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  • Report:  #5977

Complaint Review: Trek Alliance

Trek Alliance, forget them! Multi-Level Marketing ripoff *UPDATE *REBUTTALS employee. ..tell me again what the "ripoff" is *Consumer Suggestion

  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Tue, July 31, 2001
  • Updated:
    Mon, December 30, 2002
*0: I'm really not sure what the gripes are about this company, or any other MLM company for that matter *0: I'm laughing so hard at your post i'm not sure i can type now. *0: Trek Alliance is a spin off from a business known as Equinox. *0: Not, MLM flat out is a bust. If it was so great like those Vip's etc say it is. *0: As for you Trek Alliance reps-take the blinders off and put them back where they belong---on the horses! *0: I am a current employee of Trek Alliance and am wondering what the "ripoff" is. *0: I just returned from my "interview" (Chicago area) *0: Ok, whoever put that those rebuttals about your support for Trek Alliance. Good god, man. Do you have any clue what you are saying? *UPDATE Employee: I would love to talk to all of you personally, who have a problem with TREK ALLIANCE *UPDATE Employee: Brainwashing in meetings and I must believe everything on the net..... *Consumer Comment: Dont let a few Trek Reps spoil the whole lot *UPDATE Employee: I agree and Disagree *UPDATE Employee: I agree and Disagree *Consumer Suggestion: Equinox into Trek Alliance *UPDATE Employee: Trek and Equinox relation *Consumer Comment: quit feeling sorry for yourselves *Consumer Comment: quit feeling sorry for yourselves *Consumer Comment: quit feeling sorry for yourselves *Consumer Comment: Relationship between Equinox and Trek *Consumer Comment: Relationship between Equinox and Trek *Consumer Comment: Relationship between Equinox and Trek *Consumer Comment: Relationship between Equinox and Trek *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Listen up rookies *Consumer Comment: Hahahahahaha! *falling off of my chair* THUD! *Consumer Suggestion: Desk rent is frontloading? *Consumer Suggestion: Desk rent is frontloading? *Consumer Suggestion: Desk rent is frontloading? *Consumer Suggestion: Desk rent is frontloading? *Consumer Suggestion: The Equinox Connection *Consumer Suggestion: Oh SHEESH! *Consumer Comment: Trek Allience Scam and rip-off *Consumer Suggestion: IM LAUGHING SO HARD NOW!! HAHHAA! *Consumer Comment: Oh pleeeeazzze! *UPDATE EX-employee responds: The Cloud of a*s behind TREK .."ok everyone prepare to lie your a*s off about how this whole program works." *UPDATE Employee: Anger is one of the 7 deadly sins *UPDATE EX-employee responds: *shaking head* *Consumer Comment: Trek Alliance is not for everyone *Consumer Suggestion: Why the deception? *Consumer Comment: I work for corporate america.... *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Ex-Equinox Director ..Chances of success are slim. *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Trek Sucks @ss! *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Hey Levi, how are ya doin now?

I have read the comments and the rebuttals and contrary to one rebuttal, they do blow smoke and it was a big smoke screen. I posted my resume on the web and received a call from a company about a position that met my qualifications.

I asked about the company but the caller would not tell me exactly what the company did. She almost slipped up but we had an appointment set for an interview. I searched the web and could not find this company's info. What clued me to be a questionable interview is when I received a call to reconfirm my appointment. I showed up and found that I was not the only one there for a job interview. I almost walked out then but I was told that there was an opening for my talents, so I hung out.

When you set in on a presentation and notice that there are plants among you who do the "oohs and aaahs" you realize the BS meter is getting pegged. Yes, it was smoke.
The tactics to get you in were slight of hand.
It is no different from any of the other MLM.

As I sat there all I could think about are the acquantances that one has a garage full of laundry detergent and toilet paper and the other person who gives away toothpaste. Of course I can not forget the dear friend that still is trying to sell a water purifier and almost lost his house because he didn't make the riches he had been told he would make in a matter of months.
That was one "interview" I wish to forget.

42 Updates & Rebuttals



Hey Levi, how are ya doin now?

#43UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, December 29, 2002

This response is written specifically for Levi, who posted his rebuttal on 02/17/2002. ...At the end of his rebuttal, I believe he posted something about comparing his life to ours, correct?! ...I believe he said something to the fact of ,"I would love to compare our lives in about a year from now, cause you'll be crying and I'll be on vacation." .....Well Levi, I have to give you credit on at least half of your comment, meaning that you ARE on vacation now, aren't ya!!! HA HA HA HA HA!!! ...Yeah, it's not exactly a year yet, but it looks like you've already begun that vacation, THANKS TO FTC (for shutting your/Trek's a*s down!!!) How does that feel, to know that you look like a complete moron now?

All I've got to say is, "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!" ...So, what kind of clever little comeback have you got now?!

Have a nice life, cause I know I am!!!


Los Angeles,

Trek Sucks @ss!

#43UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, November 30, 2002

This company sucks!!!!! I lost a total of $15,000+ and my best friend lost $20,000-25,000 and he is still in it. Let me reiterate to those "Brain washed" this is why you shouldn't join...

1. I was once enthusiastic and defended Trek Alliance and thought this was "How I was going to be a millionaire" I was in the company for 8 months before it hit me that I was screwed over!

2. They don't care WHO joins the company, it could be a retarded monkey for all they care. The only qualification is you have to have a bank account.

3. For those of you that say "They don't ask for money!" well they don't ask but they pressure you to cough it up.... meaning lets take DJ barton he was my direct upline and he told me "In order to be successful you must follow those you want to be like" He drove a nice car a Porsche to be exact and had a nice place so why wouldn't I follow DJ? It all made sense at the time...

4. You only buy a starter kit right? So what's the risk if its only $47.00? Well that's just the bait.... next they will have you come in to their meetings on Saturdays... called "Saturday Trainings" what they should be called is "Scam 101 comedy class" I didn't learn a d**n thing, its the same stuff over and over.

5. DO NOT GO TO Trainings! You think things will make sense but its basically a Saturday training spread over 3 days. These cost money and this is where the TOP guys, (the guys at the top of the pyramid) make all their money...

6. For those that say ohhh I've seen their check stubs etc.... well of course they are making that money, they are making it off of what you purchase!!! That's the only way they make their money.

7. And for those of you that say... well I made $1-5K last month. well you know what I tell you? How long did it take you to make that??? You know how much I make now? I make about 3-4K a month EVERY month not maybe's and ifs. I cant live off that!

8. Watch out for these scam artist, these are ones usually the ones running the offices.

Dj Barton
Michael Hall
Heather Elliot (d**n she is ugly and not very funny)
Marc Accetta *Watch out for him he is good at what he does* meaning he is a great scam artist

To end this off I want to say this.....

I nearly lost my life, my family and my future because of some people that don't mind taking advantage of others as long as they are making money.. my advice is if you hear Trek Alliance or Mountain Edge Alliance, Solutions for life or a million of the other aliases they go under run the other way while you still can!!!!!! BE WARNED!



Ex-Equinox Director ..Chances of success are slim.

#43UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 09, 2002

Funny the same things that went on at Equinox are now taking place with Trek Allaince. Why...Because it is the same leadership and its all they now how to do. I was in fairly early with Equinox in San Diego 1993. I was easy prey just left a job making little money working tons of ours.

I called on a help wanted ad for an Asst Mgr. (extremely misleading), but showed up for my 7:30pm interview. I was pawned off onto a few attractive women in the office who talked very highly about my sponsor ( the etifiction game). I jumped in full steam off to a training my first weekend in Dallas with Bill Gouldd ($600.00).

I spent the next four years of my life traveling around the country building a sales force in multiple cities. I reached Director and had 1,500 people sales force reaching $170k in sales a month.

