YOUR website, DOES NOT Give You The RIGHT to SCAM, LIE, Falsify products and their reviews, Knowingly and Willingly MisDirect consumers/People about your True intentions and all-in-All just pull out all the slimy sales and business tricks and scams to make sales... Loopholes and smoke screens to protect your shady business practices and the Fats, and ACTS go on and on.

Do yo read about all the "rebates" you offer, but they never get processed? You hide behind shady rules that YOU conjured up with who knows who else in the loop so you can cheat more people out of their money that you promised to give jst a little back? BS!....How about all the reports about how your company contantly welches on returns or refunds? All these reports/findings, facts are a KEY INDICATION of tigerdirects OverAll MO.

Your company offers some great deals, no one is denying that, but YOU DO NOT STAND BEHIND YOUR WORDS, PERIOD.

So what IS a Man, Or WOman, OR Company, If you CANNOT Trust In Their "WORD"? You just posted what I SEE AS FLAT OUT LIES, Because I KNOW what the truth is in MY case here, without a doubt, I know.

Tell everyone Here about some of your so-called "FIVE STAR RATED" products, those posts hold NO MERIT, just look them up on the NET! NOT on YOUR controlled website. Youre part of the disease that it eating away at this country and others, YOU control the facts, the "news", the "information" that gets to your listeners/customers, and Its ALL GOOD WHEN IT SUITS YOU and Serves you, and its Bad when it will help and suit your needs/business. PERIOD, Thats What business has become, snake-oil sales all over again.

Heres a personal found WORST: "The Electronics Industry Standards" supposedly states a company can sell you, and you can PAY FOR a Brand New product, and if it fails after TWO WEEKS, they can replace it with a "remanufactered" AKA USED product unless otherwise stated or agreed upon in WRITING. So if you bought that latest and greates samsuk cell phone, and its not "up to par" or holds it end of all the spectacular promises and features and functions etc. You better get your money back or a NEW REPLACEMENt within TWO WEEKS. Oh, and IF you decide to Replace it with another New one, YOUR TWO WEEK PERIOD IS UP FROM THE ORIGINAL PURCHASE! WTF?! If you bought a Brand New Car, and It was a "lemon" Would you accept a USED car as a replacement? Why is this any different?! Well let me tell you why,... One of many reasons is so that these clowns in the industry get ZERO accountablility for their failures in R&D as well as production and manufacturing. So get this, they just keep recycling their junk product round and round until their "new" versions, or products come out, and YOU ALL just "upgrade" and heres the clincher...and BUY the NEW LATEST AND GREATEST,... and so on, and so on. Its a WIN-WIN for THEM! So they DID NOT Have to REPLACE your phone with ANOTHER NEW ONE, they just dusted off someone elses failed phone, and polished it up and handed it to you, and the circle jerk chain goes round and round, again, until they roll out the latest and greatest "new and improved" model, or a whole new spectacular model all together, that "all the cool kids just have to own to be IN"

This asinine subject has worn me out for now (and dont think they dont know how effective this mentioned strategy works as well) Were all too tired, worn out, inundated to fight them for too long, we just dont have the time, money or resources to keep up in the long run, I mean, THIS is what THEY DO FOR A LIVING, NOT MOST OF US!?

I CALL BS sir! Period.

Tiger Direct


Dear Customer

#3UPDATE Employee

Tue, May 14, 2013

Please be aware that there are some restrictions in regards to product reviews.  We do not approve posts with foul or offensive language or mentions of other competitors.  Also, we do not allow posts with our own name in it since we do sell our many different products through other sisters sites with different names other than Tigerdirect.  I am personally a big fan of posts and I oversee our product review approvals process.  I can assure you that we do not keep from posting reviews just because it’s a negative review on a product.  It is our duty to let customers know what they are buying and it is incumbent upon the manufacturer of the products we sell to be held to a higher standard.  Below I included some random examples of products we currently sell with negative reviews.




I truly hope this helps.  If you would like to contact me with any questions or concerns, please do so.


Roger Insua

Customer Service Manager


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