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  • Report:  #1381623

Complaint Review:, ,TrafficHaus, MediaReps, LLC, Defraud our company of advertising ad space delivered for the accumulated months of ,March, 2017 through May, 2017, in the Total Amount of $303.16 as agree to as a publisher revenue share. San Diego California

  • Reported By:
    TrafficHaus Publisher — Other USA
  • Submitted:
    Tue, June 27, 2017
  • Updated:
    Wed, May 30, 2018
*Author of original report: - Complaint Report. Defraud our company of advertising for delivered traffic to network as agreed to as a publisher revenue share. San Diego, California *Author of original report: - Complaint Report. Defraud our company of advertising for delivered traffic to network as agreed to as a publisher revenue share. San Diego, Californa *Author of original report: Deception - Dishonesty - Defrauding of - CEO Mark Bauman *Author of original report: MALWARE ALERT NOTICE - Ad Network Highly Suspected Of Malware Advertising!!! *REBUTTAL Owner of company: FAKE REPORT *Author of original report: MALWARE ALERT NOTICE - Ad Network Highly Suspected Of Malware Advertising!!! *Author of original report: MALWARE RISK OF PUBLISHERS NOTICE - TrafficHaus Network *Author of original report: COMPANY ADDRESS UPDATE: (TrafficHaus) - (FaceChex) - 1286 University Ave. #383 San Diego, CA 92103 *Author of original report: (Facechex) CEO Mark Bauman Deception Scheme *UPDATE Employee: You are correct...TrafficHaus/Media Reps is a SCAM! *Author of original report: (TrafficHaus) Fraudulent Malware Advertisements Alert Notice!!! *Author of original report: UPDATED ADDRESS: ,TrafficHaus, Fraudulent Malware Advertisements Alert Notice!!! *UPDATE Employee: Misrepresentation of Facts and Information RE: DigiRegs and *Author of original report: UPDATE: (DigiRegs) A Business Associate Partner Of TrafficHaus *Author of original report: La Marque Coffee Shop Real Business Address Of -Mark A Bauman- Location Notice!!!
I Represent Herein, this company complaint report on the behalf of our company. TO: Represent our case this Day of June 27, 2017 as a dispute against the operating companies TITLE as: (TrafficHaus) LOCATED: at this Address: 3785 6th Ave. Suite 101-004 San Diego, CA 92103. Privately owed and operating under the parent company TITLE as: (Media Reps, LLC) LOCATED: at this Address: 3785 6th Ave. Suite 101-004 San Diego, CA 92103. of the United States. The parent company (MediaReps, LLC) also operates subsidiary companies TITLE as: (ReviveAds), and (Digiregs). The private held consolidated companies are under management by CEO: Mark Bauman as the Chief Executive Officer to the private operated companies.
Herein, this company complaint report on the behalf of our company. We are disputing for owed revenue that was not paid to our company for the accumulated months of (March, 2017 through May, 2017) in the Total Amount of $303.16 as agree to as a publisher.
We are disputing for our rightfully revenue share to receive Full payment for traffic delivered to the ( network from our website property. We have not been paid for revenue for the months of (March, 2017 in the amount of $10.76) and (May, 2017 in the amount of $292.40) for our website delivered traffic to the ( network. We have provided a traffic data summary below of the traffic our company delivered to the ( network.
Date Range: March 1, 2017 - May 31, 2017
Ad Zone Type: Desktop - Mobile
Total Ad Zones Impressions: 3, 745,902
Total Ad Zones Clicks: 119
Note: Attached is our proof as screen shots of our website traffic data according to our company (TrafficHaus) publisher account.
We have not been given a legitimate reason why we have not been paid as a publisher. The only feedback that we received from our (TrafficHaus) account manager Mat Chow was that our website delivered unusual impressions. We herein, this dispute have proof that we boldly and "DIRECTLY" asked our (TrafficHaus) account manager Mat Chow about the "Specific Number" of (Ad Zones) we were allowed within (TrafficHaus) network Terms and Conditions policy. Entirely, before we setup (TrafficHaus) Desktop - Mobile (Ad Zones) live on our website. To insure that we were 100% in No Violation with ( network Terms and Conditions. 
Note: Read our proof of the original email confirming our "Direct Question" regarding to (TrafficHaus) (Ad Zones) policy.
(Our Direct Email Question)
Regarding to your Terms of use policy: How many ads zones are allowed per page? Including by each ad formats as Desktop, and Mobile formats on a single site page. Please note that a site may need to add Desktop, and Mobile units to monetize all traffic on a single web page. This will help determine what ad zones I may need to include or not to optimize the site for better overall CPM performance. 
Note: Attached is the original email as a screen shot confirming as our proof.
(TrafficHaus Account Manager Mat Chow Email Direct Response)
There is no limit to how many ads you can place on your site. However that being said, the more ads you have the more distracting it is for your sufers and the less clicks the ads receive. Less clicks lowers the conversions and as such = a lower CPM. 
Note: Attached is the original email as a screen shot confirming our proof.
*According to our references as solid proof of physical documentations to support our company dispute herein this report. The above (Email Direct Question) completely shows our company "INTEGRITY" that we were acting in "Good Faith" to Not Violate ANY Terms and Conditions. Including we are "Not Responsible" nor have "No Liability" that shall exempt us in this dispute to be a subject of any violations, or abide to any network violations that will prevent us from our rights as a publisher to receive payments. Considering herein this company dispute that we were 100% understanding of and told "DIRECTLY" by our (TrafficHaus) account manager Mat Chow that there was "NO LIMIT" was his exact words as written and recorded electronically. We made a pure honest attempt to completely understand ( Terms and Conditions as provided herein this report as documents.
*This shall stand as hard evidence in bring justice for our company rights to ALL payments due beyond filing of this report, if this dispute is not settled and proceed in the courts.
Our (TrafficHaus) account manager Mat Chow accused our company of unusual impressions for our website Mobile (Ad Zones). Including,  disrespectfully, made false accusations about our website traffic quality. 
Due to the reason of our website unusual impressions that (Mat Chow) pointed out was "solely" because he informed us "Directly" that there was "NO LIMIT" on how many ads we can place on our website. This is the 100% reason why our traffic impressions for our website Mobile (Ad Zones) appeared to be unusual. In general, technically the more (Ad Zones) a website is allowed to place on a website. The more impressions the website will accumulate for each (Ad Zone) placements. This is very simple mathematics and basic traffic analytics knowledge.
Our (TrafficHaus) account manager Mat Chow just could not understand this reason. Unfortunately, this was our company downfall by trusting our (TrafficHaus) account manager Mat Chow convincingly giving us the understanding of the (Ad Zones) limit that we were allowed to place on our website. He took "No Responsibility" for his own actions and place ALL the "BLAME" on our company. Additionally, Mat Chow Denied of informing our company of the (Ad Zones) limit. This is also 100% a Bold Face Lie! Additionally, lying about our company payment was going to be paid on June 9, 2017 makes (TrafficHaus) account manager Mat Chow a compulsive liar. *According to our proof of documentations that we have presented herein this report.
We then proceeded to forward to our (TrafficHaus) account manager Mat Chow proof in several documents of our website traffic. Including, our website (Google Analytics) confirming our traffic data and quality. However, after we presented our documents to our (TrafficHaus) account manager Mat Chow we were told that we will still receive our publisher payments. Additionally, we received our (TrafficHaus) publisher statement on June 5, 2017 informing us about our company earnings. Including stating that our company payment were going to be paid within (5 to 10) business days. 
Note: Read our proof of both documents claiming that our company will receive our publisher payments.
(TrafficHaus Account Manager Mat Chow Email Response)
Your account will be paid on the 9th.
(TrafficHaus May 2017 Publisher Statement Email)
This email is to notify you of your earnings with TrafficHaus from 2017-05-01 to 2017-05-31.
We apologize for the delay in sending this valuable information to you.
Your earnings for this period are $292.42. Payment can be expected within five to ten business days.
Detailed statistics can be found by logging into your account at TrafficHaus. Any further questions regarding your account can sent to me by email or Skype.
Thank you for the continued opportunity to serve you!
Francisco Villafana
Jr. Data Analyst
*According to the above written references by our (TrafficHaus) account manager Mat Chow email and including our publisher statement from (TrafficHaus) Jr. Data Analyst, Francisco Villafana that our company will receive payment.
Note: Attached are the original (TrafficHaus) sent emails. *Including additional screen shots from our (TrafficHaus) publisher account confirming our (TrafficHaus) website traffic data, revenue by (Ad Zones ), pending payments as our proof of documents.

We no longer have access to our (TrafficHaus) publisher account any more. Due to the fact that our (username or password) was deliberately changed or deleted to keep our company from accessing our account. The (TrafficHaus) staff employees that I know of that have permission to access our account are (TrafficHaus) publisher account managers (Mat Chow), (Nick Rosenblum) or other staff employees that may have that permission. This is a criminal act of business fraud that ( network engage into to keep our company revenue. *Including to keep our company from compiling evidence against ( network.

We are requesting this Day of filing this company compliant report on June 27, 2017. In accordance to resolve our company dispute against the operating companies TITLE as: (Media Reps, LLC) the parent company of (TrafficHaus) herein this report. MUST pay ALL payments due to our company as agreed to as a publisher revenue share.
*Failure to meet our company demands may result in more actions and disputes. *Including punitive damages for our company.
Please acknowledge that our company put forth our best efforts to resolve this dispute matter. We sent out (2) Company Compliant Notices to several ( staff employees by email. Including to the parent company TITLE as: (Media Reps, LLC) regarding to our company complaint about ( herein this report. We received "No Responses" by either companies including (TrafficHaus) publisher account managers: (Mat Chow, Nick Rosenblum) regarding to our company matters. So it was Very understanding to us as a whole entire company that (, ( did Not Care! regarding to our company business matters.
The information that was disclosed or included herein this report. Shall Not abide to any policy Terms and Conditions nor permitted use of, for any kind of privacy leakage thereof, or abide to any other confidential information restrictions herein this report. The information that was used in this report by our company was solely used to help present our case in this dispute. Additionally, to inform the general public about Bad, Dishonest, and Fraudulent companies as such in this report.

