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  • Report:  #502051



  • Reported By:
    SB>FB — Fredericton New Brunswick USA
  • Submitted:
    Wed, September 30, 2009
  • Updated:
    Wed, September 30, 2009
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

These people have ripped off tens of thousands of dollars from honest, hard working people due to their lack of business sense and not caring at all about the consequences.  I worked with Trudi Hendry assisting her in the start up her Company last year, I continued to work for the Company until this month.  Several successful initiatives had already been started and the monies from those initiatives were turned over to her and her Company.  The basis of her agreement with us is that she would build four business groups, report to me every Wednesday by email, and have her books up to date each week so that the appropriate financial decisions could be made.  None of those promises were kept.

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They liked what we did.  They are still doing it.  All the systems we set up, the alliances with other Companies in place, the retail outlet, the group members who still plan to work together, all set up by us and our hard work, the sweat off our backs.  And there still is the outstanding matter of our 15% ownership.  There will be a lawsuit about that coming.

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They are still working with the Company that we set them up with through our negotiations and dozens of hours of meetings with the original owner, but ditched all other commitments to other Companies, consultants and employees under the umbrella of their bankruptcy.  They moved $100,000 worth of retail product out of the Company that Shaker Management Group purchased the materials for.  That is illegal, very sleazy and unacceptable.  There are many, many ways to make things right.  Dumping the Company obligations and pointing a finger is not responsible behavior and we recommend these Companies hold them accountable.

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The two of us employees were the Superstars of the Company.  Having owned and run several businesses, I know the value of treating the Superstars of the Company right.  In the past I flew my people out for vacations, bought them snowmobiles, Company cars, traveled across the country with them, provided weekend vacations, the very best of equipment, Company credit cards, bonuses, lunches, dinners, took them yachting, camping, flew out to meet them at trade shows, took them to to NHL hockey games and professional football games.  That is what a good leader does for their top producers.  And we were the top producers, the Company never made one single dime that wasnt a direct result of our efforts. 

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Trudi seemed to get that, we were treated as best as we could given the circumstances.  We were given a new vehicle to drive (albeit with a trailer to promote and sell Shaker Management Group products and services) and the payments came out of the Company.  We GAVE our vehicle to her to drive, and now she has taken her vehicle back AND KEPT OURS.  Plain and simple theft.  She will claim to have a bill of sale, but she has no evidence of any payment, because there wasnt one.  The bill of sale was just so she could register it.

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When her husband Gordon Donnie Hendry got involved, he didnt like to see people getting any sort reward for hard work.  He began to crtiticize how things were handled, even though he had only been around for one month and had no history.  He began to discredit us and wanted to make changes.  Because Trudi had been lying to him and keeping things from him, she really had no choice but to blow up on us to try to save her marriage.  It cant be saved anyway.  Sooner or later he is going to find out about Trudi running around with Peter the Realtor.  Every time I tried to get any work done with Trudi, she was either playing in her pool, or galavanting around with Peter the Realtor.  She actually had me wait down the road for an hour while she finished her lunch with him, when I was trying to get business done for HER Company.

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Now I recognize that she has been s*xually frustrated, but if she wants anything at home, she better lose some cottage cheese off her a*s.  Nobody, I guess except maybe Peter the Realtor, will want to sleep with that.

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According to our Attorneys one out of every ten people is an a**hole.  THEY are two of those.  If you do the math, we have worked with 180 members of groups.  Half a dozen complained, all quitters.  Nothing wrong with that track record.  Her Company needed entrepreneurial thinking to capitalize on the opportunities that it had.  It doesnt have that and it is doomed.

