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  • Report:  #23148

Complaint Review: Tracy Beaudette- Becker

tracy beaudette- becker ripoff SEWER CROTCH screwed others too Tupper Lake New York *Warning! Not your Normal Rip-off Report

  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Fri, June 21, 2002
  • Updated:
    Sun, June 13, 2004
  • Tracy Beaudette- Becker
    109 Main St
    Tupper Lake, New York
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Tracy Beaudette-Becker or whatever her last name may be now, apparently is planning yet another marriage. I feel so very sorry for this young man because he does NOT know what he is getting into with this girl with the hotpants. She sleeps around with any man any age and could care less. She was engaged to be married before when her last husband found her in bed with a friend which later was proven the friend was the childs father. Did she stop there, NO. She slept with her husbands brothers.

Well I guess she didnt have enough with that so she decided to sleep with my husband. I guess she was very proud of the fact that she was sleeping with my husband because everytime she would see me out some where she would always let me know.

Well, as it goes my husband did admit it to me but also said she was like a stiff pencil in bed and didnt move just layed there like a pipe, a sewer pipe maybe? Maybe she is just worn out, ya think so.

Now everyone in my family calls her SEWER CROTCH!!!

LeBanon, Indiana

17 Updates & Rebuttals

No Name

Tupper Lake,
New York,

This is all true!

#18Consumer Comment

Sun, June 13, 2004

I came across this website and was not amazed to find Tracy Beaudette Becker LaFlamme on here. She was quite the promiscuous girl in here time. What you have read is all true...people still refer to her as "sewer crotch". She is an awful lay, caught a few STD's, and is a horrible mother. I can't imagine what kind of wife she makes to her new alcoholic husband/ex-drug dealer. She is definitely a winner!

No Name

Tupper Lake,
New York,

This is all true!

#18Consumer Comment

Sun, June 13, 2004

I came across this website and was not amazed to find Tracy Beaudette Becker LaFlamme on here. She was quite the promiscuous girl in here time. What you have read is all true...people still refer to her as "sewer crotch". She is an awful lay, caught a few STD's, and is a horrible mother. I can't imagine what kind of wife she makes to her new alcoholic husband/ex-drug dealer. She is definitely a winner!

No Name

Tupper Lake,
New York,

This is all true!

#18Consumer Comment

Sun, June 13, 2004

I came across this website and was not amazed to find Tracy Beaudette Becker LaFlamme on here. She was quite the promiscuous girl in here time. What you have read is all true...people still refer to her as "sewer crotch". She is an awful lay, caught a few STD's, and is a horrible mother. I can't imagine what kind of wife she makes to her new alcoholic husband/ex-drug dealer. She is definitely a winner!

No Name

Tupper Lake,
New York,

This is all true!

#18Consumer Comment

Sun, June 13, 2004

I came across this website and was not amazed to find Tracy Beaudette Becker LaFlamme on here. She was quite the promiscuous girl in here time. What you have read is all true...people still refer to her as "sewer crotch". She is an awful lay, caught a few STD's, and is a horrible mother. I can't imagine what kind of wife she makes to her new alcoholic husband/ex-drug dealer. She is definitely a winner!



Tupper Lake-more white trash than the Jerry Springer Show.

#18Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 25, 2003

I was wondering why this obvious no good city keeps getting brought up on this site. Sounds like nothing but poverty stricken, uneducated adulterous retards live there. Makes me want to pack up and move there-NOT!

Sewer Crotch sounds like a nasty ugly w***e but the most shameful part is that Lori's husband actually slept with her. He must have been hard up and desperate, or have a really lousy lay at home for him to stoop to that level.

What trailer park do you all live in, in Tupper Lake? It needs to be burned down.



Excellent Editorial Comment

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, June 05, 2003

An honest editorial on this that I wanted to bump.

The obstetrician that takes care of these breeders in Tupper Lake could do the world a favor if he just kept sewing on the epiziotomy until he reaches their belly button.........

Could we have some stories on this loser, Jack Delahanty?