15 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

La Marque Coffee Shop Real Business Address Of -Mark A Bauman- Location Notice!!!

#16Author of original report

Wed, May 30, 2018




This is a update NOTICE to inform consumers of the "General Public" about the REAL (Physical Location) of the person(s) and companies herein as reported. The Business Management owner: (Mark A. Bauman) is (MASKING) behind (P.O. BOXES ADDRESSES) or (DECEPTIVE ADDRESSES) to DELUDE his BUSINESSES REAL PHYSICAL LOCATION and IDENTITY. We are providing a New Updated Physical location of ALL of (Mark A. Bauman) REAL businesses location for the accuracy of this report.  


This act of DECEPTION is a Unlawful Business tactic that (Mark A. Bauman) does to purposely "Evade" consumers COMPLAINTS, LAWSUITS, CONSUMERS DIRECT BUSINESS OF CONTACT. This act discloses (Mark A. Bauman) "Untrustworthy" which has been previously proved and reported! This act of DECEPTION is a VIOLATION of "Doing Business As" (DBA) registered businesses conduct Code. As "Regulated" All businesses Must provide accurate business location(s) information to their customers under statute of The Secretary of State as mandatory required.  




La Marque (Coffee & Craft) International Restaurant  

3590 5th Avenue  

San Diego, CA 92103  

Phone: 619-550-5397  


Note: This location is the primary address of LA MARQUE COFFEE SHOP (RESTAURANT) -  Including ALL of (Mark A. Bauman) business locations as below.  


(La Marque Coffee Shop), (, (La Marque International Restaurant),, (DMCAForce),, (FaceChex),, (MediaReps),, (ReviveAds),, (TechBlocker),, (TrafficHaus),, (TrafficHausCloud),, (DigiRegs), (HalfAppIt)  

NOTE: (, (DigiRegs) is a associate business partner of (, ( All other subsidiaries properties are under the management of (Mark A Bauman) as stated herein this report. (Mark A. Bauman) may not have valid registration for all the above subsidiaries companies as stated as such on his "site(s)" properties. Additionally, or may be using only a single LLC registration for all the entities of the above for the primary address location. *According to incomplete registration finding of public records on file.

DISCLAIMER: The company or site "Referred" to as (, (DigiRegs) herein is a associate business partner of (, ( site properties. Although, have not been fully proven nor confirmed that the company is separated as such the solely claimant of ownership property from (Mark A. Bauman) subsidiaries businesses. Therefore, has not been excluded from this notice cause of the reason(s) of unconfirmed and validation as stated. *Until further notice of validation the company may be excluded.

*The following addresses are (P.O. BOXES ADDRESSES) or (DECEPTIVE ADDRESSES) (Mark A. Bauman) uses to (MASK) his REAL businesses physical location.


1286 University Ave. #383

San Diego, CA 92103



3785 6th Ave. Suite 101-004

San Diego, CA 92103



The solely purpose of this "Address" Update Notice to inform consumers of the "General Public" about "Deception" of the addresses being used by the person(s) and companies herein this report. Which consumers or Third parties may have business relationship(s) with the above businesses under management by the person(s) and companies herein this report. This report update includes the registered physical point of contact business address for the solely purpose of any related future complaints, disputes, unlawful business acts that may arise regarding to the person(s) and companies as stated herein this report. The documentations described as "Screen shots" that were disclosed to the "General Public" was solely used as proof of evidence to bring awareness in the form of a Notice. Which herein pertain information about "Deception" acts practices used by the person(s) and companies in this report. Any Third parties "Screen shots" as reviews, comments that was used or provided herein were of their own beliefs and relationship(s), and experience(s) as further documented references of validation to this report. Therefore, In any case of legal circumstances. This Notice Shall Not be liable for any Third parties point of view(s) nor found of any responsibilities for damages for providing such documentations to protect consumers as a form of a Notice. Furthermore, according to the registration filing of the Secretary Of State public record "Screen shot" declares valid proof in this case as stated in this report.  


United States

UPDATE: (DigiRegs) A Business Associate Partner Of TrafficHaus

#16Author of original report

Mon, May 21, 2018



We hereby "Address" the representative of (, (DigiRegs) as stated herein this report. We Did Not misinform the "General Public" of any information that regards to (, (DigiRegs) purposely nor by misrepresentation of the facts herein this report. *According to documentations that we have provided herein that proves evidence of "Business Of Partnerships" , "Business Relationships" , "Business Consolidated Services" , "Business Press Release" , "Business Forum Post" that validates (, (DigiRegs), conducting business activities with (, ( or any other (Mark A. Bauman) site(s) properties.  

Whether as in any case of "Title" as a "Partner" , "Co Partner" , "Co Owner" , "Co Management" , "Co Service" , "Co Product Ownership" "Employee" , "Employer" , "Subsidiary Company" or "Consolidated Service". The company as described as (, (DigiRegs) have direct involvement(s) to some degree form of the above "Descriptive" Title(s) as business acts with (, ( or (Mark A. Bauman) as stated herein this report.

According To: "As Is" , "As Were" , "As Now" the documentations described as "Screen shots", herein contains visual proof of "Business Of Partnerships" between the person(s) and companies herein as reported. Which otherwise was solely determined by our best judgement of knowledge that (Mark A. Bauman) was the Owner/Co Owner or other form of related "Title(s)" of business partnership(s) or subsidiary property by Whole or by Part to (, (DigiRegs). Which is a "True" stated Fact.

*According to (, (DigiRegs) company logo(s), trademark(s), brand(s), or branding of site(s), and domain(s) appearing aside "Visually" on the site(s) that (Mark A. Bauman) represents, and owns as such in this case as (, and ( The site(s) properties herein as provided as evidence of (3) "Businesses" collaborating together to conduct (A) (To Form A Business Service), (B) (To Form A Business Partnership), and (C) (To Co/Manage A Business Act).  


  • DigiRegs - TrafficHaus Signup


NOTE: The Third party described herein as (, (DigiRegs) has not provided any valid proof of the facts that verify any claims of misrepresentation of the facts as stated herein. Otherwise, misinforming the "General Public" on grounds of No evidence according to not providing any proof of "Solely Ownership" , "Sole Proprietorship" or any legal business registrations, documents nor license(s) to exclude such claims as solely ownership of (, (DigiRegs) as legitimacy proof in this report.


Herein this entirely report No "False Defamatory" statements about (, (DigiRegs) were used nor stated as such to be considered as the term nor by "Definition" of defamatory. (, (DigiRegs) was only "Referred" to as a company described as a "Subsidiary" of the site(s) that (Mark A. Bauman) owns or may represent according to the evidence that were provided herein. Although (, (DigiRegs) may not have Wholly or Part of to do with this complaint report. If the rightfully ownership of the site property are valid. The Third parties herein "Title" as (, (DigiRegs), (, ( or "Any" other associated consolidated business thereof. Can Not make any claims under the statute terms or meaning of "Defamatory" on any legal grounds. *According to the reason(s) of (All) the supporting evidence herein this report that discloses acts of "Deceptions" , "Deceiving" , "Deluding" , "Misleading" information and practicing of unlawful business acts.  

*Please make statements that are only "True" Facts nor try to insult our intelligence. Additionally, Do Not give the "General Public" the "False" impression that (, (DigiRegs) have No "Business Of Partnerships" or interactions with (, ( or (Mark A. Bauman). Which we have proved and validated herein this update report. We highly recommend that you follow our advice and cooperate with "Trustworthy" business partners unlike in this case that put your reputation in jeopardy.  

Herein this update report pertains evidence of documentations that the "Complainant" Did Not provide any misleading information herein this report nor purposely. As it Shall Be "Legally", determined and understood to the fully extent of our knowledge the "Business Of Relationships" of the Third parties. As stated herein described as (, (, ( collaborating "Business Acts" of involvements. Therefore, Shall Not be "Legally" liable of any "Liabilities", nor "Responsibilities" and any case presently nor future that may arise of any legal circumstances. The Facts of "Misleading", was "Misrepresented" on Wholly behalf of (, (DigiRegs) "Part or Whole" by the following: "Cross Site Branding" , "Co Site Branding" , "Co Sponsorship's" , "Co Online Promotions" , "Co Cross Site Promoting" , "Co Press Releases" , "Co Forum Promoting" , "Co Product Advertising" , "Co Site Back Link(s)" along side (, ( Including any other of (Mark A. Bauman) site(s) properties such as the following "Name(s)" , "Companies Logo(s)" , "Company Site(s)" which can cause "Confusion" , "Misleading" and "Deception" among many "Consumers" and "Users" that use these services and of (All) the site(s) that (Mark A. Bauman) represents as such in this case. If, any misuse of any information about any person(s) or companies misrepresentation occurred. This Shall be "Legally" foreseen as (, (DigiRegs), (, ( providing misleading of representation of the (Three) companies on their site properties. Additionally, All parties Did Not have nor provided any policies that "Referred" to as separated nor in place to help "User(s)" differentiate the (Three) parties herein as separated businesses entities nor provided any policies describing as such solely ownership's of each site(s) proprieties. 


