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  • Report:  #41839


TRANS CONTINENTAL TALENT Don't get suckered in If agents want you THEY WILL INVEST IN YOU NOT YOU INVESTING for them to invest in you rip-off new york New York

  • Reported By:
    NEW YORK New York
  • Submitted:
    Fri, January 17, 2003
  • Updated:
    Mon, July 26, 2004
    389 Eighth Avenue, 13th Floor
    new york, New York
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I just wanted to take the time to thank you, in writing, for all of your efforts in making the general public know about rip-off artists, namely Trans Continental Talent.

I was "scouted" two days ago, and had an "appointment" to go to 389 Eighth Ave, 13th floor in NYC on the corner of 39th street, for an open call. I knew that this wasn't kosher when my appointment was at 6:15pm and I got
there early, only to be told to "come back at 6:15".

When I re-arrived at 6:10, there was a line of people halfway down the street, mostly around the ages of 21 to 25, a few older, but not many (I'm 31, but I look much

Upon going inside, there are a number of people smiling and directing you to different areas of an open space, another tipoff, because the office space did not at all look "lived in", just a ton of chairs and maybe 5
desks stragtegically placed in this open space. The application asks for you personal info (name, address, telephone)and check boxes to choose if you want to be model, actor, or musician, and if you had any experience.

I checked the box to be a model, and after being called, I was photographed, two headshots and a body shot. A half hour later, came the "pitch".

Everything that was already said on your website concerning this company is true, true, TRUE!!!! The only difference is, it is not $400, it is an
$800 startup fee, and $20 monthly access! I am personally disgusted that I fell for this, and attended such an "appointment" I ususally have an antenna to detect BS, since I am born and raised in NYC.

I could have been ripped off as well, only I know people in the entertainment business. I am personally embarrased that I fell for this, but that is what happens when you are seduced by your own vanity.











good work.

NEW YORK, New York

15 Updates & Rebuttals



Real Opportunites

#16Consumer Suggestion

Mon, July 26, 2004

I have spent years in the business of marketing my daughter to the movie industry. I have been to the Model Expos and spent the money.
Now my daughter does background and principal work. In fact she is ready to go S.A.G. I don't care if anyone responds to this post and suggests otherwise, listen to me now. To become an actor or model takes work and/or luck. A lot of actors got thier start by networking. Network! Get your headshots digitally with the copyright. Then go online and find a photo agencies that will mass produce them for a small fee.

Try ABC in your search. If you want to find real opportunities for everything from film, commercial print and music videos as well as put your photo and resume online go to [delete]. There you can subscribe to thier daily post of thousands of opportunites,get your own webpage,upload your photo and design your resume with contact info, and casting directors will view it. It only costs 9.95 a month. And I am a member. You can also go to [delete].

Get your education. Build your resume and market yourself. You can find the contact info for most modeling and talent agencies online. Ask them what they are looking for. If they want you they will tell you. You will see them in person. And if they do want you they will want you near them.

You can negatively respond to this if you choose. But, these are the facts. My daughter has been in 4 motion pictures in the last year. I in fact was invited to be on the latest Josh Hartnett film. Which proves that networking is one way to get noticed.

Don't give up. Don't get scammed.

The biggest money you invest should be in legitimate classes and photos.

Just to let you know. You can register with any extra agency for about 25.00. You will have a digital photo taken of you which will be put in a database. Then you can call and check into upcoming shoots daily. This will require you to live near the agency you register with as you will often need to be on a set ASAP.




#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, February 11, 2003

I used to work for these people and it is really a scam. There is no way around it. They taught us how to trick people and mislead them and then cheated many employees on money. Some who quit after realizing what was going on never recieved paychecks for people they had signed up. These people are very charming and very tricky. But I promise you they are a complete scam. I am really sorry to anyone I signed up.




#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, February 11, 2003

I used to work for these people and it is really a scam. There is no way around it. They taught us how to trick people and mislead them and then cheated many employees on money. Some who quit after realizing what was going on never recieved paychecks for people they had signed up. These people are very charming and very tricky. But I promise you they are a complete scam. I am really sorry to anyone I signed up.




