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  • Report:  #206189

Complaint Review: Town Of Bethel Alan Gerry And Gelish Realty Joey Drillings Assistant District Attorney

Town Of Bethel, Alan Gerry And Gelish Realty, LLC Is Joey Drillings, Assistant District Attorney The New Owner Of The Old Woodstock Wants The Hippies Out, And The Rich Yuppies In - So He Can Rake In The $$! corruption Woodstock New York

  • Reported By:
    Spencerport New York
  • Submitted:
    Tue, August 15, 2006
  • Updated:
    Mon, March 17, 2008
  • Town Of Bethel, Alan Gerry And Gelish Realty, Joey Drillings, Assistant District Attorney
    Woodstock, P.O. Box 300, White Lake, NY 12786
    Woodstock, New York
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Is it important to you that the 38 acre Woodstock site be left free where people from all over the world can continue to come together, to meet and share with one another? We have submitted to arrest for trespassing on the Woodstock festival site in Bethel to defend your right of easement as a member of the public to visit there day or night.? Will you join us in defense of that right? Will you defend the Bill of Rights of? the Constitution of the United States as the Supreme Law of the Land?

More than 5 million people from over 30 countries
have visited this web site in the last 5 years.
WHY? Because Woodstock? evokes an attractive and challenging? dream of a large free assembly of people, mostly strangers, gathering together in the spirit of caring and sharing , called love.

That dream is strong enough that every year for 30 years, thousands of people have? returned to Bethel in Sullivan County, New York to visit the site of the? historic 1969 Woodstock Festival.
What is so valuable that people would keep returning?
Its the people you meet there. for 30 years people have been coming to Bethel to discover new friends and renew inspiration.

The historic Woodstock? siteis 38 acres located at the corner of Hurd Road and West Shore Drive in Bethel, New York, 60 miles west of the Catskill Hamlet of Woodstock from which the festival gets its name.

Two miles west of the festival site on 17B? is Max Yasgur's Barn and Homestead where, for several years, thousands of the annual pilgrims have assembled when turned away from the original site by state police because of a false claim of ownership by a local business man who has never produced any evidence of ownership.

Is the 38 acre Woodstock site exclusive private property?

By the laws of the State of New York and The United States of America it is not exclusive private property because for 30 years it was open, unfenced and used openly, obviously and exclusively by the public as a place of assembly and recreation. New York State Law is that such use for ten continuos years without interruption from a deeded owner establishes an easement by prescription or right of way.

In? July 0f 1997 six people submitted to arrest, prosecution and fines for trespass in order to force the alleged owner to present any evidence of ownership, which he could not and did not do. But the Bethel town magistrate ruled against the defendants anyway. There is now a fence around the site and during the reunion dates of August 15,16, and 17 visitors are discouraged by the State Police from peacefully assembling at the site. We continue to question their authority to threaten, remove or arrest

------------CASE FACTS---------------
The question of who owns the Woodstock site is alive and well in the Sullivan County Court of Appeals, as you read the following transcript of the trial, September 29, 1997, in the Bethel Town Justice Court, of the six defendants who were falsely arrested for trespassing at the historic Woodstock site in July, 1997, while defending your rights to be there.

Part 1

This is the 1st part of a 7 part series. You can go to any of the other parts from the next line.

Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Presiding is Judge Albert Fimognari

Lawyer for the defendants (Abigail Storm, Daniel Eggink, Cynthis Jewel Eggink, Joe Anderson, Jay and Joy Debberman) is Richard Newberg.

Lawyer representing the plaintiffs (Alan Gerry and Gelish Realty, LLC) is Joey Drillings, Assistant District Attorney, Sullivan County, New York.

Judge - I would like all parties to know, that this is going to be taped. These tapes are for my purpose only and will not be available to anyone.
The people verses Abigail Storm, Daniel Eggink, Joseph Anderson, Joy Debberman, , Cynthia Eggink, Jay Debberman. Are they all present Council?

Newburgh- Yes, your honor. Your honor, just to clarify one thing, that tape that you are making of this proceeding will be part of the court record, will it not?.......I would ask that it be.

Judge- Well, if I didn't tape it, all we would have would be my notes.

----------Tape Change-------------

Newburg- That's correct.

Judge- I usually tape these things just for my own benefit, for review. So, it will not be part of the record, because it's only for my use. If you have a tape recorder or you wanna tape it, or any of your people.

Newburgh- Well I would request your honor that, for what it's worth, since we don't have a stenographer here, this is just a violation, that the tape be made part of the court record.

Judge- Well you could have had a stenographer if you wished.

Newburg- I realize that, but just the fact that you're taping it. Does the court have any objection?

Judge- I'll reserve decision on that.

Newburgh- Thank you.

Judge- You're Welcome.

Newburg- Your Honor, if I could just have a minute. I've been handed some documents by the district attorney.

Judge- Okay.

Newburgh- Your honor, I assume we're ready to proceed. Before we do I would just ask your honor if I could see copies of the information.....................I have copies, I wanna make sure they're the same ones.............The ones that I've been supplied with, your honor, have no dates or times.....See if it's the same one.....Okay, I've been waiting for that your honor.......................Your honor, I would, via to starting, I would ask that all witnesses who the people intend to call, be sequestered, so that they are not privy to the testimony of any other witnesses.

Judge- Any witnesses, Mr.Drillings?

Drillings- Yes Judge.

Judge- Can you ask him to wait outside please?

Drillings- Judge, I would, if I could have him wait in the Clerk's office, instead of outside?

Judge- I think they may overhear everything.

Drillings- Judge, I would ask the same for Defense Council, other than the statements of the defendants.

Newburgh- Your honor, we don't have any witnesses other than the defendants.

Judge- Other than the defendants?

Drillings- Just I think you should know that I did turn over all the People's [?] material, consisting of arrest reports, I believe, title, a certificate of disposition. That's the people's only [?] material, other than the information, which they have now made copies of for Defense Council, as well.

Judge- Are we ready to proceed?

Drillings- Yes, your Honor.

Judge- Do you wish to make any opening statements?

Drillings- Briefly, your Honor...Judge...

Judge- Please speak up so I get it on the tape.

Drillings- Okay...Judge, what the people must prove beyond a reasonable doubt is that Abigail Storm, Daniel Eggink, Joseph Anderson, Cynthia Eggink, Joy and Jay Debberman, were tresspassing. Now what exactly is trespassing? Basicly, being on land which they have no lawful possession of, that they have no lawful right to be on, that they have no lawful right to be there at the present time that they are there. What the people will prove through their witnesses is that they received notice to leave the property, that they received notice from an authorized person, who was authorized by the owner of the property, told to leave the property, and that when they did not leave they were violating the tresspass statute. Now, the people need not prove ownership to prove tresspass. What the people must prove under the statute is that their possessory interest, the person who told them to leave, the person who has a claim on the land, is more of a possessory interest than the people who were tresspassing. Now, how the people are gonna do that, is in effect, in this case, showing ownership. Showing that through a deed. Showing that through evidence of, that has happened since this incident, that perfected that deed, but that they did not do that, that they simply just have to show possessory interest. Now, by showing the deed, and by showing that that deed has been perfected, in effect, that has to be outdone by the defendants, to show that their possessory interests, was more so than the deed that Mr. Gerry possessed, as being owner of the property. So, in order to prove that the defendants were guilty of trespass, they must show that the defendants received notice to withdraw from the property, which the people will show through Bill Ruth, that they received written notice to leave the property, that Bill Ruth had authority to give them that notice to leave the property. And we'll have testimony from Darrel Supak , that Bill Ruth had authority from Gerry and Associates to tell these people to leave the property because they were violating what rights and rules that Gerry and Associates had set for the land, and that these defendants were tresspassing. Now, we'll also show that after given the warning, they were given ample opportunity to leave the property, and that's even after they violated the rule which said , you can stay there but you can't camp there. Bill Ruth will testify that three nights, three nights I believe, July 29th, July 30th, and August 4th, he went by the property and saw people camping. He then went by the next day, and gave them each warning, telling them you can't camp here, the rule is you can stay here, but you can't camp here. You can stay here during day hours, you can observe, have silence, silent meditation, however you wanna enjoy the land during the day, but you can't camp here. They camped there, they were then given notice to leave the property because they violated that rule, and after giving notice, given notice that they were to leave the property, they still didn't leave. So, not only were they camping there in violation of the rules set by both the town of Bethel and Mr. Gerry, but they didn't leave when told to leave, again violating the tresspass. Now the tresspass law itself is a sort of an interesting law in the fact that, rules can be set however the owner would like them to be set for his property. If he wants you, if he says you can be there from nine to ten then you can be there from nine to ten, after ten o'clock, you can be found to be guilty of tresspassing, in violation of that rule. Mr. Gerry said, or Mr. Gerry and Associates said that the property, you can stay there during the daylight hours, you just can't camp there. They camped there. You , then they were told to leave by an authorized personel of Mr. , of Gerry and Associates and they still didn't leave. Judge, it's my belief that, after you hear the testimony from Bill Ruth, after you hear the testimony from Darrel Supac, that you'll find that they were given notice, they were given notice by an, by authorized personel, that he was authorized by a person who had legal right to the land, who even ,regardless of arguments that are going on outside of this court, that they had more of a possessory interest then these defendants do. And the people will show during the testimony , that they not only have a possessory interest, but that they have ownership of the land. And that these defendants violated the rights of the use of that land, and in effect, trespassed on that land. Thank you Judge.

Judge- Mr. Newburgh.