This Disclaimer herein Shall be "Served" on the behalf of the "Complainant" as a legal instrument of protection and ruling of No "Liabilities" of any kind for content distributed beyond the "Complainant" solely control and limitations. Herein this report the "Complainant" described as the "User" or "Provider" of this report. Shall Not be "Liable" nor foreseen as such claim(s) of any damage(s) for content distributed by "Search Engines" or Third parties that may follow this report and "Index" to distribute this report. The "Complainant" herein of this report have "No Control" nor "Power Of Authority" for any unauthorized distributed content usage(s) outside of the bodies of this report. This Shall include any other Third parties sources that may distribute or have distributed the content of this report for their own usage. Which may not have the rights of jurisdiction to govern this report. As stated herein on many account(s) that the solely purpose of this report. As always been to bring "Awareness" to protect the "Consumers" of the "General Public" as a form of a "Notice" about unlawful business acts by the person(s) or companies herein as reported. The "Publishers" of this report Shall Not be "Liable" for any legal action by all means of this report beyond the power as the "Publisher" or "Broadcaster" of this report by the governing statute of the Communications Decency Act. This Disclaimer Shall "Serve" and "Include" Any and All supporting "Users" , "Rebuttals" , "Reviews" or "Comments" contributions of this report presently and future that may come forth to help validate these claims herein this report. This Disclaimer herein Shall be "Served" legally as the "Anchor" that embodies all "Rebuttals" , "Reviews" or "Comments" by the "Complainant" and of the supporting "Users" in support of this "Complaint" herein this report.



Misrepresentation of Facts and Information RE: DigiRegs and

#16UPDATE Employee

Fri, May 18, 2018

The original submitter has misrepresented the facts with regards to the DigiRegs brand and Mark Bauman is not the owner nor the CEO of DigiRegs, nor is DigiRegs a subsidiary of MediaReps, LLC. Please remove the false defamatory statements about our company and our website from this report. We have no association with this complaint in any manner whatsoever.

Complaint Ripoff

United States

UPDATED ADDRESS: ,TrafficHaus, Fraudulent Malware Advertisements Alert Notice!!!

#16Author of original report

Fri, April 27, 2018



URGENT: This is a report update NOTICE to inform consumers of the "General Public" of "Fraudulent" acts of (MALICIOUS MALWARE) advertisements. Herein, this report are the same operating company and person(s) that are responsible for these acts. TITLE AS: (TrafficHaus) operating at the ADDRESS: 3590 5th Avenue San Diego, CA. 92103. The company Defrauding CEO is (Mark A. Bauman) as stated herein this report. The company are part of a umbrella of many subsidiaries companies as the following:, (DigiRegs),, (DMCAForce),, (FaceChex),, (MediaReps),, (TechBlocker),, (TrafficHaus),, (TrafficHausCloud) (HalfAppIt) (La Marque), (, (LaMarque International Restaurant). All of these subsidiaries properties are under the management of (Mark A Bauman) as stated herein this report for acts of DEFRAUDING, DECEPTIONS, SPREADING MALICIOUS MALWARE, UNLAWFUL BUSINESS PRACTICES, to DECEIVE. These acts are recorded in "Statements", "Emails" and "Screen Shots" that have been documented and presented to the "General Public" as proof of evidence. Which support the solely purpose of this urgent NOTICE to protect consumers, and internet users in the form of a "Awareness" NOTICE of such acts committed by the person(s) and companies herein this report. Note: The parent company, (MediaReps), headquarters, ADDRESS: 3590 5th Avenue San Diego, CA. 92103. May be included as the primary address of the subsidiaries companies herein this report.  


The purpose of this urgent NOTICE to "WARN" consumers, of the "General Public" about Adult advertising network detection(s) of (MALICIOUS MALWARE) online in the form of (FRAUDULENT) advertisements! *According to a reputable Malware security company that have most recently detected and posted acts of Malware traced back to Additionally, herein the history of this report have already been detected of such acts of (MALICIOUS MALWARE) activities. The Adult advertising network is taking No responsibility to deter and avoid any acts of spreading Malware online since previously reported! The company has a repeated history of spreading (MALICIOUS MALWARE) dating back years ago and have been "WARN" of such activities. *According to reputable Malware security software (Third parties) sources that these acts have occurred and currently still exist today.  

We are providing below the details of acts of Malware detected by a reputable (Third party) Malware security software company. The (Third party) Malware security software company have posted a NOTICE to the company blog to "ALERT" users of such acts of fraudulent (MALICIOUS MALWARE) advertisements. You will see in the (Screen Shot) the detected Malware traced back from domain source.   TrafficHaus Fraudulent Malware Advertisements (Screen Shot) Review       Note: We have also included a second (Screen Shot) of the (MALICIOUS MALWARE) detected from Adult advertising network as a additional (Third party) Malware security software source as reference.   TrafficHaus Malware Data (Screen Shot) Review       We strongly recommend updating your operating systems with the latest Malware software detection technologies available and updating your system web browsers internet security preference (settings). In order to BLOCK, BLACKLIST ALL domains that represent as Adult advertising network. We have provided a list of known ad serving domain sources to help users combat this issue!  

*** Ad Server Domains To Blacklist ***







Note: We highly recommend that you include both (http:) and (https:) browser extensions for extra protection against (MALICIOUS MALWARE) Adult advertising network.

Tip: Use a highly recommendable (Ad Blocker) application and BLOCK, BLACKLIST the following website domains for enhanced protection against this network spreading of Malware online.

*** Network Domains To Blacklist ***


Note: We highly recommend to use the (Ad Server) domains BLACKLIST combined together with the (Network) domains BLACKLIST for more advanced protection. *Additionally, add ALL domains to your network security FIRE WALL (Anti Virus) (Malware) applications settings.

Tip: For the best overall Malware prevention. Do Not visit the (Adult) websites that are known to serve Adult network advertisements. We have provided a reference list of websites that may be serving their advertisements attached as screen shots. (Screen Shot 1), (Screen Shot 2)

Disclosed Of Publishers Disclaimer: The list of publishers as shown in the (screen shots) are "As Is" of the time the (screen shots) was documented of Premium network of publishers. *According to the (screen shots) time stamp of the date created of the images. Shall be foreseen as a reference list only of potential threats of publishers that may jeopardize or affect your system with Malware. *This only applies to the publishers that are serving advertisements from Adult network.


We are requesting for support from the "General Public" to report all MALWARE activities, detection(s) traced back to web proprieties as such in this case to the (Cyber Crime Division). Including other authority agencies for additional support. Regarding to any abuses of the following: software, hardware damages, network intrusion attacks, OS hacks, ransomware, privacy exploits but not limited to that may lead from acts of Malware spreading. We as "People" will NOT stand for such companies greed for advertising revenue at the expense of our online privacy! We are requesting this Day for additional support that warrants a thoroughly (Federal) investigation of the reported person(s) and ALL companies associated with herein this report immediately! The person(s) and companies entirely herein this report has profound acts of DECEPTIONS, DEFRAUDING, FRAUDULENT business activities! These acts by these person(s) and companies have been documented herein this entirely report as evidence that support these claims for such acts. This type of irresponsible behavior by Adult advertising network is NOT acceptable nor the entirely universe of businesses! The Adult ad serving company (MALICIOUS MALWARE) acts is jeopardizing the web security infrastructures designed to protect users from such threats! Therefore, are putting a vast of Globally users privacy at VERY HIGH RISK!!!  


This report NOTICE nor the "Complainant", described herein as "We" of this report Shall Not be liable for any liabilities, damages, nor limited proceeds of any kind thereof, claimed of such in any case as presently nor future. The "Terms of Use" for providing this report NOTICE was solely used to bring "Awareness" to the "General Public" to protect the privacy of consumers, and of internet users. Hereby, Shall stand as the solely purpose of this NOTICE. Which may lead to abuses, misuse of personal information, hardware, software, adware intrusion(s), malware damages of malicious exploits but not limited to due to the person(s) or companies reported acts herein this report. *According to Malware security software (Third party) companies herein this report that support these claims of events and occurrences. Which have been documented herein this report for such activities as reported. This Disclaimer, Shall prevent and revoke all liabilities of any kind including responsibilities, and reasons of cause, that may be results for damages for the use of any (Third parties) supporting documented sources. Which may not be completely accurate or misleading, as part or whole of the data information provided herein this report. Therefore, in any case there to be any dispute(s) or legal proceedings for providing this "Awareness" NOTICE to protect consumers. This Disclaimer herein, as publicly announced Shall be legally "Served" and "Rule" in all cases of such actions thereof, that may arise.


United States (TrafficHaus) Fraudulent Malware Advertisements Alert Notice!!!

#16Author of original report

Fri, April 27, 2018



URGENT: This is a report update NOTICE to inform consumers of the "General Public" of "Fraudulent" acts of (MALICIOUS MALWARE) advertisements. Herein, this report are the same operating company and person(s) that are responsible for these acts. TITLE AS: (TrafficHaus) operating at the ADDRESS: 1286 University Ave. #383 San Diego, CA 92103. The company Defrauding CEO is (Mark A. Bauman) as stated herein this report. The company are part of a umbrella of many subsidiaries companies as the following:, (DigiRegs),, (DMCAForce),, (FaceChex),, (MediaReps),, (TechBlocker),, (TrafficHaus),, (TrafficHausCloud) (HalfAppIt). All of these subsidiaries properties are under the management of (Mark A Bauman) as stated herein this report for acts of DEFRAUDING, DECEPTIONS, SPREADING MALICIOUS MALWARE, UNLAWFUL BUSINESS PRACTICES, to DECEIVE. These acts are recorded in "Statements", "Emails" and "Screen Shots" that have been documented and presented to the "General Public" as proof of evidence. Which support the solely purpose of this urgent NOTICE to protect consumers, and internet users in the form of a "Awareness" NOTICE of such acts committed by the person(s) and companies herein this report. Note: The parent company, (MediaReps), headquarters, ADDRESS: 3785 6th Ave. Suite 101-004 San Diego, CA 92103. May be included as the primary address of the subsidiaries companies herein this report.  


