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  • Report:  #1280974

Complaint Review: Town of Boxford Massachusetts

Triton Regional School District, Essex Regional Retirement System, Big Dig National Scandal and Misuse of Public Funds, Charles Kostro, Ira Singer, Alan Benson, Christopher Farmer, Sandra J. Halloran, Brian Forget, MIIA, MMA On November 17, 2009 Susan Elizabeth Fallon of Boxford, Massachusetts was attending a federal grant conference in Irving, Texas. At this United States Department of Education national conference, Susan Elizabeth Fallon of Boxford free fell forward down a full flight of stairs located in the Main Lobby of the facility where the federal grant conference was located. This injury was witnessed by many people as the Main Lobby was crowded with many people who were attending the exact same federal grant conference as Susan Elizabeth Fallon.  Boxford Massachusetts

  • Reported By:
    Susan Elizabeth Fallon — Boxford Massachusetts USA
  • Submitted:
    Tue, January 19, 2016
  • Updated:
    Mon, February 22, 2016
  • Town of Boxford, Massachusetts
    7A Spofford Road
    Boxford , Massachusetts
  • Phone:
    978 887 6000
  • Category:

Well connected group of "local" public employees in Massachusetts, mostly men,  have been harassing Susan Elizabeth Fallon of Boxford Massachusetts for years...and they actually think they can get away with it...Susan Elizabeth Fallon of Boxford, Massachusetts suffered a very serious workplace injury on November 17, 2009 while attending a federal grant conference held in Irving, Texas. While walking down the main staircase in the Main Lobby, Susan Elizabeth Fallon of Boxford Masssachusetts FREE FELLL FORWARD DOWN A FULL STAIRCASE and SUFFERED MULTIPLE TRAUMA SITES IN A SEVERE FALL FROM HEIGHT WITH BLUNT FORCE TRAUMS.  This was a witnessed injury as the Main Lobby was crowded with over 200 people from all across the United States flying in and registering for this major national conference on preventin and responding to school shootings and other form of urgent school emergencies...Susan Elizabeth Fallon of Boxford Massachusetts was the federal grant approved "federal grant project director"

Susan Elizabeth Fallon's injury was promptly reported to U.S.Department of Education officials who sponsored this major national school safety conference and to her employer.  Her supervisor, a person named Sandra J. Halloran, Superintendent of the Triton Regional School District refused to provide Susan Elizabeth Fallon with a "workplace accident form" and cancelled all meetings with her, then cut her pay and tried to cancel her prepaid group health insurance without informing Susan Elizabeth Fallon.  Brian Forget, the School Business Manager, ordered Susan Elizabeth Fallon to be UNDERPAID as a federal grant project director and then harassed her mercilessly and threatened her by email while he was the "contact" person for the workers comp insurer..hmmm...retaliation for filing a workers comp accident report?  And Kathleen J. Willis, Civil Rights Coordinator and Title IX Coordiator, refused to help Susan Elizabeth Fallon.

Susan Elizabeth Fallon continued to work despite having major medical challenges that were worsening from this serious workplace most people who suffer this type of horrific fall simply do not survive or are paraplegiics.  Because of Susan Elizabeth Fallon's insistence on a prompt inspection of the stairs where she fell, citations were issued to the facility where the fall happened...Copies of Susan Elizabeth Fallons detailed letter about her fall down the main staircase at the November 17, 2009 United States Department of Education conference in Irving Texas and the "Notice of Citations" issued to the facilty with an order to correct irregular stair risers to a uniform heigh and place a missing hand rail are available to any membe of the public upon request by contacting the City of Irving (Texas) Code Enforcement Division.

