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  • Report:  #70094

Complaint Review: TRIADvantage Credit Services


  • Reported By:
    28333 North Carolina
  • Submitted:
    Sun, October 26, 2003
  • Updated:
    Sat, November 06, 2004
  • TRIADvantage Credit Services
    1160 Centre Pointe Drive, Suite 1, Mendota Heights, MN 55120 - 1270
    MENDOTA HEIGHTS,, Minnesota
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I entered into a "contract" with TRIADvantage in August of this year to pay off an old CapitalOne account, that was unfortunately charged off. TRIADvantage told me that Capital One would take a settlement amount of $1,000. The original amount being $2,000. I agreed to do this by electronic payments in three equal amounts.

My credit counselors name was Jenny Lee. I worked only with her. I felt that this person was really trying to help me (finally) clear up some of my old credit mess. About two or three weeks before the final payment, Jenny told me that I would be getting a new Mastercard, with an initial limit of $2,000. I was quite surprised by this, because I was not told anything about a credit card prior to that last couple of weeks.

I asked her was she sure about this and she said yes, it was a special arrangement that CapitalOne had only with TRIADvantage and this new card would get me "back on my feet". I was very grateful and told her that I was getting married in November and this would certainly help. I then called my fiancee and told her the "good news". Jenny told me to call back in a couple of weeks and she would see if Capital One had received the final payment.

A few weeks later, I called Jenny and she put me on hold. When she returned to the phone, she told me that CapitalOne said they had gotten the final payment and I should be getting my new card in about 10 business days. I again asked her what the initial credit limit was going to be and she said $2,000.00.

Around the first part of October, I received my CapitalOne Mastercard. I opened the letter, read it and saw that I would only be getting an initial credit limit of $250.00. I called Jenny Lee and told her what happened, she told me that Capital One was wrong and that the agreement was for exactly what she told me. An initial credit limit of $2,000, not $250.00.

"Bob, you paid off that account as agreed. Call Capital One again and see what they will do. I would call myself, but I never know when my calls are being monitored". I thanked her for her help and then called CapitalOne and (again tried) to explain my situation.

They told me that my credit limit would start at $250.00 and go up to $2,000. I found that rather "funny" and told the Capital One rep that if that is the case I wouldn't live long enough to get to that "grand sum" of $2,000. It would take literally years to get there and she agreed.

I again told them what I was told by TRIADvantage. CapitalOne told me to call TRIADvantage and demand that they honor what they told me. (Yeah right) They also told me that TRIADvantage does not set a credit limit CapitalOne does and my credit report does not warrant a $2,000 Mastercard. I was then asked to get a letter from Jenny Lee at TRIADvantage stating what was told to me and send it to Capital One. I called and left a message for Jenny Lee to please call me. No call, so I called TRIADvantage.

This time a woman called "Tessa" took my call. "Tessa" told me that Jenny was on a leave of absence and that she would help me. I went over the whole thing again. She put me on hold. When she came back on line, she very curtly told me: "If you want an increase go to CapitalOne, don't bother us". I again tried to tell her what I was told and she cut me off saying: "Oh big deal, we all make mistakes, you are NOT going to get an increase and that is it. You shouldn't even be getting this card. Be lucky you got it. You do not deserve a credit card and you shouldn't be getting one for seven years, so take it and be glad you got it". (Verbatim).

I was pretty hot and embarrassed by now and asked to speak to her supervisor. "TOO BAD". This "Tessa" then told me to "have a nice day" and slammed the phone down. I immediately called CapitalOne and told them the entire story. CapitalOne then told me that I could not get a $2,000 card anyway, because what I had paid off was only $1,000, so how could I get a card that was worth MORE than what I had paid? I was told that CapitalOne was going to, "look into it and get back with me" and they would like for me to send them what had transpired in writing. I am doing so.

I honored my "contract" with TRIADvantage. It wasn't always easy to do so, but I kept my word. I only wanted what was promised me. I did NOT mis-understand what I was told by TRiADvantage. I was told I would be getting a Mastercard with a $2,000 credit limit. Not $250.00. That old account is now "paid as agreed", but to what end? I feel pretty foolish. Can anyone tell me if I can sue TRIADvantage? Probably not.