I hit a couple checks for 10k, but they were never consistent. I spent each month searching for some poor fool to take 5k from to qulaify for my check. What took me some time to understand is the top people made all the money, and that Equinox was not about making a difference in the environmnet, but about making Bill Gouldd through (AMS) Advanced Marketing Seminars millions. They were creating casualties everywhwere people where going 10k, 20k, and 30k in debt on their credit cards. "fake it till you make it" was the theme song.

it was time to get out I could no longer tell people to ruin their credit ans lives. I am happy to say we in the north east were the first to question Bill Gouldd about the thousands of lives he was destroying, and started the downfall of Equinox. As expected we were thrown out of the company with our names butchered at sales trainings.

I was left with horrible credit which took seven long years to restore. What I want people to understand is these are the same people at Trek all the names are the same just different company with a new spin on things. The leadership in this compnay makes all the money mostly through the trainings.

Chances of success are slim. If you do find success they will find a way to get rid of you so your sales force rolls up to them. Bill Gouldd always talked about scales of balance and what you do will evntually come back ten fold. He definitely got what he deserved. It is only a matter of time before Trek follows the same fate. The leadership at Trek are clones of Bill Gouldd they care not about ethics, integrity, or the environment it is all about how much of your money and all your family and friends money they can get for their own personal greed.



I work for corporate america....

#43Consumer Comment

Wed, June 19, 2002

I work for a Fortune 600 company doing sales. I have been with this company for about 18 months.

Oh yes corporate american is so miserable!

Rather working for a fly by night scam company that CHARGES you for training, this is what working for a corporation has done for me:

I work M-F 7-4 with all holidays and weekends off. If I need a day off I ask my mgr and it usually gets approved.

PAID training. Yes you said it. All paid. No charging me an arm and leg to be a member of their organization.

2 weeks paid vacation a year, roughly about 10 sick days a year, full health/dental/life insurance. 401k and stock options.

I do work in a big cubicle, but I have a fast PC and can email/instant message/use the internet as much as I want as long as it does not interfere with my work.

I get a base salary plus comm. plus spiffs and an oportunity to win alot of prizes every month including money, TV's, trips. This month my work is giving away a harley davidson motorcycle to the rep who has racked up the most point this quarter during our huge 2nd quarter sales contest. I deal with tons of differnet vendors whos products we sell so we constantly get clothes,food,trips, given to us. The best thing-I get a paycheck every other Friday with my base and once a month the nice commission check comes and that often has additional spiffs on it. I also receive a commission check every month from our leasing company.

My company gives away all expense paid vacations to about 50 people every year via drawings. Next month I am going on one to Lake Tahoe. Everything paid for by the company including drinks, food and recreation activities and 5 star hotel.

I get to wear shorts in the summer, other seasons its relaxed business casual.

The average sales rep at my company makes 65k a year with some making 100k-250k. I made 60k last year my first full year there.

If this corporate america lifestyle is supposed to suck, then I would like to see it when its good.

MLM's suck!!!!!! Get real jobs trekkies!



Why the deception?

#43Consumer Suggestion

Mon, June 03, 2002

Recently Dynamics International contacted me for a position that was available. I tried to get more information on the job, but instead my inquiries were deflected. What can be the harm of checking it out I said to myself, maybe there will be something at Dynamics that will work out for me.

Like a lot of people I found out when I got there that here in Chicago "Dynamics International" was in fact Trek Alliance. Also there was no interview, instead I got to sit down to hear about Multi-Level Marketing with various products.

Why the deception? Why am I led to believe that a job exists when in fact one doesn't? Additionally I know of no legitimate employment opportunity that requires front loading. Why not take the cost of the starter kit out of your first few sales? This should be no problem if these products are indeed as fantastic as they claim. Instead I was asked to pay $80 to get started.

I dont know of how far this company culture of front loading goes since I walked out of the presentation, but Ive read in more than a few places including here about how people take on enormous debt to continue working in the Trek system. My time spent studying business in college works against the entire concept of frontloading.

Would someone please show me where I can go to learn how frontloading can work for me? Oh wait, it doesnt work This conception of front loading is complete and total BS, no matter which way you slice it, and if you dont believe this you will be taken for all your worth. It says to you that they do not expect you to succeed, and they are not willing to risk a loss, of which Im sure is a lot less than $80.

I would love to see some justifications as to why Trek feels it has to sell you a starter kit to get into the system. This in itself raises an important sticking point for me: the company culture is more important than the products it sells. Tell me then, why would anyone want products from a company whose foundation isnt in the products that support it but rather is in the process of perpetual recruitment to sustain the company culture? Its fundamentally the wrong approach to good business, and those who buy into it are asking for trouble. Good luck to you if youre involved, youre braver than I could ever be.

Here are a couple of more reasons why Trek failed to get me in, maybe the Trek leadership should take a look.

1. I may have considered what Trek had to offer, but the method they used to bring me in caused me to be very defensive to what they were presenting.

2. If Trek wants to talk business with me, they need to talk business. Instead they tried to soften me up with smooth talk, pretty women, tasteless music and bad jokes; I felt as if my time was being wasted, and it was.

3. During what I saw of the presentation they referenced the exponential growth of the industry but never specifically mentioned what industry they were referring too. Speaking of the numbers, I wouldnt mind taking a look at Trek Alliances books, but thats probably too much to ask from them. Never mind that most companies of their claimed size have financial statements readily available. Is it even a considered a company? I shouldnt have to ask that.

4. There were a lot of unsubstantiated claims: if an argument is going to be made on the state of tap water show me sources. Also they didnt mention that their line of water purifiers are illegal in Wisconsin, just a stones throw away from their offices in Chicago.

5. There were obviously planted audience members getting overly excited about the presentation.

6. They described their pyramid scheme, and tried to compare it to a corporate power structure. When in fact its like comparing apples and oranges. Then they tried to explain the problems with a corporate power structure, as if there is a better way to run a company. They also failed to mention the risks of MLM pyramids.

I wasted an entire day going out to the suburbs for something that wasnt there, and I can only hope some people are so fortunate.

From what Ive seen in my afternoon at Trek Alliance a.k.a. Dynamics International, no one should have to literally buy into this scheme; it is flawed to the core.

Be cautious



Trek Alliance is not for everyone

#43Consumer Comment

Thu, May 30, 2002

Altlhough many people may feel that coming to work and putting in their two cents is what is necessary to earn a million dollars, they are wrong. Trek Alliance is not for everyone; it is not for the faint of heart, it is not for the weak. This is a company whose requirements include sales ability and hard work.

For those who could not cut it, they are disgruntled people who feel that MLM companies are scams; they are not. These businesses pride themselves on the fact that they are quickly growing, lucrative businesses with energetic salespeople who are motivated to perform to the best of their abilities.

There is no way to tell how much money you may make unless you stick with a job and give it your all. Many people have no "all" to give, and for them, I say 'Leave and go to another business. McDonalds has positions open all of the time.' For the others who want money, a good job, and to participate in an exciting career in which money, travel, and good people are plenty, I say 'Hats off to you!', because those are the people who will be able to cut it in this market.

To conclude, I say that MLM is not for everyone. It is only for those who are willing to put in a great deal of heart and effort. And think of why this company did/did not work for you: where are the people with money and how did they get there, and where are you without money, and how did you not get there?



*shaking head*

#43UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 30, 2002

Ah I'm almost ashaimed to write this. I was suckered in. On a break from my real job (of which I love and actually have a REAL possibility of making decent money) with a knee injury, so I put out my resume.

Oh the phone call was so great, she even fooled me into thinking that they were hiring for trainers. Hey I have experiance, lets check it out.

So I drive the 40 miles (first stupid mistake) to attend the group setting. I'll admit, I was impressed. It was the first "easy money" scheme that was well organized, energetic, and inexpensive to join. I wrote the check for the starter kit. *sigh* Here we go...

I managed to sink close to 8000 total into the company. I have two of the "gotta have" product kits, I went to most of the weekend retreats/EP's/Whatever the hell was going on that weekend and I even went onto a desk part time (300 freeken bucks a month). Wow, what do you mean if I miss a weekend training I have to pay double?