Newburgh- Your honor, the District Attorney would have you believe this is a simple tresspass case. And it certainly isn't. It's a very complicated case. The trespass statute, which the district attorney has referred to, that statute must be looked at in relation to the facts of the case. In this particular case, the evidence will show, that this is an open, unposted, vacant field. And in order for someone to tresspass on that type of property, they must have been given actual notice by the owner, or an authorized agent of the owner, so ownership must be proved. Without going into it on the opening statement , your honor, I will during the trial and certainly during summation, I will have law for your honor in the conclusion of this case. But every valid defense to a tresspass action, exists in this case. Each one of those defenses is enough to aquit the defendants. So I, for my opening, I only ask your honor, and I know you will, consider all the facts when they're in, and all the applicable law, and I am sure, I am confident your honor, when you do that , you will find not one reasonable doubt, but many reasonable doubts, and, therefore, just have to aquit the... have no choice but to aquit the defendants. Thank you.

Judge- Call your first witness.

Drillings- Yes your honor, I 'd like to speak to him for a brief instant.

Judge- Raise your right hand, please. Do you swear the testimony you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

Ruth- Yes I do.

Judge- State your full name.

Ruth- William Ruth, R-u-t-h Judge- Your address Mr. Ruth?

Ruth- It is 130 Bedford Hollow Road, Liberty.

Drillings- Could you please state your name and occupation, for the record please?

Ruth- William Ruth, security for Granite.

Drillings- And how long have you worked for Granite?

Ruth- Approximately four months.

Drillings- And were you working there, were you working for Granite in July of this past year?

Ruth- Yes I was. Drillings- And did you have any other specific duties in reference to that job at the end of July of that, of this year?

Ruth- Yes

Drillings- And were one of those duties to be a security guard, or be head of security, or watching over specific parts of the land?

Ruth- Yes

Drillings- And where is that land located?

Ruth- The former Woodstock site, West Shore and Hurd Roads, Town of Bethel.

Drillings- And that's commonly known as the, as the Woodstock, as the Woodstock site?

Ruth- Yes

Drillings- And who did you speak to, or who told you that you were head of security to watch over that?

Ruth- Mr. Darrel Supak.

Drillings- And do you know what his title is?

Ruth- Chief of Operations, Senior Vice President of Granite.

Drillings- And do you know who owned that land?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And who is that?

Ruth- Gelish Realty.

Drillings- And do you know how Granite and Gelish are associated with one, with one another?

Ruth- No, I do not.

Drillings- Okay, and that land is located in the township of Bethel?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- In the County of Sullivan, state of New York?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And were you working there, or when did you start working or start watching that land?

Ruth- Approximately, ....... about the 20th of July.

Drillings- And what were you watching for? What were, do you know what the rules were in reference to people being allowed on the land?

Ruth- Yes, there was no one permitted to camp overnight, they were permitted to remain on the grounds during the day, no camp fires, no campsites.

Drillings- And was there any notice, and signs, anything that advised of these rules?

Ruth- Why, yes.

Drillings- Okay, and where were those signs located?

Ruth- They were located at three, four different locations on the property.

Drillings- Specificly, dating to, or specificly looking at the date of July 24th of 1997, were you watching over the property on that date?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And did you notice any specific individuals?

Ruth- What's that date?

Drillings- July 24th. Did you notice any specific individuals in violation of any of the rules on that date?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And what, specificly, did you notice?

Ruth- I noticed a campsite, there was a tent erected and there was a campfire.

Drillings- Okay, and was that during the day or night?

Ruth- Both.

Drillings- And what, if anything, did you do at that point?

Ruth- On that particular date, I went and advised the people in writing, of the hand out, with a piece of paper, with a handout that we had prepared, that they were in violation of the rules of the grounds.

Drillings- Okay, Judge, can I have this marked as exhibit one, for identification?

Judge- What do you want?

Drillings- People's exhibit one, for identification. Thank you, Judge....I'm showing you people's exhibit one, for identification. Do you recognize what that document is?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- What do you recognize that document to be?

Ruth- That is a copy of the, of the handout that I gave.

Drillings- Okay, and warning that they are in violation of the rules and regulations of that land?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- Okay, and who gave you that warning, who wrote up that warning?

Newburg- Objection, unless he knows who wrote it up.

Drillings- That's what I'm asking him.

Ruth- I do not know.

Drillings- Okay... Who gave you that warning?

Ruth- I believe it was picked up that day in one of the offices at Granite, I can't remember.

Drillings- And do you see the signature on the bottom?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And what does that say?

Ruth- That's Mike DiTullo's.

Drillings- And do you know who that, who that individual is?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- Who is that individual?

Ruth- An employee of Granite.

Drillings- So, on the 24th , you handed how many individuals that notice?

Ruth- It was given to at least two.

Drillings- Did anything happen on the 25th in reference to that meeting that you had with these individuals?

Ruth- They were advised that they, they were given a specific period of time to pick up the tent and leave the property.

Drillings- Okay, that was on the 24th.

Ruth- Correct.

Drillings- Okay.

Newburg- Objection, did he advise them? I object to it as hearsay.

Drillings- Judge I'll clarify, hopefully....Did you advise them specificly?

Ruth- Not personally.

Newburg- Then, your honor, I would object to the question and the answer be stricken as hearsay...he's testifying as to maybe what somebody else said, that other person's not here for me.....

Drillings- Judge, I'll withdraw the answer, I'll ask that the answer be withdrawn, I'll ask it a different way......Were you there after the warnings were handed out?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- Okay, did you see the tents removed at any point?

Ruth- No.

Drillings- Okay, the tents remained?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- Do you, were you there when , was any notice given that you are aware of that you are personally aware of, was any notice given to these individuals to leave the property?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- Was it by you?

Ruth- No.

Drillings- Did anything happen in reference to that specificly, the next day, was there a meeting set up?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And who was that meeting between?

Ruth- It was set up at Granite Headquarters.

Drillings- Okay, between who?

Newburgh- Objection, unless he knows this of his own knowledge.

Drillings- Judge that's what the question is.

Judge- Knowledge....personally?

Newburgh- Well, if there was a meeting and who was there? I would object to the form of the question.

Drillings- I'll re-ask the question. Do you know who was present at that meeting personally?

Ruth- You're refering to the meeting at Granite Headquarters?

Drillings- Yes.

Ruth- Yes.

Judge- On the 25th?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- Okay, were you present?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- Okay, who else was present?

Ruth- The Egginks were there and I don't remember the names of the two other people

Drillings- Okay, was anybody......

Judge- Do you see them in court here?

Ruth- No.

Drillings- Was anybody from Granite Associates present?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And were you present, and obviously you stated you were present at that meeting.

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- What if anything took place at that meeting?

Ruth- An agreement was made that the tent would not be used on the grounds, until some specific requirements were met. That really wasn't agreed upon at that meeting.

Drillings- So there were rules and regulations discussed rather then use of the land?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And that was specificly by Granite Associates?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- An individual, a representative of Granite Associates?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- In fact, Mr. Gerry was there personally?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And you were present at that meeting, too, as being head of security?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- Okay, I'm calling your attention now to the evening of July 29th, 1997. What, if anything, caught your attention at that time, on that day at approximately eleven p.m.?

Newburgh- Excuse me, I'm sorry, what was that date?

Drillings- July 29th, 11p.m.

Ruth- I was , I went past the property and I noted that there was a tent on the property

Drillings- And you could see that from where?

Ruth- West Shore Rd.

Drillings- Okay, and what, did you notice anything else, about the, was anybody present at the tent?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- What, if anything, did you do at that point?

Ruth- I just made a mental note of it and I left.

Drillings- And why didn't you go down to the tent on that night?

Ruth- Due to the hour...

Drillings- And what was specificly due to the hour?

Ruth- It was dark...I was alone.

Drillings- Did you feel it was not the safest thing in the world to do at that point?

Newburgh- Objection, as to what he felt.

Judge- Sustained.

Drillings- Judge, I'll withdraw that... What, if anything, happened the next morning?

Ruth- The State Police were notified, and...

Newburgh- Objection, personal knowledge.

Drillings- Did you notify them....?

Ruth- I notified the State Police.

Drillings- And what happened at that time?

Ruth- They responded and, with some troopers, and an arrest was made.

Drillings- Okay, now, were you present when the arrest was made?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- Okay, what, if any, what time did the state police show up? Do you recall?

Ruth- I believe it was around, approximately eight thirty a.m.

Drillings- And were you present when these people were placed under arrest?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And were these the people who had been given the warnings?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- Previously?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And that was the written warning that you discussed about the July 24th thing?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- Okay, were they given any other warning on that morning to leave?

Ruth- Yes, they were given an opportunity to leave at that time, so an arrest wouldn't be effective.

Drillings- Okay, and what kind of warning were they given? Ruth- A verbal warning.

Drillings- And by whom were they given that?

Ruth- I believe... the State Police.

Drillings- Okay, and you were present when that was given?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And how long of a chance were they given to leave, orally?

Ruth- About two hours.

Drillings- And did they leave?

Ruth- No.

Drillings- And was the tent taken down?

Ruth- No.

Drillings- And what happened at that point?

Ruth- .... arrest.... they were arrested.

Drillings- And did they make any statements that you heard, those two individuals?

Ruth- No.

Drillings- Okay, do you see those individuals in the courtroom today?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And, generally, where are they?

Ruth- In front of me.

Drillings- And can you state an article of clothing that they're wearing, the two individuals that you discussed?

Ruth- Yes. Daniel has a brown jacket on and Abigail has a dark blue...

Drillings- Judge I would just ask for the record that Mr. Ruth has identified the defendants in question.....What happened to the tent?

Ruth- It was taken down by the State Police and secured as evidence.

Drillings- I'm calling your attention now to the night of July 30th, approximately eleven-thirty p.m., what if anything did you notice at that time?

Ruth- Tents on the property of the Woodstock site.

Drillings- Okay, generally in the same area of last night?

...........Tape change....

Ruth- ....when the State Police arrived.

Drillings- And what notice were they given?

Ruth- The same.

Drillings- Oral or written?

Ruth- Both.

Drillings- And how long of an opportunity were they given to leave?

