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  • Report:  #10219

Complaint Review: City of Council Grove

Tupper Lake NY sounds like small town in Kansas! Corruption ..City of Council Grove Cops can sleep with high school girls & so can teachers ..there's more

  • Reported By:
    League City Tx
  • Submitted:
    Sat, December 29, 2001
  • Updated:
    Thu, December 30, 2004
  • City of Council Grove
    Council Grove, KS & Tupper Lake NY, KS, NY
  • Phone:
    1-800-LAND O OZ
  • Category:

Has anyone ever been to Council Grove, KS????? Tupper Lake sounds just like it! Funny how no one who's from there will admit to the corruption. Don't bother to complain to state officials...they're not interested.

Cops can sleep with high school girls....oh! and so can teachers. By the way, they still get to keep their jobs too. And if you are a teacher and get busted for drugs, you can keep your job too. Almost every (99%) criminal court cases the sentence is suspended. Only people from out-of-town or out-of-state are issued tickets.

Kids are allowed to roam all hours of the night. If you're a teenager with a car you can speed and do donuts on Main St. at 2 AM and no one will stop you cuz all the cops are too busy at their girlfriend's house. Downtown Main St. looks like a freaking landing strip with it's new lights (buying an excess of lights and placing them only 5 ft apart was very important for our community) and yet several juveniles managed to steal flags without anyone seeing them...still trying to figure out how that happened since I have to wear my sunglasses at night just to drive thru town. And if you're related to someone prominant or wealthy your indiscressions will never appear in the local gossip paper.

The city council and mayor are all in cahoots with one another and crooked as a snake. The mayor's daughter is a drug dealer and is always tipped off by her common law brother-in-law Chief of Police whenever KBI is investigating her. The town's motto should be:
"Come to Council Grove where you can commit a crime and get away with it". I could go on and on and on about the infedelities of this so called "caring community" (excuse me while I puke), but I'm getting writer's cramp. Visit Kansas it's the Land of Excitement........NOT!

Tupper Lake and Saranac Lake getting the long over due publicity it so richly deserves. Read about all the corruption from various business people, Police Department, Probation Department, Judges, Sunmount Developmental Center to the Assistant District Attorneys office in Tupper Lake and Saranac Lake. Click here to read it all.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Council Grove,

Simply wrong

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, December 29, 2004

I'm a teenager living in Council Grove, KS, and i know it's not perfect but it's certainly not the hell hole this person thinks it is. You can't go galavanting around in the middle of the night without worry (no one in their right mind would pull donuts on main street at ANY time), and the cops have a strangle-hold on main street on most nights. This person must have pulled this opinion out of his butt, because i know most of what goes on in Council Grove, and it's nothing like he or she describes it. There was an indecent liberties with a child case, but the case was heard and the officer was charged and promptly released from the department. There have been no teachers that have slept with high school students, and visitors aren't the only ones that get tickets. The only other thing i'll concede about this idiot's description is that the lights are a little too bright downtown. That's it. I have no idea where this person came from, but they're obviously uneducated enough to post moronic fallacies about other people's hometowns. I hope you will all see the idiocy in his report, as it was quite obvious to me and several others. Thank you.




#3Consumer Comment

Wed, May 22, 2002

This is insane!!!!I live in Wichita and we do see alot of corruption----Just recently, prisoners in sedgwick county jails coming up dead, people getting arrested after paying muncipal court fines, the carr brothers being acquited of the quadruple murder..... It seems to never end!!!!!The police have been given way too much power....

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