#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, February 11, 2003

I used to work for these people and it is really a scam. There is no way around it. They taught us how to trick people and mislead them and then cheated many employees on money. Some who quit after realizing what was going on never recieved paychecks for people they had signed up. These people are very charming and very tricky. But I promise you they are a complete scam. I am really sorry to anyone I signed up.




#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, February 11, 2003

I used to work for these people and it is really a scam. There is no way around it. They taught us how to trick people and mislead them and then cheated many employees on money. Some who quit after realizing what was going on never recieved paychecks for people they had signed up. These people are very charming and very tricky. But I promise you they are a complete scam. I am really sorry to anyone I signed up.

Jude Chao

Sherman Oaks,

It's Easy to Point Fingers, But...

#16UPDATE Employee

Mon, February 10, 2003

If the people going after TCT would sit down, pay attention to what TCT has to offer (and no, TCT is NOT an agency NOR are open calls for specific jobs or bookings, two facts that we employees are expected by our bosses to make clear), they might see that TCT is not, in fact, a rip-off company. Yes, maybe it was before, back in the Options days, but as Kevin pointed out, that was BEFORE Lou Pearlman came on board.

TCT is a service for people who have a serious interest in breaking into the entertainment industry. Yes, if you're Joe Blow and you think all you have to do is sign up in order to become the next Joe Millionaire, you won't get much out of the service. If, however, you're a serious actor, model or musician who keeps your information and pictures updated, shows up for go-sees and auditions, and really puts the time and effort into advancing your career, you will get value out of the service--especially as you won't be spending thousands of dollars yearly on reprinting your headshots and comp cards, then licking envelopes and mailing them out by hand with the hundreds of dollars' worth of postage that you've had to buy yourself.

The "talent" who complain about TCT tend to be the kind who haven't invested the effort it takes to learn how to get oneself started in the industry. I don't know how other offices present at open calls, but our office spends a lot of time going through the numbers and comparing the costs of paper comp card printings and mailings with the cost of signing up for TCT's service. When you pay attention and do the math, you'll find it's not as much of a rip-off as you might think.

It's easy to say that TCT is a ripoff because the company DOES ask for a large amount of money up front, but the mere fact of expense does not turn a legitimate service into a ripoff.

As for the stories about people never going on base salary despite being promised it, well, several scouts in our office are on base, receive their checks every two weeks and are still scouts--and as for those people who think that being promoted instead of going on base when it's time makes a ripoff, well, since when did a promotion make one a sucker?

It's easy to point fingers and call something a scam if it costs money and people's dreams are involved, but people have to remember that TCT's scouts CAN NOT PROMISE ANYTHING and DO NOT PROMISE ANYTHING. What we offer and what we sell is EXPOSURE, the OPPORTUNITY to get further in the industry. Unfortunately, some people have no talent, and all the exposure and opportunity in the world can't help them...That isn't TCT's fault.



THEY ARE NOT AN AGENCY! (((HOLD for Payment))))

#16UPDATE Employee

Thu, February 06, 2003

Once again, the obvious must be pointed out... Trans continental is NOT an agency! They will not make one cent more if you are successful, therefore they have no incentive to "invest" in you. They are pretty much a "to the trade" resume posting (and if you think $800 is alot, try going through a professional/executive resume posting roommate,(she is a engineer) just shelled out over $1500 for pretty much the same type of service).

Yes, Trans continental used to be Options....and yes, from what I've heard, options used to do some pretty slimeball things. since Mr. Pearlman bought the company (last fall) there have been some MASSIVE changes in the company. Yes, it has taken a while to weed out all the scam artists that used to work (and manage) for Options but they are being weeded out.

The new scouts are told told what to look for in a prospective model, general height/size ranges, and told to look at the current print ads (the majority of modeling jobs are print jobs) to see what the current "Look" is so they will know what to look for.

Under Pearlman the emphasis is quality, not quantity... the old "quota" for scouts was to sign at leat 25 people a week...that has been reduced to five...