Ruth- Two hours.

Drillings- Now, showing you people's exhibit one, they were handed this letter again?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And what happened to those individuals? Did they take down the tent?

Ruth- Yes, the State Police removed the tent.

Drillings- Okay, but did those individuals themselves remove the tent?

Ruth- No.

Drillings- Did they leave the property?

Ruth- No.

Drillings- They were placed under arrest?

Ruth- Correct.

Drillings- And were you present when they were placed under arrest?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And did they, did those individuals say anything to you at that point?

Ruth- That they would not leave the property.

Drillings- Now those individuals, do you see them in the courtroom today?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- Could you state who they are?

Ruth- The gentlemen in the blue jacket in the front row, and in the back row the lady with the green hat on.

Drillings- Now do you know them by name or just by sight?

Ruth- Just by sight.

Drillings- Okay....Referring to August 4th 1997, were you working again on that night?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And did you notice anything on that evening?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- At around midnight of that night, what did you notice?

Ruth- Another tent on the property.

Drillings- Okay, did you notice any individuals at that point?

Ruth- Yes, there were several individuals around the tent.

Drillings- Did you go down there again to see what was going on?

Ruth- No, I did not.

Drillings- Referring to July 5th of, excuse me, August 5th, 1997, the next morning, did you then go down there to the site?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And where was that tent located, was it in any of the same spots as the previous two?

Ruth- It was close to the monument.

Drillings- And what, if anything, happened on that morning?

Ruth- The State Police arrived, a notice was given, they were requested to leave.

Newburgh- Objections, unless he has personal knowledge.

Drillings- Were you personally there when that was given?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- Did they leave?

Ruth- No.

Drillings- What kind of notice were they given, oral or written.

Ruth- Both.

Drillings- Okay do you see those individuals in the courtroom today?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- Could you point to them, point them out?

Ruth- In the second row, the lady with the baby, and the gentleman with the purple jacket.

Drillings- Judge, in both cases I ask to note for the record that he has identified the defendants involved....What happened to the tent at that point?

Ruth- The tent was removed.

Drillings- Okay, by whom?

Ruth- The State Police.

Drillings- Okay, so again it wasn't removed by the deffendants?

Ruth- No.

Drilling- Did they leave the property?

Ruth- No.

Drillings- And that was after.. in all six , in all six cases, in all six cases they were both given, written and oral notice?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And in all six cases they still, even after that warning, refused to leave the property?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And in fact the night before, had been camping at the site anyway?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And do you know if that's in violation of any rules the owner of that property had set?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- Specificly referring to each of these incidences, did you have conversations with each of the six people, at certain points of times during those dates?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And now specificly referring to July 30th, Abigail Storm and Daniel Eggink, did you have any conversations with them?

Ruth- I, along with another individual, asked them if they would please leave.

Drillings- Now, specificly referring to the fact that, had you, did you at any point ask them if they were the individuals who were on the land the previous night?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And what did they respond to that?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And what was their response?

Ruth- They stated that they had been there all night?

Newburgh- Your honor, I'm gonna object ...statements...note my objection your honor

Judge- I didn't hear your full objection.

Newburgh- He's offering statements made by my clients and I wasn't provided with any disclosure from the district attorney's office...attention.. offering statements.

Drillings- Judge, as the court's aware, under it's own residual law set 1030, if this person isn't a police officer involved in making an unlawful arrest, taking admissions from the defendant, he need not give them any notice. Mr. Ruth is working for a corporation, he wasn't involved in the arrest nor was he involved in taking admissions, these were all conversations prior to arrest, the people would object to turning over those statements prior to trial.

Judge- Objection overruled.

Drillings- Specificly, now, referring to July 31st, and Joseph Anderson and Cynthia Eggink, I believe. Did you have that same conversation with those two individuals?

Ruth- Yes I did.

Drillings- And what was their response to that question?

Ruth- That they had remained all night, and that they were not going to leave.

Drillings- And August 5th , with Joy and Jay Debberman, did you have a conversation with them involving the same question?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And what was their response?

Ruth- The same.

Drillings- So each individual had responded, that they had been there the previous night, overnight?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And the property that you stated, which is on West Shore Road, is that the property that you stated is , Gelish and Assoc, excuse me, Gelish Realty has title to?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- And that's the site that has the monument and is commonly known as the Woodstock site?

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- Judge, if I could just have a moment.....Yes, Judge, have no further questions at this time.

Judge- Newburgh.

Newburgh- Mr.Ruth, I believe you said you were employed by Granite?

Ruth- Yes.

Newburgh- And you've been employed for four months?

Ruth- Yes.

Newburgh- Did you have any employment prior to those four months?

Ruth- Yes.

Newburgh- And what was your last employment prior to those four months?

Ruth- Private Investigator.

Newburgh- For how long were you a private investigator?

Ruth- About ten years.

Newburgh- And did you have any employment prior to that?

Ruth- Yes.

Newburgh- And what was that?

Ruth- State Police.

Newburgh- You were a state police officer?

Ruth- Yes.

Newburgh- Were you a trooper?

Ruth- Investigator.

Ruth- Yes.

Newburgh- And for how long were you working with the State Police? How many years?

uth- Almost twenty-five.

Newburgh- So, you've been a State Police officer for twenty five years, is that correct?

Ruth- yes.

Newburg- And a private investigator for ten years?

Ruth- Yes.

Newburg- Any other employment other than for Granite, other than the other two you mentioned?

Ruth- Part-time.

Newburg- So, as a state police officer you're familiar with the statutes of the penal law of the state of New York?

Ruth- Yes.

Newburg- Are you employed at all by Gelish Realty, LLC?

Ruth- I'm employed by Granite.

Newburg- And only Granite.

Ruth- Yes.

Newburg- You're not an employee of Alan Gerry?

Ruth- Granite is the one that signs my paycheck.

Newburg- And you are the head of security for Granite?

Ruth- Yes.

Newburg- Now, does, is that Granite Associates?.. Granite Associates..Is that a corporartion?

Ruth- I believe so.

Newburg- And you're not an officer of that corporation?

Ruth- I am not.

Newburg- You're not a stockholder in that corporation?

Ruth- I am not.

Newburg- You're not a board of director of that corporation?

Ruth- No.

Newburg- You're an employee.

Ruth- Yes.

Newburg- Do you claim that Granite Associates owns what would be referred to as the Woodstock site? I'm just gonna use the word site.

Ruth- Yes.

Newburg- That Granite Associates is the owner of the Woodstock site?

Ruth- I am told, yes.

Drillings- Objection, Judge.

Judge- What grounds?

Drillings- This statement is not based on personal knowledge.

Newburg- It's his witness, your Honor. He believes that Granite is the owner.

Drillings- Exactly, belief.

Newburg- He can't object to his own witness. I'm not objecting to the answer, to the response, it's his witness.

Judge- Overruled.

Newburg- You signed the informations that were filed against all of these defendants in regard to this charge, did you not?

Ruth- Yes.

Newburg- Your Honor, you have those handy? All of them or?

Judge- I have all of them. You want them all, they're all the same, ..I'll show you one.

Newburg- Yeah, Okay,... I'm going to show you the information. This is the one that was filed against Abigail Storm and Daniel Eggink, is that your signature?

Ruth- Yes.

Newburg- Can you read the names, the printed names under your signature?

Ruth- Yes.

Newburg- Could you read those please?

Ruth- Alan Gerry, Granite Associates.

Newburg- Now, you signed this as an employee of Granite Associates?

Ruth- That's correct.

Newburg- Can you show me where on the information, it states the owner of the property?

Ruth- .....bottom, under my name.

Newburg- Where does it say the owner of the property?

Ruth- It's Alan Gerry, Granite Associates.

Newburg- Those names appear, but it doesn't state that they are the owner on that document, does it?

Ruth- No.

Newburg- Does it state anywhere who the owner of the property is on that document? Is there any allegations who the owner of the property is on that document?

Ruth- No.

Newburg- Is there any allegation as to who the authorized agent of the owner is on that document?

Ruth- It's assumed.

Newburg- I ask that that be stricken as non-responsive.......where, it doesn't......If I asked you those questions, with regard to the other informations, your answer would be the same?

Ruth- Yes.

Newburg- Mr. Ruth, other than being an employee of Granite Associates, were you given any specific authorization to represent the owner of the property with regard to this information?

Ruth- Yes.

Newburg- And, who gave you that ... ?

Ruth- Darrel Supak.

Newburg- And, who is Darrel Supak, with regard to either Alan Gerry or Granite Associates, or Gelish Realty, LLC?

Ruth- He's the Vice President.

Newburg- Vice President of what?

Ruth- Of Granite.

Newburg- And specificly, what did he tell you, did he authorize you, to do?

Ruth- To enforce the rules set forth on the handouts that were given, as far as tresspassing goes.

Newburg- So, you were enforcing rules that were given in the, is that the handout that council had shown you on your....I have a copy....I'll show you that marked people's exhibit one, for identification, and ask you to read me the rules... that are, that are on that document.

Ruth- The rules are that Gelish Realty, through it's duly authorized representative, hereby advises you that any license that you may have upon entering the Woodstock property, being the thirty-seven acre site of the 1969 Woodstock Music Festival in the town of Bethel , Sullivan County, New York, is hereby revoked. If you remain on the property, please be advised that you will be deemed trespassing, and appropriate law enforcement officers will be contacted to request and assist you in removal from the property and any other relief. We are working toward improving the property for greater enjoyment and benefit for the public and hope that you understand that that time is needed in order to accomplish this task. We are looking forward to your cooperation and patience during the transition period and trust that you will promptly leave the property.

Newburg- Are these all the rules that you were given to enforce?

Ruth- Yes, plus approval.

Newburg- Approval...

Ruth- And, also, there were posters that were put up on the property.

Newburg- Were there any posters on that property before Abigail and Daniel were arrested?