Following her independentely witnessed workplace injury, Susan Elizabeth Faloon of Boxford was harassed by her employer with the full knowledg of the entire Triton Regional School District School Committee including Chair Dina Sullivan of the Town of Newbury, Massachusetts. Susan Elizabeth Fallon of Boxford was involved in a lengthy legal dispute with the public taxpayer funded "government insurance risk assocation" over complaints by Susan (who has a graduate degree in public health) regarding SUSPCIOUS CLAIMS HANDLING PRACTICES BY THE WORKES COMP INSURER....and no surprise looking back that not one senior Massachusetts official would investigate the public funded "non charitable  non profit" workers comp Massachusetts has a very poor track record of investigating any corrupt public officials whether they work at the "local" level, the "regional" level or the "state" level...Massachusetts' ranking for public corruption has changed for the worse in the past decade...and "local" public officials are all benefiting from their "association" with the monopoly that is classified as a 'governement risk pool assocation"...

Susan Elizabeth Fallon promtly reported her legitimate workplace accident...despite the false and misleading statements published about her on the Essex Regional Retirement System website (permanent minutes)...this workplace accident was reported while she was till working and she began workers comp approved physical therapy while she was still working....

And Ira Singer, the very small town public employee from the Town of Middleton and the little know Chair of the "non charitable non public" workes comp insurer....Newburyport resident Ira Singer NEVER DISCLOSED ANY CONFLICT OF INTEREST to Susan Elizabeth Fallon of Boxford, Massachusetts....this small town administrator never met Susan Elizabeth Fallon in person, or called her or wrote to her in any capacity...nope, he just lied and said he did...and she woulnd't want anything to do with this creepy guy who so enjoys harassing a woman recovering from major medical...

The Essex Regional Retirement System refused to process Susan Elizabeth Fallon's "regular retirement" application...Charles Kostro, the former Big Dig Massachusetts official just thought he didn't have to do this but in the end, he had Susan Elizabeth Fallon contributed the retirement funds...and now Charles Kostro, former Big Dig official, is involved oversight of a reported 350 million dollars of public money...and he just seems to love working with the pubilc's the excellent expose on the internet called "The Big Dig Revealed" by the the well respected Columbia Law School Review...and read the Massachusetts Office of the Inspector General Report of the widespread corruption involving senior Massachusetts public officials involved in oversight of The Big who you gonna believe? Susan Elizabeth Fallon of Boxford or a former BIG DIG OFFICIAL CHARLES KOSTRO AND SMALL TOWN MALE EMPLOYEE IRA SINGER?  

Oh...and the reference on the Essex Regional Retirement System website about a "settlement" with the workers comp insurer and Susan Elizabeth Fallon?  That settlement incluced long overdue payment to health care providers (both top quality docs and hospitals) plus reimbursement to Susan for having to privately pay for her own medical care followoing a legitimate workers comp accident...when the public taxpayer funded "non charitable non profit governement insurance risk pool" simply...would not preapprove and pay for doctor prescibed top qualty medical treatment needed by Susan Elizabeth Fallon of Boxford.  

So, how does Alan Benson and several members of the Town of Boxford, Massachusetts fit into this pattern of harassment and violation of Susan Elizabeth Fallon of Boxford's Civil Rights? Well, Alan Benson is good buddies and such a close personal friend of Charles Kostro...he and several members of the current Town of Boxford Board of Selectman wrote a letter of support for Charles Kostro to be appointed as the new director of the public taxpayer funded Essex Regional Retirement System...even though Kostro had NO prior experience overseeing a public employee retirement association...but Kostro had SO MUCH EXPERIENCE WITH OVERSIGHT OF THE BIG DIG...and Susan Elizabeth Fallon had worked with Charles Kostro before when he was the Town Manager in the Town of Newubury and she was working for the regional public school district located in Newbury...she had heard reports that Kostro though he was smarter than everyone else...and one of his favorite lines is "I only vaguely recall" Kostro = oversight of hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars $$$$..and his "Board" that is supposed to keep an eye on him?  All small town local current or retired pubilc employees just like Kostro and Singer...Kevin Mertiz, the public employee treasuer of small town Ipswich Massachusetts....H. Joseph Manley, the retired public employee manager of the Town of Lynnfield...and Vincent Malgieri, the public employee involved in department in Lawrence (Lawrence? The same Lawrence with Willy Lantigua?  yes...)