I'm still curious as to why people were bragging about the checks they recieved. After all the fees and "necessities", oh and DONT forget taxes, do you really make all that much? As for any information in spanish, forget it. At the time I quit, they weren't even thinking about it. But, I was encouraged to recruit my spanish speaking friends (keyword speaking, not reading) because they could recruit more and so on.

The thing that irks me perhaps the most is the lying. Shampoo and deoderant does not cause cancer unless you're applying it constantly or injesting it on a 24/7 basis. Trek Alliance is NOT mentioned on Forbes' top 500 companies. When I mentioned the fact that the "top" leader had changed/shortened his name, I was told nothing. I was also told nothing about the sexual allegations brought against Mr Von.

The slander against GNC made me sick. I personally love my GNC, they are educated in the product and KNOW how to help an educated consumer. The one that takes the cake is I still get the newsletter. My sponsor was listed in many parts, so I checked her picture. Wow, completly different person. So I'm curious, do they have people impersonation going on as well now?? Don't get me wrong, there could be more than one of the same name, but to have almost identical "credentials", it makes me wonder.

I could go on, but it's pointless, the sheep will keep bleating out what they've been taught to say. I remember all the "warm fuzzy" training to combat the negative people out there. You people keep saying how you're goal setters and go getters and you're thinking outside the box. One word: Baaaaaaa

I will admit, I like some of the products (I have to, I'm stuck with them). The orange clean is still one of my biggest sellers (I've sent my clients to other distributors). And, I personally do think that the shower filter, while not a life necessity, is a major benefit to my dry and damaged hair. And yeah, I'm a sucker for the hair shine stuff. The stuff is highly overpriced and yes, I've found comparable products in stores in my area.

I think I'd have stayed with the company longer if it hadn't been for all the lies and the insults. You don't tell me that my best friend is incompetant and a sheep. She has a brain, she DOES know how to think for herself. I just happened to sucker her into the whole thing. You also don't tell me to *explicit* retailing when you know darn well that I want to retail. That's the whole reason I signed up.

And please, don't tell me I'm selfish for not wanting to go to Chicago when 9/11 just happened and I want to stay home and volunteer (where I'm REALLY needed). By the way, the miles I racked up and my home business deductions you stated were NOT allowed on taxes. Nice. You people don't know how to run a business any more than the professor you continuosly bash upon. Tell me I'm selfish for using my money for a college education (which would have helped me in my own business, no?), that's just wrong. Maybe if you people would have taken accounting 101 or even marketing, you'd have realized that the overhead cost does not make this profitable.

I'm sorry, if you feel comfortable lying and cheating people, go for it. My conscious can't handle it. My personal advice? Unless you have the money to blow, avoid Dynamic Innovations in Lincoln Nebraska and Trek Alliance nationwide. Maybe if they can get away from the lying and start being upfront, people would be more receptive. But, then again, I have a feeling they wouldn't have much of a business.

I learned my lesson and now I have to pay. Thank you for the bad credit, the racked up miles on my truck and the major stress of "not being good enough". Go ahead, give up your cable, your phones, live with 10 people and we'll see in ten years who has a real life. Maybe I won't be a greedy millionare, but I'll be making an honest living and living a good life. I'm succeeding now, with out you, so HAH.


West Virginia,

Anger is one of the 7 deadly sins

#43UPDATE Employee

Tue, May 21, 2002

I see so much about the sexual harassment charges and I say I don't have to work with him so I don't care. I know people that have DUI's and I have not dismissed the type of person they are. If you look around the people that you work with and live around all have "issues" that may show up when you least expect it watch Court TV.

A company can not SCAM you. You are your own person. You are in control of your life. You decide what you will do everyday. I know how much money I have and I am not going to over-spend. It is really easy to blame someone else for your failures. You may not like the way that someone runs their business, but it is not your job to make slanderous statements about it.

If you don't like something buck up and move on with your life, but don't tell other people how they should live theirs.



The Cloud of a*s behind TREK .."ok everyone prepare to lie your a*s off about how this whole program works."

#43UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, May 14, 2002

Everyone wants to be rich, don't you? Of course well guess what Trek can do that for you as long as you stay committed and Never Quit!

If you've been in trek for awhile I want you to read this thoroughly then ask yourself man was I brain washed?

Here's what they should teach, "ok everyone prepare to lie your a*s off about how this whole program works."

At first I thought the Trek program sounded pretty solid. When I was told I could work trek when ever I wanted, I didn't need to buy any products to make money and the money would still come in with the help of my mentors. Hmm yeah what a crock of S@!#. I made around 2000 dollars doing trek was promoted and kept hearing how much the future had in store for me. You might say hey you made 2000 grand what are you bitching about. I would respond by saying no I made about 500 dollars. Lets break this down. Training to Vegas = $225, hotel $150, Food $75, Gas for POS Van $60. Buying 100 cp a month with your huge discount of 40% $100+. Reno $350, and so on. Let alone all the nickel and dime jobs they try to get out of you with $15 dollars to hear Joe DeLisle, $30 for Ray Pearson.

Have any of you current Trek reps asked yourself why the hell do I need to pay money so Mr. Pearson and DeLisle can have a nice hotel? Aren't they making enough money that maybe they could pay for there own crap. Im sure it's not going to hurt their pockets as much as the poor schmuck who listens to there magical speechs of bull. This is where they get there money. Do you really think a little hole in the wall banquet room in a hotel is going to cost $6000 dollars for 200 people to hear someone talk for three hours? I doubt it. I've rented banquet rooms before, much nicer ones and it was around 600 dollars for the whole day. So who gets that extra cash? Not you but Trek and there elite members.

Ask your mentor about the SEXUAL ASSULT CHARGES brought up against the owner Rich Von and Ray Pearson. Here's what mine told me. When Rich worked for Equinox the old owner hated him so he gave Rich the advice to plead guilty and no one would remember that the occurrence happened if it was settled quickly. First off what the F@*# kind of response is that. I thought Rich left equinox to form Trek the Family oriented fun happy land of opportunity, why would he take advice from his old owner. Second No ONE pleads guilty to sexual assault just to get it out of the way, if you didn't do the crime then fight it. I then asked well was he married during all this. Yes with kids, wow he's a model of family values. All you trek reps reading this know he is a lying sac with no morals what so ever.

How much did you make this month? Every notice how the actual amount you make is never what is said during an overview. Why is that? Hey Bob made 800 dollars this month, no Bob made around 350 dollars this month. Because you need to convince the people who are there that yes money can be made. But wait what about the 100 standing order cp so Bob made about 250 dollars this month. Oh no! We don't tell them about that till there in and have there starter kit. Sounds like Deception dont it? Nope it's what we call smart fair business here at Trek.

Work when ever you want HAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAA what a joke. If you are not in contact with the office for more then a day they call you, not once, not twice but over and over. "Hey we got a big speaker coming to town, he was just here last month but this is a rare opportunity you have to come, by the way its $15 bucks a person." Then they try to pull your not apart of the group if you don't come mentality. "Hey everyone Im going to go spend $500 dollars this weekend to hear the same thing again and so are all of you, except Bob, why you pussing out Bob come on it's only $500 dollars just think of all that money you'll be making in the future.

Everyone of the poor bastards in my office weren't making jack S#!!. Office cost??? Wait what are those $300 for a half desk $500 for a full a month. Ad cost???? What are those typical add for one week $30 bucks one month $120. Phone expenses????? What are those and so on. Having a desk is good to get people off of cold calls from ads. The company has a phrase for getting people from ads they call it "fishing in the toilet." When in fact the people from ads don't fall for the crap spewing from the mouths of the Trek Reps. Wonder why they say get your WARM MARKET in here. It's because there easier to deceive then people who don't know and trust you.

I have a question would anyone like either glass A of water or glass P? Oh god it's so funny lets all laugh now, HAAAHAAA, Jesus tap dancing Christ think of a new gimmick joke please! There are plenty others and there are people all around you trained to laugh as if its the first time they have heard it. DECEPTION, hmm I think so.

