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  • Report:  #1430088



  • Reported By:
    AngryGolfer — California United States
  • Submitted:
    Mon, February 19, 2018
  • Updated:
    Tue, April 24, 2018

I am a member of Tradition Golf Club and wish to publish the following complaint regarding how the general management and membership committee treat those owners who were rejected for membership after buying a home at Tradition Golf Club on numerous occasions. You never mention that a very powerful vetting process must be taken before a member is allowed membership in the social club or golf club. My sincere hope is that the current membership be aware of the shameless way prospective owners are treated as well as the general public. This is a letter I sent to both the general manager and the CEO of the club which in turn did nothing for the poor applicant I refer to in the letter. If you plan on owning a home or vacant lot make sure it is contingent you being approved for golf or social membership. I will only change the name of the poor soul who was rejected, Mr. Jones


Mrs. Heidi Risk

Mr. Al Castro/ CC


Dear Heidi, we know each other well but am writing to you anonymously today. I have for the past year been following the litigation from Mr. Jones against the club with quite a bit of interest. I was actually looking forward to the trial itself but after speaking to Mr. Jones he told me after four appeals by the clubs high profile attorneys he just quit it. I have been a member of Tradition Golf Club a long time but have been to say the least disappointed in the rejection of possible members like Tony Robbins and by rumor Michael Jordan. I talked to Tony whom your blue blood selection committee rejected more than once. He would have been a fun member. As to Jones I decided a short time ago to contact him also anonymously. This guy obviously is not a person of special interest but the story he told me is pathetic.

There were three brokers and yourself involved in this fiasco. No one including you told this guy there was a very tough vetting process one had to go through to become a golf or social member. He has been a Citrus member for 19 years and there was no vetting he had to go through then. The guy is 80 years old for Christ sake and possibly terminally ill; someone especially the clubs own broker or and you should have warned him. He told me he basically took his life's saving to purchase his home and was excited to meet others his age to play some golf and walk the mountainside. He told me while he was waiting to be accepted he called you and asked if he could: walk his dog in the dog run and also could he bring his two year old grandson to the annual Easter party. You told him no to both. His dog died of cancer a few days later. The membership committee rejected him with no explanation, something I personally do not like. In addition he is a Marine Corps veteran. We honor the Marine Corps here at Tradition each year but excuse me, reject one from becoming a member- give me a break! Legal or no a person that age with hopeful expectations and spending millions of dollars on a home here has a right to know. His taxes pays for the common area roads and our common area landscaping and no, not the clubs common area. I have spoken to several members of the club who all agree with me that changes should be done. We think the membership committee should resign the club and a more liberal voting committee be created.

I asked Jones why he thought he was rejected and he explained to me there were several negative internet reports on line. Really; bad internet reports? Who lives till 80 self employed who does not have something. Can I go biblical: When Jesus joined the Pharisees on the Mount of Olives to stone a woman to death for adultery they asked Jesus "what say you." Jesus replied "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone." We all know the end of that one don't we? To finish here, shame on you Heidi and shame on the archaic system and the members who can as in this case destroy a family's life. I volunteered to help him talk to the media but he explained to me he had a serious illness he is being treated for and though he would not go into detail I suspect he has cancer. He did not want to go to the media. The poor soul sits with his dog’s ashes in the day looking at the wildlife in the pond. This is reprehensible. For God's sake don't give him a membership but let him use his Citrus card as a guest to use the clubhouse and walk the golf carts mountain course. The season is starting soon. I feel very strongly about this issue, will call him in December to hopefully hear something was done. If not I'll do something even if it's just a complaint to the media and give the golf club a Ripp Off report. At least that way no one will purchase a home without it being contingent of membership approval. I'll just post a copy of this letter online. I have spoken to a number of close friends and members of the club who all feel the same as I. How in hell do you and the membership sleep at night. There is something called karma and for sure you guys will get yours. If you don't throw this guy a bone I will contact our entire membership in the form of the same Ripp Off report that likely cost him a membership. These reports appear directly under a web sites home page with no exception.