The only way to bring these RICO good old boys to justice is to make them so comical and embarassing that other law enforcement comes down on them. Such as, the AG of the state of New York.

So, ala Boss Hogg, please post your Jack Delahanty stories; and remember, entertain us yall!

Oh, by the way, Hogg was the first governor of Texas.



EDitor's Reasons why this Rip-off Report and others like it should stay, ... My view about Tupper Lake

#18Author of original report

Fri, February 21, 2003

To those of you who think this particular Rip-off Report does not belong here, you're not alone, but you are out numbered.

Rip-off Report has received over 3,000 e-mails regarding the stories filed about Tupper Lake, and an overwhelming majority enjoy the Jerry Springer type Reports. In fact, some have called the Tupper Lake reports our comic section, and have asked us to leave them as is. Others have even referred to these reports as the official Tupper Lake news, and thanked us for publishing them.

Unfortunately however, the Tupper Lake reports have their critics. Many of those who seem to dislike such reports said we are ruining the Rip-off Report, and that we should be ashamed of ourselves. We appreciate their opinion as well.

Regardless though, our opinion on this controversial issue is simple. We feel that any consumers who do not want to read these reports, should just ignore them, and go on to visit other Rip-off Reports.

Before coming to this conclusion, we engaged in many staff meetings. After these meetings, it was determined by a unanimous decision that the Tupper Lake reports should remain. One of the main reasons for this was the over-whelming majority of e-mails we received supporting the Tupper lake Reports. At worst, consumers felt that these Tupper stories were just something to laugh about. After reading so many disheartening Reports, this result can't be all that bad for most consumers. In any event, we have faith in our readers, and we truly believe that they can separate fact from fiction; especially with regards to Tupper Lake reports.

As the creator of the Rip-off Report, I purposely created many unusual categories to file Rip-off Reports under. These categories include areas such as Court Judges, Dead Beat Moms and Dads, Drunks, Rotten Neighbors, Probation Officers, Government Officials, attorneys, Drug Dealers, and so on. It is no coincidence that many of the reports files under these unusual categories originate in Tupper Lake.

Tupper Lake has a fluctuating population ranging from about 4,000 to maybe 9,000 people in the summer months. Tupper Lake is surrounded by some of the most beautiful scenery imaginable with lakes and streams everywhere. Tupper Lake is also a fisherman's heaven, and a hikers dream come true; a definite place to visit. Unfortunately, you don't want bed there for the night because you'd have to go to neighboring Saranac Lake, or better yet, Lake Placid for quality lodging.

Tupper Lake has a variety of people. Most of which are extremely honest down to earth people. In fact, some of them are the nicest people you would ever what to find. But, -- yes but -- you must know, Tupper Lake is a logging town, a small town. It is typical small town USA where for a good many, drinking is # 1 when compared to one's family and job.

Tupper Lake did not invent corruption, sluts, drunks and back stabbers. Tupper Lake is sadly just not run by people with vision. The Town and Village politicians are mostly responsible for the situation. This is due to their small minds, greed, corruption, and a good ole boy mentality.
Hello Jack Delehanty. ;-)

Those who have come to Tupper Lake with the money and motivation needed to buy property, make improvements, or implement new ideas, have all been run out of town. This happens primarily because of jealousy and greed, as well as corruption between police, business leaders, and politicians. Of course you cannot say all about anything. Certainly not all police personnel, business leaders, and politicians are bad. Likewise, it is doubtful that the the ones who are bad started out that way.

In the mid 1980's Tupper Lake had many outsiders come to their village. These individuals invested their time and a lot of their money; all in an effort to make improvements. Regrettably, all of these outsiders, including myself, fell victim to the wrath of the politicians, police officials, and business leaders working against them.

Now look what Tupper Lake looks like. The town is filled with pizza parlors, insurance agencies, and realtors, as well as with beer and alcohol retailers. Most towns have all of the aforementioned, but Tupper Lake has many more than necessary. For a good example of the difference between today verses the late 80's, when outside investors flourished, just take a look at the Northland Hotel; which is now under local ownership/vision.

