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  • Report:  #1156170


TOWEY PRODUCTIONS, LLC ,Dan Towey, "", Analog-To-Digital Conversion Horrors ,Egad!!!! Vaughn Washington

  • Reported By:
    Mickey — Belfair Washington
  • Submitted:
    Fri, June 20, 2014
  • Updated:
    Thu, May 31, 2018

TOWEY PRODUCTIONS, LLC is an audio & video A/D conversion service studio located in Gig Harbor, Washington (maintaining a P.O. Box in nearby Vaughn, WA), and the recording and production studio can be reached by phone at 253-857-4766. The following complaint letter details what turned-out to become an irritating ripoff perpetrated against me by the aforementioned service company:


Greetings Dan,

It is with the greatest degree of sorrow and regret that I must compose and convey this correspondence to you.  I really had come to believe that you would be able to successfully complete my audio A/D conversion project and I had faith in your technical skill, competence, and overall experience .... so that is why it pains me to have to provide you the following description of ultimate disaster.

Please imagine, if you will, my stark surprise (and abject heartsick upset) when I first popped all the CDs into the player in wide-eyed anticipation of delight, only to find myself to be all too soon disillusioned and stricken with demoralizing devastation -- to put it mildly -- when the music I was listening to progressively began to become very inconsistent, characterized by a procession of deteriorating events resulting in drag, skip, stutter, flutter, wow, and steady bogging-down to a slow, slow, ever-slowing crawl.....then speeding-up a little here-and-there, and then slowing-down again....and again -- I'm sure you get the picture here!!!!   Quite actually, I became absolutely stunned, horrified -- and I must confess, even a bit mortified, to be sure -- over such an incredulous experience indeed, and quite a huge mood swing within a very short passage of time -- a real emotional roller-coaster ride if ever there was one .... my heart just sank and my soul wept openly!!!!  Moreover, add to that shock & awe the fact that I had just kissed $145.00 goodbye, and it should not be so difficult for you to understand my desperate frustration and despondent demoralization over the terrible experience I was made to suffer through.  As an aside, I must confess that I had also experienced a modicum of "sticker-shock", if you will, at the $145.00 price tag.  I was expecting to have this service delivered for under $100.00 ..... I guess that can be construed as a measurement of just how out-of-touch-with-reality I've allowed myself to become in recent years.  The bottom-line here is this:  out of the totality of material contained on 6 CDs, only a small fraction, if anything at all, is viable .... leaving the majority of material unsuitable, unacceptable, and therefore usable for my intended purposes.

Sans further ado, I will take this opportunity in order to welcome you to the aforementioned nightmare via provision of technical details, as follows:

1.  On the majority of tracks there exists an appreciable degree of frequently-occurring intermittent faults and inconsistencies -- most notably, of course, the wow-and-flutter wavering phenomenon, considerable drag, and the ever-aggravating episodic slow-down/speed-up occurrences -- all accompanied by occasional high-pitched background scratching, squeaking & squealing -- arguably due to the effects of tape material degradation and sloughing-off of tape surface emulsion as the tape is running through the transport rollers and across the head assemblies.....yanno, all that stuff that's right up there in your wheelhouse.

2.  Another common negative attribute shared among the majority of tracks is apparent overall imbalance between stereo channels, allowing for a dampening effect to occur with regard to information from one channel versus the other, and also the rather conspicuous multiple occurrences of pervasive signal weakness, crucial volume losses, and attendant "down-in-the-mud" murkiness, distortion, and many other suppressed critical instrumental elements of importance -- e.g., numerous negatively affected guitar and piano fills....and guitar solos.....along with loss of some volume & impact of background vocals, and also some percussion elements as well.....especially cymbal crashes.

3.  There seems to be a prevalent lack of boost, "umph", treble, crispness, and clarity shared among many of the tracks too -- at least to my ear -- and a lot of the overall "punch" seems to be missing much of the time, as far as I can perceive.  Some of this may of course be due to the conversion/transfer process in-and-of-itself (perhaps some semblance of the "necessary evils" one may have to put-up-with), and some deficiencies may also be due to digital manipulation for purposes of enhancing signal-to-noise ratio improvement components, overall noise reduction, compression/expansion to create and/or maintain optimal headroom, stereo channelization difficulties, and possible phase problems, and/or other "phantom" occurrences, etc. -- and all that kinda stuff that you know so much more about than I do -- obviously -- 'cos you are the PRO and I'm just the trusting client !!!!

