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  • Report:  #1092958

Complaint Review: Tracy Bernardo Sacramento Web Design Group

Tracy Bernardo of Sacramento Web Design Group Claims to be the best web consultant in Sacramento, fake articles of him winning polls, yet no one knows him in Sacramento. Gold River California

  • Reported By:
    Robert — California
  • Submitted:
    Fri, October 18, 2013
  • Updated:
    Fri, October 25, 2013
  • Tracy Bernardo Sacramento Web Design Group
    11230 Gold Express Drive Suite 310-105 Gold River
    Gold River, California
  • Phone:
  • Web:
  • Category:

It has come to my knowledge after doing some research on Google with the keyword "Sacramento web consultant" which led me to find a suspicious article. An article that claims Tracy Bernardo has been voted by a poll done in Sacramento that he was choose as the best web consultant by voters, hilarious I've been a web consultant for over 10 years in Sacramento, worked with many of the largest design companies in Sacramento and yet have never heard of this man nor none of my colleagues do.

After a little more research it made sense when I learned this man is a known scam artist on the web. He is not a web consultant nor web designer, he’s what we call an internet search optimization specialists. These types of people specialize in ranking a website high on search engines such as Google or Yahoo.  Which is why his website shows up on the front page for certain keywords.

He can wake up tomorrow and start ranking a makeup website high and call himself a makeup specialist. First he was a pig breeder now a web consultant? If he’s going to be that bold where’s the poll in question? Where’s the evidence?

This man seems like trouble, stay away. No one in the design field knows this man in Sacramento and trust me if someone was voted the best web consultant here I would know for sure. This man is a fraud out looking to make a buck.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


South Dakota,

Sick, sick, sick!

#3General Comment

Fri, October 25, 2013

This is the same guy who threw out molestation allegations against a teacher once she spoke out about his scams, if he’s willing to do that, who knows what else he’s capable of. Ask yourself this, why in the world would you want to do business with someone that (and most of these are quotes from his victims):

  1.  Lies, deceits, and misrepresents.
  2.  Has attacked long suffering and waiting buyers in emails and at their place of work.
  3. He threatens them and has called them as late as midnight to intimidate. 
  4. He is vicious, rude, nasty, mean, lies, smears, and will do whatever it takes to keep selling piglets as the breeder, when he is not.  Some cheated clients have hired attorneys and are pursuing this legally. 
  5.  He takes the money, promises, promises, then desparately tries to find a switch piglet from another breeder, as he is not a breeder. 
  6. Another couple called, due to seeing the same pics of micro mini piglets on  They had wired over $4000 to Tracy Bernardo, dba Lighthouse Media Corp, LLC, back in late 
    December 2011. They are pursuing this legally.
  7.  I have even received an anonymous death threat.  Mr. Bernardo does not tell the truth in many regards. 
  8. Mr. Bernardo, then called every associate in the client's office and 
    smeared the client and threatened. Keep in mind, we have a prescribed care program from my vet, Dr. Williams. 
  9. He is a desperate individual who will lie, manipulate, scam, cheat, smear, and attempt to destroy.  He wants to take the spotlight from himself and his wrongs by any 
  10.   Needless to say, my experience has caused me to question Tracy Bernardo's ethics.
  11. My website was hacked with some of the accurate detailed information about Tracy Bernardo of was removed. 
  12. Bought a pig from the guy, He called me until he had money.  Made attempts to call.  He told me to back off.  Never heard from again.
  13. When he called me today 5/16/2013 I address him on these matters and he froze, stuttered, denied and hung up on me. He needs to be sought after. And everyone needs to be aware! DO NOT TRUST ANY OF THESE SITES. It’s all Tracy and a scam!

There’s just too much to list, now ask yourself this, why would anyone in the World want to do business with this crazy man? I’d rather pay not to do business with him.

If you get his SEO services, you’re better off throwing your business in the trash because once you start ranking he’s going to make you pay more money, if you refuse he’ll take your website off of Google.

Stay away from this maniac, unless you want to become a victim, unless you want him to use your info against you, unless you want him to slander you to all your business associates to bring you down. This man only cares about two things, himself and your money. Fair warning.  

915 L Street, Suite C-325
Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 572-8084Contact Tracy Bernardo




#3Author of original report

Fri, October 25, 2013

This guy is simply a fraud, just look at his website and anything related to his Web design company, everything he uses are templates and stock image based, where's the design? Anyone can buy templates and stock photos to upload and call themselves a web design group. Next thing you know he's going to buy paintings and call himself an artist.

Judging by the dozens of reports going on about this man, he must have pissed off a lot of people. Word of advice for anyone doing business online, if your intentions aren't in the right place, you better be sure someone is going to speak out about it. When you feel betrayed, scammed, helpless and the law doesn't seem to help in your favor, that's when you reach a boiling point to get online and expose that person relentlessly.

Treat people how you want to be treated, if you can dish your scams, threats and slander you better be sure to receive it 10 folds back. The law of karma exist. "The Cruel Things You Do to Others Will Come Back to Haunt You".

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