Moreover, one needs to think really hard about Big Tupper. Remember what the locals did to good old Roger Jacobouski? More local vision! .. Hmmmm?? Today, Tupper Lake downtown is mostly vacant. So vacant in fact, that if a bomb was dropped there, it would leave very few casualties in its wake; if any at all.

Tupper Lake is a town that truly deserves everything it's getting, and then some. Blame your leaders. Get rid of those who are corrupt and lack vision.

Tupper Lake, one of the biggest driving forces and inspirations leading to my creation of the Rip-off Reprot and

ED Magedson

We are not lawyers.
We are not a collection agency.

We are Consumer Advocates.
...the victims' advocate

WE are Civil and Human Rights Activists

We are a Nationwide Consumer Reporting News Agency consumers, for consumers



Lori has skeletons also

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, February 20, 2003


I have been reading all your comments about your husband and his mistress and how awful you say they are. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. You seem to forget the shortly after your wedding we met at that conference in New York. You told me you had just gotten married but were having regrets. After sleeping with me that night we both agreed to never speak about this as it would jeopordize your marriage. However, I am now reading about all the bad things you are saying about others that sleep around and I don't think it is fair. Maybe you should look at your self before you riducule "sewer crotch"


ft. lauderdale,

takes two to tango

#18Consumer Comment

Fri, November 01, 2002

women, when will you learn it takes two to tango cheating is no joke your husband is wrong as the lady he slept with have you ever heard of S.T.D.'s because if he slept with her I am willng to bet he is sleeping with others also come on wake up smell the coffee a man is not gonna tell u the other womans sex is good duhh...he wants his cake and eat it too. come on man get a clue


Moreno Valley,

Tupper Lake, Sewer Capital.

#18Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 23, 2002

I am constantly amazed by the amount of trash residing in Tupper Lake. It is the only city so often mentioned on this web-site for it's notorious, scandalous drama. I guess my English college professor was right; education and class go hand in hand. Obviously by the bedroom bouncing, slandering, gossiping, and childish choices the Tupper Lake residents make, they have low class. And obviously, by the spectacular spelling jobs (one in particular by Crys) no one there went much further than Grammar school.


Newport News,


#18Consumer Comment

Tue, August 20, 2002

To: Crys, Tupper Lake, NY

Judging from your comments posted here, I don't think you've read all of Lori's post, or maybe you just read the parts you wanted to read? I'm not trying to be funny, she did mention that Tracy was caught in bed with a friend by her fiance, and then she slept around with her husband's brothers. Lori also mentions that Tracy didn't have enough (paraphrasing), then she started to sleep around with Lori's husband. Further on in the post, Lori mentions that Tracy would confront Lori about the fact that she slept with her husband everytime she (Tracy) would see her (Lori). Now Crys, you're either a friend of Tracy, or didn't read the entire post. If I were Tracy, I would defend myself, because not only is this being read by those from Tupper Lake, but those from across this great country and around the world! What if her relatives in other parts of this country were to read this post, what would they say? Wouldn't you defend yourself against a slander of this magnitude? I know I would!!! So, could this by any chance be true? Read Lori's post again, the whole post. And yes, her husband is 100% wrong for doing what he did, but does that excuse the other party? No, it take two to tango! You said that Lori wasn't mature to put her post here. I guess we're all immature, because we responded to it!!!

PS--By the way, according to the post, it was Tracy that told Lori that she DID SLEEP WITH LORI'S HUSBAND. Tracy told on herself. If it isn't true, what mature adult would say that they slept with someone else's spouse, when they didn't? Tracy can't be too mature, can she? You be the judge.


Tupper Lake,
New York,

Lets get some s**t straight!!!

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, June 27, 2002

Well Lori, there isn't much to that I can say to make you look bad. Just the fact that you can come here and write this kind of s**t about someone else show what kind of person you are.

