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  • Report:  #143143

Complaint Review: Tradewinds Restaurant

Tradewinds Restaurant RUDE to Customers. St Augustine Florida

  • Reported By:
    Tampa Florida
  • Submitted:
    Wed, May 18, 2005
  • Updated:
    Wed, June 01, 2005
  • Tradewinds Restaurant
    St Augustine, Florida
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I was on vacation in April 2005 in St Augustine FL. I've been there many, many times and have never been treated as horrible anywhere (including NY) as I was at this restaurant.

It was around 10pm and my husband and I were looking for a place to eat. We had first tried to find parking for another restaruant but for anyone who's never been to St Augustine, parking is not all that great. Anyway, we head over the bridge of lions because 1) my husband has never been over the bridge and 2)we thought we might be able to find something on that side of the city. We tried one place and right as we got to the door, they turned out the lights and locked the door.

This was a clear indication that they were closed to any new customers. I understand that and suggested we go back up to the Tradewinds to see if possibly they were still open. We park, all the lights are on. We get out and go in. There are people all over the place, standing at the bar, standing in front of the door and most of the tables are full. My husband and I stand by the register waiting for someone to approach us. We stand there, and we stand there and we stand there. No one ever comes over. While we're standing there I notice this old woman running around like a chicken with her head cut off. She's going in the kitchen and then back to tables. At one point, she shoves my husband out of the way to talk to some Dr that is at the door ready to leave.

Its obvious that she sees us (we're right in front of the register and the front door). After ignoring us at the door she then goes over and sits at a table on the other side of the registers and says to some other old lady (in a really loud voice) THE KITCHEN SAID THEY ARE CLOSED. Anyway, my husband and I are still waiting. Some other people come up to pay and this old woman gets up and takes their money. After they leave and shes still standing there, I ask "Excuse me, are you closed or can we still get a table". Then in the most hateful way she says

"The kitchen isnt taking anymore orders tonight". I then say in my bitchist tone "when were you planning on telling us this? We've been standing here for 10 mins and its not like you didn't see us when you knocked us down about 5 mins ago" It took her by surprise that I would say something back to her becasue her face looked like I had hit her. She then got REALLY Hateful and said she just found this out and was going to tell us. I asked her when was that because she set over with her friend smoking till these people came up. I finally had had enough and told her "Fine, I will take my money somewhere else"

So now, I ask that anyone who lives in St Augustine, visits, or knows someone who is going to visit, tell them about this horrible place and this rude,vile old woman. Lets put them out of buissness.

Tampa, Florida

24 Updates & Rebuttals



hmmm, I can kinda empathize with both of you here.

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, June 01, 2005

I suppose that was rude of her not to bring to your attention to the fact that the place was closed. I can also empathize with her in a way because she probably makes close to minimum wage and probably works 20 hours a week or less, because it was that way with me when I was with Little Caesars until I became the manager of the store; then I worked for 50+ a week at $8 an hour (still pitily). Although I can see a great deal of the posters here (potentially recent customers at Taco Bell) were very rude to you. Even though the web represents a great deal of anonymity and people get out their frustrations on here and let out their psychopathic natures, a great deal of the customer base is still rude in person. Now that I'm a customer service agent with Sprint PCS, every once in awhile I get people that personally attack me shoot profanity at me. Then I get ugly and hang up on them.



hmmm, I can kinda empathize with both of you here.

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, June 01, 2005

I suppose that was rude of her not to bring to your attention to the fact that the place was closed. I can also empathize with her in a way because she probably makes close to minimum wage and probably works 20 hours a week or less, because it was that way with me when I was with Little Caesars until I became the manager of the store; then I worked for 50+ a week at $8 an hour (still pitily). Although I can see a great deal of the posters here (potentially recent customers at Taco Bell) were very rude to you. Even though the web represents a great deal of anonymity and people get out their frustrations on here and let out their psychopathic natures, a great deal of the customer base is still rude in person. Now that I'm a customer service agent with Sprint PCS, every once in awhile I get people that personally attack me shoot profanity at me. Then I get ugly and hang up on them.



hmmm, I can kinda empathize with both of you here.