North Carolina

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Capital ONE

CLICK HERE to read about Credit Card Scams... find out how to get your money back. Consumer makes harsh but accurate statements. *Rip-off Report Investigation follow-up provides valuable information.

9 Updates & Rebuttals



Watch these people, former employee of TriAdvantage, spent some of the longest months of my life in that sweatshop. These slimeballs are pros, give them nothing.

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, November 05, 2004

I am a former employee of TriAdvantage, thank God. I spent some of the longest months of my life in that sweatshop, and I can tell you that Angel and Rebecca, if those are their real names, are very typical of the employees there.

The questions they ask you are designed to "find out where your money is." If you have a car payment, they will suggest, if not demand, that you defer it in order to send them a payment. They will go so far as to suggest a title loan. They will even push you to refinance your car. If you own a home, they will try to find out from you how much equity you might have. They are taught, and believe, that anyone who has one account in collections probably has more than one and they will start pushing you to refinance your house. They will insist that you contact family and friends, they will even offer to call those people themselves and demand that they borrow you money. If you stop answering the phone they will call your neighbors, your parents, your place of employment. If you recognize their voice and terminate the call they will get the collector next to them to call you. They play good cop-bad cop with you, one yelling at you and the other apologizing for the first one, then five minutes later they might be reversing roles on another debtor.

That's what they call you, a debtor. Not a customer, not a client, nothing that accords you an ounce of respect or humanity. You are a debtor. There are no extenuating circumstances. You are a freeloader because you ran up a debt you have not paid. If you need to pay the rent, tough. If you have children you need to feed, too bad. If you have medicines to buy to preserve your life, boo-h*o. All they want is that you pay your debt. Other collection agencies riding you, they can get in line. TriAdvantage is most important, comes first over and above basic survival.

Why? They are paid on commission. It is considered, at least it way when I was there, that a collector needed to collect 25k per month to 'pay for his seat'. Employees are considered salaried. At 8.00 per hour. Why? Because if it looks like a collector will fall short, they can be expected to work a 12 to 16 hour day with no overtime. Essentially these salaried employees are working piecework, and if they fall below their quota, they're out the door.

They go through a week long training, other agencies in the area call it 'TriAdvantage Boot Camp.' When you come through it, you are thoroughly trained in the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, or FDCPA. They know the hours between which they can call a debtor, they know how many times a day, a week they may call, they know who they may speak to when they call. They know how to update the computer record with the results of their call. Why are they taught these things? Two reasons, so far as I was able to tell. Firstly, so that they know how far they can push and what they can do to violate this law and not get caught and, secondly, so that they know what they're being sued for and why they've been fired if they are caught. A collector is individually responsible for adherence to the FDCPA, and can be sued as an individual. So when a collector comports himself as TriAdvantage expects him to and gets caught doing it, TriAdvantage cuts him loose to fend for himself.

They will tell you whatever it takes to wring money out of you. The big one is 'We'll just have to take this to the next level.' What that means is...we'll call you tomorrow. Per the FDCPA, a collector can promise nothing he cannot personally drliver. It isn't the collector's decision to litigate the case, or accelerate it in any way. All he can do is call again. So that scary 'next level' is another call. They will tell you that they cannot accept a payment of 10.00 per month, or that they cannot accept payments from a credit counselling agency. Bald-faced lie. To a collector, money is money and they'll take it any way they can get it. They will tell you that they cannot settle the account for less than is owed. Again, a lie. They can ALWAYS settle. They have purchased your account for literally pennies on the dollar. Even a settlement of 30% is money in the agency's pocket, and the creditor has written it off his books, so any return they recieve is profit. Remeber those instrusive and rude questions about your income? If the collector, in his wisdom, has determined that you have resources, he will tell you that he can't settle. He might tell you that he can't take payments if he sees a savings account or credit card which will cover the amount owed in full. Credit card? Sure. He'll tell you the interest on an active card is lower than the interest on a charged off account. Your charged off account is probably still compounding interest at a merry clip. Does it make sense? According to your collector. If the settlement is more than you can beg, borrow or steal at one time, then he will accept payments. That's where those questions come in again. He knows exactly how much you have left over each month, because he's even asked you how much you pay to keep your car gassed and how big your weekly grocery bill is, and that figure is the least amount he can accept in payment. Then he will ask for your checking account number, so he can draft checks against your account. Don't have a checking account? He'll tell you to go get one and call him back. Don't like checks? He'll take your credit card number, and charge you anywhere from 3% to 10% to use it. Plus interest. Plus the fact that most credit card issuers consider this sort of transaction a cash advance and treat it differently. He's not supposed to run your check or credit card any sooner than you tell him to. He might try to talk you into running the check a day or so before your deposit is made. He'll tell you all about the float. The float is gone. He might run the check a day or two early anyway, to make sure he gets his commission, never mind that it's against the law. If your check bounces, he will call you and demand the full amount of the check plus the bounced check fee. If his underwear is really in a twist, he might demand payment in full. They will tell you that debts ten years old can be collected, and they will dun you mercilessly, and they know that the debt is beyond statute while they're doing it because they know if they can squeeze a dollar out of you the statute is reset and will be good for another seven years.