Obviously, you don't know how to act like a mature adult and deal with life like most people do. But what I thaought was funny was the fact that you said Tracy's husband walked in on her sleeping with someone else.

Oh, I didn't know that you were there! Oh that's right, you weren't. I work with Tracy and I knbow her well, and the entire story. She wasn't even engaged to her husband, and better yet, they weren't even together. He did not walk in on them either. Remember, you weren't there. Second of all, she didn't sleep with your husband, she has much better taste than you. And why didn't you slander the women that you actually caught your husband sleeping with.

Oh, is it because she getting married to a really great guy and your jealous because your husband is a sleeze ball and your to stupid to do better for yourself?

If I was Tracy, I would have been on here defending myself, but she made a good point when she said that she was better than you and she wasn't goind to lower herself to your level. Christ is she got that low she break her back. Do yourself a favor, growup and find a better man.


Sun, June 23, 2002

Ijust want to let everyone know that your right , it does take 2 to mess around. My fault in the matter was that I had a job in which I had to work all evening shifts and he worked days. They worked in the same place and would go out at night and get drunk in turn he would hurry up to get home before I got out of work. He would also wait for me to go to work so he could go and play. What made it easier, was that she moved in close by us.

He was also jealous that I had a higher income than he did. Just thought I would give you more of the facts that I didn't include when I filed the report.


Tupper Lake,
New York,

People can change

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, June 22, 2002

I would just like to say that maybe she was like that but people can change and maybe she did.She found a nice guy.Did you ever think that maybe you were the same way as she was,Then you found the right guy.It seems to me that maybe your husband didnt yet.


North Carolina,

Michele must be

#18Consumer Comment

Sat, June 22, 2002

Michele.....I'm sure her husband was not raped but does it not take two?!?! How in the heck can you justify the woman messing with a taken man?!?! Excuse me but am I the only one seeing all the games played out there and realizing it takes two? "The other woman" is just as guilty as the man, neither of them were raped. Its all one big game each other play to fill that stupid gap in their pathetic life their missing and to weak to fill it themselves.

News Flash but their BOTH "suppose to be" ADULTS! She already see's her husband was wrong in doing it but she is complaining and exposing the woman for others to be warned about. I applaud her for doing so, not many have the guts, they just allow their men to do this. As for self esteem, she has more then you do thats why she is posting this and not on here just to be shallow minded like you.....


tupper lake,
New York,

Dont think Tracy would do this.

#18Consumer Comment

Sat, June 22, 2002

I totaly agree with the last comment,, I work with Tracy and her soon to be husband, and she isnt like that, SO whoever you are bashing Tracy, whats the matter are you jelous? That maybe Tracy was with your husband??? Must be Tracy was a hell of alot better than you, and he must not be much of a man-husband to you if he has to go an be with someone else.

Tracy is a good mom an a great person to help anyone out when they are in a jam or just even if you need someone to talk too,, I never had any problems with her or HER man, which he must love her alot an KNOW who she is inside an out to go ahead and marry her,, so Just because you are a hater for whatever reason, it isnt right for you to be splattering her name all over the net,, So before you judge anyone take a look at your OWN husband first, Hey it takes two,, so I am sure if tracy did this sort of thing she didnt do it alone.



And what about your hubby???

#18Consumer Suggestion

Fri, June 21, 2002

It really annoys me when women hate the "other woman" for tanking their husbands. Was your beloved raped? Did the poor guy fall into the sewer pipe? I mean, please! The most responsibility is with your MARRIED husband.

Why was he out tweaking some broad anyway? Instead of wasting your time trashing this chick why don't you go see where your slimy hubby is. He can't be too much of a charmer if he is willing to poke this sewer crotch, now is he.

Futhermore, look in the mirror and see why he would lower himself to poking her. Must have been worth it at the time, huh?

Give it up.

By the way, I don't know any of you or even know where Tupper Lake is. I just can't stand when woman don't blame their HUSBANDS for screweing around. They are the one who took the vow - not the cheap s**t they laid with.

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