In all my present disppointment, discouragement, and frustration, I find myself at somewhat of a loss as to exactly what to do and how I should proceed from this point forward, and I solicit your assistance and advice in that regard.  If you can save the file containing my presently digitized material in your database until we get this mess straightened-out, I would be most appreciative and also quite relieved.  Perhaps the data preserved can be optimized and we can take another run at getting it all properly transferred to CD format, or perhaps there will be other options you may come-up-with.  Another possible option that I can provide is to supply you with known-good CASSETTE tapes containing all the same analog material as was found on the reel-to-reel tapes, and then you can utilize that particular media from which to properly digitize the material and make it sound consistent, dynamic, and thus acceptable, as apropos. 

Thank you in-advance for enduring this dissertation and for considering provision of a solution in order to effect timely satisfaction of this request.  Take good care of you & yours and be well always!!!

Brightest Blessings,



What transpired after the letter was sent represents a classic case of "ripoff-by-the-numbers" -- right out of the standard ripoff artist playbook -- and also provided a painful but powerfully convincing lesson to me, the poor dumb unwitting victim in all of this mess .... to wit, the purveyor, service provider, and owner of the company, Mr. Towey, responded to my letter by informing me that he would redo the project at no cost in order to make-up for the initial botched job and assure my satisfaction.  This, of course, all sounded well-and-good until I realized that he was just scheming, playing me, and dodging me, as it were.  Finally, over the course of several frustrating months, enough time had elapsed in order to enable Mr. Towey to close-up-shop, go out-of-business entirely, and escape into thin air without ever making good on the corrective services he offered me.  I have tried to contact him for a refund, but unfortunately for me, Mr. Towey has decided to become incommunicado. At this juncture the only available attempt at remedy appears to be the bringing of a small claims suit against TOWEY PRODUCTIONS, LLC.

In summary, what has been presented herein becomes tanatmount to a deplorably disgraceful ripoff scenario that should not be allowed to go unprotested, thus it becomes my duty to inform the public of my loss at the hand of TOWEY PRODUCTIONS, LLC and thereby promulgate the ripoff on a widespread basis in the hope that no one else will have to suffer the type of humiliation and mistreatment that I have been made to endure .... should Mr. Towey ever decide to go back into business and once again try-his-hand at attempting further perfection of the art of ripping-off the innocent unwitting consumer public.   

13 Updates & Rebuttals



A Modified Form of Occam's Razor meets the Ozymandias Effect

#14Author of original report

Mon, May 21, 2018

Sooner or later most everything becomes reduced to an historic footnote from which typically no lessons are learned, leaving history to oft times become repeated.  C'est la vie.  Ashes-to-ashes, dust-to-dust.  Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin' -- or so it would seem ........ I managed to carelessly step into a stinking steamy pile of DANRUSS a few years ago and have been trying to scrape it off my boots ever since.  Most of it has since been removed, discarded, and ostensibly turned-to-dust, however, methinks the stink and stain will forever remain.  To this I solemnly attest.  Amen.  (Can I get a witness???)



United States

Sorry to disappoint Towey and Entrop

#14REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, May 20, 2018

*Message to the ego-deflated fools 'Two-Face' and 'Ant-throb':

Mr Shook WAS a very close and dear friend of mine; He had just died of diabetes last year, and cremated without YOUR blessings.

So Tim had mental problems and such there Danny Boy?  Ahh thank you doctor..You're SLICK on ANYONE that even lightly ruffles/breathes on your filthy feathers, denying all FACTS to anything you've done WRONG, crying out to all the truthful accusers of yours that they have something totally 'wrong' with them that's supposed to JUSTIFY that you're in the right? - You and that neck-busted Russy can or will slit your filthy wrists.