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When the Company had just turned the corner, the Freakazoid show started. On 9/11, the actions of this f*t fre*k of nature caused us two employees and our family, who were waiting for tens of thousands in back pay that the Company could not afford to pay many times during the operations, were left homeless as they were thrown out of their home with three hours notice.  In addition, Trudi and an employee of a Security Corp came right into the house and Trudi grabbed our bags of our belongings and headed for the door.  She said it was hers, yet they were the same bags we brought when we came to Atlantic Canada.  Does she have some sort of x-ray vision and saw something go hers in the bags? 

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She was trying to steal our things right out of the home we lived in and the Security Corp employee assisted her.  The Security employee jumped in front of me while I was running after Trudi to get our bags and later claimed to the police that I shoved him.  In fact, if he jumped in front of me, he actually assaulted me.  When I stopped Trudi and took the bags back, I quote her words Ha, you touched me, now I can charge you with assault.  She called the police and charged me with assault.

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Now I am a 250 pound guy and a street fighter all my young life.  I grew up in a very ethnic neighborhood and had to scrap my way to school and on the way back.  If I were ever to assault someone, there is going to be plenty of evidence.  But there was none, not so much as a red mark.  I didnt even touch her, she had two bags and I grabbed two bags.  What did I assault her with, my nose?

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She began screaming throughout the neighborhood and to all involved that the RCMP were coming to get us for multiple warrants.  As you can probably guess, no RCMP showed up.  I was in custody for an hour for the bogus assault charge, would they have really let me out if the warrants story from Trudi was actually the case?

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No matter how angry someone is, they dont pull that BS in front of family.  This dramatization was uncalled for and certainly handled with about the worst judgement anyone could have.  How do you think her kids would feel to see cops handcuff her and take her away?

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There are of course natural consequences to this freak show.  Trudis Company is bankrupt, coincidentally right after she cut loose all the talent that was making her Company work.  She will be next.  She will lay the blame on us, but that wont fly.  It is her actions that put her where she is.  Gordon Donnie will likely survive, the house is in his name, although I am not sure if legally she can turn over her share of the house and then two months later go bankrupt.  I would be very surprised if the law lets her get away with that.  And Donnie is going to have to double his anti-depressant meds when he finds out how many lies she has told him, and her true character exposed.  She told us several, and we were working for her for future promises, for nothing as it turns out.

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Now she is trying to contact the mother of my 13 year old child, telling her she knows where she lives.  She tried to apologize to the son whom she left homeless and who had worked many, many hours for her Company for no pay whatsoever.  This is a sick, demented, irrational person that needs to be locked away for awhile.  She is already paying for her sins, but the show has just begun.  She wont be able to flip chicken in Fredericton when the results of this fiasco hits the public. 

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There were a LOT of people that had geared up to work with the Company and order product.  Those people have been with us for years, through all the crap from the media and the internet.  Yet those people are still with us.  I can tell you why, they know the information disseminated through the press and the internet is untrue.  They were there, in the inner workings of the Company.  Mature people can recognize the difference between an allegation and an offence.  Those articles are simply allegations.  That stuff is old news anyway, even if 5% has truth to it (which I doubt), it has nothing to do with our term with Shaker Management Group.  But we are no longer going to turn the other cheek.  We invested tens of thousands of dollars and two years of our life for this project.

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But this post is the truth.  Unlike people who say they can back up what they post, with no contact information to get it from, we will post the evidence to support our actions.  Since nobody really wants to hear the truth before they make their judgements, we will simply show it all here.

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She will attempt to discredit certain expenses and say they were not authorized.  Thats not going to fly either, she was in the account every day and was FULLY aware of all expenses and the direction we were taking in building her Company.  Any attempt to say our working arrangement was different would be incredible.  It brought in just under three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) of operating capital into the Company.  Now how can anyone, who has never brought $300,000 into a Company in their entire lifetimes, discredit the people who have done it in ten months?  That goes for the membership too, how do you get off judging without any facts, just the ranting of a lunatic with ZERO business experience, and as it turns out, ZERO intelligence in matters of dealing with people?  And during these short ten months, we were just gearing up and getting momentum.  Building the team and getting the word out.  Can you imagine what the next two years would have looked like.  The seven of us that crunched the numbers and planned the strategies estimated $2.6M profit.  All gone because of lunatic behavior.

