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  • Report:  #1244688

Complaint Review: Top Notch realty services

Top Notch realty services Gasner Guerrier CAM#36718 / Marilyn Vince CAM#36718 Deceitful, disrespectful, bullying, Morally questionably Maitland Florida

  • Reported By:
    Fritz — gotha Florida USA
  • Submitted:
    Mon, July 27, 2015
  • Updated:
    Thu, February 16, 2017

TOP Notch realty services representatives;                   

Gasner Guerrier CAM#36718 and Marilyn Vince CAM#30037

These are the most disrespectful, deceitful, manipulative property managers I have ever met or heard of. I noticed both Top Notch rep's. fabricating the truth during their very FIRST association meeting as compared to what they both told me privately. I bought some equipment after that and started recording the association meetings. My communty "Citrus Oaks in Orlando FL" is now under complete control of thse two idiots. They have done so many bad things I may not have enough room to list them all, but I will try. 

  First they find the most ignorant, incompetent and morally questionable board members they can. Then like a parasite they get into their heads and take control. I was one of seven board members originally. Two of us had to fight Gasner and marilyn along with the other 5 board members almost evryday just to keep them some what honest. That was an uphill battle because they not only took control of the entire association, they also control the only 3 weak minded board members left. Thats right, Citrus Oaks want from 7 to 3 bard members just 11 months after Top Notch was hired because Gasner convinced the 3 remaining board members to eliminate 4 board positions that was up for election. So he could control the entire association without someone telling him what he can and cant do. 

  Top Notch representitatives Gasner and Marilyn started having private board meetings and not including myself and the only other honest board member that was tring to help the community. Soon after having private board meetings, Gasner started withholding emails and other items of association business from board members he did not like or was afraid of.

  Gasner had the president of the Citrus Oaks association call a special meeting shortly after starting with Citrus Oaks just so he could have the opportunity to verbaly attack and humilitate a homeowner/board member in front of the residents that showed up at the meeting. Gasner was screaming at the board member from across the room while telling the community of the board members personal business. Also Gasner THREATENED the board member while calling him several names. Gasner also "DEMANED" that he be looked at. Thats right!!!! Gasner "DEMANDED" aloud in fromt of the community that he be "LOOKED AT" during his 8 minute meltdown. Some of the residents had to get involved because Gasner just lost control of his mental faculties, meanwhile Marilyn was sitting there looking lost. I have Gasner's entire attack on video, its unbelievable that an employee would be allowed to freak out like that in front of the community and at a homeowner/board member and not be fired, but like I said this man gots into the heads of the weak minded and morally questionable board members.

  The homeowner/board member did file a complaint with the BBB against Top Notch representatives Gasner Guerrier and Marilyn Vince. That was reason for his public attack. In his rebuttal to the BBB Gasner said that "I FELT COMPELLED TO CONFRONT HIM IN PUBLIC" WITH THE FULL BACKING OF THE BOARD (his words). He had a board meeting with only a few chosen board members that he invited and talked them into allowing him to attack the homeowner/board member at a meeting. He did not include all 7 members of the board, only the ones he CONTROLED!!!!! The weak minded and stupid!!!

  Thats just the beggining, myslf and another board member want door to door and collected enough singatures (42) according to Florida statutes 720.306 sub-section 3 called special meetings, to force Gasner and Marilyn and the board into calling a "special Meeting" we followed the letter of the law. We wanted to discuss the fact that Gasner had nominated a person to take the newly vacant presidents spot. He did this through email and had the other board members vote on the position by email. Both illegal activities. They refused to have the meeting called, even though we had more then the 10% of the homeowners singatures required by Florida statutes. Worst yet, my associations bylaws clearly state that "A special meeting can be called by any 2 (two) directors. Again Gasner and marilyn refused to have that special meeting called. About 2 weeks later Gasner had the person (Liz) that he nominated to be president send out a request to the other board members for a special meeting for Jan 10 2015. The request that I and another board member sent to TOP NOTCH certified mail was for the middle of November 2014. Yet another way that Gasner and Marilyn control the weak minded and stupid. 

