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  • Report:  #1298522

Complaint Review: TriQuest Business Center

TriQuest Business Center On-site Property Management is an Absolute Nightmare Irvine California

  • Reported By:
    John Doctor — Newport Beach California USA
  • Submitted:
    Fri, April 08, 2016
  • Updated:
    Sun, September 18, 2016

Absolute nightmare! Stay away! The complex itself is fine. The problems stem from the people installed in the property management office.  

There are serious problems with how this complex is run and fault lies with the people in the property management office, specifically, the so-called "property manager."

The woman in that position claims to have experience in the real estate industry but:

1. She doesn't understand basic concepts encapsulated in any commercial lease.

2. She's incapable of doing even the most simple tasks required by her job, such as making sure that your monthly rent invoices have correct amounts and that they're sent to the correct address. She will then create false outstanding charges to cover up her failure to keep proper internal records and the argue with you about why you are responsible for paying the made-up charges. 

3. She will make representations and then lie about why she didn't perform them, or, more likely, why she doesn't have to perform them.

4. She has no compunction about breaching leases and harassing tenants.

5. She will fabricate charges that have no basis in reality all towards the goal of making sure that the complex doesn't have to return your security deposit. 

6. She has no formal education to speak of, and is basically a glorified clerical worker, but will engage in providing legal interpretations of leases - even though she doesn't have a clue as to what she's talking about or the credentials to justify her behavior - and then bully and harass you in an attempt to get you to comply with her delusional opinions. 


In essence, this person is a feeble minded, incompetent person with delusions about who and what she is, and who engages in bullying tactics and screaming fits to cover up her incompetence. This woman is an clueless, emotionally unstable nutcase who has no business being in the position or any position. 

The problem is compounded by the fact that the other person in that office is a spineless nitwit who refuses to do his job, parrots what the crazy woman says and does, and thumbs his nose at tenants whose leases are breached. Once they have you in a lease, they simply do not care about performing their obligations. They will breach your lease with impunity and then tell you that if you don't like it, you can leave.

Dealing with these people is an absolute nightmare. After this crazy woman arrived on the scene in August 2014, and people saw what they would be dealing with, many long-term tenants moved out. The complex has a high rate of empty units as a result. 

Make sure you do a thorough investigation before even considering looking at this place. There are so many other places to set up shop where you don't have to deal with the issues this place has. 

5 Updates & Rebuttals

The property manager at this place is bat-**** crazy

#6Author of original report

Sun, September 18, 2016

The person who posted both of these rebuttals on this page is the current property manager. That should tell anyone who even thinks about signing a lease at this place what they're in for. The so called "property manager" is bat-**** crazy, incompetent, mentally untable and out of her f****** mind.

That person is incompetent, unable to even come close to doing her job, and she's a confirmed liar, confabulator, and out of her g**-damned mind. She's got the maturity and intellectual capacity and capability of a gossipy middle-school girl with ADHD. She's more interested in playing games more commonly associated with teenagers than she is in doing her job.

If you're serious about running your company and having a place to do so without interference from an uneducated, incompetent, white-trash nutcase, then don't sign a lease with this place.


This place is now attempting to charge rates more commonly associated with the Irvine Company, but the compex is outdated and doesn't warrant the rates. Why would you spend $1.50 a square foot with these wannabes - and get an outdated rental in need of serious and necessary capital improvements - when you can rent from others at the same or lower rates and get better value?

The so-called "property manager" at this place should come to terms with reality and go back to working where she belongs: at the local nail salon in Huntington Beach.

The jerk and imbecile is you, T. Nico!

#6Author of original report

Fri, August 19, 2016

Just what one can expect from someone who is obvioulsy in league with the seriously incompetent property manager at this place. This post is nothing but more made up stories, erroneous assertions and outright lies. Instead of addressing the issue - which is that property manager at this complex is bat-s**t crazy and delusional - this person goes on an ad hominem attact that has nothing whatsoever to do with reality. 

T. Nico, you claim that you never met us, but then you go on to make all kinds of erroneous claims about us and spew forth outright lies. It's obvious that you're in cahoots with that crazy woman property manager and are just parroting her delusional claims. UPS? We've never used them as a service provider so this is obviously more made up lies. The Irvine Police? Once they realized that the property manager was telling completely made up stories and was nothing but a whack job, they apologized for bothering us and left us alone. 

As far as respect is concerned, we only give respect to those that deserve it. And if you're one of the people on the second floor whose daily noise and movement around your office was so intrusive that you interfered with our opertions, then you don't deserve any respect. It sounds to me like you're one of those overweight middle aged women who used to create an almost daily nuisance by standing in front of the building entrance smoking and socializing with groups of like minded, low level, insignificant white collar slaves. 

The person in the position of property manager at this place was responsible for multiple, serial breaches of our lease, including, but limited to, refusing to timely repair the HVAC system during what was the hottest summer on record and then creating all types of fabricated excuses as to why she didn't have to do her job. But that wasn't all of it. That person has no business being in that position - or any job - and if anyone does some investigation, you'll soon find out that her so-called "experience" is nothing more than that of a glorified clerical worker, and that she's either been fired from or hasn't lasted very long with a whole string of employers. This person is an incompetent nightmare who, instead of doing her job, engages in bullying, harassment and screaming fits to cover up her failure to do what she's been hired to do. 