He might call you, not document it and then call you again. Then it's your word against the agency's word, and since the computer log is their backup, you have nothing unless you've recorded all their calls. If you forbid him to call you at work, he might have another collector call you at work. If you demand a copy of the deal in writing, they might very well neglect to send you the copy and then deny anything was ever said. They will engage in namecalling and denigrating you at every opportunity, and if you write in to complain, the collector will be congratulated for making you mad. If they make you cry, they get an attaboy from their manager.

What can you do? Get a copy of your credit report and know what's on it. Learn your rights according to the FDCPA, and understand any special restrictions related to your state. If collectors call you, record and save those calls, even transcribe them if possible. Get their names. Do not give out any financial information. Don't give them access to your bank account or credit card. Communications in writing should be sent by registered letter at the very least. Do not deal. If the debt is legitimate, tell them what you are in a position to pay and don't back down. Don't get abusive, don't give them any sort of leverage.
Mail all payments and maintain a paper trail. Agree to nothing without a statement in writing and, if you don't receive one, don't do anything else. When the debt is paid, insist upon a settlement letter. These slimeballs are pros, give them nothing. Good luck.


North Carolina,

TRIADvantage. The Martha Stewart School of Debt Collection.

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, July 17, 2004

Well, here we go again. In answer to "Rebecca's" response. It is still amazing to me, the manner in which these people respond to someone, or some-thing.

I will address this directly to Rebecca, as she has done with me and that other person that complained. ( By the way, you'd better look again if you think it's only two ).

Do you not understand that just because a person gets in debt and then finds it almost impossible to "catch up" that they are bad people or in your "kind" words, have stolen something from someone? In my case I had a heart attack. I did go to Capital One and explained what happened. They worked with me the best they could. Un-fortunately, I was unable to hold up my end of the bargain because of what happened to me.

Fastforward to the present. TRIADvantage contacted me about Capital One and I paid as agreed and was glad to put this behind me once and for all. I know what I was told Rebecca what TRIADvantage could do for me. What I should have done in retropect was deal directly with Capital One. Your company convinced me otherwise.

I will tell you that your "counselor" (Jenny) did try to help and guide me though this maze. She was very understanding and as a result, I felt pretty good to be able to pay my just debt to Capital One. You see Rebecca, I always wanted to pay that debt. I was never really able to do that because of my (almost) devastating illness. Excuses ? None on my part. Just reality. A reality I have lived through. Not you!

Let me ask you. Do you have this automatic little Red Flag that pops up with some people that do not fit your norm? What I see from most everyone I have delt with at TRIADvantage, is an attitude of total negativity. Is that the reason for never treating anyone with respect?

For example. I was so upset with the dealings I have had with you people and the blatant lies told to me, I went to Capital One and told them about your tactics. They requested that I send them and and all correspondence I ahve had with you and they would take a look at at. Guess what rebecca? They did and they did like what they read from you people. They even called me and apologized for TRIADVANTAGES attitude. WHY should they be apologizing to ME for YOUR bad "manners".

