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  • Report:  #194789

Complaint Review: Timber Ridge Ranch - John Wilbanks

Timber Ridge Ranch - John Wilbanks Abused 8 yr old son, broke both bones in his arm, lied and tried to cover it up!! Ripoff N Little Rock Arkansas

  • Reported By:
    Bonnerdale Arkansas
  • Submitted:
    Mon, June 05, 2006
  • Updated:
    Tue, June 09, 2015
  • Timber Ridge Ranch - John Wilbanks
    4500 Commercial Dr
    N. Little Rock, Arkansas
  • Phone:
  • Category:

My son went to Timber Ridge, which is close to Benton, AR, in November of 2003 (1 day after his 8th birthday). He has been diagnosed as Bi-polar, ADHD, PDD-NOS, ODD, and mild/moderdate MR. He is usually pretty high functioning despite the long list of disorders. His was referred there by a therapist at Rivendell, where he was hospitalized for about 10 days for acute care.

Occasionally he gets unstable and becomes a danger to himself and others (usually due to med changes) and has to go in for stabilization. The therapist there thought he would benefit from a structured behavior modification program that Timber Ridge offered.

On about the 6th day he was there a staff member (John Wilbanks) got mad because my son refused to obey a command. He was in the process of doing something else for another staff member. This man took my son into a bedroom (they live in cabins)and pulled his arm behind his back and up toward his head to force him to the ground, then pinned him down until he said "ok, ok I will do whatever you say!" the whole time, screaming and begging to be let go. He told the man his arm broke, and that he heard the crack and felt it break. Wilbanks told him to shut up, his arm didn't hurt.

No one did ANYTHING about it. All day he complained that his arm hurt, he was told repeatedly to sit down and shut up. They forced him to endure the rest of the day, and participate in all activities including chores. No one called me, and noone took him to the ER.

His grandmother and I just happened to go there that evening to visit. He told us immediately that his arm hurt and no one would believe him. We looked at it and could immediately tell it was broken. I told the staff on duty that he needed to go to the ER right away, and I was told some crap about having to get authorization from so and so, and why don't I let him stay there and they would take him after dinner. I said I don't give a d**n who you have to call, I'm taking him myself right now! I brought him back to Hot Springs and sure enough both bones in his left forearm were broken nearly in half. (by the way he is left handed). They claim that he was walking down the hall and tripped and fell. This is complete bs, but that's what they said.

So, state police and DHS investigated and John Wilbanks was convicted of Child Maltreatment. It was determined there was NO WAY he could have broken his arm that way by simply falling. He will not spend any time in jail, only because I didnt know I could have made a bigger fuss with Saline Co. Prosecuting Att. But he had his name put on the child abuse registry list.

After the criminal part was over, I hired an attorney, and we are suing the h**l out of that place. They treat these kids with disabilites like crap because they usually get away with it. Alot of these kids are wards of the state, or have parents who arent so involved in their care. It's just WRONG! I have yet to find any negative information on this place, yet I learned after the fact that my son is just one of MANY cases that DHS has investigated, and they have been sued for this type of thing before.

We are still in the process of suing, they are dragging this thing out as long as they possibly can!! It's ok though, I dont plan on settling, I WANT this case to be a matter of public record and if that means a trial so be it. They are a dispicable bunch over there and for the love of GOD please don't send anyone you love to this place!

Bonnerdale, Arkansas

8 Updates & Rebuttals


Pine Bluff,

to Jody in Bonnerdale Arkansas

#9General Comment

Tue, June 09, 2015

I do apologize for what happened to your son. I am interested in communicatin with you about this incident  Jody. PLease, contact me further on ripoff report. I may have some information that would be helpful. Please, contact me because this has got to stop with the abuse of our disabled children. Our disabled children only have our voice. My son was also at Timber Ridge recently and some things happened so I need to find out what can I do. Thanks.