The purpose of this urgent NOTICE to "WARN" consumers, of the "General Public" about Adult advertising network detection(s) of (MALICIOUS MALWARE) online in the form of (FRAUDULENT) advertisements! *According to a reputable Malware security company that have most recently detected and posted acts of Malware traced back to Additionally, herein the history of this report have already been detected of such acts of (MALICIOUS MALWARE) activities. The Adult advertising network is taking No responsibility to deter and avoid any acts of spreading Malware online since previously reported! The company has a repeated history of spreading (MALICIOUS MALWARE) dating back years ago and have been "WARN" of such activities. *According to reputable Malware security software (Third parties) sources that these acts have occurred and currently still exist today.  

We are providing below the details of acts of Malware detected by a reputable (Third party) Malware security software company. The (Third party) Malware security software company have posted a NOTICE to the company blog to "ALERT" users of such acts of fraudulent (MALICIOUS MALWARE) advertisements. You will see in the (Screen Shot) the detected Malware traced back from domain source.  

TrafficHaus Fraudulent Malware Advertisements (Screen Shot) Review      

Note: We have also included a second (Screen Shot) of the (MALICIOUS MALWARE) detected from Adult advertising network as a additional (Third party) Malware security software source as reference.  

TrafficHaus Malware Data (Screen Shot) Review      

We strongly recommend updating your operating systems with the latest Malware software detection technologies available and updating your system web browsers internet security preference (settings). In order to BLOCK, BLACKLIST ALL domains that represent as Adult advertising network. We have provided a list of known ad serving domain sources to help users combat this issue!  

*** Ad Server Domains To Blacklist ***







Note: We highly recommend that you include both (http:) and (https:) browser extensions for extra protection against (MALICIOUS MALWARE) Adult advertising network.

Tip: Use a highly recommendable (Ad Blocker) application and BLOCK, BLACKLIST the following website domains for enhanced protection against this network spreading of Malware online.

*** Network Domains To Blacklist ***



Note: We highly recommend to use the (Ad Server) domains BLACKLIST combined together with the (Network) domains BLACKLIST for more advanced protection. *Additionally, add ALL domains to your network security FIRE WALL (Anti Virus) (Malware) applications settings.

Tip: For the best overall Malware prevention. Do Not visit the (Adult) websites that are known to serve Adult network advertisements. We have provided a reference list of websites that may be serving their advertisements attached as screen shots. (Screen Shot 1), (Screen Shot 2)

Disclosed Of Publishers Disclaimer: The list of publishers as shown in the (screen shots) are "As Is" of the time the (screen shots) was documented of Premium network of publishers. *According to the (screen shots) time stamp of the date created of the images. Shall be foreseen as a reference list only of potential threats of publishers that may jeopardize or affect your system with Malware. *This only applies to the publishers that are serving advertisements from Adult network.


We are requesting for support from the "General Public" to report all MALWARE activities, detection(s) traced back to web proprieties as such in this case to the (Cyber Crime Division). Including other authority agencies for additional support. Regarding to any abuses of the following: software, hardware damages, network intrusion attacks, OS hacks, ransomware, privacy exploits but not limited to that may lead from acts of Malware spreading. We as "People" will NOT stand for such companies greed for advertising revenue at the expense of our online privacy! We are requesting this Day for additional support that warrants a thoroughly (Federal) investigation of the reported person(s) and ALL companies associated with herein this report immediately! The person(s) and companies entirely herein this report has profound acts of DECEPTIONS, DEFRAUDING, FRAUDULENT business activities! These acts by these person(s) and companies have been documented herein this entirely report as evidence that support these claims for such acts. This type of irresponsible behavior by Adult advertising network is NOT acceptable nor the entirely universe of businesses! The Adult ad serving company (MALICIOUS MALWARE) acts is jeopardizing the web security infrastructures designed to protect users from such threats! Therefore, are putting a vast of Globally users privacy at VERY HIGH RISK!!!  


This report NOTICE nor the "Complainant", described herein as "We" of this report Shall Not be liable for any liabilities, damages, nor limited proceeds of any kind thereof, claimed of such in any case as presently nor future. The "Terms of Use" for providing this report NOTICE was solely used to bring "Awareness" to the "General Public" to protect the privacy of consumers, and of internet users. Hereby, Shall stand as the solely purpose of this NOTICE. Which may lead to abuses, misuse of personal information, hardware, software, adware intrusion(s), malware damages of malicious exploits but not limited to due to the person(s) or companies reported acts herein this report. *According to Malware security software (Third party) companies herein this report that support these claims of events and occurrences. Which have been documented herein this report for such activities as reported. This Disclaimer, Shall prevent and revoke all liabilities of any kind including responsibilities, and reasons of cause, that may be results for damages for the use of any (Third parties) supporting documented sources. Which may not be completely accurate or misleading, as part or whole of the data information provided herein this report. Therefore, in any case there to be any dispute(s) or legal proceedings for providing this "Awareness" NOTICE to protect consumers. This Disclaimer herein, as publicly announced Shall be legally "Served" and "Rule" in all cases of such actions thereof, that may arise.


San Diego,
United States

You are correct...TrafficHaus/Media Reps is a SCAM!

#16UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 25, 2018

The contact address(es) listed for these organizations are PO boxes. The owner of these companies, Mark Bauman, uses them to HIDE from people seeking to sue him for his scams. The REAL address for Mark Bauman and his companies (TrafficHaus, Media Reps, Facechex, etc.) is the coffee house known at La Marque International located in the Hillcrest neighborhood of San Diego. The address is 3590 5th Ave., San Diego CA 92103. 

Mr. Mark Bauman owns the entire building at 3590 5th Ave. The front of the building is his coffee shop, Le Marque, and the rear part of the building contain the offices for his various company(ies) TrafficHaus, Media Reps, etc. This 5th Avenue address is the REAL address for TrafficHaus, Media Reps, etc. The addressess listed on 6th Avenue, University Ave, etc. ARE PO BOXES. 


United States (Facechex) CEO Mark Bauman Deception Scheme

#16Author of original report

Fri, January 19, 2018


This is a report update NOTICE to inform consumers of the "General Public" of a New subsidiary company TITLE AS: (FaceChex) operating under the ADDRESS: 1286 University Ave. #383 San Diego, CA 92103. The company CEO is (Mark Bauman) as stated herein this report. (FaceChex) CEO (Mark Bauman) also manages other subsidiaries companies as, herein this report. That is founded of activities of defrauding, practicing of unlawful business acts. Including operates a (Adult) Advertising Network alleged and reported of activities of spreading "Malicious" Malware.

Summary Of Mark Bauman (FaceChex) Deception Scheme

About The Company: (FaceChex) is described as a identity theft protection service that claims to keep your personal privacy secure.

Here is a "Quote" of Mark Bauman Deception Scheme

CEO Mark Bauman Statement: "My wife and I were victims of hacking, her images were stolen and put on sites from revenge sites, to dating sites, to fake profiles."

The "Quoted Statement" above is CEO (Mark Bauman) Deception sale "Pitch" scheme to lure real victims of identity theft in to buy his New product of (FaceChex). Note: That this may be a fraudulent claim without any valid poof as he has reported. Additionally, (Mark Bauman) is making (YouTube) videos of people claiming to be victims of identity theft which look highly suspicious! This act of deception may be fraudulent paid actors used for "False Advertising" marketing purposes.

Note: Herein this report we have "Quoted" in numerous (Statements of Documentations) of (Mark Bauman) Deceptions to Deceive. (Mark Bauman) is known to be a pathological LIAR! that have been "Quoted" and "Proved" according to (Statements, Documents, Personal Emails) that "Corroborate" his Dishonestly herein this report!


"Adult Advertising Network" CEO (Mark Bauman) now in the business of "Identity Theft Protection" with a product that charges consumers a service fee to keep personal assets secured and claims to keep your privacy safe!

In General: (Adult) Advertising Networks described as (Ad Serving) (Adult) "Content" ads in many cases comes with "Very High" risks. The most popular known risks are Cyber Crimes Infiltration, Harmful Software Downloads, OS Hacking, Viruses/Malware, etc. These risks jeopardizes your privacy and coexist in this case. (Mark Bauman) "Represents" a (Adult) Advertising Network as (TrafficHaus) as stated herein this report that is alleged and detected by reputable Malware/Virus software companies of "Malware" activities. *This is highly "Alarming" and Very suspicious! You the people of the "General Public" need to know that you are putting your "Privacy" in the hands of a known LIAR! Additionally, a Adult Advertising/Identity Theft business model that should NOT be categorize to go in the same sentence together nor thought! As stated herein this report (Mark Bauman) subsidiary companies and his company personnel can NOT be Trusted!!!

VERY SCARY!!! To Know That A Adult Advertising Network Parent Company Are Doing Business As Identity Theft Protection!!! BEWARE!!!  


To the "General Public" we highly recommend to use your better judgment before making any purchases from this company TITLE AS: ( (FaceChex). Headquartered, and operating at the ADDRESS: 1286 University Ave. #383 San Diego, CA 92103. Which are operating in business under a parent company that have a history of untrustworthy, practicing unlawful business acts of "Deceptions" as documented and reported of its subsidiary companies herein this report.