With their help, I am now on a program that will clear up my credit once and for all. What I think you and others like you at TRIADvantage has for-gotten is that sometimes circumstances outweigh the fact, that there is simply not enough money to go around. Don't you honestly believe that everyone WANTS to pay their bills ? I know I do.

Capital One told me after reading TRIADvantages response to me from "Angel" they couldn't believe that a (so-called) professional would tell anyone to: "Get over themselves". They also said that they were going to investigate other complaints about you. That is a good thing. Maybe if they do, you will find a more positive way in your dealings with people with "bad credit".

This will most likely be my last response to you. In fairness to you, I am going to seek legal action against TRIADvantage for slander. TRIAD-vantage slipped up when your reps talked to me in the manner they did. It boders on the old "Bait and Switch" routine. As others read this, I sincerely hope they will do the same. The only way to get you to change your tactics, is through your "wallet".

You got personal and YOU slandered my good name. Yes Rebecca,I DO have a good name, as do many others that have had the dis-pleasure of having delt your company. Thank God I am now working with a company that DOES treat me with respect.

Sincerely, Bob Hasty



Reality Check

#10UPDATE Employee

Fri, July 16, 2004

First off let me start by saying this is all funny to me. I am an employee of TriAdvantage and we deal with people like the two here all the time. People that say "I can't make a payment on this." and then "kindly" hang up. I am someone that has had bill collectors call me. I will let them know the situation and how I am paying for my bills. This is obviously the same information that you gave to the credit card companies when you got the card. It is not our fault that people don't read the contract that they are signing with the company before they get the card. In that contract it plainly states that you will pay the balance in full once it goes to third party collections. Just because you get mad that someone is making you accountable for a contract you sign you think we are all slime. Think again, some of just take responsibility for the bills that we rack up. Do you think we have to save you any money? No, we don't have to give you anything. We ask questions to help you find a way to get this bill paid off. How many other companies are calling you on bills you owe? If you don't like the way they are talking to you then you need to think about how the credit card company feels that you stole from them. If you think that is harsh then open your eyes---what is called when you take something from a store without paying? Maybe you would like it better if all the places you used the card came after you....but then they would be worse then us. If you don't like they way we treat youthen PAY YOUR BILLS!


South Carolina,

Not only a Rip-off, but Nasty and Rude

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, July 08, 2004

I had had the worst experience with this company. They have people who are rude, nasty, stupid, and full of themselves working for them and you are never allowed to speak to a supervisor.They have the nerve to ask you peronal information about how you are paying your bills and why didn't you pay your bills. She made lots of smart bs remarks to me.

They told me that I was to settle at one a ammount of 4500 then changed it in writing on their end to 4850. the 480 is way more than half the amount I owed to GMAC. I cannot understand how they would employ such jack people.

Now I understand why people do not wish to deal with debt collectors because they are just nasty and rude people to deal. I had to hang up on them on several occasions. They never returned my call when I asked for the settled ammount in writing.

I am still trying to contact a supervisor! This Lisa woman acted as if she owned the company and my life.


North Carolina,


#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, June 13, 2004

I was not going to get personal but "Angels" response and the manner in which she responded, comes as no big surprise to me.

The fact of the matter is "Angel", your representative, (Jenny) lied to me in every conversation that we had, (which was many). I kept my word and paid as YOUR company suggested.

I KNOW what I was told by your rep. Every time I talked with her, I asked her if indeed I was going to get the amount (as promised) by TRIADvantage. The answer? YES !!! I was told that there was a special arrangement between your company and Capital One. I called Capital One and they knew of no such arrangement. YOUR COMPANY LIED FROM START TO FINISH !!!

My arguement is NOT with Capital One. My complaint and total distain is with YOU and TRIADvantage. I know you do not remember talking with me, but I certainly remember YOU. I remember the way you talked down to me, NOT answering questions that I needed to know. Oh yes Angel, I remember you quite well. tell me. How do you sleep at night? Doesn't all of this bother you?