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, June 01, 2005

I suppose that was rude of her not to bring to your attention to the fact that the place was closed. I can also empathize with her in a way because she probably makes close to minimum wage and probably works 20 hours a week or less, because it was that way with me when I was with Little Caesars until I became the manager of the store; then I worked for 50+ a week at $8 an hour (still pitily). Although I can see a great deal of the posters here (potentially recent customers at Taco Bell) were very rude to you. Even though the web represents a great deal of anonymity and people get out their frustrations on here and let out their psychopathic natures, a great deal of the customer base is still rude in person. Now that I'm a customer service agent with Sprint PCS, every once in awhile I get people that personally attack me shoot profanity at me. Then I get ugly and hang up on them.



hmmm, I can kinda empathize with both of you here.

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, June 01, 2005

I suppose that was rude of her not to bring to your attention to the fact that the place was closed. I can also empathize with her in a way because she probably makes close to minimum wage and probably works 20 hours a week or less, because it was that way with me when I was with Little Caesars until I became the manager of the store; then I worked for 50+ a week at $8 an hour (still pitily). Although I can see a great deal of the posters here (potentially recent customers at Taco Bell) were very rude to you. Even though the web represents a great deal of anonymity and people get out their frustrations on here and let out their psychopathic natures, a great deal of the customer base is still rude in person. Now that I'm a customer service agent with Sprint PCS, every once in awhile I get people that personally attack me shoot profanity at me. Then I get ugly and hang up on them.


South Carolina,

Alert: James I know that may be shocking to many of you here

#25Consumer Comment

Mon, May 23, 2005

James is a She-male. Yes, yes, I know that may be shocking to many of you here, but alas, it is true. Perhaps now some of you can understand why James is forced to troll business message boards and sling around all of the six polysyllabic words he's learned to date in order to make himself feel better about his hollow and pointless (although She-male sex-filled) life. Perhaps now we can all comprehend the utter meaninglessness, the hermaphroditic hell, the waste of space he occupies, and is.

James, I want you to know that I support your lifestyle. I believe that if YOU believe that being a She-male is okay, then it may very well be possible that it is. It may even be possible to achieve a higher state of consciousness after death, despite the fact that you've lived a sexually extreme, morally bankrupt, and more-than-moderately freaky life. I imagine it has been a real trial for you, what with the She-maleness and all, not to even make mention of the fact that you learned as a young child to eat with your feet and have not yet managed to break the habit, even in public. The shame must be overwhelming. Cry, my son, cry if you must. Get it out. We're here for you.

I know there must be a support group for this, as there are support groups for so many of man's perverted vices. Seek help, my son. Turn your sweet She-male face towards the light of a new, less bizarre, less morally reprehensible day. We stand behind you, albeit rather FAR behind, lest your She-maleness become contagious and leap over onto one of us, perhaps pinning us in some horrifying position that is of a lusty nature to a She-male such as yourself. We stand behind you! With our help, James, you may one day be able to consider the possibility of beginning the process of thinking about the option of starting the consideration of no longer being a She-male.

Go in peace. But mainly, just go.



To James Actual response was for Robert

#25Consumer Comment

Sat, May 21, 2005

Hey Sexy b***h!!!

I accidentaly put your name instead of Roberts (who had said this was a Bar not a restaurant).

Yes I was dazed, at the news I received of you being a she-male. Confused, I think you more so than me, I mean being she-male and all.


New York,
New York,

Victoria is clearly dazed and confused

#25Consumer Comment

Sat, May 21, 2005

I have no idea what the hell you're talking about, but that's OK, since neither do you. All these things you assert that I said regarding it being a bar not a restaurant, etc., for example. Could you please show me where I said anything even resembling that? No, I think not. Oh well, apology accepted. Thanks.


New York,

Bad behavior from all involved.

#25Consumer Comment

Sat, May 21, 2005

The initial poster was treated badly. I'll agree to that.

However, to ask for a boycott based on this one experience, is wrong.

In fact, it's tacky and childish.

The proper thing to do is call the Establishment and complain to the manager. Or write them a letter.

Give them a chance to explain and make things right. This post does nothing to rectify the issue.

It's a cheap shot.