Towey TESTIFIED in a 1993 court of law case out of Tacoma, Washington..that he was not guilty of fraud in his family business of 'Aqua Dive Spa and Swim Club' in Seattle.  He lost.

Who cares if this creative genius was convicted of a non-violent crime, and all that is TYPED here about FRIENDSHIP, making him out to be POOR..That's it folks..'POOR' which Tim was not. Now he's gone do you think that matters NOW?  He 'belongs' somewhere? Too late turkeys..

Towey even tried to kill Shook's own mother and sister once, but didn't get far in that wicked Irish manipulative.  Tim once told me that Towey's father  (John W.)  gave him a $20 bill at a boatyard once to keep his mouth SHUT on something.  Tim just tore it up! John W.'s dead now..WHY?.. from being a FAT, stuck-up Irish PIG; 'twasn't worth it.

Not surprising these two tolietbugs would BLAME this well-loved, hard-working person for what 'I', Mel Sounds - had stated here directly from Shook, catching them by surprise here and with NOTE: 'proven documents' - PROVEN..gathered now - to testify in a court of law with me if it ever goes to a judge, may that judge be corruptive or not.

THING IS: that ain't gonna happen folks; guess they can file charges on Julius Ceasar now if they want to.


**TO WIT: A 'key' witness for all of this with Towey and Entrop doing drugs and cocaine has also died just recently. *One SCOTT MILLARD SHANGLE of Seattle (d. at 58 on 5-16-18), who before he died of a medical issue gave WRITTEN TESTIMONY to me thanks to Tim that Scott has known and been at Mr Russ Entrop's house in doing cocaine, witnessing deals, money exchanges - along with Towey there AT THAT SCENE in the process.  Apparently Mr Towey made tens of thousands of $$.

..and OH: Scott's family CAN back this up, as they have spread it all over town - and OH guys here's a reminder: ain't gonna remove anything here, even with your best lawyers - pity.

However in an attempt to keep Shook's good name in tact after this posthumous accusation by the two turds,  many broadcasters in the local radio industry, along with the TV news media had ALREADY given good tributes ON THE AIR for Tim and his fine list of accomplishments - To see a complete list of these accomplishments, along with a scanned copy of Mr Shangle's written testimony, feel free to email me (Mel) anytime at  

NOW: we don't expect any more follow-up rebuttals by these two turds, but you know how their tricky fingers are in being TRUE, COLD BLOODED KILLERS - wanting/needing to keep a good/fake reputation going for themselves after RIPPING MANY OFF - and believe it from the many..They really could've FOOLED -  EVEN - 'YOU'.

Finally and frankly, It's truly too late for Towey and Entrop to even 'recognize for themselves' that they even HAVE a conscience for a dead person. 






Gig Harbor,
United States

Reply to comment Enclosed

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, March 27, 2018

About The Person That Wrote This Complaint.

Timothy Wyatt Shook is a registered fellon. He is manic depresive Schizophrenic. He wrote the enclosed complaint about my business which has no merit. 

I have known Mr. Shook since high school some fourty plus years ago. He Has hurrased me for many years, as well as many others. I have tried to put a stop to it on many occasions. He is a very slick, deceptive, dis honest person.

I speak with an open heart here. Mr. Shook Has a family history of Schizophrenia. His Brother Dan Shook has much the same problem. His other brother Jess is quite normal, and his sister is normal as well, last time I herd from her, she worked for the AFLCIO in Portland oregon. I feel sorry for all the lives he has dis-rupted over the years. Mr. Clark, Mr. Lerner, Myself as well as many other individuals we all knew each other in high school.

Back in high school is where I met Mr. Shook. He was in a vocational radio program with me and several other victims since Nathan Hale High School in the north portion of Seattle, Washington., at a station called KNHC-FM. He has had a very rocky childhood when his parents gave him up to Ryther chold center, where he lived all during high school. The reason I am going into such detail is to demonstrate to you how well I know Tim Shook and the many psychlogical problems he has. I can speak of many people who have tried to help him in his life, Including myself. 

He has chosen to do wrong to others. He has a publicly available rap sheet in the state of washington, King County as well as possibly, Snohomish County.

He has been in and out of Jail most of his life. He spent several years in prison in everett for re offending. Also prison in Yakima County.