Look at a Trek News, then ask yourself why is it always the same twenty people in every magazine. Why isn't there new people who are making tons of cash. Oh wait there aren't twenty other people making tons of cash. Your making those twenty people tons of cash, how's that feel on your wallet, good, I bet it does! After a year of trek I have yet to see a new groupee added to the Trek news who is plastered all over the magazine.

It's all about how many people you can screw over and not feel guilty about it to make any money.

Try leaving Trek for three weeks and see how many times your office will call you and try to turn down seeing a couple speakers and notice how your fellow peers treat you.

Ever try typing in INSERT NAME Alliance, or what ever the office you work at is titled on a search engine? Big surprise you don't find crap. If you type in Trek Alliance you might find something like this, which may make you think.

I've notice Trek is trying to get sneaky by making tons of websites about there products and there paying big money for meta-tags so that there websites will come up when Trek alliance is typed on a search engine. Why? To block negative sites that may save people from falling into debt.

Hey I made $500 dollars, woohoo. Hey I lost three good friends, hey I was constantly annoyed by people from my office. Man it was worth it!! Did I try it yeah I tried it for over a year did I awaken the millionaire inside, Nope I awakened myself to the cloud of bullsh!t that hovers over the heads of Trek members.

If your making money, hey way to go! If your losing your friends in the process hey way to go! If you say well my friends suck cause they won't do trek for me. I feel sorry for you look in the mirror friend you are officially an ASSCLOWN! Congrats.

The people who started MLM marketing were geniuses; they were able to find a plethora of morons to make money off of. If you can find enough morons then you can make some money as well.

All these items add up to DECEPTION which is what Trek should be called DECEPTION ALLIANCE.



Oh pleeeeazzze!

#43Consumer Comment

Thu, May 02, 2002

Spare me your song and dance about how great Trek Alliance because it looks like you're still in the "honeymoon" phase and you don't want the real truth about this MLM come out because it has the ability to scare off your "prospective" downliners.

Marc Accetta is STILL the scam artist! HE was buddies with Billy "Ghoul" and learned the fine art of the "three shells" game in Equinox before it was shut down.

If Trek Alliance is sooooo special then why there are lawsuits pending along with Wisconson's lawsuit on them selling illegal water filters? What abour FTC taking a second look at them? Why is Rich Von under suspicions of sexual assault? Why these reps are barely making a living on this pittance? Why the products are substandard and cost 2-3 times more than far better products in your local store? Why are you guys cold calling this people who have their resumes on if you claim that everybody is beating a path to your door?

Get it through your thick skull: Trek Alliance is a flat out SCAM! but I ain't gonna waste another minute on it if you're so besotted with Trek Alliance.

In my daughter's words: Gag-o-Rama!


Los Angeles,


#43Consumer Suggestion

Sat, April 20, 2002

Okay as a response to the first gentlemen, "Don" I have been with Trek Alliance for about 7 months, now how can you be so d**n close minded?

I have had success with the company, not the best as some of the top producers but I have done quite well! I was never asked to front any money for products or anything, its a very reputable company thats based in the same shape as any other company, a god d**n pyramid!

you gotta be kidding me, you guys took a look at the company but you guys didnt actually see it if you know what I mean! MLM is the wave of the future for distribution!

I mean you get to be an independent contractor for only 47 bucks!! If you cant front 47 bucks and take risk in life you will never ever get ahead! Have fun working behind a desk for 40k a year, while Im building up my residuals to amount of over 100K! If you only get 25 cutomers and there are eh just only a few billion Id say, and you cant get 25 people on a standing order to mak around 1500 a month???

You gotta be kidding! me getting 25 cutomers you can then sit on your butt, and enjoy some extra income or why dont you just build up your referal base get up the standing order base and just keep working off overides bonuses, etc! Its insane and people say its a scam because you have to pay 47 bucks to have a business where you can have a desk and work right in the office with trained professionals!?

If thats not enough you get Saturday trainings for FREE to teach you how to make 2-5K your first month! Well if its a scam then I dont know why we have a website, offices, we place ads in the paper, etc? Okay if you say so "Don" And that lady baggin on Mr. Accetta that just totally furiates me, I mean you must have been on crack or something because Mr. Accetta is the most honest man I know and he taught me so much and made me money and to blam him just because he is on top? HELLO? Well anyway Im going to check my watch since I just finished this letter, I made about 50 bucks residually have a nice life "Don" and others, while you work till your 65! Later..



Trek Allience Scam and rip-off

#43Consumer Comment

Sat, April 06, 2002

hi you people out there trying to make money my first suggestion to you is if someone tells you that you can make lots and lots of money fast and easy then i would advise and urge you to search it before you go into the business because likely it's a scam or a rip-off. Like credit cards that charge you $200 for and initial fee where you have no idea until you get your fist bill so my suggestion is be aware of this suckers!

I wanna talk about trek alliance, this company is a total fraud and their shampoo quality is the same ones you can get in a dollar store :) and you pay like twice or more at trek alliance and not only you get ripped off but also your customers too.

First of all, This company is run by convicts and all of the people who works there are fake. They live in group apt like with 5 people. my gf used to work for them like 2 weeks until we found about this. The nicer cars are parked right in front of the office so they make you think that they are all rich also fake rolex watches and cheap designer suits are a way they use to manipulate you. When we checked the rep's house it turns out be that it's in the crappiest part of town. these people don't even have health insurance and have bad credit.

so be aware people! there is no money to buy from them, trainig even is charged to you, (I haven't seen a company where training is charged, it B.S.)
these people will make you buy stuff worth like 4000 and you can sell any of them since they are cheap and crappy.
I think this guy Kevin from lincoln who posted positive feedback about Trek alliance is a scam himself since he is trying to protect them what he doesn't tell you is this company is being sued in many states for fraud.
My last suggestion is watch out for companies like this!!!!

also we are trying to let people know in Lincoln about this company they won't be long in lincoln, we will post ads and flyers about this fraud company in nebraska.

Goodbye all and stay away from fraud




#43Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 05, 2002

Rich Von a HERO?? Excuse me, I gotta run to the bathroom because for some reason, I feel a tad nauseaous.

Try telling that to several female reps he sexually assaulted. He was found guilty on one case but the charges were reduced so he simply spun his version of what happened and his little sheeps took his word for it so who knows how many victims are out there. As for him walking away from the money because of his high moral standards? Surely you JEST! He TOOK his share and RAN when FTC investigators took second look at Equinox.

You have NOT explained why Trek "Avarice's" products are extremely SUBSTANDARD and costs 2-3 times more than far better products being sold in the stores. You have NOT explained why Wisconsin Attorney General slapped a lawsuit on Trek "Avarice". You have NOT explained why reps have to PAY in order to work at Trek "Avarice". No legit companies do that to their prospective employees. Instead of bad mouthing us and calling us losers, why don't you answer my questions about Trek Avarice? It might make you a little more intelligent instead of 'nother Trek Alliance sucker.

As for the North Dakota beachfront property, I'll throw in a couple of extremely rare Jackalopes in the deal. Any takers?



The Equinox Connection

#43Consumer Suggestion

Wed, April 03, 2002

People can find the bad in any situation. I am sure that Rich Von was in Equinox. from what I understand, he build a team of 150,000 reps with that company. What about NSA? Nobody ever talkes about that company. Its still around and thats another company that Rich was in.

It cool to see the Trek Story unfold. Yeh, you do find alot of opinions, especialy on the internet. But if you could see more. If you could see what drives these leaders. Especialy the ones that came from equinox.

Let me show you a diferent prespective. What if you do something that you love and truly enjoy doing. This is everything to you. One day you realize that its not fun any more. Yeh, you are getting what you wanted but your closest friends arnt and they are no longer happy. You realize that the one that started it all lost where he came from and the system was suffering and that you wouldn't let your own kids work there.

Rich walked from Equinox and went against the very thing that he helpt build. This guy was making 7 figures a year with 150,000 reps in his team and he walked from that. Equinox, just having there star rep walk, wasnt happy about that. and I am sure that they did everything in there power to discredit Rich.