To James regarding this being a bar not a RESTARUANT

#25Consumer Comment

Sat, May 21, 2005

James, first of all this is a RESTAURANT with a small bar in it. NOT A BAR. Also, theres a sign as you enter that says PLEASE WAIT TO BE SEATED. So, since I can comprehend what I read, thats what we we were doing...waiting to be seated. As far as the hours of operation, don't most places (including Mcdonalds and Taco Bell) turn off the blazing neon signs and lock the door when their closed? I've been to many places where the door has to be opened for us on our way out because its closed while we we're still inside. If they closed were closed, why was the door still open? Why were all the lights and the big neon OPEN sign on?

What I dont understand is why the hell you keep definding someones rude behavior or have YOU become so use to having people ignore you that you now find it common? Could it be you have a geriatric fetish and dont want to insult a possible date?

You keep trying to say that I think I'm "royalty" or "above everyone else". Is that because I expect some common courtesy? If so then, d**n no wonder we have to have shows like Nanny 911 where a stranger has to come in and teach the children manners because the parents dont have any themselves.

As far as there being so many fast food places in St Augustine, we looked. Besides, we would rater give our money to a locally owened place rather than to some "Mcfranchise".

So basically James, we wern't asking for someone to "bow down to us" or "treat us special". All we did was go it to a place that was still open for buisness, wait to be seated and than have someone shove us and then yell at us. If you want to defend people like that and support them with you buisness you go right ahead but I'll go just take my money and go some place else. Oh yeah, and I'll keep reporting the on the RIP OFF REPORT.



Sorry Victoria

#25Consumer Comment

Fri, May 20, 2005

I guess I didn't understand you were being sarcastic, since you also stated there are no McDonald's(4 of them) or Taco Bells(2) in St Augustine. Perhaps they are simply beneath someone of your high stature. I guessed, since you were wrong about that, you actually believed we had electricity in the 1400's. The point is, you weren't ripped off. The hours of operation are visible as you enter and the restaurant hours are different than the bar's hours. Amazing how when I go to a bar, there is nobody coming up to greet me.

That's because it's a BAR! You find your own place to sit. And yes, your attitude was repulsive at best. If you behave that way all the time(probably), I would be amazed if you were allowed back to any place of business on a regular basis. Civility goes a long way. You went to a local hangout and expected them to bow down to your obvious greatness. Sorry Your Majesty, it doesn't work that way.

A little history for you, we threw out the "Royals" about 225 yrs ago. Now, you're just a commoner like the rest of us. You seem to be a little more "common" than most.



Get over yourself and please tell the workers at the homeless shelter about your inappropriate responses

#25Consumer Comment

Fri, May 20, 2005

Thank you Patrick ...

I am soooooooo sick and tired of you James and your "Better Than You" attitude - Get over yourself and please tell the workers at the homeless shelter about your inappropriate responses since this is where you access a computer



To James of NY A "mad cow" joke and PMS all in the same rebuttle

#25Consumer Comment

Fri, May 20, 2005

Oh James, how witty. A "mad cow" joke and PMS all in the same rebuttle. Whats the matter James, the stench of all that garbage on the streets clogging your brain? Or could it be finally all that noise pollution has finally pushed you over the edge?
Besides, if I'm "the mad cow" how come your the one living in a city where the price of rent is 1500-3000 dollars for a tiny studio apt and you can't even afford a vacation. (and thats living with ALL the family members or how ever many roomates you have to "get by".)So while you toil away day, after day, after day, just pay your rent and get by, this "mad cow" will laughing her a*s off all the way to the bank.

TaTa for now....smooches.


New York,
New York,

Finally! Absolute proof!

#25Consumer Comment

Thu, May 19, 2005

You know why "PMS" is called "PMS" ? Because "mad cow disease" was already taken. I humbly submit that the original poster is proof of this fact.



Where do I begin

#25Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 19, 2005

First, let me address James of NY, NY. So James, actually how many times have you been out of NY? Ever? If FL is so horrible then why the hell do all you New Yorkers mover you asses down here and then scew up the elections because your too feeble to put the right name in the right slot. FYI- I was in AZ during the 2000 election.

Now on to Mark, in your response you said "maybe it was your attitude that turned off WHO EVER GREETED YOU" (Another person who's reading comprehension skills are not all there.) If you had understood the original post, NO ONE EVER GREETED US. We walked in, we waited by the register for a waitress/waiter/manager/hostess. No one ever showed up, until that same old lady SHOVED my husband out of the way and then she never said anything to us.

and Last but oh not least, Robert. Again you either didn't read the post correctly or you dont understand the word "lack" ie-meaning none. What I wrote was "must be due to the LACK of that 15th century electricty". Obviously, sarcasim is lost on people like you.