One of his offences was Grand Larceny, Theft, With a small radio station What is now the Shoreline Area just north if Seattle. He forged a check and was prosecuted for it. I have always tried to help Mr. Shook as a humanitarian and a Christian individual. At No Time did I or any of my friends sell or consume drugs. Another very close friend of mine just lost an account because of Tim Shook posting such nonsence.

I demand that the truth be set straight here, and clear my name as well as several others that have been harmed by Mr. Timothy Wyatt Shook.



United States

Northmar, Inc. This needs to be removed immediately

#14REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, March 26, 2018

Cocaine & Media' re Towey Productions in Gig Harbor (

AUTHOR: Mel - (United States)

SUBMITTED: Sunday, January 07, 2018

There are confirmed reports from inside sources within State and Federal Law enforcement agencies that this man (full legal name: Danny Patrick Towey - b.d. (((REDACTED)))58) is currently, or has been - dealing in distributing/selling COCAINE to suppliers with a partner of a Mr. Russell Entrop - part owner of 'Northmar Inc'. in Seattle ( with whom Towey has known for years thru family ties. Former acquaintances of Towey's provided this information to authorities with adequate proof indicating others that are/were IN on this with testimony and examples.

Towey's individual word should be completely NILLED, and this man should be COMPLETELY STOPPED. Towey is ONLY fleecing the public via living off the monies that he apparently inherited thru his crooked family in a rip-off business they once owned in the 60's-90's (Aqua Dive Swim Club in Seattle, a run-down health-club) and has fleeced and CONTINUES to fleece HUNDREDS+ of customers and law-abiding citizens with his wicked Irish wit and his ill-gotten candor.

Although he and Mr Entrop cannot be tried and arrested on these accounts AT THIS TIME, It should be noted that THESE TWO BUSINESSES 'will be' examined thoroughly by the State and Federal authorities after being informed of the situation. **NOTE: Since Towey has worked in the local MEDIA (radio stations, TV, etc) and may insist/appear to be STILL GOOD with them in 'some' capacity from past business dealings (e.g. KIRO-TV, Pat O'Day, John Maynard, etc) these people and media outlets should be made aware NOW, whether they feel it IS a major concern or not.


this is todal harrassment by a person that has been in jail for this exact reason.  He makes false claims as all of the above are. The person who posted this real name is Timothy Shook.  A manic depressed individual that needs to go back to jail for more help. I expect to be contacted and the posts removed.


Russell Entrop

VP Northmar, Inc.






United States

It Certainly Seems Exceedingly Ostensible That The Infamous Mr. Towey Remains A Likely Parvenu & Consummate Pariah Indeed

#14Author of original report

Mon, January 08, 2018

 As Mr. Towey continues to ascend the ever-escalating staircase of criminal infamy, it only serves to remind me of how I do with utmost sincerity wish that I had never made acquaintance with such an unspeakable monster as he in the very first place. Can I get an Amen????


United States

'Cocaine & Media' re Towey Productions in Gig Harbor (

#14Consumer Comment

Sun, January 07, 2018

There are confirmed reports from inside sources within State and Federal Law enforcement agencies that this man (full legal name: Danny Patrick Towey - b.d. (((REDACTED)))58) is currently, or has been - dealing in distributing/selling COCAINE to suppliers with a partner of a Mr. Russell Entrop - part owner of 'Northmar Inc'. in Seattle ( with whom Towey has known for years thru family ties. Former acquaintances of Towey's provided this information to authorities with adequate proof indicating others that are/were IN on this with testimony and examples.

Towey's individual word should be completely NILLED, and this man should be COMPLETELY STOPPED. Towey is ONLY fleecing the public via living off the monies that he apparently inherited thru his crooked family in a rip-off business they once owned in the 60's-90's (Aqua Dive Swim Club in Seattle, a run-down health-club) and has fleeced and CONTINUES to fleece HUNDREDS+ of customers and law-abiding citizens with his wicked Irish wit and his ill-gotten candor.