Note: (FaceChex) is operating under the same umbrella of defrauding management and company personnel of CEO (Mark Bauman) as stated herein this report. This is a "REALITY CHECK" to the "General Public" to bring awareness of concerns NOT to "Trust" (FaceChex) of alleged and highly suspected of (Mark Bauman) subsidiary company or companies(s) spreading of "Malicious Malware" activities. *According to detection and reports of "Third Parties" Malware/Virus security companies.


This Disclaimer: Herein this report surrendering to waive all "Liabilities" To any legal "Claims" and prevents any reason(s) of responsibilities known of or thereafter for any "Claims" in the future. This Consumer Awareness NOTICE to the "General Public" "Shall" Not be held "Liable" of any limited proceeds nor "Legally" responsible for any service or product trademark(s), brand damages, nor any present "Claims" or beyond the company(s) future assets. Cause of any reason(s) of, related damages, loses, but not limited to for providing a NOTICE to protect the "General Public" of consumers. This includes, and "Shall" be "Legally" foreseen and "Interpreted" as a "Complaint" of a victimize "Consumer" and of a business informing "Alarming" concerning acts to prevent damages to the "General Public" in the form of a NOTICE. With the solely purpose of, To "Warn" or bring "Awareness" of acts committed by the person(s), company(s), as described, and stated herein this report. With intent of "Good Faith" to "Warn" consumers, of the "General Public" to be highly "Cautious" about this New product or service of (FaceChex) which made claims to secure and protect your online identity. Furthermore, may abuse, breach, misuse or jeopardize your "Privacy" as a consumer of this identity theft protection service or product. This NOTICE has documentations of supporting evidence included herein this report. Which supports this urgent action of NOTICE on grounds of substantial supporting evidence of documents herein this report. Therefore "Disclose" these companies acts of unlawful business practices to Deceive and Defraud consumers.

United States

COMPANY ADDRESS UPDATE: (TrafficHaus) - (FaceChex) - 1286 University Ave. #383 San Diego, CA 92103

#16Author of original report

Fri, December 22, 2017


This is a update "Address Notice" to inform the general public of a change of address for the defrauding company herein this report. The previous address may still be a active physical address of the defrauding company herein this report.   Note: This updated address is of subsidiaries companies that may now include as a New physical address location. - Updated Address:
1286 University Ave. #383
San Diego, CA 92103
Phone: +1 (619) 800-1510 - Subsidiary Company Address:
1286 University Ave. #383
San Diego, CA 92103
Phone: +1 (619) 800-1510

We will keep the general public aware of any future changes or activities of This will include any subsidiaries companies under this company umbrella that practices unlawful business acts to deceive and defraud people. As well to report any acts of malware that is highly suspected as documented herein this report. The alleged detected activities of adult advertisng network spreading of "Malicious" malware. At the full extent of risk of people privacy for their indulgence greed to profit from acts of malware!!!

Note: We are preparing a updated list of publishers to beware of using advertising platform.  


#16Author of original report

Fri, October 27, 2017

TrafficHaus Premium Publisher List

  • 4Tube.***

  • AdsForSex.***

  • Amateurmatch.***

  • BadJojo.***

  • Beeg.***

  • BoysFood.***

  • cam4.***

  • CheatingHookUp

  • CheatingHouseWife.***

  • Efukt.***

  • EmpFlix.***

  • EroProfile.***

  • Fantasti.**

  • FetishShrine.***

  • FindCheaters.***

  • FreeViewMovies.***

  • Girlfriendvideos.***

  • GotPorn.***

  • Heavy-R.***

  • HomeMoviesTube.***

  • Hookup.***

  • HookUpsOnline.***

  • hotmovs

  • ImageFap.***

  • KatesTube.***

  • LonelyCheaters.***

  • LubeTube

  • MilfsConnection

  • motherless.***

  • Nuvid.***

  • Over40Only

  • Pervclips.***

  • Porn.***

  • PornHost.***

  • PornL.***

  • PornRabbit.***

  • Porntui.***

  • PornVideos.***

  • Pornxs.***

  • See.***

  • SexBot.***

  • StileProject.***

  • SunPorno.***

  • TheHun.***

  • TNAFlix.***

  • Tube8.***

  • Untrue.***

  • WorldStarPorn.***

  • Xhamster.***

  • Youjizz.***

Note: This list is censored due to the nature of the content of these websites. The domains extensions of ALL websites are disclosed and can be viewed herein the screenshots.


This list, As Is, of the time the screenshots was documented of Premium publishers according to the screenshots included with this Notice. Shall be only foreseen as a reference list of potential publishers that may compromise your privacy. Including put internet users at Very High risk of getting affected with malware from website publishers ad serving advertisements from network. *According to as reported from Anti Virus, Malware security companies including sources of complaints that have detected acts of malware activities. Herein, as a reference only according to advertisers options to target Premium Adult publishers. A compile list of Top Premium publishers on network to be warn of spreading malware. *This reference list only applies to network of publishers that participate and serve advertisements. *Including continuation of supporting maliciously malware spreading advertising network. Note: The "Terms of Use" of this reference list solely purpose to prevent malware and to protect internet users that may visit the publishers websites on the list being disclosed that are or may have served advertisements. This Disclaimer, Shall be legally, foreseen as No liability for any misleading information, nor any form of damages for providing such a Malware Alert Notice. In of accordance with the documentations herein this report that support this Malware Notice claims from Third parties Anti Virus, Malware security companies detection of malware data analysis. Described as detection of acts of network spreading malicious malware. This Malware Alert Notice, Herein, Shall include to be foreseen to make network of publishers aware of malware risks. As a Notice of security precaution to safe guard website publishers and users from such malware advertisements. If unknowingly aware of acts of malware.
Note:  The company just pre launched a new startup website as (FaceChex) and asking for donations. We hereby advice you that this website is under the same company management associates of, that DEFRAUD our company of our traffic and revenue. Including under management by (Mark Bauman) the individual herein this report that is known to be a pathological liar! We highly recommend Do Not donate any funds to this project as this individual known as (Mark Bauman) and his company associates can Not be Trusted!!!

MALWARE ALERT NOTICE - Ad Network Highly Suspected Of Malware Advertising!!!

#16Author of original report

Tue, September 26, 2017

MALWARE ALERT NOTICE - Ad Network Highly Suspected Of Malware Advertising!!!

Herein, this report we have provided numerous of supporting documentations that proves that our website is a legitimate website. We have provided herein this report substantial evidence in detail (Screen Shots) during the time we promoted ( ads on our website property.
Now Ask Yourself These Specific Questions (Mark Bauman)
  • How can we FAKE the (Screen Shots) herein this report of ( ad network "INTERNALLY" recorded (Dashboard) traffic statistics reporting?... LIAR!!!
  • How can we FAKE our website Hosting (Server Usage) statistics that was provided directly to YOU? That is recorded "INTERNALLY" by our Hosting company provider! *Including provided to YOU a confirmation (Statement) from our Hosting company staff (Manager) that CONFIRMED our website traffic statistics?... LIAR!!!
  • How can we FAKE our Hosting Company confirmation (Statement) that confirmed our website statistics as a summary of (Hourly, Daily, Months, Pages, Bandwidth) of our website Server Usages? Additionally, our website (Visitors, Referrals, Unique IP Addresses, GEO's, Browsers, OS) LIAR!!!
  • How can we FAKE our Google Analytics (Screen Shots) that was provided directly to YOU? (Mark Bauman) that YOU admitted yourself with BOLD responses that clearly PROVE DECEPTION!!! *According to the (2) Direct response (Statements) as our references herein this report! LIAR!!!
Mark Bauman Statement 1. Let me know how much is owed as your account manager is no longer with the company as of a week ago, so I'd like to get to the bottom of this. If the ripoffreport is down in the next 24 hours I will consider paying you a justifiable portion of what is due based on the data you provide to me.
Mark Bauman Statement 2. Please keep the google reports so we know 100% how many people you've redirected to this fake rip off report.
  • How can we FAKE the (Emails Screen Shots) herein this report of LIES that YOU have told us (Mark Bauman). Additionally, your lying employees? LAIR!!!
  • How can we FAKE the (Screens Shots) of (Google Search Results) of the MALWARE detected by reputable security companies? About ( activities online to spread malicious MALWARE! LAIR!!!
*As previously stated herein this report, This PROVES that (Mark Bauman) is FULL of B.S.!!! (Mark Bauman)  CREDIBILITY is Garbage!!! Additionally, WILL NOT stand on ANY Ground in a legal court system!!!
*According as previously stated (Mark Bauman) uses REPETITION of Excuses after Excuses and keep making FALSE accusations to keep Defrauding our company of our revenue! How much more proof of documentations herein this report do we have to provide to prove our case!!!
If anything is FAKE it is (Mark Bauman) WORDS that come out of his MOUTH or WRITTEN! Additionally, ( ad network that recorded ALL of our website traffic Data "INTERNALLY" according to ( (In House) traffic reporting statistics! So if our website traffic statistics were FAKE! Including ALL the supporting documentations thereof, in this report. Then this absolutely shows 100% that (Mark Bauman) ( ad network system infrastructure traffic reporting system is NOT CREDIBLE!!! This shows how unstable are ( is as a company and as ad network. 
BEWARE!!! Advertisers!!! and Publishers!!! How many times do we need to WARN YOU!!!
As we stated before herein this report that ( ad network DO NOT "TRUST" their very own (In House) traffic reporting system!!! We have provided PROOF to support our claims beyond "Reasonable Doubt" that (Mark Bauman) is a Pathological Liar!!! as stated. (Mark Bauman) MANIPULATES the TRUTH! to keep DELUDING (Written Statements, Digital Attachments, Direct Email Responses, Website Statistics, etc) mounts of evidence. Thereafter, making "Direct" (Statements) that CONTRADICTS his CREDIBILITY!!! (Mark Bauman) and his supporting staff uses this DELUSION tactic to there advantage to Defraud Publishers!
*Please take this Advice! Do Not RESPOND to this report again!!! Unless, you want to keep looking FOOLISH!!! (Mark Bauman) as a LIAR!!!
Previously reported...
Deception - Dishonesty - Defrauding of - CEO Mark Bauman

We submitted our company complaint dispute directly to, CEO Mark Bauman. We have provided ALL the necessary documents to him directly as he has requested. We provided proof of the traffic delivered to the network. After all the details of supporting documents and statements that we have provided to him including screenshots of everything that he have requested. A resolution has Not been reached under the circumstances of his acts to continue to delude the proof of evidence we have provided in our documentations.