What would be the best way to get revenge on equinox. If you understood the Trek leaders, it would be to create a bigger, stronger, better company the right way and prove that it could be done.

If equinox was build on a system and thrived without reps making much money, could you imagin using that system with the reps making money.

Trek was designed and started by reps and has strong leaders still out in the field.

I came into trek as a skeptic, after reading the internet. I spent too much time trying to pick it appart. I was to bussy picking it appart to learn anything. Once I saw people around me having the results I wanted in much less time. I realized that it does work and its time to run with it.



Desk rent is frontloading?

#43Consumer Suggestion

Wed, April 03, 2002

If your desk rent is too high, split the cost with your downline. let them use it. Why would reps have to pay for desk rent? i dont know, they could go open there own office? just kidding. The cost of desk rent is different in different offices. it all depends on what the office expences are. look at it this way. if you dont have an office, you can help split the cost by paying desk rent.



Desk rent is frontloading?

#43Consumer Suggestion

Wed, April 03, 2002

If your desk rent is too high, split the cost with your downline. let them use it. Why would reps have to pay for desk rent? i dont know, they could go open there own office? just kidding. The cost of desk rent is different in different offices. it all depends on what the office expences are. look at it this way. if you dont have an office, you can help split the cost by paying desk rent.



Desk rent is frontloading?

#43Consumer Suggestion

Wed, April 03, 2002

If your desk rent is too high, split the cost with your downline. let them use it. Why would reps have to pay for desk rent? i dont know, they could go open there own office? just kidding. The cost of desk rent is different in different offices. it all depends on what the office expences are. look at it this way. if you dont have an office, you can help split the cost by paying desk rent.



Desk rent is frontloading?

#43Consumer Suggestion

Wed, April 03, 2002

If your desk rent is too high, split the cost with your downline. let them use it. Why would reps have to pay for desk rent? i dont know, they could go open there own office? just kidding. The cost of desk rent is different in different offices. it all depends on what the office expences are. look at it this way. if you dont have an office, you can help split the cost by paying desk rent.



Listen up rookies

#43UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 12, 2002

Boy does all this sound too familiar. Rookies, sit back and let Uncle Mike tell you a story.

A long time ago, I was really frustrated with my job. I was getting downsized and was sick of corporate politics. While looking for a new job, I came a across an ad looking for somebody Sports Minded to help run a new company. "That's me!" I exclaimed so I hopped on the phone. The lady on the other end was so nice. She flattered me about my accomplishements and talked me up so much that I couldn't wait to get down there the next day.

On the day of my "interview" I walk into a fancy office with young people everywhere, loud music playing and a party atmoshpere. This is for me. I was hooked before they even started.

To make a long story short, I got started right away. I made Manager my first month, Supervisor the second month. A few months later I was a Director. Skip Meyer, Equinox IMD trainer, pulled me aside and invited me to spend the day with him out at the lake. We had a blast. He had all the toys, a beautiful wife and no cares in the world. All this could be mine he said if I was willing to do the business the right way. I said, "Sure Skip. Just tell me what to do." He got real serious and said, "Mike, most people go about this business by trying to sell the products. The products are great. I use them and love them but the real money is in recruiting people. If you can become a body dragger and get people in front of me, you will become rich."

For the next two years I sacrificed everything to make things happen. I put bodies in the seats, drove all over the West Coast and basically ignored my family obligations. Sure I had some paydays. I made $5500 one month and $3000 another but those paydays were months apart. My lowest moment in hindsight was when I brought in a single parent and her kids and watched them run up $20,000 in credit card bills to get their youngest son to Director hoping it would pay for his education. My upline claimed this was a great month and I was rockin. How come I felt so crappy?

Soon the cost of the lifestyle started to mount. I had advertising costs and phone bills I couldn't pay. I was behind on my mortgage and car payments. The reality of it all was I was way in over my head but I was too brainwashed to come to my senses. I was determined not to quit because that is what they told me to never do.
I continued to fake it till I made it and lived a false lifestyle of denial and debt.

Three months later my wife about had a nervous breakdown from the stress of being home pregnant while I was on the road and having bill collectors calling all the time. I came home off the road at Christmas but the damage was done. My cars got repossesed, my credit was ruined, and my wifes health was not good. Fortunately my wife still loved me and we salvaged our marriage and started over.

You can tell me all you want how Trek isn't like Equinox but you are lying to yourself like I did for those 2 years. The legal documentation is there IF YOU are willing to look at it objectively. The character flaws of the leaders are there IF YOU are willing to acknowledge it. Even after all I had been through, when Skip called me about the new company I ran down to meet him as soon as he hit town. I heard all the talk about how this was different and how Bill Gouldd ruined Equinox. After one week I was able to be truthful with myself and come to terms with the fact that Skip was a con artist just like Bill Gouldd, Kale Flagg and Marc Accetta. I walked out the door to never do MLM again and with a goal to educate as many people as I could about these people.

Trek is no different. The people who run the company make their money by leading good intentioned sheep like ourselves to the financial slaughter. MLM is not viable as a long term business and the only ones who can make money are the ones who can con you or charm you into submission. Wake up and get out before you become another statistic. Denial will only lead to financial ruin.



Hahahahahaha! *falling off of my chair* THUD!

#43Consumer Comment

Tue, March 12, 2002

Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahah! Hahahahahahaah! *wiping tears from my eyes* Oh, I needed that laugh! Okay--there is a sucker born every minute and I've got a beachfront property in North Dakota up for sale, any takers?

You STILL have NOT explained WHY FTC is investigating Trek Alliance nor explained why Michigan Attorney General slapped a lawsuit on them for selling illegal water filters.

What about Rich Von's run-in with the law?

There are more questions about Trek "AVARICE" but
Ooooooo, I'm a spoilsport in this grand scheme of MLM scams. Well, put it this way, better you than me be the SUCKER!

Okay---anybody want to buy that beautiful beachfront property?


santa monica,

Relationship between Equinox and Trek

#43Consumer Comment

Tue, March 12, 2002

Someone asked for the relationship between Trek and Equinox. Equinox was a spinoff of a successful MLM called NSA; its founder, Bill Gouldd, made millions in NSA by charging his downline $50 a day for training sessions (in addition to recruiting people). As this violated NSA's rules, he was forced to leave, and started Equinox, which sold the exact same products. Ten or twenty MLMers who had large downlines were brought in by promises of getting partial ownership of Equinox. They came, and brought in tons of people, but Gouldd broke his promise, so they (Kale Flagg, Rich Von and others) started Trek Alliance. When Equinox was shut down, several other heavy hitters went over to Trek, which was selling the exact same things that NSA and Equinox were selling (over-priced water filters and quack dietary supplements) and doing the same things (pressuring people to invest $5,000 by promising to put people under them if they did; sexually assaulting women; lying about incomes).

OK, get it now? Scammers start up new company after new company after new company, often with a different owner named, but its the same old scam using the same tactics to go after the same people. OK, is it clear now?


santa monica,

Relationship between Equinox and Trek

#43Consumer Comment

Tue, March 12, 2002

Someone asked for the relationship between Trek and Equinox. Equinox was a spinoff of a successful MLM called NSA; its founder, Bill Gouldd, made millions in NSA by charging his downline $50 a day for training sessions (in addition to recruiting people). As this violated NSA's rules, he was forced to leave, and started Equinox, which sold the exact same products. Ten or twenty MLMers who had large downlines were brought in by promises of getting partial ownership of Equinox. They came, and brought in tons of people, but Gouldd broke his promise, so they (Kale Flagg, Rich Von and others) started Trek Alliance. When Equinox was shut down, several other heavy hitters went over to Trek, which was selling the exact same things that NSA and Equinox were selling (over-priced water filters and quack dietary supplements) and doing the same things (pressuring people to invest $5,000 by promising to put people under them if they did; sexually assaulting women; lying about incomes).