Although he and Mr Entrop cannot be tried and arrested on these accounts AT THIS TIME, It should be noted that THESE TWO BUSINESSES 'will be' examined thoroughly by the State and Federal authorities after being informed of the situation. **NOTE: Since Towey has worked in the local MEDIA (radio stations, TV, etc) and may insist/appear to be STILL GOOD with them in 'some' capacity from past business dealings (e.g. KIRO-TV, Pat O'Day, John Maynard, etc) these people and media outlets should be made aware NOW, whether they feel it IS a major concern or not.


United States

Spot-On Commentary, My New Friend!

#14Author of original report

Fri, November 17, 2017

Your contribution to this Dan Towey Ripoff Report and complaint is indeed spot-on true .. and for that I thank you, my new-found good friend and supportive good saint

So just as with you, I do still too believe trust-fund-baby and our spoiled-brat Dan is a seriously disturbed, effed-up, sociopath-man .. thus a pariah and villain-abominog useless and worthless ol' bump-on-a-log .. and one with no decency, compassion, nor feelings for those he has wronged through his bad business dealings


Dan thinks that he is always right and everone else is wrong .. that he is good, while others are bad and that's his favorite chart-topping song .. not to mention his being better than everone else -- to each woman and man His superiority-complex is not complex at all, the simple fact here is that his business and career will soon be all be slowing to a crawl .. and then to stall, and ultimately fall.

What goes around, comes around according to the eternally functioning ol' karma-wheel, and Danny's comeuppance will one-day come seal his ill-fate and fortunes, while he serves to pound salt and his enterprise into the ground !!


United States

This individual IS SCUM and a 24K THIEF/RIP-OFF

#14General Comment

Wed, November 15, 2017

Following up on - I had called Dan to inquire about services, and what happens? He cleverly lies to me and says 'I have to go now for other pressing clients' and then rudely hangs-up on me. I talked to the local and state police departments and what I found needs to be addressed. Apparently this man believes he can 'walk-on-water' when it comes to avoiding consumer complaints and esp believes he can't hold himself responsible for any bad work he does, and he will tell you ANY crap you want to hear. He comes from a millionaire's family, having only the BEST that money can buy - ONLY it's all been coming from Mommy and Daddy's coffers (now both deceased) - being owners of a run-down but popular swim club in Seattle where they used to live. Sound very spoiled?, YOU BET. Family ties include one from a media group that used to produce a popular children's program called 'The J.P., Patches Show', now deceased, and LEANS on what was once' the popularity OF that show to impress others that are or are not in the broadcasting industry by displaying a picture from the show on his website that HE claims he was a part of, which is simply not the case. He also made acquaintances with Mr Pat O'Day, Northwest Icon - who trusted Dan with his tape collections and NOTE: very rare and unheard tape recordings of Elvis Presley - and Dan probably plans to rip HIM off too to profit off of THESE. **Graceland TAKE NOTE. To wit: Dan Towey is a wicked, scum of the earth TWO-FACED LIAR and this report should be attached to the original here on - Thank you.;



Desperation "Hail-Mary" ....A Transparent Last-Ditch Bogus B.S. Attempt At Reader Deception In Order To Try Masking The Real Issues Involved (This Has Just Gotta Be A Good One!!!!)

#14Author of original report

Wed, October 08, 2014

So then, let me see if I've got this right ...... MR. DAN TOWEY -- who has exhausted his credibility and has likewise been exposed to readers on this forum for his fraudulent tactics and behavior -- does arrogantly enlist his friend "JOHN" to join the fray by posting a flattering message about Mr. Towey's operation in order to help effect some damage control.  Hmmm, smacks of deceit, dishonesty, and intentional misleading deception to me -- in other words: MORE OF THE SAME OL' SHEIT IS NOW BEING ATTEMPTED TO SHOVE-DOWN-THE-THROATS OF READERS ON THIS FORUM !!!! Desperate measures .... "too-little-too-late" .... methinks .... at this very late stage of the game.