Well, Alaln Benson,  Town Administrator in small town now on the Board of the Essex Regional Retirement System..and he is also the owner of a very lucrative ice cream business in the exact same small town where he is so well paid and even receives use of a free car (without most taxpayers in Boxford knowing this little known "perk")...and Bensons Ice Cream is so busy!!! Multiple windows open and long lines with lots and lots of people paying cash...the rumor is small town Boxford is Alan Benson makes millions and millions from his lucrative private business...hopefully he is reporting ALL of his income on his federal taxes, right?  He lives in West Boxford in the same white house as his business and with the Benson's sign out front on Route 133...

Alan Benson published the agenda for the Essex Regional Retirement System meeting where the permanent minutes that included false and misleading statements about Susan Fallon of Boxford were posted...posted without informing Susan Elizabeth Fallon of Boxford that she was going to be discussed in an "open public meeting" so she could attend and choose to have legal representation...You can easily find this Town of Boxford posting of this agenda by simply google searching "Susan Fallon Boxford" and there it pops right up...Alan Benson is in charge of ALL Town of Boxford postings on the internet AND no other ERRS agenda meetings had been previously posted...Alan Benson of Boxford has joined with Charles Kostro, former Big Dig official and Chair of the Essex Regional Retirement System and Ira Singer, Town of Middleton Administrator and Chair of the workers comp insurer in targeting and harassing a women in Massachusetts...

At a cable televised Board of Selectman meeting this past July 2015, Town of Boxford Board of Selectman member Charles Costello attempted to point his personal cell phone at Susan Elizabeth Fallon of Boxford while COSTELLO WAS SITTING AT THE BOARD OF SELECTMAN TABLE...his actions were clearly observed by members of the audience including a reporter...and Susan Elizabeth Fallon called him out and said she didn't give her permisison for this creepy guy to covertly videotape her...Charles Costello has also refused to disclose if he is PAID as an expert legal witness...for the governement insurance risk pool that is the exact same "workers' comp" insurer that has engaged in suspcious claims handling practices for Susan Elizabeth Fallon of Boxford Massachsuetts.

A year and half ago, an unknown male drove up Susan Elizabeth Fallon's driveway and truly frightened he was peering into an open basement window well before 8:00 a.m in the morning...with no identification and no one around. Susan thought he was a burglar and it turned out...he was hired by Alan Benson. This unkwown male insisted on being let into Susan's home (while she was home alone) and drove an expensive looking, unmarked luxury sedan. Susan learned he was friends of Alan Benson and had retired as the assessor for the Town of Ipswich...he was paid by taxpayer funds to conduct property assessments...but he was not paid to creep up and peak in windows and frighten women without property identification...and when Jan Silva of the Town of Boxford Assessor's Office was informed and then Alan Benson was informed directly by Susan Elizabeth Fallon, neither of them did anything...because both Jan Silva of Boxford Town Hall and Alan Benson of Boxford Town Hall seem to think this behavior is acceptable for small town public employees...

Now, Susan Elizabeth Fallon just recevied her tax bill which very suspiciously just increased let's see: public record request time for Town of Boxford Administrator Alan Benson and his family members...what property taxes  have YOU paid for the past say 40 years, Benson on your personal home and your lucrative Benson's Ice Cream...I was just informed when I made this request that "all property tax records are warehoused in the former West Boxford Library) so let's make sure they remain secure and accessible for public review, Alan Benson!!! And how about the property tax records for Charles Costello of the Boxford Board of Selectman...any "delinquent payments" and if so, were "late fees" 

collected as they are for all other residents of Boxford, Massachusetts?  How about any other "perks" the public may not know about...such as whether Charles Costello of Boxford has been enrolled in the Essex Regional Retirement System for "superannuation retirement benefits" or any other ERRS benefits that the public has not been informed about?  How bout that written statement, Costello about you being a legal witngess for the MMA and/or MIIA? Where is it as it was requested on video broadcast cable over six months ago?  Anyone who is readin this can contact the cable company for Boxford and review this tape of this open public is an eye opener for how disrespectful several (but not all) members of the Board of Selectman mistreated Susan Eiizabeth Fallon...Peter Perkins, a fireman and Chair, refusing to let her speak...Charles Costello attempting to videotape her (VERY CREEP BEHAVIOR OF THIS MARRIED MAN....)...