OK, get it now? Scammers start up new company after new company after new company, often with a different owner named, but its the same old scam using the same tactics to go after the same people. OK, is it clear now?


santa monica,

Relationship between Equinox and Trek

#43Consumer Comment

Tue, March 12, 2002

Someone asked for the relationship between Trek and Equinox. Equinox was a spinoff of a successful MLM called NSA; its founder, Bill Gouldd, made millions in NSA by charging his downline $50 a day for training sessions (in addition to recruiting people). As this violated NSA's rules, he was forced to leave, and started Equinox, which sold the exact same products. Ten or twenty MLMers who had large downlines were brought in by promises of getting partial ownership of Equinox. They came, and brought in tons of people, but Gouldd broke his promise, so they (Kale Flagg, Rich Von and others) started Trek Alliance. When Equinox was shut down, several other heavy hitters went over to Trek, which was selling the exact same things that NSA and Equinox were selling (over-priced water filters and quack dietary supplements) and doing the same things (pressuring people to invest $5,000 by promising to put people under them if they did; sexually assaulting women; lying about incomes).

OK, get it now? Scammers start up new company after new company after new company, often with a different owner named, but its the same old scam using the same tactics to go after the same people. OK, is it clear now?


santa monica,

Relationship between Equinox and Trek

#43Consumer Comment

Tue, March 12, 2002

Someone asked for the relationship between Trek and Equinox. Equinox was a spinoff of a successful MLM called NSA; its founder, Bill Gouldd, made millions in NSA by charging his downline $50 a day for training sessions (in addition to recruiting people). As this violated NSA's rules, he was forced to leave, and started Equinox, which sold the exact same products. Ten or twenty MLMers who had large downlines were brought in by promises of getting partial ownership of Equinox. They came, and brought in tons of people, but Gouldd broke his promise, so they (Kale Flagg, Rich Von and others) started Trek Alliance. When Equinox was shut down, several other heavy hitters went over to Trek, which was selling the exact same things that NSA and Equinox were selling (over-priced water filters and quack dietary supplements) and doing the same things (pressuring people to invest $5,000 by promising to put people under them if they did; sexually assaulting women; lying about incomes).

OK, get it now? Scammers start up new company after new company after new company, often with a different owner named, but its the same old scam using the same tactics to go after the same people. OK, is it clear now?



quit feeling sorry for yourselves

#43Consumer Comment

Mon, March 11, 2002

I have been with the company noted for a few months now. So all of you out there say you are getting scammed.... Let me ask you what proof you have. The reps from trek's success is based primarily on how much work you do to get to success. You cant base a company on what the rep that got you there told you, and you cant base your opinion of trek on the breifing you went to. Let me tell you, reps of trek are 3% of the overall population. that means we have 97% have no Idea what trek, equinox, or mlm even is!!... If so many people are getting scammed, why is it everone is getting rich besides you people that are complaining??? Success with any job is based on the effort you put into the company. You dont gain wealth overnight, and you SURELY dont get anywhere looking at all of the downpoints. Money is not easy to comeby, rather it is through mlm, or your local factory. $47 is not much compared to the rest of my life, how about you??



quit feeling sorry for yourselves

#43Consumer Comment

Mon, March 11, 2002

I have been with the company noted for a few months now. So all of you out there say you are getting scammed.... Let me ask you what proof you have. The reps from trek's success is based primarily on how much work you do to get to success. You cant base a company on what the rep that got you there told you, and you cant base your opinion of trek on the breifing you went to. Let me tell you, reps of trek are 3% of the overall population. that means we have 97% have no Idea what trek, equinox, or mlm even is!!... If so many people are getting scammed, why is it everone is getting rich besides you people that are complaining??? Success with any job is based on the effort you put into the company. You dont gain wealth overnight, and you SURELY dont get anywhere looking at all of the downpoints. Money is not easy to comeby, rather it is through mlm, or your local factory. $47 is not much compared to the rest of my life, how about you??



quit feeling sorry for yourselves

#43Consumer Comment

Mon, March 11, 2002

I have been with the company noted for a few months now. So all of you out there say you are getting scammed.... Let me ask you what proof you have. The reps from trek's success is based primarily on how much work you do to get to success. You cant base a company on what the rep that got you there told you, and you cant base your opinion of trek on the breifing you went to. Let me tell you, reps of trek are 3% of the overall population. that means we have 97% have no Idea what trek, equinox, or mlm even is!!... If so many people are getting scammed, why is it everone is getting rich besides you people that are complaining??? Success with any job is based on the effort you put into the company. You dont gain wealth overnight, and you SURELY dont get anywhere looking at all of the downpoints. Money is not easy to comeby, rather it is through mlm, or your local factory. $47 is not much compared to the rest of my life, how about you??



Trek and Equinox relation

#43UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 07, 2002

For those of you who are wondering about the relation of Trek and Equinox, it's simple. The owners of Trek, worked in Equinox for several years. They then recievd inside info on the companies down fall and got out.

When the got out the decided to build their own company (using same basic concepts as Equinox such as products). They looked at Equinox carefully and at what went wrong and made the changes to Trek. There is no scam to the company and there is nothing illeagal about it.

If it was illegal why would the have a website that anyone could visit ( They ask you to spend $47 on a startup kit and that's it. The kit will provide you with valuable information on how to get started and what the best way to do thing is. Yes the do push you to buy products, but why? So you know what you are selling!!!! Not a good idea to try to sell something you have NEVER tried. After you put up the $47 it's all up to you!!!

If you fail to pursue the opportunity oh well your out $47 and nothing Trek did caused that. Also after putting up the $47 you are intitled to tax beneffits and the average person in Trek saves $5,000 just from the tax beneffits alone. So if you spend the $47 and use the beneffits I think that alone is worth it.

They do encourage you to go to Educational Programs (EP) and other such events that do cost you money but if you feal the event wasn't worth your while they will give you your money back. (I have seen this happen). Also the people at the office are there to help you, Why? Because if they help you to make money they will be making money also.

These are just some of the differences the fabulous owners of Trek Alliance have made since they left Equinox. I understand that network marketing isn't for everyone but don't bash a company that has everything going for them and is expanding quite rapidly.

I have done my own research on the company and have found nothing negative on it except for people like those of you who did not have success. Yes 60% of those who indulge in Trek fail in their first year, Why? Because they quit, it does take time to make money and they tell you it's not easy and it's not going to happen quickly (for some it may)As for the 40% who don't fail after their first year in the company, 90% of those become wealthy!!!!

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you fail it's not because of the company, it's because of you!!!!!!!!!!



Equinox into Trek Alliance

#43Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 01, 2002

Ummm, not one rebuttal ever took the time to explain the connection between Equinox and Trek Alliance. They simply focused on money, money, money, and a chance to be "wealthy". They did not explain WHY the people on the top of the pile LEFT Equinox and started up Trek Alliance within a few months.

They did not explain why there are thousands of victims out there. Oh, they did..."they didn't work hard enough or try hard enough." Lame excuse.

They did not explain why the representives have to pay in order to work at Trek Alliance or why the fees to have a desk at the office is so steep.
These fees are known as "frontloading" in sense of "Oh, you have to pay a fee to be trained" No legit companies do these kind of things and NO, they do NOT refund the training fee and if you try to get the money back, they make you go through all kinds of mazes and by the time you get the money back, you've already spent more money than the cost of the "fee".

They did not explain why the Attorney General of Michigan slapped a lawsuit on Trek Alliance for selling illegal water filters. They did not elaborate on several lawsuits pending against Trek Alliance for their unethical businesses dealings.

They did not explain why Rich Von is under investigation for alleged sexual assault on a female representive during a hotel conventation. Be interesting what kind of excuse they can come up with on this aspect.

Not one of them explained why their products are 2-3 times more expensive than the ones you see in the stores and often their products are substandard. Their air filters can create breathing hazards for people with respiratory problems and you can check that out on EPA, Lung Association, and etc website where they grade each air filters. One of the best HEPA air filters that I got was in a local store because I took the time to research and find which filter I should buy and use for my children.