Apparently Mr. Towey and his accomplice, John, both believe that Ripoff Report readers, members, and all participants alike are gullible and perhaps just stupid.  That belief and attendant notion actually becomes tantamount to disrespect and abuse of readers on this forum in the first place .... right-off-the-bat !!!!  So that, in-and-of-itself, represents a very bad start.  When someone is wrong, and their stated arguments and positions are likewise wrong, then any attempt to cover-up, diffuse, divert, and/or just plain cloud and confuse the issues, just simply makes matters worse and sinks them deeper into the quagmire that they've created .... and now this situation is, of course, no different.  Instead of addressing the real issue of poor service rendered, dishonesty, and compensation/renumeration attendant thereto, they conversely wish to address other issues in such fashion as to confuse, perplex, and obfuscate the whole bloody affair in hopes to cloud everything in murkiness to such a degree as to create a smokescreen for the purpose of "pulling-the-wool-over-everyone's-eyes" ..... however, the primary problem involved with this tactic is of course that it has become so patent and transparent that it is destined to fail miserably.  Their attempt to "snow" the audience is borne by their belief that they can get-over on everyone because they are clever and everyone else are just simpletons and fools whom are fair-game for them to manipulate for their own purposes .... as misguided and asinine as said purposes are. PLEASE DO NOT FALL FOR THESE TYPES OF MISDIRECTION TACTICS .... THEY ONLY SERVE TO INSULT THE RESPECTIVE AND COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE OF ALL RIPOFF REPORT MEMBERS AND PARTICIPANTS.  Thank you immensely for considering the substance of this latest rebuttal. Once again, I must reiterate the fact that theirs is all disgrace .... and now they are activiely engaged in the foolhardy process of "piling-on" ...... for shame, for shame !!!!!


Gig Harbor,

a better explanation should be mentioned

#14UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Sun, October 05, 2014

after hearing about this posting and seeing it i must add in my knowledge. my understanding with audio is not as dynamic as Dan's however what i can explain is my understanding with video and how transferring video content can be limiting on how it can be adjusted / enhanced and how this relates in a similar way to audio transfering.

audio that is recorded on a tape cannot be adjusted as simply after transfer than audio that is directly recorded into an audio file. there is data that simply does not exist that would be useful to restore with. if your audio had slow and fast moments in the reel, it is visually impossible to see where those changes are happening. if one decided to take the time to adjust those points in the audio, it would require lab time that is charged sapparately. my understanding is that this was a transfer only order.

i am with hopes that this insight will at least bring better understanding as to why your audio transfer may not have turned out as perfect as you were anticipating and wish this bitterness to end.



PROVISION -- As A Courtesy -- OF AN EVALUATION ASSISTANCE TOOL: Line-By-Line Analysis For Readers To Compare

#14Author of original report

Thu, September 11, 2014

This particular set of ugly issues -- between Mr. Towey and I -- that have arisen, progressed, and proliferated over time have become as cumbersome as they are becoming tiresome and pathetic, and they also maybe susceptible to entering the realm of over-complication, so therefore under these considerably-untoward circumstances, I believe that the best and thus most-effective manner in order to establish clarity and to deliver a more concise, precise, and consistent depiction, explanation, and attendant rationale statement at this juncture per the following presentation format:

MR. TOWEY’S statements that were made in his rebuttal statement will be presented in standard “Arial-font” text, and MY  responses to the contents of his rebuttal statement will be presented in highlighted italics.  So then, all that having been stated, and sans further ado, I will get this thing off-and-running straightaway .........  


MR. TOWEY (standard “Arial” text):  I have been restoring audio tape, video and photos for many years. I am the soul person who does all the work and processing. I take great pride in my work for others.     ME (highlighted-italics):  That assertion regarding “taking pride in his work” (sic) is at once debatable, in my humble opinion.    MR. TOWEY: This complaint is without merrit.    ME:  I do indeed take pronounced exception -- and issue -- with this irresponsibly-bogus assertion presented by Mr. Towey ….. I resent it primarily due to the fact that it is incontrovertibly inaccurate, and is-and-of-itself ironically “without merit”.    MR. TOWEY:  After meeting this person and doing the requested work it is with great regret that we even met.    ME:  That may be his stated position, however my interpretation and attendant contention is that Mr. Towey greatly regrets getting-caught in a jam -- of his own creation -- and thus being forced to both deal with me -- a dissatisfied and “burned” client -- and simultaneously try like hell to defend the indefensible …. therefore, of course he would wish that we had never met.  That’s his problem -- not mine -- and therefore should not be unfairly attributed to me.     MR. TOWEY: In my opinion this person is without question a person with nothing else to do except harrass others and waste their time.    ME:  Absolute fiction -- and one mammoth boatload of rubbish …. extraordinaire!!!  I am just as busy as anyone on the planet and if I have a legitimate grievance I am going to pursue it’s resolution vigorously -- just like anyone else on the planet would …. all within their rights -- and for good reason!!!     