Also, check out the video tape of this Town of Boxford open public meeting when Alan Benson, the town administrator who likes to harass women....clearly stated at the Town of Boxford Board of Selectman meeting July 2015 regarding federal laws for women to take a "Family Medical Leave Act"...Alan Benson's arrogant response clearly stated on cable: "they apply, we deny" guess what, Benson?  Thank goodness federal agencies monitor these postings including the federal agency that protects the rights of women to take a FMLA for breast cancer or other medical treatment or to take care of chronically ill child or parent or family member who is dying...such disrespect of federal laws, Alan is more than time for the Town of Boxford to have a new Selectman to replace Charles Costello AND a new Town Administrator to replace Alan Benson...both of them have no place involved in oversight or supervision of women.  

Please undersatnd fully understands there really ARE legitimate workplace injuries...remember every person who died at work during the World Trade Center 9/11 terrorist attacks and at the more recent San Bernardino tragedy and whose body or DNA remains were confirmed...every one of them was a legitimate workers comp accident..and none of them "faked it", did they?

...and everyone who was working on the missing Malayasian air flight...all workers comp claims...I wonder how many of these claims are still not yet paid out?

Or how about the tragic accidents that happen every day at factories where people lose a limb in a machine or when workers are exposed to chemicals that burn their lungs and ruin their warehouses when heavy equipment crushes their spines or in car accidents that happen on work time (technicallly this still is considered a workers' comp accident...there is such poor oversight of workers comp insurers in Massachusetts and our country!  So many of the politiicans seem to be completely unwilling to strengthen laws about investigating "bad faith" workers comp they question is WHY? ARE THE POLITICIANS BEING PAID OFF BY WORKERS COMP INSURERS?  The answer may very well be...yes...

Consider so many very legitimate workplace injuries...and the legal games and harassment workers comp insurers engage in to intentionally cause severe stress and real fear in already medically compromised and vulnerable injured workers...truly, claims adjustors and corrupt doctors, nurses and docs siding with unethical lawyers and corrupt politicians..blessedly, the general public is catching on about what has been really going on...

Thankfully...Susan Elizabeth Fallon of Boxford is healing and getting stonger every day...she is deeply devoted to helping people just as she was when she worked at Massachusetts General Hospital, the American Lung Assocation, Analogic and The Triton Regional School every job, her job performance has always been "exceptional"...and as her body and spirit heals, she will continue to post more and more about what this well connected and well funded network of local public officials have been up to in terms of trying to harass her...this dynamic between these creepy local officials and Susan Elizabeth Fallon is now going to be played out on the internet for the whole world to read....there is the internet and Rip Off Report...this website provides the "illumination" to set this story straight...and another small Massusetts town near Boxford...all these men, all friends and all harassing a woman in Masssachusetts...

Any and all future instances of harassmnt by Alan Benson and any other employee in the Town of Boxford Massachusetts will be posted on this website...and any further harassment by Charles Kostro, ira Singer, Christopher Farmer, Brian Forget and any others who are "local officials" in small state Massachusetts...each of you is coward for picking on a woman with major medical challenges but guess what? now that Susan Elizabeth Fallon of Boxford is geting better and stronger...everything, repeat everything you do will be posted on the world wide internet AND brought to the attention of the really good folks in society including those outside of Massachusetts who can so easily investigate you since you are all so well connected...not as smart as you thought you were, are you?  Yes, there are folks who actually watch local public officials for corruption and for violation of federally protected civil rights...these same folks who work quietly continually each and every day to making the world a better place and protecting our country...protecting our civil rights as US citizens and our country by keeping a VERY CLOSE EYE ON EACH OF YOU....Just imagine which agencies outside of Massachusetts may be reading this very posting as we speak? So, Charles Kostro, Ira Singer, Alan Benson, Charles Costello, Christopher Farmer, Brian Forget, Sandra Halloran and your "local government official network in very small state Massachusettts...congratulations! You are now officially on the "radar screen" of the right folks outside of Massachusetts...i wonder who will even want to be seen with any of you in public let alone communicate with you digitally know that you have been "illuminated"?