Where do I begin

#25Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 19, 2005

First, let me address James of NY, NY. So James, actually how many times have you been out of NY? Ever? If FL is so horrible then why the hell do all you New Yorkers mover you asses down here and then scew up the elections because your too feeble to put the right name in the right slot. FYI- I was in AZ during the 2000 election.

Now on to Mark, in your response you said "maybe it was your attitude that turned off WHO EVER GREETED YOU" (Another person who's reading comprehension skills are not all there.) If you had understood the original post, NO ONE EVER GREETED US. We walked in, we waited by the register for a waitress/waiter/manager/hostess. No one ever showed up, until that same old lady SHOVED my husband out of the way and then she never said anything to us.

and Last but oh not least, Robert. Again you either didn't read the post correctly or you dont understand the word "lack" ie-meaning none. What I wrote was "must be due to the LACK of that 15th century electricty". Obviously, sarcasim is lost on people like you.



You Responders Are Tough...but...

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, May 18, 2005

I must agree with Vicky. Granted, Vickie may have been a bit rude, but I would be in a foul mood as well if I had to stand awaiting service for a length of time.

No excuses. The old woman should be required to attend a service excellence course. What ever happened to customer service in this country?

10 pm is late, but the doors were opened, lights on, and customers were present. Per Vicky; the least the old woman could have done was to politely tell them the kitchen was closed for the night. Obviously, Vickie would have understood.

Summary Judgment denied for the misguided and rude responders. Vickie, you should be awarded damages and Tradewinds put out of business.



Queen Vicktoria can't read

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, May 18, 2005

There are 4 McDonald's and 2 Taco Bells in St Augustine. And ummmm...humans did not have electricity in the 15th Century.



I also cannot let this one pass.

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, May 18, 2005

But for a different reason than James'.

James, dude, what does it matter where someone is from? I am sick and tired of reading rebuttals from people that state "you're an idiot becasue you come from (fill in the State here)". I would even be willing to bet that Victoria is not originally from Florida. Even money says she is from NY, or somewhere there abouts. How bout it Victoria?

And I have noticed a trend from you James. You only seem to post in order to belittle someone. Never once have I seen you offer someone good advice to help them in their situation. You only want to put people down. Why is that, huh?

Now, regarding Tradewinds, seems to me that they should have had someone posted at the door for the dual purpose of thanking patrons as they left the restaraunt, and from preventing additional guests from entering if the kitchen was closed. I assume their normal hours were until 10pm (as most restaraunts are). Why would they leave their doors unattended after close?

Victoria, did you attempt to speak to a manager on duty? If not, I would at least send them a letter explaining the situation, and give them a chance to make good. I spent many years running fast food joints, and I always wanted to know if one of my employees were ever mistreating a customer, no matter what the situation. And I always tried to make amends.

Oh, and James, before you go saying that the Arizona sun has fried my brain, let me clue you in. I was born and raised in Florida. I've only been in Arizona for 2 years. Don't assume that someone is originally from somewhere just because that's where they happen to be currently.



I also cannot let this one pass.

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, May 18, 2005

But for a different reason than James'.

James, dude, what does it matter where someone is from? I am sick and tired of reading rebuttals from people that state "you're an idiot becasue you come from (fill in the State here)". I would even be willing to bet that Victoria is not originally from Florida. Even money says she is from NY, or somewhere there abouts. How bout it Victoria?

And I have noticed a trend from you James. You only seem to post in order to belittle someone. Never once have I seen you offer someone good advice to help them in their situation. You only want to put people down. Why is that, huh?

Now, regarding Tradewinds, seems to me that they should have had someone posted at the door for the dual purpose of thanking patrons as they left the restaraunt, and from preventing additional guests from entering if the kitchen was closed. I assume their normal hours were until 10pm (as most restaraunts are). Why would they leave their doors unattended after close?

Victoria, did you attempt to speak to a manager on duty? If not, I would at least send them a letter explaining the situation, and give them a chance to make good. I spent many years running fast food joints, and I always wanted to know if one of my employees were ever mistreating a customer, no matter what the situation. And I always tried to make amends.