Luke Hudson

Hot Springs,

Timber Ridge is ABUSIVE

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, January 08, 2014

I just wanted to add that I have countless other experiences other than the examples I used and also I am writing this on a phone which is made it hard to punctuate correctly. I can not stress to you the impact this abuse has had on me and what makes it worse is I think of the time spent thinking there was nothing I could do about this abuse because I  was written off as another mentaly challenged kid but my dianoses was a fraud. Though the other childten there were mentally challenged I am working on a bachelors degree in criminal justice and my first career goal is to expose what happened to me and what may still be hapening to innocent defensless children

Luke Hudson

Hot Springs,


#9Consumer Comment

Wed, January 08, 2014

My name is Luke Hudson and I was  admitted to this facility with the diagnoses of secondary cerebrial disfuntion. A diagnoses I am told now doesnt even exist or is discredited. I am now 22 years old and allow meto ensure you this Iis not a one time one patient incident. The tramautic effect of this facility still haunts me to this day and I must say it is eerie that google actually brought me here. Ive long described to my friends and my now deceased parents the horrors that this place simply swept under the rug. Allow me to explain in detail how this place operates. First of all if your looking for abuse monday through friday forget about it the "Big Wigs" are there the therapists and case workers. I honestly have yet to figure out if this company even knows what happens to the kids who dont earn their 48 hour weekend pass but they repeatedly refused to take measures to investigate the kids in cabin six trying to get justice for their mistreatment. If one failed to get his or her weekend pass it was the staff on weekend shift who would make us "pay". I remember distinctly mr cory every saturday morning yanking us out of bed an hour before our wakeup call and giving everyone what was called a guided assist which is defined as that but not enacted as so. He would either wrap a wrag around our hands and rub our knuckles raw on the kitchen table, or take a pencil in between our fingers and squezze it between our knuckles forcing us to write pages of sentences, I distinctively remember being  given the choice. I also recall a time another staff member overhead me begging my mom to come and get me because they were hurting me for no reason, she refused and said she trusted the people and if I didnt give them a reason to put their hands on me they would not hurt me. After I got off the phone and started walking to the living room ( where we werent allowed to sit on the couches we had to sit on the floor because we were "Nasty little f@#*ers who didnt wash ourselves" quote ms.mary who I believe may be this john  persons wife but I knew him as mr jabbo and I never was abused by him specifically but I wouldnt doubt of him.) Any way as I was saying as I walked back to the living room I was snagged up by this staff member whose name I dont recall, and said if I wanted to complain like a little bi#$* he would give me something to complain about. He then put me in a containment for what was probably 30 minutes but felt like hours because in these containments they would constrict your arms behind your back and bend your wrist and if you screamed to loud or tried to figh t out of this very painful submission they would put a towel in your mouth. If this is a place where I could file a lawsuit against this place  even with the time passed since ive been there its been about 10 years but I had no Idea that I could just google this llace and file a complaint if I would have known this i would have filed a long time ago. I still dream of this place and wake up in a cold sweat. I would compare this facility almost to a n**i concentration camp in theyes of a child who was told this place was a summercamp and sent there on false pretenses. I am emotionall scarred forever and let me say I had been to rivendelle and bridgeway as well and I never recieved this kind of treatment at eityer one. I will do whatever I have to to ensure that no other xhild ever endures the agonizing 7 month "treatment" I recieved from timber ridge if anyone would like to guide me on how to file a lawsuit my contact number is 5014632297 thank you and for the love of god do not trust timber ridge with your children




keep strong

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, November 12, 2007

no one can tell you what you are doing is wrong..if every parent in this world could handle children in your son's position..then there would not be the facilities that existed.

but the fact is..there are.

and they are filled with good employees and bad employees..and it seemed that you got a bad apple to help your child.

i dont understand why a person can watch a child crying for help..and not help them.

i pray that your child gets his justice!!

and anyone that wants to post negative comments... i hope your kids live normal lives..because you cant walk in these shoes!


Las Vegas,

Jody, Ignore The Negative Posts.....

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, August 18, 2006

Just ignore the negative posts. Most of the time the feedback you hope to receive is not going to be offered in a public arena. There are too many diverse opinions on sensitive subjects such as this.