Ruth- Yes.

Newburg- There were?

Ruth- I believe so.

Newburgh- Not what you believe, were there?

Ruth- I don't remember.

Newburg- Let me try and refresh your recollection.... can I have a moment your honor, I don't mean to turn my back on the court....can I have this marked?....Let me show you what his honor has marked as defendant's exhibit one, it is a page of the Times Herald Record, dated August 1st, 1997. Let me ask you, if you would just read the paragraphs that are highlighted in yellow.

Ruth "After the arrests, workmen for the site owner, Granite Associates, came by to install signs at the main entrances explaining that camping and vehicular traffic were prohibited."

Drillings- Judge, now I'm gonna object. First of all, unless Mr. Newburg's gonna bring in the person who published that article, that's hearsay. He's bringing another person's words into the court record. This is not evidence before the court. As far as I know, there is no sworn testimony by somebody who can say that those words are true. Mr. Ruth stated that he doesn't know when the signs were posted and that the person lied, so I ask the court to leave this out, I was waiting to see what it was being brought in for,but now my objection is it's hearsay.

Newburg- Your Honor, I haven't marked it, I'm just having Mr. Ruth read this to refresh his recollection, then I'm gonna ask him a question.

Judge- I'll let him read it, but it's not going to have any effect on my decision. As to when the signs were posted, whether Mr. Ruth was aware of it before or after. I realize that it's someone else's writing , someone else's thoughts, but you're reading for the benefit of everybody.

Newburg- Having read that, Mr. Ruth, I'll ask you the question again. I assume your testimony is that the signs were put up prior to the arrest?

Ruth- I don't remember.

Newburg- With regard to the defendants, other then what you call the rules, the notice, the page you call the rules, that you read, were there any other, was there any other document, publication, that made the public, specificly the defendants, aware, aware of what the rules were?

Ruth- Well, they were verbally advised of the rules.

Newburg- That, after they were on...the property?

Ruth- Yes.

Newburg- Can you show me where on this document that you read, in any other publication, that it says tents are prohibited?

Judge- Is that the same as this, counselor?

Newburg- Yes, your Honor, ... Can you show me where on any other publication or any other document, it says that overnight camping is prohibited?

Ruth- There is no documents.

Newburg- Mr. Ruth, people were invited to be..

Drillings- Objection, Judge....People were invited, is not the beginning of a question..It's a statement, I just ask that it be rephrased as a question.

Newburg- Your Honor, can I finish asking the question before it's objected to?

Drillings- Judge, as long...

Newburg- It'll be a question.

Judge- I'll hear it.

Newburg- People were....

Judge- [to Ruth] Don't answer him until I tell you whether you can or not, Okay?

Newburg- People were invited during the times that we're talking about, to come on the site, isn't that so?

Judge- [to Ruth] Don't answer that. [to Drillings] Do you object to that question?

Drillings- Judge, I object only to Mr. Ruth knowing if they had personal invitations to enter the site.

Judge- Question stands, objection is sustained, If you can rephrase it another way, get some personal knowledge, or whatever, try.

Newburg- Did your organization publicly invite the public to come to this site during the time we're talking about?

Judge- [to Ruth] Is that to your knowledge or not?

Ruth- With rules, yes.

Newburg- So, they are invited?

Ruth- Yes.

Newburg- And are the rules documented anywhere?

Ruth- I don't know.

Newburgh- stated who you believe is the owner of the site. You said it was Granite Associates. Do you have any personal knowledge of the purchase of the site by Granite Associates?

Ruth- No.

Newburg- Do you have any personal knowledge of the purchase of this site by anyone? Ruth- No.

Newburg- Why did you.....The answer to my question answered, Granite Associates owns the site, what is your basis for that?

Ruth- Because I, working for Mr. Supak, as being that he represents.....

Drillings- Objection, Judge, Mr. Supak can't testify. This is hearsay.

Newburg- It's his witness, your Honor. I'm the only one that can object to hearsay

Drillings- Judge, you know that is incorrect. However, Mr. Newburg is aware of the law. Hearsay is hearsay, and I can object to it just as much as he can....And this is another person's testimony, he is about to give, and that's hearsay.

Newburg- Your Honor, this is his witness, he can't object to statements of his own witness.

Drillings- Judge, I believe I can.

Judge- He can, in this particular case...Objection sustained.

Newburg- Do you have any personal knowledge as to who the owner of the site is?

Ruth- No.

Newburg- Now...The Woodstock site is an open vacant field, isn't it?

Drillings- Objection, Judge...

Judge- What grounds?

Drillings- I believe that characterization .....Mr.Ruth himself, ...I don't think it's up to Mr. Newburg to characterize it for him.

Judge ...Overruled.

Newburg- Your Honor, this is cross-examination, cross examination...I'm allowed to ask...

Judge- I overruled it.

Newburg- I realize that, but just for future questions, I'm allowed to ask leading questions.

Judge- And he can object anytime he wishes.

Newburg- That's true....I just wanna point out one thing. Can he answer the question?

Judge- You can answer the question, if you remember it.

Newburg- Is this an open vacant field..the site?

Ruth- Yes.

Newburg- And, other than the signs you said were put up, and you're not sure when they were put up, they may have been put up after the arrest..Was the field posted in any way?

Ruth- No.

Newburg- Were there any fences enclosing the field?

Ruth- No.

Newburg- Are there any structfield, buildings?

Ruth- No.

Newburg- No one lives there, isn't that correct?

Ruth- That's correct.

Newburg- There is a monument there, isn't there?

Ruth- Yes.

Newburg- And do you know why there's a monument there?

Ruth- No.

Newburg- Do you know what the monument says?

Ruth- I don't remember.

Newburg- Do you remember any part of it?

Drillings- Objection, Judge...The third time he's gonna say he doesn't remember, he can't be asked and answer that.

Judge- Objection sustained, I think the question's been asked and answered.

Newburg- I just asked if he remembers any part of it.

Judge- I've been there a thousand times, and I don't even know one word of it. I read it maybe a hundred times.

Newburg- Do you know if the wording on the monument has anything to do with the Woodstock Festival, that happened in 1969?

Ruth- I believe it does.

Newburg- Are you aware of your own personal knowledge whether or not people, the public, was permitted to visit that monument?

Drillings- Objection, Judge, a specific time.

Newburg- Any?

Drillings- Anytime from 1969......

Newburg- Anytime from now back to when God created the Earth?

Drillings- Judge, then I'm gonna object to relevancy to this specific date.

Judge- I'm gonna sustain, because I don't see where the revelence is either. Are you getting to something?

Newburg- Yes, your Honor. I wanna...did people. Did you, did your organization, permit people to visit this monument during the times we are talking about?...And prior thereto?

Ruth- Yes.

Newburg- Now....You testified that you were at the site during the times that counsel had mentioned. Evenings, during the daytime, is that correct?

Ruth- Yes.

Newburg- Were you there... about how many hours a day were you there?

Ruth- It varied day to day.

Judge- Roughly...three hours a day , four hours a day, two hours a day?

Ruth- Probably three hours a different times throughout the day and night.

Newburg- . And, at the times you were there, did you observe the defendants on various occasions?

Ruth- Yes sir.

Newburg- Did you observe them destroying anything on the property?

Ruth- No

Newburg- Did they act in any kind of a threat, that you took as a threatening manner or threatenig at all?

Drillings- Judge, now I'm gonna object, this is a tresspass case, not criminal mischief, not aggravated harassment, not anything...

Judge- Objection sustained. One of the questions was, is this a vacant piece of land? The answer was yes. So, I don't know what they could possibly destroy.

Newburg- Your Honor, in order for them to be guilty of tresspassing....I'm trying to establish their intent was anything but criminal.

Drillings- Being on the property Judge, not destroying the property, not threatening the property, although, I don't know how you could threaten the property, none of the above...

Newburg- Somebody dug big trenches and put all kinds of barricades.

Drillings- Judge, we're not getting anywhere with this.

Judge- Your objection is sustained.

Newburg- Would you say they acted in a peaceful manner?

Ruth- Yes.

Newburg- Now, in observing the defendants, did you observe them protesting anything?

Ruth- No.

Newburg- They didn't have any placards or signs or march around the property or anything?

Ruth- At which time?

Newburg- Prior to their arrest.

Ruth- No.

Newburg- So, they weren't demonstrating as far as you were concerned. Is that correct?

Ruth- Prior to their arrest, no.

Newburg- Do you have with you, in your posession, any document to show ownership of this site?

Drillings- Objection, Judge, as to Mr. Ruth's ownership of the site?

Newburg- To show the owner of the site, do you have any document with you?

Drillings- I object, he's not the owner of the site, why would he have personal...

Newburg- He works for the owner of the site, I'm asking him if he has any document that could show ownership of the site?

Judge- Any document to show ownership of the site....I really don't understand the question

-----------End Tape #1-------------

Newburg- Now, when was the first time that you had a conversation with Abigail Storm or Daniel Eggink after you say they entered the site?

Ruth- The day the paper, the day the document was given to them. The 24th of July.

Newburg- And you handed that to them?

Ruth- I was present. I don't remember if I personally gave it to them.

Newburg- Do you know who gave it to them?

Ruth- It was either myself or Mike DiTullo.

Newburg- He was with you?

Ruth- Yes.

Newburg- This document says, if I could just read: "Gelish Realty, LLC, through it's duly authorized representative, hereby advises you that any license or privilege you may have to enter or remain upon the Woodstock property, being the 37 acre site of the 1969 Woodstock Music Festival, town of Bethel, Sullivan County, New York, is hereby revoked" Now what license or privilege were you referring to?

Ruth- The privilege to visit the property during daylight hours.. to reflect...and they were told there was no overnight camping or campfires.

Newburg- When were they told that?

Ruth- Prior to that.

Newburg- You didn't tell them that?