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She also now, (not before) takes exception to the costs of the hotels that we stayed at when we moved to Fredericton.  Anybody who knows anything about having people on the road in a Company knows it costs $200 per day for one person and $300 per day for two people if they share the accommodations.  30 days times $300 per day is $9,000 per month.  Add meeting rooms and dining clients and that number is easily $10,000.  And what was the payoff for the hotel bills for two months?  We brought $135,000 (at least) into the Company during those two months.  Pretty good payoff for the Company considering we were doing ALL the work.  Anyone who would complain about those expenses for that payoff cant count to twenty without taking their shoes off.

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She has also told people that we took all the money out of her account.  Well, I happen to know there was $35,000 in her account, we have copies of the books.  Those words by her are defamatory and actionable offenses.  As the actions, correspondence and the emails mount, the case for defamation gets more and more rock solid.  The things said to members were recorded and sent to us, and subsequently sent to our Attorneys.  She has made a bed that is getting very difficult to lay in.  Her lies and dramatization of events only goes to prove she is incapable of rational behavior.

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In fact, we operated, in 16 months, on $28,242.70 cash taken out of the Companys bank accounts of which we put MORE than that back into Company expenses in cash expenditures.  The books are almost done, and she looks like a total fool, and she deserves that title.  They will be posted here for all to see.  Then the judgements will have to be reversed.  How can she make determinations on indiscriminate spending without accurate books?  She was guessing, and she didnt have any facts.  Now we could have just taken that money and claimed it as our salaries, we certainly earned it.  But we didnt.  We reinvested all those monies plus more back into the Company.  At all material times we were working in the best interests of the Company and its success. 

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Here are some of the expenditures that cash went to:

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Friedman Group - Sales Training  $847.52

Crossman Software - POS System - 625.65

Rogers Wireless - (Company Phone lines forwarded to these phones) $2296.92

Eastlink - Shaker Management Group Toll Free lines and communications $1,520.87

Accommodations - No Accounts, paid cash - $578.97

Advertising - Newspaper ads - $363.48

Bell Mobility - Toll Free Lines forwarded to - $1,534.55

Car Rental - Kady to Airport - $248.82

Utilities - $2,587.60

Office Supplies - $579.92

Trailer and other Equipment - $455.38

Sales Department Expenses - $3,300.01

Staff BBQs - $239.20

Company Meetings - $1,353.25

Travel Expenses out of pocket - $1,901.89

Receipts submitted and input by Bookkeeper - $7,907.31

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There are many more, totaling over $40,000, and we have all the original receipts.  Where is the foul?  We paid HER to work for HER Company.  All she had to do was ask for the numbers, our commitment to the Company was VERY clear and evident.

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She prides herself in being a certified Private Investigator.  She should get her money back.  She is a private failure and a public humiliation.  I would think the first skill that they would teach is how to ask questions and LISTEN for the answers.  She didnt do that, just flipped her wig.  Anybody can find dirt about anybody thats making money on the internet.  Even Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki are posted.  If she had dug a bit deeper she would have realized that ALL accusations on the internet against us are being dealt with in a court of law, and that others had already been dealt with through the courts and WE were awarded costs.  Besides, it is old news, it has NOTHING to do with our relationship with Shaker Management Group.  There never was any reason to panic, no police hot on our tail, but she didnt even give us the courtesy of a conversation, she just went right over the deep end without taking any time to think about the consequences of her actions for everyone.  Someone who is that unstable and unprofessional cannot run a successful company, as was proven here.  The members ousted her as the Director or an Officer of the new Company.