Herein, This update report are (Statements) of Deception - Dishonesty - Defrauding of - CEO (Mark Bauman)




Statement 1:
If in fact, (Mark Bauman) did Not believe with 100 percent honesty that our (Google Analytics) statistics were Not real. Including our website Hosting (Server Usage) statistics. Additionally, ALL of the supporting documentations that we provided to him as our proof. *According to our documentations of supporting evidence.
Why would (Mark Bauman) will make this below statement?...

(Mark Bauman) Statement:
Let me know how much is owed as your account manager is no longer with the company as of a week ago, so I'd like to get to the bottom of this. If the ripoffreport is down in the next 24 hours I will consider paying you a justifiable portion of what is due based on the data you provide to me.
Why would (Mark Bauman) make this statement?...
IF he did NOT believe that the supporting documentations that was presented to him was Not Authentic!
Note: Attached is the original email as a snippet confirming our proof of (Mark Bauman) DECEPTION to DELUDE the TRUTH!!!

Mark Bauman Email Statement      
This statement  Contradicts ALL of his Falsely stated accusations of LIES!!! Including his repetition of "Lame" Excuses!!! To Delude the proof of evidence to continue to Deceive and Defraud our company of our revenue!
Statement 2:
If in fact, (Mark Bauman) did Not believe with 100 percent honesty that our website (Google Analytics) were Not real.
Why would (Mark Bauman) make another BOLD statement?...
(Mark Bauman) Statement:
Please keep the google reports so we know 100% how many people you've redirected to this fake rip off report.
Requesting to us to keep up our website (Google Analytics). So that he can know how much people have seen our report!
So NOW all of the "Sudden" (Mark Bauman) 100% Believe that our (Google Analytics) are Trustworthy!!! Not Fake as he Falsely stated.
*This Deception of concrete evidence shows that (Mark Bauman) is just FULL of B.S.!!! and FULL of LIES!!! (Mark Bauman) Can Not Be Trusted!!! Including his consolidated companies employees of and Especially, (Mat Chow) Business Account manager according to (Mark Bauman) that is no longer with the company which is a LIE!!!
Note: Attached is the original email as a snippet confirming our proof of (Mark Bauman) DECEPTION with intent to DECEIVE!!!
Mark Bauman Google Email Statement
The above statements alone clearly proves that CEO (Mark Bauman) is a LIAR!!! (Mark Bauman) Manipulates the TRUTH that Contradicts his CREDIBILITY!!! (Mark Bauman) is NOT a Honest person and Can Not be Trusted!!! Just a Pathological Liar!!!
How many times that this Defrauding company have constantly made "Statements" promising to pay our company revenue! *According to ALL of our supporting documentations that we have provided herein this report!. This proves the INTEGRITY of and that simply show that they Can Not be Trusted!!!
We strongly give this advise to the Advertisers and Publishers of network. Especially, to premium top tier publishers. This can easily happen to you the Defrauding of your website traffic. We strongly recommend both parties to monitor your accounts very closely and backup your account data. In case you suspect any suspicious activities of your account. Nevertheless, it still may Not do you any good since they Do Not TRUST their own (In House) traffic reporting system. Additionally, Do Not "Respect"  the statistics reporting of (Google Analytics) Google Inc. services.
We also strongly urge to have your attorney review their network Terms and Conditions before signing up or thereafter. As it is brutally unfair, including in their favor to keep you under their control if any event of discrepancies arises. If you find yourself uncomfortable in any way with their network Terms and Conditions. We highly suggest that you do business elsewhere. 
Notice: To the General Public about ad network. This ad network is widely considered and suspected a Malware spreading platform. *According* to reputable online security software companies. You may visit the below link of the security software company review of network spreading of malware activities online.
Malware Review Link: (
Note: Attached are screenshots from sources confirming malware detection from ad network.
TrafficHaus Malware Data

TrafficHaus Malware Search Results
We strongly recommend updating your operating systems with the latest malware detection technologies available and updating your web browsers security (settings) to block, blacklist ALL domains that represent as ad network.
*** Ad Server Domains To Blacklist ***

Note: You may need to include both (http:) (https:) extensions for extra protection.
Tip: Use a highly recommendable (Ad Blocker) APP and block, blacklist the following website domains for enhanced protection against this network spreading of malware.
*** Network Domains To Blacklist ***
Note: Use the (Ad Server) domains blacklist combined together with the (Network) domains blacklist for more advanced protection. *Additionally, add them ALL to your FIRE WALL (Anti Virus) (Malware) applications settings. 
*For the best overall malware prevention. Do Not visit adult websites that are known to serve advertisements.
Note: If you suspect that your personal privacy or your computer operating system. May have been maliciously hacked including jeopardize or affected by substantial evidence of network spreading of malware. We suggest that you file a complaint immediately to the and websites as a Breach of Data Intrusion with intent to exploit your privacy.
We have NOT been paid our company revenue share of $303.16 for the advertising of services. Our company took loses and damages promoting a Untrustworthy Defrauding ad network. BEWARE!!! Advertisers and Publishers!!! You have been WARNED!!!
  Justice Shall Prevail! You Will Reap, What You Sow!!!



San Diego,


#16REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, September 25, 2017

This is a Fake Report, please remove. The site they are referring to is clearly fake, has no traffic history nor has any kind of traffic currently. The entire site is being redirected. Please remove as this is a fake rip off report.

I'm not sure how many ways we need to say this, it's a fake report, go to the website in the report, it redirects to our site. Admins, pleaes remove this fake report.

MALWARE ALERT NOTICE - Ad Network Highly Suspected Of Malware Advertising!!!

#16Author of original report

Fri, September 22, 2017

Deception - Dishonesty - Defrauding of - CEO Mark Bauman

We submitted our company complaint dispute directly to, CEO Mark Bauman. We have provided ALL the necessary documents to him directly as he has requested. We provided proof of the traffic delivered to the network. After all the details of supporting documents and statements that we have provided to him including screenshots of everything that he have requested. A resolution has Not been reached under the circumstances of his acts to continue to delude the proof of evidence we have provided in our documentations.


Herein, This update report are (Statements) of Deception - Dishonesty - Defrauding of - CEO (Mark Bauman)




Statement 1:
If in fact, (Mark Bauman) did Not believe with 100 percent honesty that our (Google Analytics) statistics were Not real. Including our website Hosting (Server Usage) statistics. Additionally, ALL of the supporting documentations that we provided to him as our proof. *According to our documentations of supporting evidence.
Why would (Mark Bauman) will make this below statement?...

(Mark Bauman) Statement:
Let me know how much is owed as your account manager is no longer with the company as of a week ago, so I'd like to get to the bottom of this. If the ripoffreport is down in the next 24 hours I will consider paying you a justifiable portion of what is due based on the data you provide to me.
Why would (Mark Bauman) make this statement?...
IF he did NOT believe that the supporting documentations that was presented to him was Not Authentic!
Note: Attached is the original email as a snippet confirming our proof of (Mark Bauman) DECEPTION to DELUDE the TRUTH!!!

Mark Bauman Email Statement      
This statement  Contradicts ALL of his Falsely stated accusations of LIES!!! Including his repetition of "Lame" Excuses!!! To Delude the proof of evidence to continue to Deceive and Defraud our company of our revenue!
Statement 2:
If in fact, (Mark Bauman) did Not believe with 100 percent honesty that our website (Google Analytics) were Not real.
Why would (Mark Bauman) make another BOLD statement?...
(Mark Bauman) Statement:
Please keep the google reports so we know 100% how many people you've redirected to this fake rip off report.
Requesting to us to keep up our website (Google Analytics). So that he can know how much people have seen our report!
So NOW all of the "Sudden" (Mark Bauman) 100% Believe that our (Google Analytics) are Trustworthy!!! Not Fake as he Falsely stated.
*This Deception of concrete evidence shows that (Mark Bauman) is just FULL of B.S.!!! and FULL of LIES!!! (Mark Bauman) Can Not Be Trusted!!! Including his consolidated companies employees of and Especially, (Mat Chow) Business Account manager according to (Mark Bauman) that is no longer with the company which is a LIE!!!
Note: Attached is the original email as a snippet confirming our proof of (Mark Bauman) DECEPTION with intent to DECEIVE!!!
Mark Bauman Google Email Statement
The above statements alone clearly proves that CEO (Mark Bauman) is a LIAR!!! (Mark Bauman) Manipulates the TRUTH that Contradicts his CREDIBILITY!!! (Mark Bauman) is NOT a Honest person and Can Not be Trusted!!! Just a Pathological Liar!!!
How many times that this Defrauding company have constantly made "Statements" promising to pay our company revenue! *According to ALL of our supporting documentations that we have provided herein this report!. This proves the INTEGRITY of and that simply show that they Can Not be Trusted!!!
We strongly give this advise to the Advertisers and Publishers of network. Especially, to premium top tier publishers. This can easily happen to you the Defrauding of your website traffic. We strongly recommend both parties to monitor your accounts very closely and backup your account data. In case you suspect any suspicious activities of your account. Nevertheless, it still may Not do you any good since they Do Not TRUST their own (In House) traffic reporting system. Additionally, Do Not "Respect"  the statistics reporting of (Google Analytics) Google Inc. services.
We also strongly urge to have your attorney review their network Terms and Conditions before signing up or thereafter. As it is brutally unfair, including in their favor to keep you under their control if any event of discrepancies arises. If you find yourself uncomfortable in any way with their network Terms and Conditions. We highly suggest that you do business elsewhere. 
Notice: To the General Public about ad network. This ad network is widely considered and suspected a Malware spreading platform. *According* to reputable online security software companies. You may visit the below link of the security software company review of network spreading of malware activities online.
Malware Review Link: (
Note: Attached are screenshots from sources confirming malware detection from ad network.
TrafficHaus Malware Data