Ruth- I was present when they were told, it was I, myself, Mike DiTullo, and Robyn Gerry.

Newburg- Where did that take place? Where was that?

Ruth- At their campsite.

Newburg- When, would you say?

Ruth- About... on the 23rd of July.

Newburg- So, on the 23rd of July they were on the campsite.

Ruth- Yes.

Newburg- I asked you when your first conversation with them was after they entered the site, and you said it was when you gave them this document.

Ruth- I suppose.

Newburg- Now, you had a conversation with them the day before?

Ruth- I guess so.

Newburg- Okay. And the day before, did you give them this notice?

Ruth- No, that was on the 24th.

Newburg- So, did you tell them on the day before that....did you tell them on the day before that any of their privileges had been revoked?

Ruth- Yes...well I was present when it was related to them, I don't remember who exactly...

Newburg- But, you didn't tell them that?

Ruth- No.

Newburg- Did you... now, I'm talking about, now, on the 23rd, did you say anything to them on the 23rd regarding revoking their....

Ruth- I don't remember.

Newburg- Your honor, I would ask that any part of the answer, in regard to what somebody else said to them, be stricken as hearsay........I have nothing further to say, Judge.

Drillings- Yes, Judge......if I could just have a moment.......Thank you, Judge.....Mr. Ruth, are you aware, or did you ever sign a complaint against an individual for taking the signs from the property? The signs were posted........

Ruth- Yes.

Drillings- Okay, and when was that? Do you recall if it was before or after these individuals were arrested?

Ruth- It was after......I believe.

Drillings- Okay, but you're not positive about that?

Ruth- No.

Drillings- If I told you that was actually before a couple of these individuals were arrested, would you have any dispute with that?

Ruth- No.

Drillings- Did you personally put these signs into the ground?

Ruth- I was present when they were installed.

Drillings- Okay, do you recall the exact date they were put into ...?

Ruth- No, I don't.

Continue to next page...

Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
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Note: This transcript was transcribed from tape by Jewel Eggink and is a portion of the legal and genealogical history of the United States being assembled by Eggink "a family business". It leads to primary resources in Art, Music, Literature, Constitutional Law, British Common law, Dane Law, Salic law, Sax Law, Roman Law and The Law of Moses.
Jesus Christ has said, "Love one another" and "The Truth shall set you free".

-----Town Of Bethel Contact Information---
Federal and State Elected Officials

Federal Representatives:

Congressman Maurice Hinchey
22nd Congressional District
291 Wall Street
Kingston, NY 12401
(845) 331-4466

Senator Hillary R. Clinton
United States Senator
780 Third Avenue - Suite 2601
New York, NY 10174
(212) 688-6262

Senator Charles Schumer
United States Senator
757 Third Avenue - Suite 1702
New York, NY 10017
(212) 486-4430

State Representatives:

NYS Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther
98th Assembly District
20 Anawana Lake Road
Monticello, NY 12701
(845) 794-5807

NYS Senator John J. Bonacic
42nd Senatorial District
279 Main Street - Suite 202
New Paltz, NY 12561
(845) 255-9656

County Officials:

S.C. Government Center
100 North Street
Monticello, NY 12701

Elected Officials:

Christopher Cunningham, Legislator ? District 1
794-3000 ext. 3300

Ira Cohen, County Treasurer
794-3000 ext. 5014

George L. Cooke, County Clerk
794-3000 ext. 5012

County Departments:

Vacant, County Manager
794-3000 ext. 3322

Office for the Aging
794-3000 ext. 5000

Motor Vehicles
794-3000 ext. 5004

Veterans Service Agency
794-3000 ext. 3370

Dept. of Public Works
794-3000 ext. 5002


Town of Bethel Data

The Town of Bethel is the local government that governs the hamlets of White Lake,
Kauneonga Lake, Smallwood, Bethel, parts of Swan Lake, Mongaup Valley and Briscoe.
The Town Hall is located at 3454 Rt. 55, White Lake.

The mailing address for the Town Hall is P.O. Box 300, White Lake, NY 12786.
The Town Hall is open from 9:00 a.m. ? 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Fax Number (845) 583-4710

Check individual department listings for location, mailing addresses, phone numbers
and hours of operation.

Incorporated: March 27, 1809 Population: 2000 Census 4,762

Miles of Highway: 147.94 Square Miles: 93.51 sq. miles

Historical/Interesting Facts:

Created from the Territory of Lumberland

Meaning of Bethel is ?House of God?

First inhabitants were the Lenape Indians

First settlers were Judson and Graham Hurd

1805-1810 First settlements were Fraser, Briscoe, North White Lake,
Bushville and Stephensville

1810 Newburgh-Cochecton Turnpike (Rt. 17B) was completed

1832 Dr. Lindsay opened the first medical center

1928 Smallwood was developed

1969 Woodstock Music & Arts Festival

1969 S.C. International Airport opened

1984 175th Anniversary Celebration

1997 Alan Gerry purchased original Woodstock site

1998 Day in the Garden Concerts

March 2004 First Woman Town Supervisor Appointed

July 2004 Bethel Wood Performing Arts Center Groundbreaking

September 2004 Hurricane Ivan

November 2004 - First Woman Elected Town Supervisor

August 2005 - Clock Tower Erected at The Corner, Rt. 55 & Rt. 17B, by Steve Dubrovsky

July 1, 2006 - Opening of Bethel Woods Performing Arts Center with the New York Philharmonic


Community Phone Numbers

Fire companies meet the 1st Tuesday of every month. Drills are held every Monday at 7:00 p.m. These are volunteer organizations and new members are welcome.

White Lake Fire Co.
Rt. 17B/P.O. Box 11
White Lake, NY 12786
(845) 583-5170

Smallwood-Mongaup Valley Fire Co.
Ballard Road/P.O. Box 28
Smallwood, NY 12778
(845) 583-5487

Kauneonga Lake Fire Co.
Rt. 55/P.O. Box 411
Kauneonga Lake, NY 12749
(845) 583-4700

Bethel Volunteer Ambulance Corp. Monthly meetings are held the 1st Tuesday
Rt. 55/P.O. Box 31
White Lake, NY 12786
(845) 583-5004

Post Offices

Smallwood Post Office (12778)
Linda Freaney, Postmaster
(845) 583-5840

White Lake Post Office (12786)
William Gloor, Postmaster
(845) 583-6410

Mongaup Valley Post Office (12762)
(845) 791-5956

Swan Lake Post Office (12783)
Bob Sweeney, Postmaster
(845) 292-7012

Kauneonga Lake Post Office (12749)
(845) 583-8159

Bethel Post Office (12720)
(845) 583-5005

School Districts

Sullivan West Central School District
10494 Route 97
Callicoon, NY 12723
(845) 887-5300 ext. 3000

Monticello Central School District
237 Forestburgh Road
Monticello, NY 12701
(845) 794-7700

Liberty Central School District
115 Buckley Street
Liberty, NY 12754
(845) 292-6990


Supervisor's Office

Phone: (845) 583-4350 ext. 12
Fax: (845) 583-0225

Harold Russell, Town Supervisor

Bookkeeper/Confidential Secretary - Fran Foster ext. 16

Highway Clerk/Sewer Billing Clerk - Donna Stackhouse ext. 17

The Supervisor is an elected official, term of office is two years.

The Supervisor is the Chief Fiscal Officer of the Town. The Town Board has
also designated the Supervisor as Budget Officer. The Supervisor's Office carries
out all fiscal functions of the Town; payroll, accounts payable and accounts
receivable, bond payments, and investments.

The Supervisor carries out legislative actions which have been adopted by a
majority vote of the Town Board. He also appoints members of the Town Board to
serve on committees. Members of the Town Board may also be appointed to act in
the capacity of a liaison between departments and the Town Board.

The Supervisor presides over Town Board meetings and formulates the agenda.


Town Board

Council Members

Robert Blais
Daniel Sturm
Richard Crumley

The Town Board is made up of the Supervisor and four council members. Any
official action requires a majority vote of the Board.

The Supervisor is elected, term of office is two years. The Council members
are elected, term of office is four years.

Town Board meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at
7:30 p.m. at the Bethel Senior Center. Special meetings may be scheduled from
time-to-time. Meetings are subject to change. Legal Notices are published in the
S.C. Democrat (the official newspaper of the Town).

All meetings are open to the public. The agenda is formulated by the
Supervisor. Items for the agenda should be received at least one week before the

The Town Board are members of the Sullivan County Partnership for
Economic Development and the New York State Association of Towns and the
Bethel Local Development Corporation.

Town Clerk's Office
Phone: (845) 583-4350 ext. 11
Fax: (845) 583-4710

Rita J. Sheehan, Town Clerk
Marion Madaffari, Deputy Town Clerk
Eda LaPolt, Records Management Clerk

The Town Clerk is an elected official, term of office is two years. The Town
Clerk's Office is usually referred to as the center of government since a vast
majority of the Town business passes through this office. Responsible for
certifications of documents, Oaths of Office, Notices of Claims against the Town.
Publishes Legal Notices in accordance with State Law. Attends Town Board
meetings and prepares official minutes of the meetings. Issues Conservation,
Dog, Marriage, Junkyard, Bingo, and Peddler's Licenses.

Processes all bills for payment; checks for accuracy and prepares warrant for
Town Board monthly approval.

Certifies and files all Local Laws with the NYS Dept. of State. Maintains Local
Law Book. Updates Town Code Book and maps as laws are adopted and
distributes updates to all Boards and appropriate employees.

The Town Clerk is responsible for all license sales and fees received during the
month. Monthly financial reports are prepared with remittance of fees collected
to State Agencies and local revenue turned over to Town Supervisor.

Publishes Bid Notices, receives sealed bids, conducts bid openings, submits to
Town Board for bid award, notifies successful bidder.