3 Updates & Rebuttals


La Quinta,
United States

Similar Experience

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, April 24, 2018

I am a licensed broker here in the desert and like the others my writing here will remain anonyms. I have in the past sold homes at Tradition Golf Club. One recent sale was to a buyer who was rejected by the membership committee, (not Jones). There were six committee members present and one of these for personal and vindictive reasons voted against him. I know who she is and I know the personal reason she prevented this very good person from obtaining a golf membership. There is no room for this kind of behavior. I’m guessing the Jones’s also experienced this.

It’s time for Tradition Golf Club to change the way a member is accepted or rejected. Thirty-four owners have decided for one reason or another to opt out of their homes and memberships. This means more people are trying to leave this club and there are no new applicants. The posting online where the club has been asking for 50 new members was a total flop.

It is my recommendation the acceptance or rejection of a club applicants should NOT be decided by a very bigoted committee. Let the entire membership vote on an applicant. If there are concerns over any applicant make the new membership applicant be given a trial period of one year. If the member shows problems like becoming drunk or abusive let his contract contain wording to the affect the club has a right to terminate membership. It is ridiculous that new buyer spending millions of dollars on a home here be rejected because a membership has one voter who does not like their looks or background and would keep the person out. This club needs new blood, it is dying- 34 homes for sale, voting no on a Tony Robbins or Michael Jordan. The members here own this club, don’t let six of these members destroy the club or a general manager who tolerates this kind of behavior.


La Quinta,
United States

Angry Member

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, April 19, 2018

First the moron that left the bigoted remarks does not represent the club’s members. It’s unfortunate we have this member and if anyone should leave it’s him. I met the Jones about two years ago at The Sandbar restaurant and was very impressed with them. They had just closed escrow on their home here and were excited to have their young grandson meet other children here. The mom and dad are not able to take care of the boy and not wanting the child to go to social services they became the guardians. Mr. Jones was nearing 80 years old and how in the world could he not be a good person by taking on that kind of responsibility? He

also spoke of his service to our country as a Marine veteran. I was very impressed and shocked when I learned they were not approved as social members in our club. I called him recently as we had exchanged numbers and he told me the details of his rejection by Tradition. Three brokers and our membership chair Heidi Risk never informed him of the vetting process which all of us are aware can be tough to say the least. They met with Heidi five times and never once did she tell them there was an approval process. Bill Albers, the principal broker along with a co realtor Jenny Robinson never informed them there was a vetting process. If

they had the couple would have made their offer contingent on social membership and this fiasco would never have happened. I understand from Jones his broker Kathleen O Keef over at The La Quinta Resort and Spa needed her commission so badly she probably told the other two brokers to say nothing. As a matter of fact O Keef when asked just told the Jones’s just take a check over to our member manager and fill out a questionnaire! Horrible and yes shame on these brokers for breaking State law and not informing their buyers there was a difficult vetting process and make sure your offer was on a contingency basis. The same for Heidi

Risk. Also, our GM, Al Castro came from the hardest Golf Community of all, Vintage, so why was not our membership chair not informed? Heidi and Bill Albers are responsible for not informing these buyers and either Castro should make this situation go away or it is probable the Jones’s will call the media and I don’t mean The Desert Sun or KMIR. They will probably use the Associated Press and God Help Us if someone like the morning talk shows or The Washington Post pick this up. The value of our properties and golf memberships will sink like a heavy rock.


La Quinta,
United States

Boo h*o Mr. Jones

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, April 09, 2018

Boo h*o Mr. Jones; Tradition Golf Club is a private entity. Just because you purchased a home near our club does not entitle you to a membership. As a matter of fact, our membership committee is here for one purpose only, to keep people like you out. Just because you bought a multimillion dollar home here does not entitle you to mix with the club members. Just because you have sufficient money to squeeze onto the premises does not and never will give you a membership here. Many of us like myself are not millionaires, we are way above that. A millionaire today is common. You are obviously common, basically what I think of as “trailer trash.” As a private club we are entitled to choose or not choose peoples of race, creed or religion. That is what represents a private club. We don’t want the Hollywood Crowd here; we don’t want famous athletes here, especially those we feel would contaminate our club. We don’t want anyone here that does not fit in and our membership committee obviously felt you are in reality inferior. I know I’m speaking on behalf of many of my close friends here even though they would never put it into words. Having said all of this take my advice and get out. No one wants you here, take you and your family and just leave.

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