And the reason for all this?
The goal is to be the pioneer in the move away from comp sheets. Just like typewrites had to move over when computers came, comp sheets ARE going to be a thing of the past...just accept it. With modern technology available did anyone really think that a business method thats been in use since the 1920's would stand a chance?

What Transcontinental wants to do is to have the largest database of pre-screened models available. Is $800 dollars alot of money? Yes it is...just about as much as I paid for my old Atari 400 computer when they first came out. With any new technology or application the cost is going to be expensive...and right now, Transcontinental has no competition to force the prices down.... (sure, there are a couple of sites where you can post your portfolio for around $40 but remember, ANYONE can post to them... no way to control quality.... and they cant even begin to compete with the 50K plus currently active models in Transcontinental network. (By the way...according to a outside audit, Transcontinental processed a bit over 455,000 (yes, that four hundred and fifty-five thousand!) job offers and "go-see's" to their models just for the month of December 2002 alone.... that averages out to between 8 and 9 per model (hey, if you were one of the dog-ugly ones signed up under the old, "slimeball" management and no one wants you, it not my fault!...that was before my time with the company.)

Cierra Ortega


This is all Bs

#16UPDATE Employee

Thu, February 06, 2003

I'm about to be a model for tctalent. At the interview that I went to in Philly, tctalent said "We are not an agency" and they said it about seven times, just to make it clear. So I really dont understand whats the problem. I am only 16 years of age and when you go to and interview very one there are not adults they also scout teens and older adults too. If modeling is some thing that you really want to do I'm sure you will listen and you will listen close.

I have been to a lot of other "Agency's" and to tell you the truth to start off being a model (pictures) it cost about $1,000 dollars, but with tctalent it cost $795 for a one time scanning and placement fee and this includes a make-up artist. So if your looking for something cheap modeling is not for you. I think you just saw the price got mad because it was high and you could'nt afford it. And I don't think it's right for you and who ever else to write about something you really dont know about. Just because you had a bad interview doesn't mean you to go on line insulting tctalent.

Instead of going on line and talking about your bad experience you should have called tctalent and told them how you felt about this whole thing.

P.S I'm "5'6" and I weight 142 and I'm African American and tctalent didn't judge me by that. They also told me that if I wasn't able to walk the runway I would definity be able to model for magazines and comericals. Tctalent also have plus size models (just in case your heavy set). And please before you start to voice your opinion please reseach your topic because (no offense and no disrespect) but your whole report makes you seem like an air head and a very sore sport.

Cierra Ortega


This is all Bs

#16UPDATE Employee

Thu, February 06, 2003

I'm about to be a model for tctalent. At the interview that I went to in Philly, tctalent said "We are not an agency" and they said it about seven times, just to make it clear. So I really dont understand whats the problem. I am only 16 years of age and when you go to and interview very one there are not adults they also scout teens and older adults too. If modeling is some thing that you really want to do I'm sure you will listen and you will listen close.

I have been to a lot of other "Agency's" and to tell you the truth to start off being a model (pictures) it cost about $1,000 dollars, but with tctalent it cost $795 for a one time scanning and placement fee and this includes a make-up artist. So if your looking for something cheap modeling is not for you. I think you just saw the price got mad because it was high and you could'nt afford it. And I don't think it's right for you and who ever else to write about something you really dont know about. Just because you had a bad interview doesn't mean you to go on line insulting tctalent.

Instead of going on line and talking about your bad experience you should have called tctalent and told them how you felt about this whole thing.

P.S I'm "5'6" and I weight 142 and I'm African American and tctalent didn't judge me by that. They also told me that if I wasn't able to walk the runway I would definity be able to model for magazines and comericals. Tctalent also have plus size models (just in case your heavy set). And please before you start to voice your opinion please reseach your topic because (no offense and no disrespect) but your whole report makes you seem like an air head and a very sore sport.