I am against medicating about 85% of the children who have been diagnosed with ADHA, autism, etc.....But, NOBODY knows a child better than the parent/s......of course that does depend on how involved and aware they are, and if they are responsible caring moms and dads.
You sound as if you ARE a good appear to be doing the best you can under difficult circumstances. You obviously try to give your son the love and help a mother should give her child in need.

You hang in there your son, protect him from the idiots like the jerk who broke his arms, and keep praying.....



Fort Walton Beach,

Calm Down

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, June 06, 2006

I'm not defending the facility or the doctor, I'm suggesting that you, as his mother, should take a little bit of the responsibility as well. I'm also not claiming that my daughter or I are perfect. I'm stating it's become a little to easy for a parent to claim mental illness on their child, medicate them up and then start blaiming and suing everyone in the free world when something goes wrong.

If you don't want to have to defend the actions that got your child in this predicament, then I would seriously consider not posting in a public forum.



Who do you think you are lady??

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, June 06, 2006

You dont know a thing about my son or his conditions. How dare you defend a person who assaulted and injured a disabled child, and an organization that deliberatly left an 8 year old child in pain in order to try to cover it up?? I suppose your one of these people who dont believe that mental illness is "real" right?? I noticed that you only chose to comment on his bi-polar disorder and not the PDD-NOS, which is a pervasive developmental disorder (similar to autism), and Mild to moderate MR, which is Mental Retardation. Did it occur to you that he may need some help with impulse control, and coping skills that are better taught by a PROFESSIONAL!! I guess your just a perfect person, and if you have kids, I'm sure they are just perfect too. It must be so d**n nice to be so d**n perfect!!!! I do the best I can for my son, just like any other parent does. If it takes medication to keep him from hurting himself or others, attend regular school and actually LEARN something, not to mention the meds calm his anxiety and delusions, then d**n it that is what I will do!
I dont know where you got the information that it's almost impossible to diagnose a child under 17 as bi-polar, but you are WRONG! They are just now finding out that children also suffer from psychiatric disorders. While I agree that ADHD, and ODD are overdiagnosed in children, I know that my son is bi-polar, it took 2 years of diligent observation and documentation, NOT just by me, but by his therapists, teachers, and Doctors as well!

Do you think that people just up and one day "become" bi-polar, or schizophrenic, or even OCD?? NOOOO these disorders are GENETIC! My uncle is severely mentally retarded as well as schizophrenic, my Aunt is Bi-polar, so is a 2nd cousin. My son's father's side of the family has a history of Autism, Speech and Language disorders, and obsessive compulsive disorder. So while I may be a walking advertisement for stronger forms of birth control, I AM NOT a bad parent and you should be ashamed of yourself for suggesting that I am.
I came here to post a message about this facility and their actions so that other parents will seriously think twice before placing thier child there, not to defend the choices I make that I feel are in MY child's best interest.

PS. Timber Ridge is NOT a psychiatric facility, it is a neurorestorative facility. They mostly treat people with traumatic brain injury or other organic brain disorders that prevent them from being able to learn and function normally. But I suppose you dont think those disorders are "real" either. Let me guess, it's all in their head right??????????


Fort Walton Beach,

A couple comments

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, June 05, 2006

Please tell me you got a second opinion on your son's conditions. 7 years old is VERY young to start a lifelong treatment of medications. Is it possible he is a typical 8 year old who just needs a little discipline (from his own parents)? It's way to easy these days to load our children up with medication because we, as parents, can't deal with them.

There was a study just done about how it's almost impossible to diagnose a child under the age of 17 as bi-polar. Children are being completely over-diagnosed and over-medicated.

Now I want to comment on this statement: "They treat these kids with disabilites like crap because they usually get away with it. Alot of these kids are wards of the state, or have parents who arent so involved in their care."

Don't use your son's "disability" to your advantage. The reality of the situation is you sent your son to unknown strangers to "teach" him discipline and behavior modification. Sorry, but as a parent, I thought that was our job?

Take responsible for your actions (or unactions) towards your son, get a second or third opinion and get him off the medication. Maybe at this point, it's all reversible and he can live the rest of his life medication free.

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