4 Updates & Rebuttals

Essex Regional Retirement System (ERRS) Public Taxpayer Funded Two Luxury Condominiums in Danvers, Massachusetts (Route 62)

#5Author of original report

Mon, February 22, 2016

*The Essex Regional Retirement System is a public taxpayer funded organization located at 491 MAPLE STREET, SUITE 202 in Danvers, Massachusetts.  The "suite" is actually TWO SUITES located on the lower ground level on an upscale condominum development.

Maple Street is also called Route 62 and this upscale condominium suite is very close to the Massachusetts State Police Barracks in Danvers, MA and close to the Route 1 intersection.

This very atractive two condo suite is actually far more luxurious than most public employee enjoy..there ia "Public Hearing Conference Room" to the LEFT when you enter the Main Lobby and to the Right is a large suite of PRIVATE sharing of cubicles for the Essex Regional Retirement System public employees!!! Most privately employed persons do not have the luxury of a private office unless they are a senor leader...pretty luxurious appearance as well with very nice newer looking office furniture...just considering how many public employees enrolled in the Essex Regional Retirement System have never had such swanky digs to work in...

And the staff...let's start with Charles Kosttro, a resident of Beverly and former Commonwealth of Massachusett Deputy Director for the Massachusetts Highway Department during "The Big Dig Era"...was that you, Chuckie who moved to Virgina for several years after the national media demands for a federal investigation?  And was that you again to moved back to Massachusetts and took over the job as the "Finance Dirctor" for the very small population Town of Newbury? If this is true, then wow!!!  What a big, BIG change in job salary and responsibilities from a former #2 in charge of the entire Commonwealth of Massachusetts Highway the small population Town of Newbury as their "Finance Dirctor".  And let's remind all who are reading this...Charles Kostro was a PUBLIC EMPLOYEE WHEN HE WAS DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF THE MASSACHUSETTS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT DURING THE BIG DIG CONSTUCTION ERA...he reported dirdtly to James Kerasiotes...and let's not forget Charles Kostro is a still a PUBLIC EMPLOYEE...yep, right now, he is a public employee, fully paid by public taxpaye funds.  

And Charles Kostro's employees...seems to have been quite a bit of turnover in staff at this small office in the past several years...have some staff left because they don't agree with what Kostro's management style as a PULBIC EMPLOYEE?

Interersting...Kostro hired someone named Traci this the same Traci Masterson from the Massachusetts based Trustee of Reservations perhaps?  Sad to say, my own experience with Traci Masterson has been more than disappointing...she was disrecspectful to me when I spoke to her on the phone and her tone was quite nasty...then when I dropped off my Annual Affidavit for regular retirement, public employee Traci Masterson made sure I knew I had posted informatoin on Rip Off Report regaridng her boss Charles Kostro...Ms. Masterson was not respectful or polite in her interactions yet she is fully public taxpayer funded...

And the remaining staff...all PUBLIC EMPLOYEES...working in a PUBLIC CAPACITY...and fully paid by PUBLIC DOLLARS...working in an upscale suite of two condos fully paid by PUBLIC MONIES...

Let's not forget the "Board" of the Essex Regional Retirement System:

*Former Board First Chair Ira Singer, Public Employee and Town of Middleton Administrator and Newburyport resident

*Alan Benson, new First Chair, Public Emplloyee and Town of Boxford Administrator PLUS Boxford resident AND


*Susan Yaskell, retired public employee and former Town of West Newbury public employee