Cierra Ortega


This is all Bs

#16UPDATE Employee

Thu, February 06, 2003

I'm about to be a model for tctalent. At the interview that I went to in Philly, tctalent said "We are not an agency" and they said it about seven times, just to make it clear. So I really dont understand whats the problem. I am only 16 years of age and when you go to and interview very one there are not adults they also scout teens and older adults too. If modeling is some thing that you really want to do I'm sure you will listen and you will listen close.

I have been to a lot of other "Agency's" and to tell you the truth to start off being a model (pictures) it cost about $1,000 dollars, but with tctalent it cost $795 for a one time scanning and placement fee and this includes a make-up artist. So if your looking for something cheap modeling is not for you. I think you just saw the price got mad because it was high and you could'nt afford it. And I don't think it's right for you and who ever else to write about something you really dont know about. Just because you had a bad interview doesn't mean you to go on line insulting tctalent.

Instead of going on line and talking about your bad experience you should have called tctalent and told them how you felt about this whole thing.

P.S I'm "5'6" and I weight 142 and I'm African American and tctalent didn't judge me by that. They also told me that if I wasn't able to walk the runway I would definity be able to model for magazines and comericals. Tctalent also have plus size models (just in case your heavy set). And please before you start to voice your opinion please reseach your topic because (no offense and no disrespect) but your whole report makes you seem like an air head and a very sore sport.

Cierra Ortega


This is all Bs

#16UPDATE Employee

Thu, February 06, 2003

I'm about to be a model for tctalent. At the interview that I went to in Philly, tctalent said "We are not an agency" and they said it about seven times, just to make it clear. So I really dont understand whats the problem. I am only 16 years of age and when you go to and interview very one there are not adults they also scout teens and older adults too. If modeling is some thing that you really want to do I'm sure you will listen and you will listen close.

I have been to a lot of other "Agency's" and to tell you the truth to start off being a model (pictures) it cost about $1,000 dollars, but with tctalent it cost $795 for a one time scanning and placement fee and this includes a make-up artist. So if your looking for something cheap modeling is not for you. I think you just saw the price got mad because it was high and you could'nt afford it. And I don't think it's right for you and who ever else to write about something you really dont know about. Just because you had a bad interview doesn't mean you to go on line insulting tctalent.

Instead of going on line and talking about your bad experience you should have called tctalent and told them how you felt about this whole thing.

P.S I'm "5'6" and I weight 142 and I'm African American and tctalent didn't judge me by that. They also told me that if I wasn't able to walk the runway I would definity be able to model for magazines and comericals. Tctalent also have plus size models (just in case your heavy set). And please before you start to voice your opinion please reseach your topic because (no offense and no disrespect) but your whole report makes you seem like an air head and a very sore sport.

Cierra Ortega


This is all Bs

#16UPDATE Employee

Thu, February 06, 2003

I'm about to be a model for tctalent. At the interview that I went to in Philly, tctalent said "We are not an agency" and they said it about seven times, just to make it clear. So I really dont understand whats the problem. I am only 16 years of age and when you go to and interview very one there are not adults they also scout teens and older adults too. If modeling is some thing that you really want to do I'm sure you will listen and you will listen close.

I have been to a lot of other "Agency's" and to tell you the truth to start off being a model (pictures) it cost about $1,000 dollars, but with tctalent it cost $795 for a one time scanning and placement fee and this includes a make-up artist. So if your looking for something cheap modeling is not for you. I think you just saw the price got mad because it was high and you could'nt afford it. And I don't think it's right for you and who ever else to write about something you really dont know about. Just because you had a bad interview doesn't mean you to go on line insulting tctalent.

Instead of going on line and talking about your bad experience you should have called tctalent and told them how you felt about this whole thing.