TrafficHaus Malware Search Results
We strongly recommend updating your operating systems with the latest malware detection technologies available and updating your web browsers security (settings) to block, blacklist ALL domains that represent as ad network.
*** Ad Server Domains To Blacklist ***

Note: You may need to include both (http:) (https:) extensions for extra protection.
Tip: Use a highly recommendable (Ad Blocker) APP and block, blacklist the following website domains for enhanced protection against this network spreading of malware.
*** Network Domains To Blacklist ***
Note: Use the (Ad Server) domains blacklist combined together with the (Network) domains blacklist for more advanced protection. *Additionally, add them ALL to your FIRE WALL (Anti Virus) (Malware) applications settings. 
*For the best overall malware prevention. Do Not visit adult websites that are known to serve advertisements.
Note: If you suspect that your personal privacy or your computer operating system. May have been maliciously hacked including jeopardize or affected by substantial evidence of network spreading of malware. We suggest that you file a complaint immediately to the and websites as a Breach of Data Intrusion with intent to exploit your privacy.
We have NOT been paid our company revenue share of $303.16 for the advertising of services. Our company took loses and damages promoting a Untrustworthy Defrauding ad network. BEWARE!!! Advertisers and Publishers!!! You have been WARNED!!!
Justice Shall Prevail! You Will Reap, What You Sow!!! 

Deception - Dishonesty - Defrauding of - CEO Mark Bauman

#16Author of original report

Tue, August 29, 2017

We submitted our company complaint dispute directly to, CEO Mark Bauman. We have provided ALL the necessary documents to him directly as he has requested. We provided proof of the traffic delivered to the network. After all the details of supporting documents and statements that we have provided to him including screenshots of everything that he have requested. A resolution has Not been reached under the circumstances of his acts to continue to delude the proof of evidence we have provided in our documentations.



First, (Mark Bauman) falsely stated that our (Google Analytics) screenshots was fake. Even after the fact that he saw our website (Google Analytics) statistics as (Users) (Sessions) (Page views) (GEO's) etc. Which the screenshots that we have provided is 100% Authentic. Everyone knows that (Google Analytics) is the benchmark of all Analytics tools out there and is hard to manipulate. This is just his LAME excuse to keep defrauding our company out of our revenue!!!


Now changing up his LIE!


Second, (Mark Bauman) falsely stated that we provided a fake (Web Hosting) statistics screenshots. Our website Hosting account server "Internally" recorded our website (Usage Statistics) of ALL traffic delivered during the specific months of March 2017, and May 2017 as reported. Which the screenshots that we provided are 100% Authentic. *Including we went out of our way to have our Hosting Company (Customer Service Manager) to (verify) the delivery of our website traffic usage that our website accumulated during the months. We had ads set live on our website by writing for us a proof of traffic Confirmation Statement. However, In (Mark Bauman) own stupidity words. He requested a physical address. So that he can visit our website Hosting company.) Unbelievable how unintelligent can he really be!!!! Who does that?!!! Besides a Con Artist!!! This is just another VERY POOR excuse to keep defrauding our company of our rightfully owed revenue.


Again, now changing up his LIE!


Third, (Mark Bauman) falsely stated that our (Website Traffic) was not real. So tell me this why did his personal employee as (In House) Jr. Data Analyst Confirmed our website traffic? Why will they approve our website month of May 2017 earnings? Including herein, our previous report screenshots that showed a pending amount to be paid.  Additionally, we received a (Publisher Statement) confirming our earnings of revenue and that our payment will be sent within a certain time!!! Also, why did our (Google Analytics) account recorded our visitors statistics as (Sessions), (Page Views), (GEO's), (OS) etc. Additionally, Our website Hosting account recorded "Internally" ALL of our website (Usage Statistics) and traffic by (IP Addresses), (Referrals), (GEO's), (Time), (Dates). (Mark Bauman) is telling Another Lie!!! To cover up Another Lie!!!


Additionally, here is the confirmation Email statement previously reported from confirming that (Mark Bauman) is a LAIR!!!

This email is to notify you of your earnings with TrafficHaus from 2017-05-01 to 2017-05-31.

We apologize for the delay in sending this valuable information to you.

Your earnings for this period are $292.42. Payment can be expected within five to ten business days.

Detailed statistics can be found by logging into your account at TrafficHaus. Any further questions regarding your account can sent to me by email or Skype.


Thank you for the continued opportunity to serve you!


Francisco Villafana

Jr. Data Analyst



Once again changing up his LIE!


Fourth, (Mark Bauman) falsely stated that our (Website) is not a online functioning website. How can this be true? When our Website Hosting company "Internally" recorded our website (Server Usage) Statistics during the time we had ads set live on our website. Including our (Google Analytics) recorded visitors statistics activities. Additionally, our website generated "Impressions" and "Clicks" by different (IP Addresses). Including, provided the location of the origin of the "Impressions" and "Clicks" by (GEO's), (State), (Country), and by (Global) TerritoriesAdditionally, by (Web Browsers), (Operating Systems). (Mark Bauman) is so Delusion!!! This is just another VERY PATHETIC excuse to keep defrauding our company of our rightfully owed revenue.

BEWARE all Advertisers and Publishers, As I stated before (Mark Bauman) including his network employees DO NOT trust their very own (In House) traffic reporting system. This shows that are a unstable Traffic ad network and can Not be Trusted!!! Especially, when they don't even trust their own traffic reporting system statistics as we have provided that was recorded "Internally" by their very own (In House) reporting system. Additionally, they seem not to know or care to determine a traffic analysis.!!! Advertisers and Publishers Beware!!!

This WILL now make (Mark Bauman) Fifth "Deception" of changing up his Lies!!! to keep defrauding our company of our rightly owed revenue. Again, (Mark Bauman) have added another (History) of timeline of being dishonest and is a pathological Liar!!!.

Do you see what I have proved?...  (Mark Bauman) uses Excuses, after Excuses, after Excuses, make False accusations, after False accusations. *Including keep lying!!! He have created a (History) timeline of his dishonesty!  Note: Including, Lying about Publisher account manager (Mat Chow) is "No Longer" with the company or has been terminated! As my understanding (Mat Chow) is a associate business partner of and the owner or co-owner of You see how (Mark Bauman) has been caught in another lie!!! (Mark Bauman) is just Full of it!!! and Full of Lies!!! He is Not the type of person to do any business with period! Including with his companies or his affiliation of business associates for any type of mature advertising traffic online or website monetizing.

Note: Even after all the above Deception, Dishonesty and back tracking of Lies!!! (Mark Bauman) sent us a email stating additional information for payment! We have provided all that was necessary for payment. However, we still have Not been paid!!! (Mark Bauman) is just a compulsive Liar!!!   

We strongly, advise to the general public to use your better judgement before doing any business with these defrauding companies. We Do Not recommend the use of their services of or from our experiences as a Advertiser and as a Publisher with their network.. These defrauding companies are Dishonest!!! Most certainly can Not be Trusted!!!

Justice shall prevail!! As long as this drag on the harder your companies is going to fall! Your reputation will suffer due to your greed of defrauding! Additionally, you will Not be able to keep covering up your lies of fraudulent acts!!! - Complaint Report. Defraud our company of advertising for delivered traffic to network as agreed to as a publisher revenue share. San Diego, Californa

#16Author of original report

Wed, August 16, 2017

As I stated in our company complaint report that more actions against your company may be filed if (No Settlement) is reached! On the behalf of our company I have filed a complaint report on your companies to the Federal Trade Commission ( You are a subject of being investigated! Including in their system database (Watch List) on grounds of criminal acts for Business Fraud, and Scams to deceive consumers. Any further, or future, pending complaints that arise can lead to your company of being seized by the Federal Government. *Including, the forfeiture of your company Business licenses.

Meanwhile, we are still preparing our case and taking the necessary steps to get our justice in the legal court system! However, since you still believe that we did not deliver the traffic to your network. As recorded by your (In House) reporting system as seen in the screenshots. Which I find Very "Incredulous" that you don't even trust your own company traffic reporting system. Your false accusations (Mark Bauman) are "Very Ignorant" on your part after I showed you our (Server Usage) Statistics as proof in a screenshot. *Including our (Google Analytics) Statistics as an additional proof of source.

We have went out of our way to get further proof of the traffic delivered to your network. As providing a confirmation (Statement) from our (Hosting Service Provider) that confirms that from the months of (March, 2017 through May, 2017) that our website traffic (Usage Statistics) was "Internally" recorded and is accurate as the screenshot that we have provided to you!!! Your poor choice of words (Mark Bauman) of being "Phony" is Absurd!!! and Shall Not hold any grounds in court!!! Our hosting company provider will stand behind us. *Including support of (Google Analytics) Team (Google Inc.) services.