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Trudi jumped to irrational conclusions and took actions that cannot be described as anything but crazy. She made herself look like a lunatic in front of everyone involved.  And human beings dont treat other human beings that way.  Thats why there is a policy and code of ethics, a determination that those behaviors are totally unacceptable.  If our agreements are not followed, then an agreement with these people means nothing.

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She had three students being trained to work for her company.  Part of our role while we worked for her was to interview and select the students to be trained. The students paid their training fees to her company.  She called the students approximately a month ago and told them that the Company needed the trainer who was training them for another project, and that she would refund their monies, or they could continue their training in a couple months. 

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She stopped payment on the last cheque she paid to the trainer, and now the students are left out in the cold. She is not refunding their monies and she is claiming to them that WE took all HER money and left. Think about that one for a second, how could WE take all HER money?  We are not signing authorities on her Company account, only she is.  In truth, she stiffed us for hundreds of hours of work, she stiffed her trainer, as well as other employees. She is looking to point the finger at someone else for her mismanagement within her own Company.   Her financial mess she got herself into was a direct result of her inability to perform her first simple task, start 4 groups.  Didnt we stop blaming others for the consequences of our own actions in grade school?

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She will no doubt blame us for all of her mistakes, but when it comes down to it, it is her Company and she had full control of what went on.  She is solely responsible for the unraveling of her company. We worked endless hours to further her Company for a promise of a percentage of ownership on the back end of a new Company to be formed, and pay for our services.  Well, we got the shaft pretty good from Shaker Management Group and Trudi  and Gordon Donnie Hendry, but we are not the only ones. Her business clients, the students, employees and many others will suffer great losses due to her actions.  Trudi Hendry and Shaker Management Group have no integrity, their promises are empty, and they will use people as long as it suits them and then dishonor their agreements.  Everyone who was impacted negatively by Trudi and her Company should take action, as she has no intentions of making things right, only laying blame.  And that is not going to fly.

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We hope the Hendrys can survive the s**storm they started, because we are not backing down until the truth is known to all.  In a way, you have to feel sorry for her.  But its her actions that led us here, and if she needs to learn this lesson the hard way then so be it.  She sat through several training sessions where everyone was warned about the natural consequences of badmouthing, emotional bank accounts, stimulus/response and many other universal principles taught By Dr. Stephen Covey in the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  If I had known that she wasnt listening, I would have taken away her computer and had her pay attention instead of surfing the internet.

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Now you people who have been ripped off by these people.  They have an $80,000 2009 Lincoln Navigator and a 2009 new car she just purchased less than a month ago in their driveway, a $8,000 enclosed trailer complete with advertising on it, plus our vehicle - all provided from our hard labour and systems.  They own a $100,000 worth of product, yet owe her administrator, with three young kids, over $12,000USD.  They owe their trainer for his services and put a stop payment on his cheque, and they owe us tens of thousands of dollars.  Are you going to stand by and let this happen?  When we met them they had one old van.  It is not hard to see who got them all they have.  OUR HARD WORK.

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Before she started her rant, she paid hotel bills, Staples, her credit cards ANY bill that might affect her credit, and said to hell with the people that were making it happen.  She didnt care that her administrators kids were going without what they needed.  In addition, she transferred $15,000 to her personal account.  Preferential Creditor treatment before a bankruptcy is illegal.  She has the almighty nerve to insinuate WE are dishonest?  I gave Trudi s**t once for being greedy, and I should have seen the writing on the wall.  People cant get greedy and honor their agreements, they will just keep changing them, as they did for all of the people working for her and her clients.

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Have we stated this matter too strongly?  We think not.  You cant quit and honor promises, so if quitting and bankruptcy was on their mind, they should have never made the promises.  Good people should not be out good money, and human beings do not treat other human beings the way that they have treated their hard working people.

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NEXT POST - Complete Financial Data Revealed!  Once she gets a chance to see that, she will be a great gramma before she will want to pull her head out of the sand from the humiliation of jumping to conclusions, based on her husbands expert advice.

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