In short, I WILL be going on vacations with my kids, thanks to my careful budgeting and buying things on sale, BUT you won't and will be saddled with mounting debt while the substandard products gather dust in your garage. But, on the bright side, the people on the very top of Trek Alliance will be able to go on trips to their private islands on their private jets...thanks to YOU!


West Virginia,

I agree and Disagree

#43UPDATE Employee

Wed, February 27, 2002

I do not think some of the tactics that are used to get people into the meetings are right. People are hoping for employment and they get someone that wants money. I have been with the company since 1997 I have not made millions, but then again I really just got into the company for the environmentally safe products. Any company is what you make of it. You can not blame the company you only have yourself to blame for failing.


West Virginia,

I agree and Disagree

#43UPDATE Employee

Wed, February 27, 2002

I do not think some of the tactics that are used to get people into the meetings are right. People are hoping for employment and they get someone that wants money. I have been with the company since 1997 I have not made millions, but then again I really just got into the company for the environmentally safe products. Any company is what you make of it. You can not blame the company you only have yourself to blame for failing.



Dont let a few Trek Reps spoil the whole lot

#43Consumer Comment

Thu, February 21, 2002

First of, if you think it is a scam we dont want you. But we dont need you bashing us based on your oppinion. Some reps are deceptive and try to trick people into meetings off of misleading adds and try to imply it is a job. When those people show up the feel scamed by the company. it obiously makes people mad. Besides that, you get poorer quality off of adds than warm market.

The business is warm market and duplication. If you dont want to talk to your warm market its cool, because that shows you care about them and you want to try it out before you get them involved. thats awsome. If you dont run your warm market though, you can't expect your new recruits to do the same. If you are not working warm market, you are spending cash on ads and flyers or or worse yet, calling random people. The quickest way to get descuraged is have a thousand people tell you no.

This is not an opprotunity for everyone, just for those that see it. It is hard work and it takes determination. Trek has rules and regulations that they do enfoce, but you cant catch everyone. Some people look for the quick dollar. This is definitly not for them.

Some last things I want to say before I am done to those that are considering the opprotunity. Manage your finances and keep business seperate from personal. Make your sponcer do a fast trak training with you before your weekend training or Educational Program.

And go threw the starter kit. Its there for a reason. I work with a guy in our training center that almost quit. He had a good first two months and then his sponcer moved to a different training center. This gentlman made almost nuthing for the next few months and almost quit. Then he oppened the starter kit and read the materials. Not only did he make a top premotion this month in our training center, but he helped a girl jump 6 levels in the pay plan in 2 1/2 weeks.


Des Moines,

Brainwashing in meetings and I must believe everything on the net.....

#43UPDATE Employee

Sun, February 17, 2002

I am an extremely critical person, so after being shown the opportunities within Trek Alliance I decided to find the nastiest dirt on them as possible. So of course, I visited this site...

If I was like many other people, I would take whatever is on the net, in print, or the gossip of the neighbor next door as the honest to god truth, but as a Communications Major at a very accredited private college I have been taught to look at things critically. (Still haven't mastered compound sentences, so you can't call me on that one!)

I have looked at various websites...Trek's homepage, many of Ripoffreport's links and so on and I have come to these conclusions---

1. Don't waste time talking about Trek if you don't understand it, it will only make the ones that do seem less intelligent. Whether you are for it or against it, if you don't understand the principles of network marketing, shut up.

2. Don't bash the products if you've never tried them. I just love it when people tell me about Paris when they've never stepped foot out of their hometown.

Likewise people who aren't millionaires... how can you be the one to judge if your bank account doesn't reflect "your incredible knowledge" of MLM companies. Don't mock the business meetings unless you've attended one. 90% of the people in the Goal-Setting meeting I attended said that being able to provide for their family (parents, sister's, brothers, sons daughters) was their most important goal. Those awful "GREEDY GREEDY PEOPLE!" How dare them think of their families? How dare them want to be in a company that sold products good for the environment and people's health?

3. If you are against Trek, why not come up with some great suggestion to help all of us "senseless wanderers looking for a quick fix".

I guess what I'm trying to get across is that not every single person gets caught up in the "glitz and glam" of the Trek opportunity.

I know I enjoyed the energy and personalities of the individuals I saw involved with Trek, not their bank accounts (which very few of them indulged). It beat the "future work force" I have been surrounded by at college for the past year and a half. The "yes maam's and no sir's"...

I will own my own business, whether I start in Trek or create my own.

That "awful brainwashing" I've received at Trek meetings such as "believing in yourself, and accomplishing your dreams, whatever they may be," beat the normal frat parties and beer bongs that "all college kids" do. I would rather spend my extra time around career-oriented people that are focused on some type of productive goal.

So what if I only make $300.00 a month with Trek in college. Have you seen the bank accounts of college students? If you have $300.00 you're filthy stinking rich. I know that I can do Trek around my class schedule, which very few jobs offer. Whether or not the people on the top are getting rich, I know that I'm making money on the side.

In Trek, I am able to learn from professionals. In college, I would have to wait a couple years to get an internship with someone making millions of dollars. Oh darn if I don't make money right now. I would have blown the $50.00 start up kit fee (which is completely refundable) on something far less important than investing in myself.

If you have actually read through this entire editorial, wow, you're above average. Most people's attention span's last 2 paragraphs max. (Remember, I'm Journalism major).

In conclusion, Im not bashing anyone against Trek, or network marketing in general. I'm sure quite of few have been burned, and I'm sorry for that. Give us new people productive ideas so that it won't happen to us... AND for those of you out there that are looking for an alternative to something in their life, give network marketing a try. The least you can do is learn a life lesson. (Wow... now thats scary stuff).



I would love to talk to all of you personally, who have a problem with TREK ALLIANCE

#43UPDATE Employee

Sat, February 16, 2002

I'm not to sure I understand all this rip-off crap about Trek. I've been working with them for one month. They have never asked me to put $5,000 down like that idiot said they asked him to do. #1.Your a idiot to put #5,000 down period.
#2.What did you do with the products? Did you let them sit in your garage? I'm betting that you did.
I have sold $800 of products, and you know what the best part is? I have spent a grand totall of $47.00. I love this company, and so do the rest of my 16 friends that are either in the company or are going to sign up in the week. I wish I could compare our lives in one year.Why? Because your going to be crying while I'm on vacation!:)

Ok, whoever put that those rebuttals about your support for Trek Alliance. Good god, man. Do you have any clue what you are saying?


Thu, January 24, 2002

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email:
Their name: Tom Gandolph

Their relationship to the company: Consumer Suggestion

Ok, whoever put that those rebuttals about your support for Trek Alliance. Good god, man. Do you have any clue what you are saying?

..I love Janie's rebuttals. -Exactly, don't give us all that economy bull-crap. You act like we haven't heard the come-back a million times already. Let me guess, somebody TAUGHT you to say that, and immediately believed them.

How long have you been in MLM (or Trek, or whatever MLM you are in)? ..You sound pretty new, so I give you the benefit of the doubt, and except the fact that you can't think for yourself. ..And it you've been in for quite some time, ...oh wow, you're really scr#w#d. Sorry about your future. Don't worry, you'll see.

Anyway, I don't have much time to write. I just wanted to speak a little bit of my mind. ...The only thing that is gonna teach you the truth is TIME. Don't worry, you learn sooner or later. -I will warn you though, it will be very hard to admit you were wrong, but that's ok, I was like that too. You'll get over it, and become smarter than you ever imagined.

Take care and good luck with getting out with SOME dignity. ...If you ever need anything, please let me know, and I will more than happy to help you through the rough time of "waking up from a nightmare". I know you're just gonna blow me off for now, but don't worry, you'll come around. And
seriously, if you want to take me up on that offer, I'm always here to help.

Tom Gandolph

Not, MLM flat out is a bust. If it was so great like those Vip's etc say it is.


Tue, January 22, 2002

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email:

Their name: Mr. Pope

Their relationship to the company: Owner


I would like to say business is great I am making thouseands of dollars through MLM.

