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  • Report:  #636273

Complaint Review: Trever Goble - CEO Model and Talent

Trever Goble/ CEO Model and Talent/ Won't refund us Trever Goble/ Model and Talent agent? or Con Artist riding on the coat tails of others/ scam? My daughter and I went to see Mr. Goble, and gave him a check for modeling clases, a full portfolio, and comp cards for my teenage daughter. NONE of the services, NONE, were provided, so we asked for Ottawa, Ontario

  • Reported By:
    RDI Model and Talent/ X Models/ trever Goble — Ottawa Ontario Canada
  • Submitted:
    Wed, September 01, 2010
  • Updated:
    Tue, February 01, 2011
  • Trever Goble - CEO Model and Talent
    X Model Mngt., 200 Isabella street , suite # 402
    Ottawa, Ontario
    United States of America
  • Phone:
    613 233 5444
  • Category:
Trever Goble of RDI Model and Talent, St. Joseph Blvd, Orleans,

We went to this agency and purchased a model package from Trever Goble, including a full portfolio, model classes, and comp cards for my teenage daughter, totaling almost $1000.00.
At first glance, this guy gave me an uneasy feeling, but I went through with it for my daughter.

We went too the shoot, and it was strange, NO professional photographer, just Mr. Goble.
 I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt. We saw the pictures at the end on his camera, and honestly, I could have done a better job.
We were assured they would be ready to view online within a few days. I called after a week had passed, left a message and no response. I called after 2 weeks, nothing, finally, After 3 weeks, we finally got back a few horrible pictures that could never be used in modeling, after showing them to some other professional photographers.

After a month, I'd had enough.
My husband and I went to see him at his residence, only after MANY attempts to contact him, and NO response. Out of frustration, and after asking for a refund,
( as he is the CEO ), we were sworn at and told we would be sued if we came near his property again. so we left peacefully. and every time I spoke to this man he can do nothing but blame other people, including his main assistant and consultant in modeling, Alex Markle, who we checked out thoroughly, and he at least has a proven history in the model and fashion industry.
How long has Trever Goble been a professional photographer? or involved in the modeling industry? Not long I discovered!

It is now been discovered that he is opening other agencies and that there may be a history with this man that we are investigating.I WILL use my legal right in the court to get our refund if necessary.

One last thing, I would NEVER LET him near my daughter again;
- in my opinion, what does pretending to be a photographer and a teen age daughter spell? Just a parents observation and personal opinion only!

Again, NO refund to date, no call to apologize or work out a reasonable deal from him as the owner, or any customer service at all.

4 Updates & Rebuttals

CEO Legal Works Corporation


the challenge

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, February 01, 2011

Firstly, redacted I have posted my email up for a good reason so that you can ask anything you wish with complete atonamy. Emails are discrete and non evasive and therefore you have nothing to fear.

You claim you fear reprisals, for what...if you are factual in your statements then there is no reprisals. If you knew me at all I believe in the "cold harden" facts and not just speculation.

Secondly, Mr. Markle and I do not operate or own any joint businesses. In fact I am just a person out working the 9-5 thing (okay shift work) but you get the idea. Sometimes people rely on others and their expertise or decisions are made that at the time seemed right but later proven wrong.

Does that mean I ripped people off?

In December 2009 RDI Model and Talent open their doors. A company built on family values and principles. We brought people in who would not other wise have an opportunity to experience the model or acting industry. I believed at the time I brought the right people in to assist in the growth of RDI.

RDI closed for numerous reasons the biggest is creditor debt. Today I am happy to annouce all but 2 are left remaining but within time they too will be paid in full. The 2 have received partial payments and soon they will be completely paid under terms of agreement.

RDI has refused refunds to 3 people because of their unusual behavior and after services or partial services where provided. These people assume 1/2 way through they didn't like the service or no longer wanted the services that they were entitled to a FULL REFUND. Honestly is this right? Its like a person buying a car and after 2 years go back to the dealership andasking for a just won't happen.

Upset they chose to write a blog complaint on this site in the attempt to distort the facts and deflect buisness from the corporation. What people don't know is this site and its owners are now facing charges under the RICO act and have been sued so many times that the amount totals over $50 million dollars. So the owner of this site is now in hiding.

People have to keep in mind this is only a BLOG and not a credibile report bureau such as the Better Business Bureau. One such complaint to the BBB found nothing in fault with RDI and closed the file. Why because documentation of the company where in order and it CLEARLY establish sevices provided.

If any really wants to clear up everything then I encourage everyone to make time and we will all get together good or bad in a central forum with the press present to clear the air.

If you have the guts to write it then a public forum should be uneventful. LETS GET TO THE FACTS and STOP THE CRAP

Yes I still monitor this email and I await any and all responses.