MR. TOWEY:  This job came into my office early 2014. Reel to reel tapes. Live recordings of a band. Upon surveying the content I recognised the recording was Very Very Poor. I explained this to the client in some detail. He said well, do the best you can.  ME:  Once again, there are elements within this assertion that are very much debatable -- i.e., Human Experience 101: there are always two (and sometimes more) sides to any story!!!!    

MR. TOWEY:  So I transfered the reels to CD's in real time with Clean well maintained machinery.  He was happy upon pickup as I played some of the content even though is was full of bad levels and variable speeds. I fixed the variable speeds so all the content played at the correct speed. Again the recording was Very Poorly recorded.    ME:  (ibid.)  please refer to the “Human Experience 101” response above.     MR. TOWEY:  I have many years of experience in professional broadcasting as a reliable engineer and broadcast talent. My accomplishments span over three decades doing this work.    ME: yada-yada-yada, and I’m Elvis!!!!  *** however, in all fairness, I guess we have to give him the-benefit-of-the-doubt on that one beacuse it’s his-word-against-the-world …. and only he really knows if what he has stated is representative of the actual truth ***    

MR. TOWEY:  I wish I has never met this person and would gladly do anyuthing to get him off my back.    ME: Okay hotshot, now’s your chance to prove it !!!!  Put-your-money-where-your-mouth-is, my friend …. literally & figuratively.  You have been given ample opportunity upon more than one occasion in order to “do anything to get-me-off-your-back”(sic), as it were …. and you have not come-through as yet, so I guess the time is nigh for you to make this right …. and I challenge you to do just that -- in timely fashion, Sir!!!!      MR. TOWEY:  He is in my opinion and person that loves to cause misery to others at their time and expence. I ask any potential customers who read this to call me, come to my office and see how I exceed client expectations at every corner. You can plainly see how this person is deranged by his diction and candor.         ME:  I must once again take exception to this carelessly-cavalier statement issued by Mr. Towey.  It can be interpreted as unnecessarily abusive and retaliatory.  I do not believe there is anything at all under-the-sun wrong with my diction, and candor generally contains elements of truth and being frank & forthcoming -- and thus should become appreciated rather than scorned -- so yes indeed I do pride myself in possessing that fine attribute in a world that seems to resent, shy-away from, and shun truth.  Now, on-the-other-hand, I believe Mr. Towey to be patently representative of a classic intellectually-dishonest and rather delusional individual.  There is always the possibility that I could be wrong about that assessment, so I will just have to leave-that-up-to-the-reader.  Thank you one and all for your time and attention regarding this rather nasty matter.

In a constructive summary, I will hereby state-for-the-record that for the sake of expediency and also out of a sense of rationality, sensibility, reasonability, and promotion of goodwill in attempting to effect timely resolution of this cancerous matter once-and-for-all, I am willing to settle and thus close-out this entire matter by accepting a refund payment from Mr. Towey -- if he likewise chooses to accept and comply -- as proper compensation for the substandard, unsatisfactory, and flawed “services” he rendered.  This represents a resolution agreement that I am willing to make in order for Mr. Towey and myself to dispose of this matter, put-this-all-behind-us, and get on with our lives.  Failing his acceptance of the aforementioned offer, I will be left with no choice but to pursue the matter through legal channels made accessible through the court system.  As Mr. Towey has freely-admitted in-writing within the body of his rebuttal statement, he is back-in-business, manitains an office, and his door is open -- yes, open-for-business once again.  In light of this new development, Mr. Towey’s ability to provide a refund to me -- in order to minimally compensate me for being made to suffer through the sad debacle at issue -- is presently augmented via the fact that he is now once again gainfully-employed in his chosen occupation.