P.S I'm "5'6" and I weight 142 and I'm African American and tctalent didn't judge me by that. They also told me that if I wasn't able to walk the runway I would definity be able to model for magazines and comericals. Tctalent also have plus size models (just in case your heavy set). And please before you start to voice your opinion please reseach your topic because (no offense and no disrespect) but your whole report makes you seem like an air head and a very sore sport.

joseph camarino



#16UPDATE Employee

Mon, January 20, 2003

so I post a true reply that explains that people should NEVER pay an agency money to be represented, but also pointing out that TCt is not an agency, and you completely edit it.

are you that afraid that with 900 negative postings, pointing out a very common misperception among some people would "help" tct??

stop editing the truth and allow =those of us with legit complaints to post them, but if somebody also is posting stuff that is wrong about TCT we should point that out- it only strengthens our case,. when 1 little point about them is wrong it can make others question everythingn else. so let's get the facts 100% right.

geez, have the guts to allow someone to point out that maybe not everything up here is 100% correct. I still agreed with the guys' premise which is 900 bucks to stick your picture up is insane.

grow up dude. or at least chill. you claim this is just a 'posting board' and yet you edit whatever you don't like.

Joseph browne

new york,
New York,

Did you get a job yet, since I am 100% wrong?????

#16Consumer Comment

Sat, January 18, 2003


As the ?genius? that you have aptly called me, if I am ALREADY spending hundreds of dollars to market myself, what is the point of using TCT, which is STILL AN AGENCY, no matter how you try to rename it? How many jobs did YOU get through TCT? I figure that you?ve already spent your $800, and you are mad at all the notices you?ve read on RIPOFFREPORT.COM, and already figured out you you?ve been ripped off. Or, you are a scout, and in that case, how much are YOU supposed to make, to bring people to TCT, and get them signed up, which also states that it is in addition a PYRAMID SCAM? Obviously, you were also there at this ?OPEN CALL?, which you will say it isn?t, since ?IT WASN?T OPEN TO THE PUBLIC???

What is your definition of an entity that represents you, and send you to jobs that you can just as easily go to yourself, even through the internet, since ?it is not an agency?? Obviously, you?ve had your own questions about TCT, otherwise, you wouldn?t have been reading anything on And while you are reading, why don?t you check into all the different names that this company went under?? To let you know, TCT is company name number FIVE, and not just because of their recent merger last year?. And also check into how many times that this company, under it?s many names, was shown through the media all across this country, for being a scam, since the year 2000? Why don?t you call some of the different company names that was used at this ?OPEN CALL? and ask them directly if they have used anyone through this AGENCY. As the genius that you already are, I am sure you?ve already checked it out, through the internet, the library, through other people ACTIVELY WORKING in the entertainment business, etc.

And another thing, NO ONE, NO ONE, HAS TO FORK OVER $800 IN ORDER TO MARKET THEMSELVES THROUGH SOMEONE ELSE, unless they themselves don?t know how to shop around. And don?t waste your time saying that I didn?t have the money to spend, BECAUSE I DO. And the reason why I went to this OPEN CALL, that is my business.

I may look foolish to you, but I still have my $800, and the common sense to know a scam when I see one. Also, in regards to the crack about showing you who will pay to send someone to go to college, my college tuition is PAID for, because my REAL JOB paid for it.

Maybe with ?all the money you will be making through TCT?, you will pay for your career in drama, because that is all you are giving, DRAMA.

And to your rebuttal, and any future rebuttals, WHATEVER. Save it for someone who cares.

steve caroly

new york,
New York,


#16UPDATE Employee

Sat, January 18, 2003

dear genius- maybe you didn't pay attention at the open call but you missed ONE HUGE POINT-

tct IS NOT AN AGENCY!!! so yes, you're right, if an AGENCY asks for!

but if a photographer, makeup artist or in this case, a searchable database charges a fee....that's their right just as it's your right to say no thanks or shop around for a cheaper product.

when you create a free searchable database for all the models, then offer it. I can't believe you thought TCT was an agency- people, know the facts before you haphazardly blast off on this site- you look foolish otherwise.

so you're 100% right and 100% wrong all at the same time.

p.s. show me an agent who will send you to college to major in drama?? only in nyc and la do they SOMETIMES put up the money for your photos upfront. 99% of the coutnry you buy your own photos and give them to your agent to send, just like you pay to print up your own resume when job searching./

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