As I stated, if this proceed to the courts we will seek ALL MEANS of legal damages for our company expenses and losses!!! Present and Future until a settlement is reached!!! Additional, compensation for our time to recover our losses!!! Including request to the court to reward us expenses paid for our legal fees, and for (punitive damages) that accumulated because of YOUR, company unlawful business acts of defrauding. The outstanding past due amount that is owed to our company WILL be for a Substantial Larger Amount!!!

All of your employees that have any information pertaining to this case may be subpoena in court such as (Mat Chow) that you (Mark Bauman) "Claim" is No longer working for the company. Which I Do believe is a lie! You will have to provide proof of "Termination"  to support your claim. This does Not make any logical sense to terminate someone and still will not rightfully pay our company. Especially, If you felt that the other party was wrong in this dispute!

We are also taking more actions by filing more complaints to make the general public aware of your companies acts of Defrauding online activities. As we have been a victim to as reported. Your online reputation will follow you!!! Additionally, will soon start to take an effect on your companies SEO. Justice Shall prevail in our favor!

We like to request if any other Advertisers, Publishers are involved in a similar dispute against ( or ( to come forth and let your voice be heard! File a complaint to the website. Including to your State Attorney General Office. - Complaint Report. Defraud our company of advertising for delivered traffic to network as agreed to as a publisher revenue share. San Diego, California

#16Author of original report

Thu, July 20, 2017

I Represent Herein, this company Complaint Report on the behalf of our company. TO: Represent our case this Day of June 27, 2017 as a dispute against the operating companies TITLE AS: (TrafficHaus) LOCATED: at this current ADDRESS AS: 3785 6th Ave. Suite 101-004 San Diego, CA 92103. Privately owned and operating under license to the parent company TITLE AS: (Media Reps, LLC) LOCATED: at this current ADDRESS AS: 3785 6th Ave. Suite 101-004 San Diego, CA 92103. of the United States. The headquarters parent company TITLE AS: (MediaReps, LLC) also operates subsidiary companies TITLE AS: (ReviveAds), and (Digiregs). The private held consolidated companies are under management by CEO: Mark Bauman as the Chief Executive Officer to the private operated companies.
Herein, this company complaint report on the behalf of our company. We are disputing for owed revenue that was not paid to our company for the accumulated months of (March, 2017 through May, 2017) in the Total Amount of $303.16 as agree to as a publisher.
We are herein, disputing for our company rightfully revenue share to receive Full payment for traffic delivered to the ( network from our website property. We have not been paid for revenue for the months of (March, 2017 in the amount of $10.76) and (May, 2017 in the amount of $292.40) for our website delivered traffic to the ( network. We have provided a traffic data summary below of the traffic our company delivered to the ( network.
Date Range: March 1, 2017 - May 31, 2017
Ad Zone Type: Desktop - Mobile
Total Ad Zones Impressions: 3, 745,902
Total Ad Zones Clicks: 119
Note: Attached is our proof as screen shots of our website traffic data according to our company (TrafficHaus) publisher account.
We have not been given a legitimate reason why we have not been paid as a publisher. The only feedback that we received from our (TrafficHaus) account manager Mat Chow was that our website delivered unusual impressions. We herein, this dispute have proof that we boldly and "DIRECTLY" asked our (TrafficHaus) account manager Mat Chow about the "Specific Number" of (Ad Zones) we were allowed within (TrafficHaus) network Terms and Conditions policy. Entirely, before we setup (TrafficHaus) Desktop - Mobile (Ad Zones) live on our website. To insure that we were 100% in No Violation with ( network Terms and Conditions.
Note: Read our proof of the original email confirming our "Direct Question" regarding to (TrafficHaus) (Ad Zones) policy.
(Our Direct Email Question)
Regarding to your Terms of use policy: How many ads zones are allowed per page? Including by each ad formats as Desktop, and Mobile formats on a single site page. Please note that a site may need to add Desktop, and Mobile units to monetize all traffic on a single web page. This will help determine what ad zones I may need to include or not to optimize the site for better overall CPM performance. 
NoteAttached is the original email as a snippet confirming our proof.
(TrafficHaus Account Manager Mat Chow Email Direct Response)
There is no limit to how many ads you can place on your site. However that being said, the more ads you have the more distracting it is for your sufers and the less clicks the ads receive. Less clicks lowers the conversions and as such = a lower CPM. 
Note: Attached is the original email as a snippet confirming our proof.
*According to our references as solid proof of physical documentations to support our company dispute herein this report. The above (Email Direct Question) completely shows our company "INTEGRITY" that we were acting in "Good Faith" to Not Violate ANY Terms and Conditions. Including we are "Not Responsible" nor have "No Liability" that shall exempt us in this dispute to be a subject of any violations, or abide to any network violations that will prevent us from our rights as a publisher to receive payments. Considering herein this company dispute that we were 100% understanding of and told "DIRECTLY" by our (TrafficHaus) account manager Mat Chow that there was "NO LIMIT" was his exact words as written and recorded electronically. We made a pure honest attempt to completely understand ( Terms and Conditions as provided herein this report as documents.
*This shall stand as hard evidence in bring justice for our company rights to ALL payments due beyond filing of this report, if this dispute is not settled and proceed in the courts.
Our (TrafficHaus) account manager Mat Chow accused our company of unusual impressions for our website Mobile (Ad Zones). Including,  disrespectfully, made false accusations about our website traffic quality.
Due to the reason of our website unusual impressions that (Mat Chow) pointed out was "solely" because he informed us "Directly" that there was "NO LIMIT" on how many ads we can place on our website. This is the 100% reason why our traffic impressions for our website Mobile (Ad Zones) appeared to be unusual. In general, technically the more (Ad Zones) a website is allowed to place on a website. The more impressions the website will accumulate for each (Ad Zone) placements. This is very simple mathematics and basic traffic analytics knowledge to understand.
Our (TrafficHaus) account manager Mat Chow just could not understand this reason. Unfortunately, this was our company downfall by trusting our (TrafficHaus) account manager Mat Chow convincingly giving us the understanding of the (Ad Zones) limit that we were allowed to place on our website. He took "No Responsibility" for his own actions and place ALL the "BLAME" on our company. Additionally, Mat Chow Denied of informing our company of the (Ad Zones) limit. This is also 100% a Bold Face Lie! Additionally, lying about our company payment was going to be paid on June 9, 2017 makes (TrafficHaus) account manager Mat Chow a compulsive liar. *According to our proof of documentations that we have presented herein this report.
We then proceeded to forward to our (TrafficHaus) account manager Mat Chow proof in several documents of our website traffic. Including, our website (Google Analytics) confirming our traffic data and quality. However, after we presented our documents to our (TrafficHaus) account manager Mat Chow we were told that we will still receive our publisher payments. Additionally, we received our (TrafficHaus) publisher statement on June 5, 2017 informing us about our company earnings. Including stating that our company payment were going to be paid within (5 to 10) business days.
Note: Read our proof of both documents claiming that our company will receive our publisher payments.
(TrafficHaus Account Manager Mat Chow Email Response)
Your account will be paid on the 9th.
(TrafficHaus May 2017 Publisher Statement Email)
This email is to notify you of your earnings with TrafficHaus from 2017-05-01 to 2017-05-31.

We apologize for the delay in sending this valuable information to you.
Your earnings for this period are $292.42. Payment can be expected within five to ten business days.
Detailed statistics can befound by logging into your account at TrafficHaus. Any further questions regarding your account can sent to me by email or Skype.
Thank you for the continued opportunity to serve you!
Francisco Villafana
Jr. Data Analyst
*According to the above written references by our (TrafficHaus) account manager Mat Chow email and including our publisher statement from (TrafficHaus) Jr. Data Analyst, Francisco Villafana that our company will receive payment.
Note: Attached are the original (TrafficHaus) sent emails. *Including additional screen shots from our (TrafficHaus) publisher account confirming our (TrafficHaus) website traffic data, revenue by (Ad Zones ), pending payments as our proof of documents.
We no longer have access to our (TrafficHaus) publisher account any more. Due to the fact that our (username or password) was deliberately changed or deleted to keep our company from accessing our account. The (TrafficHaus) staff employees that I know of that have permission to access our account are (TrafficHaus) publisher account managers (Mat Chow), (Nick Rosenblum) or other staff employees that may have that permission. This is a criminal act of business fraud that ( network engage into to keep our company revenue. *Including to keep our company from compiling evidence against ( network.
We are requesting this Day of filing this company complaint report on June 27, 2017. In accordance to resolve our company dispute against the operating companies TITLE AS: (Media Reps, LLC) the parent company of (TrafficHaus) herein this report. MUST pay ALL payments due to our company as agreed to as a publisher revenue share.
*Failure to meet our company demands may result in more actions and disputes. *Including punitive damages for our company.
Please acknowledge that our company put forth our best efforts to resolve this dispute matter. We sent out (2) Company Complaint Notices to several ( staff employees by email. Including to the headquarters parent company TITLE AS: (Media Reps, LLC) regarding to our company complaint about ( herein this report. We received "No Responses" by either companies including (TrafficHaus) publisher account managers: (Mat Chow, Nick Rosenblum) regarding to our company matters. So it was Very understanding to us as a whole entire company that (, ( did Not Care! regarding to our company business matters.
The information that was disclosed or included herein this report. Shall Not abide to any policy Terms and Conditions nor permitted use of, for any kind of privacy leakage thereof, or abide to any other confidential information restrictions herein this report. The information that was used in this report by our company was solely used to help present our case in this dispute. Additionally, to inform the general public about Bad, Dishonest, and Fraudulent companies as such in this report.

Notice: This complaint report can also be reviewed or obtained as a copy on

Respond to this Report!