BITTER MUCH, DAN ??? ,Well, that's a good staring-point, I guess -- so maybe now that I've gotten your attention, we may be able to get somewhere with a long-overdue resolution of this matter

#14Author of original report

Wed, September 10, 2014

It would appear that Mr. Towey is now engaged in, and deeply involved with, the process of initiating a classic smear-campaign in order to discredit me personally, and to attempt to impugn my integrity and reputation as well, in order to effect as much damage-control as he is able to muster, by working hard to deflect as much negative publicity it may be within his power to accomplish with whatever wherewithall may be at his disposal -- in terms of his claims of expertise, talent, years of career experience ..... and his assertions regarding how crazy that I must be, and how my complaint report lacks merit and substance, et. Al. -- for him to perhaps gather sufficient steam and momentum necessary to create what he believe and hope will become a successfully-plausible diversion -- yet another predictable and expected tactic that he's managed to pull directly out of the "Unscrupulous Business-Owner & Ripoff-Arist's Defensive Strategy Playbook" -- and thus put-up a resulting smokescreen within which he can attempt to cover-up and hide his incompetence, declining technical skills and business acumen ..... along with his dreadful mistakes and deplorable incapacity in terms of customer relations and service delivery deficiencies.  His lack of appreciation for the aforementioned good-business-principles and associated practices, and his penchant for not even being concerned nor compassionate to an innocent and unnecessarily "ripped-off" former customer is inconsiderate, arrogant, unconscionable, and egregious.


Mr. Towey mentions within the body of his weak rebuttal that he would do anything to get rid of me .... well, the proof's-in-the-pudding .... therefore all he has to do is just comply with my previously extended reasonable request for him to repeat the data-transfer project one-time with alternate source-material media that I will provide -- a very simple, straightforward, logical, and reasonable resolution .... and one that is very long-overdue.  Such a simple act of goodwill becomes a conspicuously positive gesture that can only result in a "win-win" situation all-the-way-around, i.e., good for his business in terms of image and reputation repair and restoral .... and a corrective-action that is well-deserved by not only myself, but any client that he may ever encounter as well. This type of basic and proper action is indeed a simple concept to grasp, comprehend, and employ .... and I once again invite Mr. Towey to stand-behind his work, integrity, common-sense, and his word ..... which should be his bond.


As Mr. Towey has taken liberty in order to invite anyone to contact him for an explanatory opportunity, I will also follow-suit and extend similar invitation for anyone to contact me personally for the purpose of capitalizing on an informative opportunity to hear the recordings at issue to glean a first-hand impression and attendant understanding of the inferior product Mr. Towey has had the unmitigated audacity to allow be released from his studio under the guise of being represented as a so-called professional-quality product .... and in this manner interested parties will be afforded the rare experience of objectively judging the presented issue for themselves.        


Gig Harbor,

Unwarranted Complaint

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, September 10, 2014

I have been restoring audio tape, video and photos for many years. I am the soul person who does all the work and processing. I take great pride in my work for others. This complaint is without merrit. After meeting this person and doing the requested work it is with great regret that we even met. In my opinion this person is without question a person with nothing else to do except harrass others and waste their time.

This job came into my office early 2014. Reel to reel tapes. Live recordings of a band. Upon surveying the content I recognised the recording was Very Very Poor. I explained this to the client in some detail. He said well, do the best you can. 

So I transfered the reels to CD's in real time with Clean well maintained machinery.

He was happy upon pickup as I played some of the content even though is was full of bad levels and variable speeds. I fixed the variable speeds so all the content played at the correct speed. Again the recording was Very Poorly recorded. I have many years of experience in professional broadcasting as a reliable engineer and broadcast talent. My accomplishments span over three decades doing this work.

I wish I has never met this person and would gladly do anyuthing to get him off my back. He is in my opinion and person that loves to cause misery to others at their time and expence. I ask any potential customers who read this to call me, come to my office and see how I exceed client expectations at every corner. You can plainly see how this person is deranged by his diction and candor.

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