Retains files for all Departments as Records Management Officer. Makes
available voter registration forms and absentee ballots, general information,
photocopies, certified copies, and notarization services.

Email Newsletter/Webmaster
Conservation licensing - hunting and fishing
Town licenses - Taxi, Fireworks/Junkyard & Peddling Permits
Handicap Parking Permits/Restricted Burn Permits
Records Management Officer/Election Coordinator
Oaths of Office/Adopt-A-Road Applications

Registrar of Vital Statistics

P.O. Drawer C
Kauneonga Lake, NY 12749

(845) 583-8086

Registrar, Marion Vassmer
Deputy Registrar, Linda Vassmer

The Registrar of Vital Statistics is appointed by the Town Board.

The Registrar is responsible for registration of all births and deaths that occur
in the Town of Bethel. The originals of these certificates are sent to the NYS
Department of Health for filing in Albany, which began in 1887.

It is the responsibility of the Registrar to maintain strict confidentially
regarding birth and death records. Request for copies should be done with
identification, or a written notarized request from a direct relative, from an
Attorney or by Court Order. The cost of a certified copy is $10.00.


Assessor's Office
(845) 583-4713

Sole Assessor, Marguerite Brown ext. 13
Assessor Clerk, Dina Sturm ext. 14

The Assessor is appointed by the Town Board. The term of office is six years
which is set by the NYS Office of Real Property Tax Services.

Duties: To locate, identify and value real property in the Town for the
purpose of distributing taxes in accordance with real property tax laws.
Administers and processes exemptions. The most common types are Seniors,
Veterans, STAR, Business, Agricultural. Forest, and Religious.

Important Dates on the Assessment Calendar:

March 1st ? Taxable status day. Date all exemptions must be filed with the Assessor's Office.

May 1st - Date of the completion of Tentative Assessment Roll. Assessor shall complete and file this roll with the Town Clerk. Legal Notice is published in the paper for public inspection of rolls.

Grievance Day ? The 4th Tuesday in May. Ten days prior to Grievance Day Assessor shall mail a change in assessment to property owner. Board of Assessment Review meets to hear complains relating to assessment.

July 1st - Date of completion of Final Assessment Roll. Assessor shall complete and file with the Town Clerk. Legal Notice is published in the paper for public inspection of rolls.


Tax Collector
P.O. Box 561
White Lake, NY 12786

(845) 583-4740 ext. 18

Tax Collector - Debra S. Gabriel
Deputy Collector - Carole Foster

In the Town of Bethel, the Office of Tax Collector is a
two year elected position.

The Tax Collector is responsible for the collection of property
taxes for approximately 7,300 parcels.

All powers and duties of this office, as well as collection procedures
are statutory and defined in the New York State Real Property Tax Law.

During property tax collection, hours to pay in person are:
January, February, March and April 1 9:00 A.M. ? 4:00 P.M.
(Monday-Friday, except Holidays)

The Collector of Taxes collects the General Property Taxes Starting in January.
The bills are mailed in mid January.
The Tax bill covers the period of January 1st ? December 31st.
Payments can be made upon receipt of the bill through January 31st without penalty.
Bills paid after January 31st through February 28th incur a 1% penalty. From March 1st
through March 31st incur a 2% penalty with a $2.00 2nd notice fee. April 1st incur a 3%
penalty with a $2.00 2nd notice fee. After April 1st, the unpaids are turned over to the
County of Sullivan Treasurer's Office. All payments must then be m

20 Updates & Rebuttals



Far more imortant things in life than woodstock

#21Consumer Comment

Mon, March 17, 2008

After taking a quick glance at how long all of this is, especially from this Pete fellow, it looks to me like he is one of those types still lives at home with no job and nothing better to do that to discuss the weekly schedule of the Town of Bethel's Sanitation Department.



Yay Capitalism!

#21Consumer Comment

Sun, March 16, 2008

Its about time they drive out those worthless potheads from that useless farmland.

This is the 21st century and its time to build a Walmart Supercenter right where the woodstock festivle was.

In fact, I recommend they put the mens room right where Jimi Hendrix played the star spangled banner.

The can dedicate one of the urinals to him and one of the stalls to Janis Joplin.

People that worry about a bunch of useless land that a bunch of potheads from the 60's occupied being developed for civilized use need to stop living in the past. you see, we yuppies will always win. where has your pot smoking got you? nowhere. you lose, hippies! pack your hemp tents and hammoks and be gone with you.


New York,

Open Office has a spell checker

#21Author of original report

Wed, September 20, 2006

And it is a free download. I know my spelling stinks, yet there are some people on here that need to use a spell checker, or go back to pre-school.

I write better high than some of you do straight, and that is not saying much.




#21Consumer Comment

Tue, September 19, 2006

Did anyone understand either of the last 2 posts by Eva? I nkow I sure didn't.

Eva, was that you, or the LSD talking? Just what we need, a world full of pot smoking, LSD tripping, illiterate hippies!


New York,

necessary and legal ??? daaaa

#21Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 19, 2006

not when u work on purpus to get these kids away !!

also :
u dont have the rights : legally the people living their (and/ore the hippies) have rights to !!

the moral rights
aswell as the artistic and strong residence rights

the show (artists) media (tv radio) was done super strong

was done as an art ..

it is strong enough to not been over overseen

the realy totally good influance of the hippies "on the world making it spin a little more loving" is not to overseen by anny one !!!!

i feel u just do not "want to atmit that that is true"

because u want to build a money making thing there !! (i feel ore asume that only "because of the fact that money is usually the drive of so manny people to "do illegal bizniz" ore kill ore steel etc

5 dollars is a reason for lies .. so why not 50 milljn to u !!

but ok u could be true and not think of money at all .. but just of the protection of rights haha


u should not forget the high legal protection and rights to "arts" and producing and media rights on its own eather

law ..thats it



New York,

thats not true ..!! duuuu

#21Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 19, 2006

thats not true and u know it !!

and "i did not oversee the fact of the little trouble it would give"



when its "going up" -- > when ALL THE LOVE PEOPLE would be Like "OTHER PEOPLE and doing "heavy heists" "small heists" "the bankroberies" "all the killings and all the gunshots" "all the serial killings" "all the minor theft" "big theft" "all the burgelaries" "and even all the terrorism"

u seem to think u r one "of the few" that are able to write a lot of words and ore speak figures and rates and hope and think to win the discussion with that

love is not a rate (so u indeed will not find a lot of hippies that will answer to that)

it how ever wil never make u win : even if u destroy the hippie culture, the love , the planet and all thats in it

u r not the better one "u only destroy urself" "human kind" !!

and good will live on eternally .. (u how ever will run in to some pretty nasty problems in afterlife)

(exuse me if u r not in to things like that)

but u are going way out of line
u dont know what u r saying !!!!!

u r trying to hurt these people and when braking and hurting them u perhaps oversee that a lot of the real loving guys out there are altering their motivations and can become more agressive to u than


but more obviosly : when u put a love party down on "such a lardge scale" u draw some realy negative people

who would have never been there (are far to busy hurting people, making a desaster, hating and jelling and screwing up their lives)

while normaly they would say : im not going to the lame love party (duuuu)

they will go to hurt people (like they normally do in other places)

perhaps a good thing for u complainers
is to make the woodstock party "look and feel" and become beautifull real and real again "like it should have been"

that way the bad people would stop at all

and the good people can re unite and make the feest happening again !!

but a sugestion to u would be :

make the party bigger and hire people secuirity and better bar men to ... make sure u inform about cams (explaining u need to do that for safety, so no one gets raped ore what ever)

and make it a succes full party !!

the best compilation of this feest would probely be if u make the feest turn up much more

:because u will have lesser people going !!!

from a one in a life time it will turn in to a normal cathering/thing that just always happens (its there next month again.. and the nicer people perform again.. so who cares if u miss the bus .. u ll just take it easy and be there next time)

how ever u do need good secuirity/cops in charge

and NO BAD GUYS (the bad cops will f**k up the party like they did before all the time

any way ..

(ocaisionally) smoking joints taking lsd and pot ore what ever would NOT MESS UP SOCIETY like the regular rate of killings does !!

if ur anything "that law should represent" u should know that that is true

stoned ore not : these people have good motivation : will love and charish and will bring up children that will love and charish

"u should think" of how they "also have a home, fill part of the city, (and can be filty rich sometimes)

these people are filling the society with sugar kindness and joy

with ur heartage : *u draw bad motivations, spirit and influance and kill the spirit .. of these people

and complain about them when ur done with it !!!

(all these good people that took drugs and danced and o o .. took their toppie off.. where dancing and happy :

if they would not have been real hippies : they would have coused aprox 200 ore 2000 crimes and deaths being a normaly bad group of people ore terrorist

ore such

INSTEAD OF forcing people to leave their home : why dont u fill the room with lawyers and fight terrorism instead !!

they destroy the world "not boobies and pot"

DUUU !! syco !!!!!



Selective memory

#21Consumer Comment

Mon, September 18, 2006

If you were at Woodstock, or knew much about it Eve, it seems you have selective memory.

The original festival as a disaster, the food shortages, overflowing toilets, standstill traffic, lack of medical supplies, deaths, heroin overdoses, countless bad trips, bonfires, food stands burned to the ground and even Pete Townshend showing peace-and-love by bashing Abbie Hoffman in the head with an electric guitar.

Yasgur profited from the venture. Following the festival he receieved a $50,000.00 settlement from a lawsuit in regard to damage caused by the festival.

The "reunion" festival in 1999 was rife with riots, fires and various crimes. Thousands of women were subject in inappropriate sexual behavior being repeatedly groped.

Yes, this festival, both times, was a huge gathering of peace and love.

Hippies, aging or otherwise, live in a fantasy world regarding Woodstock. They selectively remember only that which they choose.


New York,

rather pick flowers and sing a song than murdering ore killing .. !!