  Besides catching The TOP NOTCH representatives lying during meetings to board members and community residents, they routinely violate their contrct by not fuifilling thier contractaul abligations to the Citrus Oaks community. Gasner has no trouble stealing the associations money by charging for services he is paid to do, but just choose's not to do them. I was on the board for a year with this management company so I have a copy of there contract and a load of emails violation reports and hours of video. Gasner and most of the board would decuss things through email incouding spending thousands of association dollars without informing the community. The board started to routinely handle association business VIA email under the encourangement and guidance of Top Notch rep's gasner and Marilyn. This however is not permited by law. "ALL MEETINS MUST BE OPENED TO COMMINUTY MENBERS" this cant happen if business is being done  on-line. I mentioned this to Gasner and HE DID NOT CARE. He did what he wanted to do.

  Gasner and marilyn of Top Notch management services have also intentionally and maliciously harassed homeowners to the point wear they (the homeowners) had to seek legal assistance. They did this because as Gasner said,they wear told to by the board. What that means is Gasner decided to harass people simply because he was asked to by a board member named Liz. The new president of the association Liz has a personal conflict with the homeowner behind her and used Gasner and marilyn to harass that homeowner. After the homeowner spoke with a lawer Top Notch and the board backed off like a bunch of punks!!! Thats just one case. Theres more intentional harassment that happened, theres just to much.

  So far I have on video, and or emails Top Notch mamagement services representatives (and owners) Gasner Guerrier amd Marilyn Vince, lying, stealing (as described in this complaint) intentionally and maliciously harassing homeowners, willingly and voluntarily not following Florida statutes 720 (HOA laws) and the Citrus Oaks bylaws and CC&R's, having board meetings without notifying all board members  and they pick and choose when and what parts of their contract they will honer but collect there full pay every month. If this is not enough they are routinely disrespectful to community members at association meetings!! 

 To add insult to injury the Top Notch rep's "gave themselves" a 5% raise after all the horrible things they did.

   Despicable property managers like Gasner Guerrier and Marilyn Vince would not exist if it wear not for the aforementioned weak minded, selfserving and stupid board members (as it pertains to association affairs, human decency and common sence). Since Gasner had 4 board postions that wear up for reelection eliminated from the Citrus Oaks HOA They (TOP NOTCH) have assumed control of the board. It seems that the 3 women that are running the Citru Oaks HOA may be as dumb as a bag of rocks and possibly every bit as corrupt as Gasner and Marilyn. How else do you explain what they allowed Gasner to do, and then allow him to give himself a 5% raise. Nice work Liz, Chris and Mary. Way to sell out your community. What did you get in return for your souls?

  If this is not enough to frighten you or if you need more information or possibly have some information concerning Gasner Gurrier and Marilyn Vince please feel free to reach out to me AT: "". 

MORE TO COME I'm sure as these to idiots cant help themselvs!!


4 Updates & Rebuttals


#5Author of original report

Thu, February 16, 2017

I, Fritz apologize for: My harsh words and insults made to and/or about the board members of The Citrus Oaks Homeowners' Association, Inc. and those representatives of Top Notch Realty Services, Inc.,and I apologize for speaking on matters set forth in my online posts published via, which were not thoroughly researched.   I further understand that the board members of the homeowners association are elected by homeowners, not Top Notch or any other property management company. From this point forward, I will be speaking with Top Notch and/or the board members in a civil manner regarding any current and/or future potential conflicts or outstanding association business with the expectation and promise that they will reciprocate.


orlando fl,

Topnotch realty Gardner terrier,and Marilyn are thieves

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, October 07, 2015

 I live in the silver ridge subdivision orlando fl 32818 having to put up with these two incomplete,incompetent baphoons is like a real movie scene like you said they hire people they can control,get into their heads and make them feel important bribe them and nothing gets done. When you as a home owner try to speak at the meetings they hire a police officer to escort you out like Fay Lewis the president of the hoa has done to many board members . Homeowners aren't aloud to say much against their wrong doings simply because they do not want any of us involved when you go to the meetings they are very short not enough chairs and they rush to speak or just end the meeting while you are speaking most people just get discouraged and just walk away but people like you who took the time to report these crooks will make a difference keep going girl contact the state channel 6 and 9 the dbpr don't bother with BBB they can be brought.

How little Top Notch realty representatives care about the properties they manage!

#5Author of original report

Wed, August 12, 2015

Top Notch representatives Gasner Guerrier and Marilyn Vince started managing my association in March of 2014. In 17 months Gasner and Marilyn has done very, very little to improve my community.