Not, MLM flat out is a bust. If it was so great like those Vip's etc say it is. Then we'd all be doing it. What this Nation is in need for is for Congress making MLM schemes out lawed they falt out (mis lead the public) with their get rich lies.

For all those who made it my hat is off to you. But life for the rest of us has not changed in fact we feel that MLM is nothing but one big giant scam. And do not even say alls ya gotta do is do what we did.

That is Plain out B.S. and you know it. Many of us have done excactly what you asked. But we wound up more broke and miserable than what we first started thanks to your rip off schemes.

>From a Consumer.

Trek Alliance is a spin off from a business known as Equinox.


Mon, January 21, 2002

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email:

Their name: The Fraud Chick

Their relationship to the company: Consumer Suggestion


Please allow me to tell you what the scam is with Trek Alliance.

Trek Alliance is a spin off from a business known as Equinox. By that I mean some of the former upper echelon of Equinox left that company just when the law had caught up with it. The FTC and several states permanently shut down equinox in April of 2000 for operating an illegal pyramid scheme and deceptive trade practices. Equinox was once touted as one of "America's Fastest Growing Companies." It should have been touted as one of "America's Fastest Growing Scams."

Trek Alliance is already a chip off the old block as it has been charged by the Attorney General of Wisconsin for misrepresentation, selling illegal water treatment products, and not disclosing the required "investment" to the consumers. Where the Fraud Chick comes from that "investment" is known as "front loading." The Attorney General named Rich

VonAlvensleben, Harry Flagg and Morgan Hill (the upper echelon) in the complaint as well. I believe they have been barred from Wisconsin.

I know of complaints about Trek Alliance trolling picking on people looking for legitimate jobs. Call me crazy, but I've never had to pay up front (front loading) for a legitimate job in my life. Trek Alliance gets your credit card and charges for training fees, and don't bother shilling me with any nonsense about this being a refundable expense, they charge you for an application and then push you to go after

your "warm" market-meaning your family. Eventually the market will be saturated with the crappy product. Eventually, theoretically, the pyramid recruitment would have saturated the whole globe-then who would the people at the base of the pyramid recruit to recoup their "investment?" Somebody has to lose and it's always those at the base of the pyramid, which means

there are an incredibly high number of losers compared to the winners. Why do you think they always say, "Get in at the beginning?"

This is absolutely an unethical sham. It doesn't matter if any of these people avoided the bullet. I admire them for posting the near miss. It saves the rest of us any pain or suffering.

Don't be such as shill.

The Fraud Chick

As for you Trek Alliance reps-take the blinders off and put them back where they belong---on the horses!


Sun, January 20, 2002

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email:

Their name: Janie

Their relationship to the company: Consumer Suggestion


Oh pleeeeease! Spare me the "recession and people being laid off" crap! Trek Alliance and MLMs PREY on these insecurities in order to drum up THEIR businesses.

I will SAY this ONCE: Flagg boys and several others including Marc Accetta made their millions from EQUINOX and were Bill Gouldd's cronies which was SHUT DOWN by FTC for their shady, shady business in Equinox so they trotted over to another town and started TREK ALLIANCE. What?! Them? Yeah, THEM! They HAD to do it so they could keep up with their lifestyles---gotta make payments on their private jets and heaven help them if they had to take the bus to work.

Don't you DARE tell me that I was a slacker or a quitter--I'm hearing impaired and these people "sweet talked" me into plunking 5K down to show my commitment to the business before they could "start" setting up the interpretors since they were sponsoring the meetings, adding TTY line, and yadda yadda. Well, GUESS WHAAAAAAT? They looked at their fake rolexes and

said. "NEXT!"

I had to fight them tooth and nail to get them to take the products back and Marc Accetta is the most two faced person I ever met--he had the NERVE to talk about me to my uplines: Stacey Osinti and Armando Avecedo behind a GLASS door. Yoo h*o dork! I CAN lipread! He basically told them to "humor" me until I gave up and went away.

HIGH NOON came when I contacted a lawyer about their flagrant violations of the ADA law. "You're an independent rep" does NOT apply if THEY are setting up the meetings and in charge of those meetings at their offices. They wanted 10% fee on the products that I sent back and me to sign an agreement not to sue in the future. I hitched up my spurs and said, "Ya a varmit for sure. I want all of my money back NOW!

I got my money back---well some of it after dickering and dickering between the lawyers and didn't have to sign that piece of paper.

I fell off of my chair when I found out that people from Equinox simply started up Trek Alliance. Gag! Gag!

Guess what! The guys in white hats from Department of Justice has galloped in town to check out Trek Alliance and there are several lawsuits pending against the Equinox-Trek gang. Better check that out before you LOSE your shirt and spurs to these people!

As for you Trek Alliance reps-take the blinders off and put them back where they belong---on the horses!


I'm laughing so hard at your post i'm not sure i can type now.


Fri, January 18, 2002

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email:

Their name: ray

Their relationship to the company: Owner


I'm laughing so hard at your post i'm not sure i can type now. Ok, it's 10 minutes later now and i'm done laughing at you. Now onto your comments. When the policy is delivered the client has a "20day" free look. Just in case your not sure what that is , it means the client can look over the policy, take it to his lawyer, his minister, even his high school economics teacher and let them look at it. He has the right to cancel wihtin those 20 days and get a full refund of any money he put on that policy. ...Next topic of the loans. Do you really think that everyone will qualify for a loan. You can't blame primerica or Travelers bank if the client has crappy credit. Now ken young's board has to be the biggest joke in the free world. If it had any credibility at all he would have enough guts to let primerica people post there. You see he won't let them post

because they can prove him wrong in so many areas that he would look like the "DORK" he is. Please rememeber that he is an "OLD" pru agent that lost lots of money in commisions from ALW (Primerica).

I'm really not sure what the gripes are about this company, or any other MLM company for that matter


Fri, January 18, 2002

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email:

Their name: Jeremey

Their relationship to the company: Supporter


I'm really not sure what the gripes are about this company, or any other MLM company for that matter. Take a good look at the ecomony these days. MLM isn't laying off thousands upon thousands of people. The growth for this industry is off the charts. Sure, pople don't want to tell you about what kind of interview you are going to. There is a level of uncertainty

about the industry because there are those few entities that decide to start dishonest companies that create a bad message about the industry. Sure, you may take a risk getting involved in MLM. I'm not sure about anyone else but I take risks every day I live. Why not take one in an industry that is growing exponentially rather than declining exponentially. I'm pretty sure that I have made not only myself, but many other people a lot happier about how they are living in this business.

How do you feel about what you do on a daily basis?

I am a current employee of Trek Alliance and am wondering what the "ripoff" is.


Mon, January 14, 2002

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email:

Their name: Jeremy

Their relationship to the company: Supporter


I am a current employee of Trek Alliance and am wondering what the "ripoff" is. we don't make any money off of the $47 starter kit, and the information contained in the kit will tell you how to make thousands. So what if they don't tell you all about the company over the phone, do movie theaters tell you all about the movie in the previews? So tell me again what the "ripoff" is. Is it the opportunity we give? The people we help? Or the money we make?

I just returned from my "interview" (Chicago area)


Wed, August 29, 2001

This email is a rebuttal to RipOff #5977.

It was sent by Don at

Trek Alliance, forget them! Multi-Level Marketing ripoff (#5977)

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email:

Their name: Don

Their relationship to the company: Consumer Suggestion


I just returned from my "interview" (Chicago area) which was an exact duplicate of this comment. I felt like I was in the middle of a live infomercial with all the people in the audience nodding their heads passionately every time the speaker said something about all the thousands of dollars you could be making in a few months, with a simple $47 "investment in your future" ... oh, can't forget the upcoming Saturday training next weekend for a mere $10.

I was lured to the interview at a company called "Dynamics International". I asked if they have a web site and was told "We do, but it's under construction because we just got a new server." It seemed like a scam at the moment, but I can always use entertainment.

How surprised I was when I got back home and looked up the real name of the company which I only found out at the "interview" and found an extensive BS site for Trek Alliance.


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