You suggest that I "get over myself". You said the SAME thing to me over the phone and then you "politely" hang up on me. What really gets me is, YOU do not know me. You only see what's written on a piece of paper. I had some bad times yes. Those bad times are near an end. I think most anyone that reads this, was or is, in the same boat.

Maybe you're one of those people with pristine credit. Well aren't you lucky. Take a consensus and see how many of those you find. I have a suggestion for you. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT before you again blast someone. I know what I was told. I followed your reps instructions TO THE LETTER !!! TRIADvantage LIED just to get a few bucks. How many more have you used this same tactic on ? THAT I would love to know.

Is my rebuttal to you going to bother you? I seriously doubt it. I think you have found a home at TRIADvantage. You are probably one of those people that sits around and brags that you "bagged" another one. You know what that's called "Angel". It's called taking advantage of someone elses misery. You and those like you, that work for TRIADvantage need a big lesson in humility.

Better still, why don't you go into politics. That way you can lie all day and no one will really know or care. I will gladly "get over myself" when you, others like you and TRIADvantage gets put down a peg or two. Thanks for NOTHING !!!


North Carolina,


#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, June 13, 2004

I was not going to get personal but "Angels" response and the manner in which she responded, comes as no big surprise to me.

The fact of the matter is "Angel", your representative, (Jenny) lied to me in every conversation that we had, (which was many). I kept my word and paid as YOUR company suggested.

I KNOW what I was told by your rep. Every time I talked with her, I asked her if indeed I was going to get the amount (as promised) by TRIADvantage. The answer? YES !!! I was told that there was a special arrangement between your company and Capital One. I called Capital One and they knew of no such arrangement. YOUR COMPANY LIED FROM START TO FINISH !!!

My arguement is NOT with Capital One. My complaint and total distain is with YOU and TRIADvantage. I know you do not remember talking with me, but I certainly remember YOU. I remember the way you talked down to me, NOT answering questions that I needed to know. Oh yes Angel, I remember you quite well. tell me. How do you sleep at night? Doesn't all of this bother you?

You suggest that I "get over myself". You said the SAME thing to me over the phone and then you "politely" hang up on me. What really gets me is, YOU do not know me. You only see what's written on a piece of paper. I had some bad times yes. Those bad times are near an end. I think most anyone that reads this, was or is, in the same boat.

Maybe you're one of those people with pristine credit. Well aren't you lucky. Take a consensus and see how many of those you find. I have a suggestion for you. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT before you again blast someone. I know what I was told. I followed your reps instructions TO THE LETTER !!! TRIADvantage LIED just to get a few bucks. How many more have you used this same tactic on ? THAT I would love to know.

Is my rebuttal to you going to bother you? I seriously doubt it. I think you have found a home at TRIADvantage. You are probably one of those people that sits around and brags that you "bagged" another one. You know what that's called "Angel". It's called taking advantage of someone elses misery. You and those like you, that work for TRIADvantage need a big lesson in humility.

Better still, why don't you go into politics. That way you can lie all day and no one will really know or care. I will gladly "get over myself" when you, others like you and TRIADvantage gets put down a peg or two. Thanks for NOTHING !!!


North Carolina,


#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, June 13, 2004

I was not going to get personal but "Angels" response and the manner in which she responded, comes as no big surprise to me.

The fact of the matter is "Angel", your representative, (Jenny) lied to me in every conversation that we had, (which was many). I kept my word and paid as YOUR company suggested.

I KNOW what I was told by your rep. Every time I talked with her, I asked her if indeed I was going to get the amount (as promised) by TRIADvantage. The answer? YES !!! I was told that there was a special arrangement between your company and Capital One. I called Capital One and they knew of no such arrangement. YOUR COMPANY LIED FROM START TO FINISH !!!

My arguement is NOT with Capital One. My complaint and total distain is with YOU and TRIADvantage. I know you do not remember talking with me, but I certainly remember YOU. I remember the way you talked down to me, NOT answering questions that I needed to know. Oh yes Angel, I remember you quite well. tell me. How do you sleep at night? Doesn't all of this bother you?

You suggest that I "get over myself". You said the SAME thing to me over the phone and then you "politely" hang up on me. What really gets me is, YOU do not know me. You only see what's written on a piece of paper. I had some bad times yes. Those bad times are near an end. I think most anyone that reads this, was or is, in the same boat.