The main reason for this must be that Marilyn and Gasner spent so much time tearing the HOA board apart. There was no time to properly do their jobs. But dont worry to much about them, they seem to always pay themselves without fail. When you bill someone for services that are not performed as outlined in a contract to me thats stealing!! As for as I am concerned Top Notch rep's have been stealing money from my association for a while now. 

I am following up my last update with more examples of how bad both representatives from Top Notch really are. If it helps one association AVOID Top Notch it was worth it.

Around this time last year a homeowner built a wall  about 24 inches high and 10 feet long between her home and the home next to her's. This wall was there for weeks and was never noticed by Top Notich rep's during there drive thru (when and if they chose to do a drive thru). After noticing the major flooding issue the wall caused the home next to it I sent Gasner and Marilyn pictures of how bad the flooding got for the home on the other side of the wall. 

These homes are "connected town houses in groups of 4.  Just to be clear the wall was not aproved by the ARC (Architectural Review Committee). All 3 members denied the request for the homeowner to keep the wall. But a year later that wall is still there.

Top Notch realty cares so little about the property they manage but love the money they get to take form them. Meanwhile the homeowner is still dealing with the flooding and still waiting for help from Gasner and Marilyn. 

I was a board member and on the ARC (Architectural Review Committee) during this time and know for a fact that the wall is still there causing major problems. As a board member I sent Gasner Guerrier and Marilyn Vince many emails pertaining to this wall, yet it's still there almost a year later, even though 3 ARC members said it must be removed. Gasner does what he wants! I will try and send a picture with this update!

reach out to me at ""  for more information about gasner and marilyn of Top Notch realty services aka Top Notch management services!! I 

AVOID Top Notch realty services Gasner Guerrier

#5Author of original report

Tue, August 11, 2015

Beware of Top Notch Realty aka Top Notch Management services Gasner Guerrier and Marilyn Vince

This is the first video I shot of Gasner Guerrier having a mental breakdown while yelling at a board member (ME) from across the room, calling me several names and threatening me while telling the residents of Citrus Oaks my personal business. Gasner had the president of the Citrus Oaks HOA call this meeting to give him the opportunity to verbally attack me in front of the residents that live with me in the community. Within the first 25 seconds the president of the HOA states that Gasner ASKED for the first 7 minutes of the meeting! Gasner and Marilyn tough it was a good idea to use association reresources, and community members time to handle his personal business against me.  COULD THEY HAVE BEEN MORE WRONG? Idiots?

The official reason Gasner stated in his rebuttal to the BBB for having the meeting was to have the "associations documents renewed for another 20 years". However the actual document was signed by the president of the HOA on May 24 2014 to renew the association's documents. A full week before Gasner had her call the meeting for May 31.   In fact Gasner was notified by the BBB that a complaint was filed against Top Notch on May 12 2014. Guess what day the HOA president called for the meeting, thats right May 12 2014. Coincidence, NO Gasner saw an opportunity to manipulate a few stupid board members who dont care about their fiduciary responsibility to the community. Once you see the videos and the things they have done and said you will see Top Notch rep's Gasner and marilyn ARE BAD PEOPLE AND EVEN WORST PORPERTY MANAGERS! The crap thay have done in such a short time could not be made up!

Gasner also admitted in his rebuttal to the BBB, "I FELT COMPELLED TO CONFRONT HIM IN PUBLIC WITH THE FULL SUPPORT OF THE BOARD" He did not have the full support of the board. Remember I mentioned that Gasner Guerrier and Marilyn Vince from Top Notch realty services would routinely have board meetings which included the board members that he could control. Of the 7 members that was on the board at the time of this meeting he only invited 5, the stupidest and most deceitful board members that he could control (in my oppion anyway). NOT ALL 7!!

I was unable to get Gasner in the video because once the meeting started I was not permitted to interrupt the proceedings to adjust the video camera, but you can see his arm come in and out of the video on the LEFT side of the screen. Also the people sitting at the small table are the representatives from Top Notch, Marilyn Vince and their assistant. All the board members are at the long table. I am in the green shirt!

I was not legally obligated to blur this video, I chose to do to this time. Once someone leaves their home there is no expectation of privacy!! If this report and video helps just one association avoid the same horrible nightmare Citrus Oaks has been going through for 17 months now it was worth all the money and time spent to do it!!!!!!!

Stay tuned for more updates. Who knows what these to idots will do next?

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