#21Consumer Suggestion

Sun, September 17, 2006

Why is Woodstock always bad in the light of so manny others .. i wonder

All the people that love it and charish it are sweet and loving people

People would normally just dream about a perfect part of society where "we dont kill one another all the time"

Woodstock and all the people in it have made that dream come true

yes it could give a little mess

But u realy have a "enourmously big part of society" covered in joy and sweetness and love


would rather pick flowers and sing a song than go out and murder ore kill ore rape and shoot people all the time and ALL BE rough criminals instead !!!

what do they actually rate ? u know that all these people (a lot) "are good" "and kind" hearted and "the more this group of people would be ..

the less murder,rapes, and shootings there would be ..





u can say they r dreamers but they r not the only ones ...

love eve


New York,


#21Author of original report

Sun, August 20, 2006


An assembly of people
working together
to perpetuate the
Spirit of Woodstock

In 1994 and 95 the Woodstock reunions were going full force, there was no opposition to our gatherings. In 96 all of that changed, the Original Woodstock site was blocked by New York State Troopers, The origin of this blockade was not clear at that time. We had two organizations prominent in the fight to keep the Woodstock Site FREE, The Save the Earth Society and the Woodstock Nation Foundation. It was unfortunate, as I found in my visits with my friends who created these organizations, and others who have shown an interest in keeping the Woodstock site free, that even though their goals were similar, they were not working together.

1997 brought word of who was attempting to squash the Woodstockers from the site. The Newspapers named Allen Gerry as the person who bought the Woodstock Site and much of the land around it, His goal was to create a Theme Park with the land, and start holding his own event called A Day In The Garden. The Woodstock Nation Foundation made an attempt to challenge that ownership by setting up camp on the site. They were arrested, their tent confiscated, and they were ordered by the Bethel Judge to stay off the site for one year.

In 1998, It was time to attempt to unite the powers that may save the Woodstock site. What today is known as the Woodstock Preservation Alliance, slowly evolved in the spring of 1998 as a unnamed group including Will Callighan, Abigail Storm, Dan Eggink, Joe Anderson, Vern Squires, Rosyman, Myself and several others, mostly from the Rainbow Nation. Our first meetings began from Full Moon Festivals and Micro-Gatherings.

We used email to set the dates, some of us got the word by phone or by a page on one of our web sites, Usually on a Friday or Saturday, we would all come to the Woodstock site and discuss what we had all learned and what we could do to save the site. In the spring we were not harassed to leave at dark or stopped from building a fire, some of us would spend the night, with a wonderful drum circle and Tunes from Rosyman, It was almost as good as a August Gathering.

Good times would not last forever, our meetings continued on the Site until July of 98. The beginning of the destruction of the site to create the Day In The Garden was underway. Ditches were dug to keep cars from entering the site, signs posted to keep off the land, and eventually fences, Security patrols and high intensity lights shown on the field all night long. It was impossible to hold our Micro-Gatherings at the site. Fortunately we had good friends just down the road, Roy Howard and Jeryl Abramson, who had been kind enough to host the August gatherings since 1996 when we could no longer gather on the Site. We began meeting at Roy & Jeryl's farm. Still called Micro Gatherings, we could now gather without being interrupted by Troopers or Gerry Foundation's security people.

Sickened by the destruction going on the site, it was time to act, We needed all the support we could get to save the site, We initially called ourselves Friends Of The Farm Alliance and on my Web server, Our first meeting inviting any and all interested people was held on Yasgar Road near Roy & Jeryl's home. It was a small group but we managed to get the organization rolling.

We changed the name to The Friends Of Yasgur's Farm to give us a better identification of our goal. And set a schedule of events and meetings in an attempt to return our Woodstock site back to its original state. From this meeting we set the Logo to the one above, the original artwork was done by Fin and Jewel Eggink and permission granted by Dan Eggink to use it as our Logo. We came up with a general statement of what we were about:

An assembly of people
working together
to perpetuate the
Spirit of Woodstock
Now Yasgur's Farm is under attack. It's time to fight back!!!


New York,

Is This America, Or n**i Germany?

#21Author of original report

Fri, August 18, 2006

If it was n**i Germany, we might at the very least have cost of living jobs. America is turning into a fascist police state, and people just don't do the math.

Wire tapping, free trade; Big Brother wants to know what we ate for dinner & corporate America now has the right to every bit of info about each job canidate, right down to a mid. pot charge from 10 years back can get you turned down for a job now. What ever happened to doing your crime, time & forgiveness? We have Regan, Bush 1 & 2, and Slick Willy to thank for the degradation of the working class.

When you allow these events to unfold in front of you, without standing up for your rights, they just keep taking more things away. I see the day when there are rich, and people living in grass huts on Washington Ave.

Now is the time to oppose situations such as these, not make up excuses.

I sent this report out to the very crooks that are pushing this n**i agenda. It would not suprise me if the two that have commented are the same person, and that person is on the Bethel payroll.

It would be kama at work if the cops busted up your son/daughters B-Day party because you had 14 people over at the house, and not the 12 limit that the next corporate blow boy decides is over the limit of acceptance. It sounds crazy now, just wait a few more years.

We need a civil war: Rich vs Poor. The problem is the fact that they have tanks and nukes, and we have guns and rocks.

I think I am going to go puke now (knowing that people are supporting the town clowns of Bethel in their anti freedome to assemble mission).



Property use restrictions are necessary and legal.

#21Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 18, 2006

Timothy explained clearly why you have no legal right to occupy the original Woodstock site at night. The owners have graciously given permission to for everyone to visit it in the daytime, but draw the line at camping overnight. Timothy was absolutely spot on about giving hippies an inch, they'll take a mile.

Now you have changed the subject to the holding of an "annual reunion" at a different property, the owners of which consent to such festival. This is of course an entirely different issue.

"Restrictions on property rights" are a long-standing and necessary part of American laws. Imagine having neighbors that will consent to ANY use of their property. At some point you're going to wish there was a way to stop them. Timothy can explain more clearly but there are going to be two types of laws that prohibit the annual reunion or any other large festival without permission from the local government.

First there is zoning. I own property in an Agricultural zone. According to local laws, there are serious restrictions on what I can do there. I can only build up to two houses, or one house and a mobile, or one mobile, on my land. Anything more requires permission from the government. I can't run an apartment house, a factory, or a hotel. I can host up to I think it is 10 tents or campers for temporary guests. Again anything more requires permission from the government.

There are a lot of things I can do there with no restriction from the government. For example, being an Agricultural zone, I can have as many pigs, cows, goats, etc. as I want. In other zones in the county, you can't have any.

Second in the aftermath of Woodstock, every locality tightened their festival laws. Large festivals ALWAYS require a permit from the government.


New York,

Did You Both Buy Your H.S. Diplomas Online?

#21Author of original report

Thu, August 17, 2006

If either of you have a six year old handy to read to you, now would be a good time.


NO ONE EVER CAMPED OUT ON THE CORPORATE YUPPIE CONCERT ARENA!! Am I writing in too high of an I.Q. level for the two of you?

Get the facts straight you ignorant clowns.



Pete, if you only knew what you are talking about

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, August 17, 2006

I lived in the Town of Bethel for 15 years (across Route 17B from the Bethel Country Store) and attended Woodstock. I lived there for the 20th and 25th anniversaries of the Festival and several other years. I moved out in 1997.

First, understand the politics of the Town of Bethel. After the original Woodstock, the town of 2,500 people was so inundated by 450,000 uninvited guests that a Town ordinance was passed that was so restrictive it prohibited just about any gathering in the town limits larger than a sit-down dinner for ten. In the aftermath of Woodstock-I a new Town Supervisor was elected who ran for the next 20 years on a "No More Woodstocks" platform - the late George Neuhaus.

Neuhaus' tenure of being Supervisor was finally ended by Allan Scott. I know Allan personally. I know June Gelish. I know Drillings. I know more of these people personally than you ever will. None of them ever came out publicly for any kind of "reunion". In fact, Scott tried his best to stop them.

In 1990 he had Town Constables block off Perry Road and Hurd Road to all but residents of those roads to prevent access. Unfortunately, our not-too-smart Constables gave directions around the roadblocks and about 2-3000 people actually arrived at the site.

In 1991 the Town Board bought several truckloads of Chicken Manure from Bill Brey's nearby Chicken farm and buried the fields in about a foot of chicken manure. The smell was terrible for miles around. I remember - I smelled it at my house a mile away.

After the 1991 fiasco things settled down for a couple of years. In 1994 (the 25th) an informal event was actually allowed. I remember Wavy Gravy showing up at the Bethel Country Store and yelled "Breakfast in Bed for 400,000" but he forgot to put his teeth in, so no one understood him. Besides, John Chun's store didn't have enough food to feed 100, much less 400,000 which is good since only about 7500 showed up. John Chun bought so many "25th Anniversary Woodstock" T-shirts that he couldn't sell that he lost the store the next year.

So.... Woodstock has not been a "blessing" to Bethel - it caused as much damage as the Ice Age. So much damage that the 30th Anniversary Woodstock celebration was held in Rome NY and was a lawless disaster.

Over the last couple of years Allan Gerry bought the acres that the festival was on and built a Performing Arts Center. That Center has to comply with maximum occupancy laws. If you feel that just because someone wants to come and camp out there and make a mess gives them a right to do so, why not open YOUR property for the next Woodstock reunion?



Get your reality straight, Hippie

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, August 17, 2006

Only idiots with no valid argument call me Timmy. Name-calling is the resort of the ignorant fool without a nonsense opinion. If you want to have a respectful conversation, I'm more than willing. But apparently your lack of concern for the property rights of others is part of a larger, general lack of civility.

Whether Yasgur's allows you to have your reunion is completely irrelevant, so why is that a "fact" that I need to get straight?