The mention of the "cupcake" incident was and is a clear example of how this foolish, incompetent buffoon is more interested in her made-up social niceties than she is in doing her job. But, obviously, T. Nico, you're too dense to figuer that out. 

T. Nico, we recommend that you delete your post, as it's filled with nothing but lies. It's not that difficult to find out who you are and come after you for defamation. Go ahead and laugh. You won't be laughing when you get hit with a lawsuit. 


T. Nico



#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, August 18, 2016

In looking to see if there is any additional space in my building I stumbled across this rip off report. I’m a tenant in building b at Triquest and I’m certain I know who the person is that wrote the original post about Triquest & staff. This person is a vile man that I had the pleasure of NEVER meeting.  I’m on the second floor and the imbecile that wrote this post was on the ground floor and I was able to hear this man (for the lack of a better word) yell at his very pregnant wife and pretty much everyone else he came in contact with on a daily basis. Even the UPS guy has knowledge of his very bizarre behavior. He had absolutely zero respect or courtesy for any of his business neighbors which was demonstrated by his ridiculous drum solo during business hours in a professional office building. We even saw the Irvine Police Department show up because he was such a nuisance. The poor property manager was probably receiving calls daily about this jerk. We collectively started sending her audio of this idiot screaming to help her case. Thankfully for the betterment of the business center she was finally successful in pushing this guy out. It has been very nice here since that jerk moved out, but it did bring us closer to the other business tenants here in the building. We’re all on first name basis now. Oh! Those cakes he was complaining about is called a Christmas present and the luncheon the triquest staff put together for us is called a tenant appreciation and we look forward to it (I hope they do the lunch again). It just speaks miles on what a jerk this guy is to even mention it as a negative point against management. It’s too bad they only have 2 spaces left in the whole center. I was hoping to move into a larger space, but will wait. 

The property manager is the problem.

#6Author of original report

Tue, April 26, 2016

Wrong. The only problem is the person in the property manager position. We were in that complex for almost eight years and never had an issue until August 2014 when that nutcase was put in the property manager position.

The person who posted the rebuttal above is a lying, delusional fool, who is also quite possibly psychotic. That person can’t read and has no reading comprehension abilities. There is no exaggeration in what we posted and that “rebuttal” doesn’t even attempt to serve as a response to our truthful telling of the issues we encountered. Instead, it reads like some self-serving apologia from a whack job. That post is nothing but an amalgamation of lies, irrelevant rants, and histrionic non-sequiturs. That person has a tenuous relationship with reality and their distance from the truth is greater than the one between Earth and Mars. But then again, crazy is as crazy does.

And as far as bad apples are concerned, the only bad apple is the incompetent buffoon property manager; that person is a veritable worm-filled orchard.

TriQuest WAS a good place at which to lease; that was before that fool was installed in the property manager position.

And it’s true we were disgruntled. Any reasonable person would be disgruntled after (1) enduring multiple breaches of their lease, breaches that occurred almost immediately after we renewed our lease and which continued for well over a year and included multiple anticipatory breaches; (2) enduring crazy screaming fits from the incompetent banshee in the property management office; and (3) putting up with a consistent, persistent pattern of harassment and interference with our business operations.

We were one step away from suing these people for all of the above but decided it wasn’t worth spending the money. The people who are supposed to serve the tenants are instead more interested in sending around little cupcakes or having a “hamburger day” than they are in doing their jobs. It was better and less expensive to walk away and that’s what we did.

If the owners of that complex want to waste their money by hiring some incompetent, unqualified Orange County, white-trash desperate housewife as the property manager, that’s all well and good, but no one who rents space there should have to put up with it.

And if anyone needs more proof that the person who posted that “rebuttal” is a lying nutcase, one need only look to the statement made about our lawyer. Anyone with any sense knows that there’s no way in hell that any lawyer would make such a statement, nor would they make to it someone who has shown themselves to be unhinged and devoid of any connection to reality. Any lawyer who did this would subject to disciplinary actions, including being suspended or quite possibly disbarred. But then again, the person who posted that assertion is crazy, and crazy is and crazy does. 



A problem tenant from the start

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, April 08, 2016

Anyone reading this complaint should be able to easily see through it as an exaggerated complaint by a disgruntled tenant. The fact of the matter is that TriQuest Business Center is a great place to lease.  Nearly all of our tenants would say the same thing.  However, you always get a few bad apples in the bunch.  As is the case with this tenant.  

We have had problems with this tenant from the beginning of his tenancy.  We actually tried to amicably terminate his lease because he was causing so many problems.  We were bombarded with numerous complaints from tenants on both sides of him and above him, because he would play the drums (in an office building!) and scream profanities at his wife and on the phone.  We actually had to file multiple Perform or Quit notices to him and eventually were forced to file a lawsuit to evict him. Even his own attorney told me he didn't want to represent him!  That's how bad it was.

Thankfully, we were able to get him to terminate his lease early and move out.  Another one of our current tenants signed a lease to expand into his suite, before he even vacated.  I don't think they would have done that if we were a bad company to deal with!

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