*Kevin Merz, Public Employee and Treasurer Town of Ipswich

*Vincent Malgieri, attorney and acting in a public capacity as a member of the ERRS Board, former involvment 

  wtih City of Newburyport Retirement Board

*H. Joseph Maney, former public employee and Town of Lynnfield Administrator


So, any member of the public that wishes to see first hand how their public taxpayer dollars have been spent...stop by teh Essex Regional Retiremetn System for yourself as this is a public entity and fully funeded by the the public employees who are in charge of several hundred million dolalrs of publc taxpayer funded investments...and contact the members of the "Board" to let them now you and many others are aware of how this "public entity" workforce and public funed upscale 2 suite condos are using tax payer funds...and how about some interested members of the public attend the monthly Board meetings and take lots of notes?  As these are "open public meetings" and therefore any member of the public can attend...since each member of the Board is acting in a "public capacity" as a "public employee" while they are acting as Essex Regional Retirement Board members...isn't publc acountablity GREAT??? God bless USA!!!




Town of Boxford

#5Author of original report

Sat, February 06, 2016

The Town of Boxford is a rural town located northeast of Boston.  Very few commerical business are approved in the Town of Boxford.  It is strange the appraisal value for Benson's Ice Cream is so low in a town with such high residential property values and for a rare commerical business, the value should be higher, not lower.  The head of the committee in charge of real estate valuation for the Town of Boxford is the brother of the Town Administrator Alan Benson. The brother of Alan Benson is David Benson.  

Board Members of "Essex Regional Retirement Board" Acting in a Public Capacity at a Public Meeting

#5Author of original report

Sat, February 06, 2016

The following persons are member of the Board of the Essex Regional Retirement System, located in Danvers, Massachusetts.

Town of Middleton - Ira Singer, Town Administrator and Chair, Massachusetts Interlocal Insurance Assocation and

                          resident of Newburyport.

Town of Ipswich    - Kevin Merz, Treasuer

Town of West Newbury - Susan Yaskell, retired accountant

Town of Lynnfield - H. Joseph Manley, Town Administrator

City of Newburport - Vincent Malgieri, Attorney 

The Essex Regional Retirement System Director is Charles Kostro, former Town of Newbury Town Administrator and former senior Massachusetts state official.  Charles Kostro is a resident of Beverly, Massachusetts.  

The attorney for the Essex Regional Retirement System is Michael Sacco.  

Oversight of the Essex Regional Retirement System is through the Public Employee Retirement System (PERAC).  General Counsel for PERAC John Parsons admitted he worked previously with Charles Kostro when John Parson was an accountant for the Commonweath of Massachusetts and Charles Kostro was a Deputy Director for the Massachusetts Highway Department.  


Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40 M

#5Author of original report

Sat, February 06, 2016

In 1985, a little known law was passed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Senate and House of is called Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40 M.  This law states cities and towns can create their own "insurance assocations" but in Massachusetts, these government insurance associations are NOT considered insurers....

In Massachusetts, public bid laws do NOT incluce requirements for cities and towns to conduct public bids for "municipal insurance contracts" insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, workers compensation insurance, property and casualty insurance, special lines of insurance, criminal defense insurance for elected local officials and municipal defense insurance...

The Massachusetts Municipal Assocation, MMA is a "government advocacy group" and its "insurance arm", the Massachusetts Interlocal Insurance Assocation, MIIA were both incorporated as "non charitable non profits". MIIA has stated its only business is insurance.

Both MMA and MIIA are located at One Winthrop Square in the Financial District of downtown Boston.  One Winthrop Square is an exquisite archtectural masterpiece of a stone mansion with stunning, exceptionally high ceilings, a mahogany lined lobby, private concierge service, an exclusive valuable loading dock on the side of the building and a private half acre landscaped park entrance with a historical statue of a man and his dog.  This "jewel box" commerical real estate is considered rare and some of the most desireable (and costly commerical real estate) in all of Boston.  it is located on the site of a former newspaper and on the corner where a Boston policeman was shot and killed over one hundred years ago.  The back door of the "Arch Street Chapel" faces this stuning stone mansion and amenities nearby include Star Bucks, Dunkin Donuts, numerous gourmet restaurants, a large CVS, retail stores, major financial institutions, The Boston Common, Fanueil Hall Marketplace, Old Meeting House and the Massachusetts State House.  

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