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  • Report:  #395465

Complaint Review: Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indiana Inc. (TMMI)

Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Indiana, Inc. (TMMI) Called back from layoff to be told I would be laid off again after leaving a full time job where benifits would start following month Princeton Indiana

  • Reported By:
    Fort Branch Indiana
  • Submitted:
    Thu, November 27, 2008
  • Updated:
    Wed, December 03, 2008
  • Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Indiana, Inc. (TMMI)
    4000 S Tulip Tree Dr
    Princeton, Indiana
  • Phone:
    812-(812) 387-2000
  • Category:

I work for Transfreight, a logistics provider for Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Indiana, Inc. (TMMI) as a truck driver. About three months ago many of us were laid off due to TMMI shutting down production. We were called back the tenth of November. We worked our first shift the eleventh. Exactly one week later, on the 18th, we were told that production was going to be cut again and it would affect our work force.

I had been fortunate and was accepted as a full time employee at a major plastics manufacturer in Evansville, IN. My benefits were due to begin December 1st. We have been told my two year old daughter possibly has CP. I have a tumor on my pituitary that requires medication. If I had stayed with the plastics company, there was a very good possibility that all of our medical problems would be considered preexisting. Going back to Transfreight gave me my insurance back immediately with no preexisting. I went back.

I made the wrong decision and I will have to live with it. I was told by my supervisor that there were no layoffs planed in the near future. I was trying to do what I thought was best for my little girl.

Since I have worked at TMMI, they have never made a decision in a week; they new well beforehand that they were going to cut production. They plan months in advance. They also new that they would not be able to hire enough drivers and get them trained quickly enough to start production when it was scheduled to start.

TMMI aloud Transfreight to recall us, many of us left full time positions to come back, knowing they would no longer need us after 18 December.

This may not be illegal in the state of Indiana, but it is certainly unethical. TMMI prides itself in taking care of its employees, but even with a 2.5 billion dollar profit, it can't afford to take care of the employees that it couldn't run without. Our paychecks may not say Toyota, but we work hard toward the same result.

I know times are hard in the automotive industry. I am not complaining that they aren't able to keep us. I am saying that calling us back with full knowledge they were going to have to let us go again is deceitful. They could have at least provided the information and let us make an informed decision.

For a company that wants to be seen as altruistic and good for the community it resides in, TMMI has done a horrible, inhumane, and down right selfish thing to those of us who have served them well.

I would recommend that everyone stay away from any company that contract to TMMI. You will be treated as a second class citizen and disposed of and taken advantage of at the whim of the company.

Fort Branch, Indiana

8 Updates & Rebuttals


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,

Not so fast!

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, December 03, 2008

Karl has the same mentality as 'Chuckles' from Phenix. No eyes or ears, just a mouth and motor. Don't get in his way, or he will 'run over' you and just keep on going.

It is obvious, from his fanatical and desperate rants, that someone lowered his IQ too far during the experiment! He needs to find some good cartoons and watch them instead of demanding attention from everyone else. Attention Deficit disorder(ADD) can be helped considerably by suitable mental care.

He doesn't care about authors problems, just his own 'world class' ego and hunger for attention. Watch his next post, and see what I mean.

Someone needs to make up a Christmas song about 'ranting Karl', and post it on the Toyota threads.


Highlands Ranch,

URGENT!!!!! 'LITTLE DRUMMER BOY'. The newest 'Toyota Christmas Song' is to the tune of....

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, November 30, 2008


Please sing this 'Toyota Christmas Song' to the tune of- 'LITTLE DRUMMER BOY'.

Here we go-

Verse 1:

Toyotas broken they got sludgey sludge sludge
Her Camry's smokin' its got sludgey sludge sludge
His RAV-4's broken its got sludgey sludge sludge
My Tundra's smokin' it won't budgey budge budge
Budgey budge budge
Budgey budge budge!

Toyota's payin' of the judgey judge judge
Payoff the judge!

Verse 2:

Airbags are broken they are brokey broke broke
Toyotas smokin' with a foul smellin' smoke
These cars are nothin' but a jokey joke joke
All filled with sludge and blowin' smokey smoke smoke
Smokey smoke smoke
Smokey smoke smoke!

Toyota's stock is just a jokey joke joke
Cheaper than Coke!


Toyota's stock will go BELOW $50 a share by 1-23-2009!!!!!!

YOU CAN TAKE THAT TO THE BANK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'Google' this- ENGINE SLUDGE, and go to the consumeraffairs website about Toyota Engine Problems and read all of them. MAKE SURE TO click on 'Airbags' when you are there and read all of those complaints too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And please go to the Ripoff Report here that is entitled- DOXON TOYOTA BEWARE OF THIS TOYOTA DEALERSHIP........and read Jennifer's Ripoff Report and enjoy the other newest 'Toyota Christmas Song' that was recently posted as an Update!

Thank you.

I'm Karl, and I approve this Update!

P.S. Keep watching Toyota's stock! It'll drop like the BIG BALL on New Years Eve!!!!
Toyota's symbol is (tm) on the NYSE. One of the MANY 'illusions' listed there!!!!!!!