Oh, and James, before you go saying that the Arizona sun has fried my brain, let me clue you in. I was born and raised in Florida. I've only been in Arizona for 2 years. Don't assume that someone is originally from somewhere just because that's where they happen to be currently.



I also cannot let this one pass.

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, May 18, 2005

But for a different reason than James'.

James, dude, what does it matter where someone is from? I am sick and tired of reading rebuttals from people that state "you're an idiot becasue you come from (fill in the State here)". I would even be willing to bet that Victoria is not originally from Florida. Even money says she is from NY, or somewhere there abouts. How bout it Victoria?

And I have noticed a trend from you James. You only seem to post in order to belittle someone. Never once have I seen you offer someone good advice to help them in their situation. You only want to put people down. Why is that, huh?

Now, regarding Tradewinds, seems to me that they should have had someone posted at the door for the dual purpose of thanking patrons as they left the restaraunt, and from preventing additional guests from entering if the kitchen was closed. I assume their normal hours were until 10pm (as most restaraunts are). Why would they leave their doors unattended after close?

Victoria, did you attempt to speak to a manager on duty? If not, I would at least send them a letter explaining the situation, and give them a chance to make good. I spent many years running fast food joints, and I always wanted to know if one of my employees were ever mistreating a customer, no matter what the situation. And I always tried to make amends.

Oh, and James, before you go saying that the Arizona sun has fried my brain, let me clue you in. I was born and raised in Florida. I've only been in Arizona for 2 years. Don't assume that someone is originally from somewhere just because that's where they happen to be currently.



Victoria Victoria Your attitude may have turned off the owner and or "Old Lady" who greeted you.

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, May 18, 2005


I have been to St. Augustine on many occasions as well as the TradeWind Restaurant. I have had nothing but the most pleasurable experiences while visiting St. Augustine.Your attitude may have turned off the owner and or "Old Lady" who greeted you. What you need to do is look in the miror before you critisize someone else. St Augustine is a beautiful town and dosen't need people such as yourself. Go back to whatever rock you crawled out from under. Have a nice day.


New York,
New York,

Sorry, I can't let this one pass..

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, May 18, 2005


"I've been there many, many times and have never been treated as horrible anywhere (including NY) as I was at this restaurant."

Oh please. This from someone from Florida? Give me a freaking break. Please - stay home and count your hanging chads or something equally constructive.

I agree with the poster above. You and your husband (who has my deepest sympathy, by the way) should stick to the drive thru.

You want fries with that?



To Jodi in Iowa

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, May 18, 2005


Obviously, you've never been to St Augustine or you would know, there is no Mcdonalds or Taco Bells there. This city isnt the thriving "metropolis" that I'm sure your lovely state of Iowa has, this is "the oldest city in America" Its older than even Plymoth Rock MA. The only restaurants open after 5pm are all sit down.
All the smaller places on St George street roll up their cobbelstone sidewalks at 5pm as well as all the shops. (Must be due to that lack of 15th century Electricity).

I know that 10pm is late. Like I said originally one restraunt turned off their lights and locked the door as we walked up and I had no problem with that. How would it make you feel to walk in to some place that is still open for buisness, stand there and stand there while the owner or whoevers in charge just ignores you and "hopes you" go away. Dont you think its much more polite and GOOD for buisness to tell someone "I'm sorry our kitchen is now closed but will be open tomorrow".

Again, as I stated in the earlier report, this lady CHOSE to go over and sit down with her friend and smoke and make the comment to her friend rather than just telling us. If I hadnt asked her, and I was polite when I asked if we could still be seated, she would have left us standing there all night. How would you feel? I didnt get rude or nasty with her untill she raised her voice and yelled at me.



look for a Taco Bell or McD's that is open late

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, May 18, 2005

Princess Victoria,

10 p.m. and you think you are being ripped off because the kitchen is closed and nobody immediately ran up to you, your jewel-laced tiara obviously setting you apart from the "people all over the place, standing at the bar, standing in front of the door" to tell you? You may have a "complaint" that some grouch works there, but I bet the locals or whoever all those people all over the place were probably aren't interested in your vendetta to put them out of business. Next time it's 10 p.m. and your royal tummy starts growling, look for a Taco Bell or McD's that is open late for you unhealthy late-night diners.

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