By your own words you're not invading Yasgur's property, but the property of someone else who was kind enough to let you all hang out, but then you decided that wasn't enough.

So what difference does Yasgur's opinion on the matter make? If I tell all of my friends that they can have a party at my neighbor's house, do they actually have some sort of right to do so?

Do you just have absolutely NO concept of property rights? Are you of the opinion that, just because you went somewhere before, you should always be allowed to go there?

Bottom line, your report related to a trespassing charge related to the Woodstock site, not to Yasgur's farm. If Yasgur wants to let you on his land he is free to do so, but he cannot permit you to occupy land that does not belong to him.

If, one the other hand, you meant to say in the report that you were booted from land owned by Yasgur by city officials, then I think you need a drastic rewrite, because that's not what the report says at all. In fact, the report contradicts that very assertion several times.

In fact, even in your hostile rebuttal you contradict that very assertion: "the town of Bethel is being pressured by the filthy rich scumbag that now OWNS the actual Woodstock site . . ." Again, if someone else owns it, what the hell right do you have to be there?

And what the hell do you mean by this:
"Otherwise, leave your redneck hippie jokes with your black, and Jewish lame - O humor." If you had YOUR facts straight, you would probably realize that I am one of the most liberal RoR regulars around. I am ACTUALLY a "card carrying member" of the ACLU. I am far from a redneck, and my racist jokes are never mean-spirited!

When you assume that the only people who can disagree with you have some sort of character flaw, you remove yourself from civilized discourse and prove to the world that you probably have no real argument.

Ten years ago I had my own long dreads, tie-dyes, joints hanging out of my mouth, and awful stench.

But now I recognize selfish hippie bullshit when I see it. And what you're spewing, my friend, is selfish hippie bullshit: a property owner was kind enough to let you congregate on his land with certain, reasonable limitations (i.e. you can't LIVE there). But, like true hippies, you took a guest pass and unilaterally converted it into a gold membership.

What you need far more than the right to invade another's property is a little self-perspective.


South Carolina,

Sounds kinda Commie to me

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, August 17, 2006

I lived in upstate NY for -ummm- 7 years. The local Dutch folk were really nice, but the 'true New Yorkers' (probably from Metro NY) were a very agressive pain. And the real estate taxes were killers.

There was a war fought about Taxation without representation. Taxation without representation, or taxation without property rights- its the same thing to me.

I asked the agent showing us the first house we ever looked at in Upstate NY what the RE taxes on that house were, and she told me a number that sounded very reasonable.

This quoted RE tax wasn't what I had expected, so I asked the agent if there were "any other taxes" on the house and she said "Yes".

"WHAT other taxes are there?" I asked.

"Well, there is the school tax."

"How much is the school tax?" I asked, beginning to feel like an exodontist.

Welll... the school tax was 2X as much as the "real estate tax". The 'total' tax was therefore 3X the "original quoted RE tax".

Now we have Pete screaming at Timothy to "get his facts straight", and Timothy is an attorney who was explaining tha applicable law to Pete.

Now what I admire about SC [over NY] is that in SC if you barge into my property I have the right to let Mr. Glock talk to you about your actions.


South Carolina,

Sounds kinda Commie to me

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, August 17, 2006

I lived in upstate NY for -ummm- 7 years. The local Dutch folk were really nice, but the 'true New Yorkers' (probably from Metro NY) were a very agressive pain. And the real estate taxes were killers.

There was a war fought about Taxation without representation. Taxation without representation, or taxation without property rights- its the same thing to me.

I asked the agent showing us the first house we ever looked at in Upstate NY what the RE taxes on that house were, and she told me a number that sounded very reasonable.

This quoted RE tax wasn't what I had expected, so I asked the agent if there were "any other taxes" on the house and she said "Yes".

"WHAT other taxes are there?" I asked.

"Well, there is the school tax."

"How much is the school tax?" I asked, beginning to feel like an exodontist.

Welll... the school tax was 2X as much as the "real estate tax". The 'total' tax was therefore 3X the "original quoted RE tax".

Now we have Pete screaming at Timothy to "get his facts straight", and Timothy is an attorney who was explaining tha applicable law to Pete.

Now what I admire about SC [over NY] is that in SC if you barge into my property I have the right to let Mr. Glock talk to you about your actions.


South Carolina,

Sounds kinda Commie to me

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, August 17, 2006

I lived in upstate NY for -ummm- 7 years. The local Dutch folk were really nice, but the 'true New Yorkers' (probably from Metro NY) were a very agressive pain. And the real estate taxes were killers.

There was a war fought about Taxation without representation. Taxation without representation, or taxation without property rights- its the same thing to me.

I asked the agent showing us the first house we ever looked at in Upstate NY what the RE taxes on that house were, and she told me a number that sounded very reasonable.

This quoted RE tax wasn't what I had expected, so I asked the agent if there were "any other taxes" on the house and she said "Yes".

"WHAT other taxes are there?" I asked.

"Well, there is the school tax."

"How much is the school tax?" I asked, beginning to feel like an exodontist.

Welll... the school tax was 2X as much as the "real estate tax". The 'total' tax was therefore 3X the "original quoted RE tax".

Now we have Pete screaming at Timothy to "get his facts straight", and Timothy is an attorney who was explaining tha applicable law to Pete.

Now what I admire about SC [over NY] is that in SC if you barge into my property I have the right to let Mr. Glock talk to you about your actions.


South Carolina,

Sounds kinda Commie to me

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, August 17, 2006

I lived in upstate NY for -ummm- 7 years. The local Dutch folk were really nice, but the 'true New Yorkers' (probably from Metro NY) were a very agressive pain. And the real estate taxes were killers.

There was a war fought about Taxation without representation. Taxation without representation, or taxation without property rights- its the same thing to me.

I asked the agent showing us the first house we ever looked at in Upstate NY what the RE taxes on that house were, and she told me a number that sounded very reasonable.

This quoted RE tax wasn't what I had expected, so I asked the agent if there were "any other taxes" on the house and she said "Yes".

"WHAT other taxes are there?" I asked.

"Well, there is the school tax."

"How much is the school tax?" I asked, beginning to feel like an exodontist.

Welll... the school tax was 2X as much as the "real estate tax". The 'total' tax was therefore 3X the "original quoted RE tax".

Now we have Pete screaming at Timothy to "get his facts straight", and Timothy is an attorney who was explaining tha applicable law to Pete.

Now what I admire about SC [over NY] is that in SC if you barge into my property I have the right to let Mr. Glock talk to you about your actions.


New York,

Get Your Facts Straight Timmy

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, August 17, 2006


First off you would realize that the owner(s) of Yasgur's Farm allows us to have our reunion; the town of Bethel is being pressured by the filthy rich scumbag that now owns the actual Woodstock site into not allowing us to meet up for our yearly reunion.

Some nut sac that live high on the hog should not be able to dictate what those that own Yasgur's Farm do on their land.

Type: Woodstock Nation into a search if you would like the facts of this situation. Otherwise, leave your redneck hippie jokes with your black, and Jewish lame - O humor.



This is why you should never let a hippie sleep on your couch!

#21Consumer Comment

Wed, August 16, 2006

"Is it important to you that the 38 acre Woodstock site be left free where people from all over the world can continue to come together, to meet and share with one another?"

Not really.

That's not to say that I don't sympathize with your sentimental connection to the property, but why does a sentimental connection necessarily lead to an entitlement? I have a sentimental connection to the home in which I grew up, but that doesn't give me the right to pitch a tent in the yard against the current owners' wishes.

The hippies of yore were allowed to use the property for a three-day festival in 1969.

Apparently, they still haven't left.

And now they claim a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to occupy the property adversely to its true owner?

This is why productive Americans despise hippies. But hey, I was once one of you. I felt that society at large was obligated to provide me with whatever my pot-addled mind desired.

But then I grew up and recognized that I needed to appreciate the kindnesses that were extended to me, and not presume that they would continue in perpetutity. I certainly recognized, at some point, that exhibiting anger when the kindness runs out is the highest form of ungratefulness.

But I digress.

Your bloated sense of entitlement does not equal a constitutional right, or even a legally protectible interest.

There are two means whereby individuals, or groups of people, can adversely obtain ownership interests in property that is/was owned by someone else.

The first is adverse possession. You do not claim adverse possession, nor have you met the legal requisites.

The second is the prescriptive easement, which you do claim. You set forth a few elements of the prescriptive easement, but you neglected to include the one that is fatal to your claim: the original use, and the continued use for the required number of years, must not be by permission of the property's owner or predecessor in interest.

If the original use of the property was under permission of the owner, or if the owner steps in before his time runs out and grants permission for the use, the use can NEVER ripen into a prescriptive easement. What you have, instead, is a license that can be revoked at any time.

And, FYI, in cases of "public prescriptive easements," which is a more accurate term for what you are claiming, there is a legal presumption that the use is permissive. Thus, under the law, the onus is on you to prove that the original use was NOT permissive.

Per the trespassing charges, I'm not buying that the defendants were not in fact guilty. Even the portion of transctript that you provided for us seems to show that they did in fact receive notice and that they were in fact exceeding the terms of the license that allowed them to occupy the property during DAYLIGHT hours.

As I said above, I can sympathize with your sentimental attachment to the property in question. Apparently, so could its owner. But even if we accept that you have a "right" to visit the property and hang out there for a while, why does that lead to the conclusion that you should be allowed to set up camp there?

The defendants in question didn't just spend some time on the property and then go about their normal life. Rather, true to hippie form, they pitched tents and decided that they could LIVE on the property for a bit. And the evidence shows that they were politely told that this wasn't allowed by the owner's agent, and later by the state police (who were kind enough to give the defendants two hours to vacate, where they could have arrested them on the spot).

Here's the bottom line: you have taken a kindness that was extended to you and converted it into a perceived entitlement. And, in a civilized society, that's a big no-no.

Peace, brother.

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