Failing to Respond I will assume you have nothing and people will soon learn that its all gobbly goop




#5General Comment

Sun, January 16, 2011

Hello, I hope you can contact me at (((Redacted))) I too have been victim to Trevor Goble and though you think Brian/Alex Markle has proven himself, he has not. Stay away from BOTH of these people. I beg the parents to contact me as soon as possible, I am trying to put together a case. I have already gone to the police about these two but need to gather more evidence. Your help would be greatly appreciated. I would tell you my name, but I am afraid of retaliation from Trevor and Brian/Alex. I too was just a teen when this all happened. I am probably around the age of your daughter. I need to see their fraud put to an end. It has been going on for WAY too long.

Thank you,


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Trevor Goble


The Breakdown of the allegation

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, September 15, 2010

The author makes mention that they paid almost $1000 for the services.  However the services and package was $899.99.  But they continued on and make an odd statement "felt uneasy" but she paid the amount because of their daughter.  As a single father I would do almost anything for my daughter however if I felt uneasy I would have stepped away and reviewed everything and probably would have sought out another agency after all there are 5 other agencies in Ottawa.

What the author doesn't say is she is the Real Estate Agent fo the building where I live.  That's right the Real Estage Agent who would visit the property and we would have discussions.  She obviously knew myself and other people within the organization and felt comfortable to come in to the agency.

The author states that the were peaceful and it was myself that was yelling, swearing ect...  Now they admit they came to my place of residence which is beginning in a combative mode already.  No one seeks a refund from a business by going to their residence.  Now the author claims no one contacted them but yet they admit they have attempted to contact the agency but no response.  Oddly they know where I live.  The funny part is since they are the real estate agent where I live they have my personal phone number but they chose to show up at the door.

The real estates husband started scream "fraud" on the street in front of my home and in front of neighbours I began to walk away since it was clear these people were irrate.  Then the husband said something else which got me to stop and issue the warning about tresspassing.

I look foward to the authors application to the courts as there will be a counter suit for slander and liable as she heavily inferred that I acted in approriately with their daughter.  What is funny about this statement is "the mother was present" along with a "female photography director".   Because the daughter is under the age of 18 it is mandatory and required by the agency that a parent or guardian be present at all times.  But I guess the author forgot about this.




Trevor Goble


The Fact of the Matter

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, September 13, 2010

The modeling package the author of the report was not purchased from anyone specifically but purchased through the company.  When someone purchases something from Walmart they are not making a purchase from Sam Waltom directly even though he is the owner.

The author fails to mention that she had been contacted repeatedly to have their daughter come in to start their modeling classes.  All contact from the agency went unresponded to.

The next contact was the husband and wife coming to my place of residence (which is unprofessional).  They first start their complaint about not being contacted by anyone since the photoshoot.  Other members of the organization informed me that they in fact been in contact with them but hadn't received a response.  Upon an investigation several contact attempts were made.  When the author was confronted they admitted that she was contacted but emails went to their "spam" folder.  Unable to verify that but the fact remains they were contacted.

On the fact that services were continued to be offered, the fact photography work was done a refund was declined as the agency had never negated their service obligation.  Honestly on the quality of the photographs if their was a complaint this is the first I heard of it and if needed the company would have hired another photographer.  The company has received some complaints on photography work and we have utilized various photographers to retake the photos until the client is satisfied.  One must keep in mind photography is subjective and it is often opinionated.   The question is to the author:  DID YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT THE PHOTOGRAPHY and DID THE COMPANY REFUSE TO RESHOOT?

The author also STONGLY infers inappropriate behaviour when they state "pretending to be a photographer with a teen daughter" what is funny is the author was in fact their and a female director of photography was also their.  So professionalism and proper safety precautions where in fact implemented.  As a father safety of children are paramount.

The person did ask for a refund and they had no intention to negotiate as they demanded a FULL refund despite services being offered and refused and the fact work was provided.  If someone joined a health club and they chose not to utilize the services are they entitled to a refund?  Of course not because it was a choice.

I look forward to the author to exercise their right to challenge in court and the corporation will defend against this unwarranted action, inference and will counter suit against slander including utilizing their position as a real estate agent to secure personal information.

Everyone who reads these reports always assumes the company or person within the company are the bad guys.  I have yet to really read once that the person who complains maybe at fault or that their actions are unprofessional.

The client did ask how long I have been in the industry and I promptly stated for about a year.  So they were very aware prior to signing anything of the extent of my experience.  I also stated to them that I was involved more in the corporate aspect but do some photography.

After every photoshot the photographs are reviewed and the photos selected are those sent to the client.  Sometimes other photographs are given as a courtesy and on the request of the client or the model.  Such as in this case.

I really hope people understand these type of reports are written out of frustration and usually in haste.  I personally don't like reponding to these type of complaints as they are baseless or misleading but once they are posted I must respond.



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