Maybe you're one of those people with pristine credit. Well aren't you lucky. Take a consensus and see how many of those you find. I have a suggestion for you. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT before you again blast someone. I know what I was told. I followed your reps instructions TO THE LETTER !!! TRIADvantage LIED just to get a few bucks. How many more have you used this same tactic on ? THAT I would love to know.

Is my rebuttal to you going to bother you? I seriously doubt it. I think you have found a home at TRIADvantage. You are probably one of those people that sits around and brags that you "bagged" another one. You know what that's called "Angel". It's called taking advantage of someone elses misery. You and those like you, that work for TRIADvantage need a big lesson in humility.

Better still, why don't you go into politics. That way you can lie all day and no one will really know or care. I will gladly "get over myself" when you, others like you and TRIADvantage gets put down a peg or two. Thanks for NOTHING !!!


North Carolina,


#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, June 13, 2004

I was not going to get personal but "Angels" response and the manner in which she responded, comes as no big surprise to me.

The fact of the matter is "Angel", your representative, (Jenny) lied to me in every conversation that we had, (which was many). I kept my word and paid as YOUR company suggested.

I KNOW what I was told by your rep. Every time I talked with her, I asked her if indeed I was going to get the amount (as promised) by TRIADvantage. The answer? YES !!! I was told that there was a special arrangement between your company and Capital One. I called Capital One and they knew of no such arrangement. YOUR COMPANY LIED FROM START TO FINISH !!!

My arguement is NOT with Capital One. My complaint and total distain is with YOU and TRIADvantage. I know you do not remember talking with me, but I certainly remember YOU. I remember the way you talked down to me, NOT answering questions that I needed to know. Oh yes Angel, I remember you quite well. tell me. How do you sleep at night? Doesn't all of this bother you?

You suggest that I "get over myself". You said the SAME thing to me over the phone and then you "politely" hang up on me. What really gets me is, YOU do not know me. You only see what's written on a piece of paper. I had some bad times yes. Those bad times are near an end. I think most anyone that reads this, was or is, in the same boat.

Maybe you're one of those people with pristine credit. Well aren't you lucky. Take a consensus and see how many of those you find. I have a suggestion for you. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT before you again blast someone. I know what I was told. I followed your reps instructions TO THE LETTER !!! TRIADvantage LIED just to get a few bucks. How many more have you used this same tactic on ? THAT I would love to know.

Is my rebuttal to you going to bother you? I seriously doubt it. I think you have found a home at TRIADvantage. You are probably one of those people that sits around and brags that you "bagged" another one. You know what that's called "Angel". It's called taking advantage of someone elses misery. You and those like you, that work for TRIADvantage need a big lesson in humility.

Better still, why don't you go into politics. That way you can lie all day and no one will really know or care. I will gladly "get over myself" when you, others like you and TRIADvantage gets put down a peg or two. Thanks for NOTHING !!!

Angel - account rep


amazing that someone that didn't handle their credit in a responsible manner the first time

#10UPDATE Employee

Sat, June 12, 2004

I find it amazing that someone that didn't handle their credit in a responsible manner the first time is complaining about getting another opportunity to get credit.

1. Capital One would not tell you to call Triadvantage to get a credit limit increase.
2. You did not pay $1000 on a $2000 balance and get a new credit card. Those are not the available terms of a settlement to qualify for the new card.

3. A letter was sent to you when you first set up your settlement as to the terms of the settlement and the new credit card you where to get:

--Initial credit limit from $200 to $2000
--Fix APR
--The cost of any annual fee

--Full disclosure of the terms of repayment--that is the exact amount you agreed to pay on the old account and the dates each payment was due.

--That it would take 6-8 weeks after your last payment cleared the bank to your new card.

So take a deep breath, realize you screwed up your own credit. Recognize Capital One has given your a second chance to get credit. According to you the already LOST $1000 on you! It's absolutely pathetic--you messed up but you are the victim!!!!! Welcome to the New and Improved world of entitlement and lack of personal responsibility. Get over yourself.

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