New York,

You tool.

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, November 30, 2008

Karl-this report is about TRANSFRIEGHT, not Toyota.

No one cares about your silly poems except you. Transfreight CHOSE to lay the author off-Toyota does NOT tell Transfrieght who to hire, fire, or lay off.

Toyota tells Transfrieght what their logistic needs are (and they do this WEEKLY, not months in advance as Craig stated.) I worked at a major parts supplier here in Buffalo for over 14 years- I know how logistics is projected.

Transfrieght decides HOW to meet their customer's needs (in this case Toyota.)


Highlands Ranch,

WORLD-WIDE ALERT!!!!!!!! Please send a copy of......

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, November 29, 2008

THIS Ripoff Report from Craig to ALL OF YOUR Local News Stations in your city ASAP!!!!!!!! There's a rumor circulating that someone is prepared to do a story about these Ripoff Reports against Toyota on T.V.!

Just think, all of the 'Toyota Christmas Songs' would be EXPOSED about Toyota and their way of doing business, right? Please help Craig out by printing a copy of this Ripoff Report and mailing it to your Local News Stations!!!!

Also, e-mail this Ripoff Report to as many times as possible. Make sure to e-mail Jennifer's Ripoff Report too!!!! Jennifer was the woman whose husband is a retired NFL Football player and they were TARGETTED by Toyota due to their SKIN COLOR!!!!!!

Merry Christmas & be safe out there! If you drive a Toyota make sure to 'Google' this- ENGINE SLUDGE, and go to the consumeraffairs website about Toyota Engine Problems and then click on 'Airbags' when you are there and read all of them.

Thank you.

I'm Karl, and I approve this Update!


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,

Karl has the same mentality as 'Chuckie'.

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, November 28, 2008

Karl has the same mentality as 'Chuckie' from Phenix, Alabama. No eyes or ears, just a mouth and motor. Don't get in his way, or he will 'run over' you and just keep on going.

He doesn't care about authors problems, just his own 'world class' ego. Watch his next post, and see what I mean.


Highlands Ranch,


#9Consumer Comment

Thu, November 27, 2008


Hey Robert, Do you like lard cookies too??????????????????????????????????????


New York,

Toyota troll Karl strikes again.

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, November 27, 2008

this time without even reading the report.

Karl-this author DOES NOT WORK for Toyota. He's a truck driver for a transportation company that ships to/from a toyota plant.


Highlands Ranch,


#9Consumer Comment

Thu, November 27, 2008


There is a good chance that one of them will do your story and alert others of what this company did to you and your family.

Toyota Corporation is only interested in one thing- PROFITS!!!!! They will buy CHEAP parts that are DEFECTIVE and install them into new Toyota vehicles to save money and increase PROFITS!!! Here's the proof: 'Google' this- ENGINE SLUDGE, and go to the consumeraffairs website about Toyota Engine Problems and click on 'Airbags' when you are there and read the complaints from Toyota owners whose AIRBAGS did not deploy when they were in accidents.

'Google' this- SUIT: DEFECT REPORTS ALTERED TOYOTA PLANT, and scroll down to the Article about Katy Cameron's Lawsuit against Toyota. She worked at a plant owned by Toyota & GM and was TARGETTED by her SUPERVISORS for TELLING THE TRUTH about serious DEFECTS that her bosses didn't want anyone to know about!!

Toyota Corporation also CONSPIRES with the MEDIA to hide, and conceal, vital information about how MILLIONS of innocent people are TARGETTED, and how Toyota makes BILLIONS of dollars from these innocent consumers in elaborate schemes to DEFRAUD them when they purchase or lease Toyota vehicles.

Toyota's TOP executives know about all of these schemes and they obviously support them, and want to have them continue so Toyota can reap the profits.


'Google' this- BUY A COROLLA GET BURNED LITERALLY, and read how Mr. Singh burned to death in his Toyota Corolla.

'Google' this- YOUTUBE TOYOTA SEQUOIA DEFECT, and watch the video of a Toyota Sequoia that flipped over on I-95. He could have been KILLED!!!!

Toyota's TOP executives conspire to sexually target women who work for Toyota! Here's the proof:

'Google' this- SEXUAL HARASSMENT TOYOTA, and read how a TOP executive TARGETTED his younger female employee and how she filed a $190 MILLION Lawsuit against Toyota!!! Guess what? TOYOTA SETTLED WITH HER!!! WHY??

'Google' this- BALTIMORE SETTLEMENT CALIFORNIA TOYOTA, and read how TOYOTA targetted African Americans & Hispanics and charged them higher interest rates on their car loans due to their RACE & their inability to understand the English language! TOYOTA'S way of doing business obviously trickled down into the MORTGAGE BUSINESS, wouldn't you agree? SUBPRIME MORTGAGES that TARGETTED African Americans & Hispanics may have originated at Toyota, correct?

Print copies of your Ripoff Report and mail them to as many Local News Stations in your city as possible. E-mail your Ripoff Report to Oprah Winfrey at and keep sending your Reports to anyone & everyone you can think of including your Attorney General.


I'm Karl, and I approve this Update!

Respond to this Report!