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  • Report:  #37725

Complaint Review: Tupper Lake's Inhabitants

Tupper Lake ripoff Reputation known across the Nation New York

  • Reported By:
    Saranac Lk New York
  • Submitted:
    Tue, December 10, 2002
  • Updated:
    Thu, July 19, 2012
  • Tupper Lake's Inhabitants
    289 Demars Blvd.
    Tupper Lake, New York
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Tupper Lake's Inhabitants Tupper Lake is the town from hell! It can be best described as on the leading edge of the resurgence of the "New South". Deliverance doesn't have sh*t on TL!

I've been called a "flat-lander" and "city-boy" and such, based purely on my OBJECTIVE observations about the world's @$$hole, AKA Tupper Lake.

Let me first start by refuting both these nicknames that I have had the pleasure of being graced with. One, I come from a town called Snohomish, its a farm town thats a mere 15 minutes from Everett; and Everett is just 10 minuties away from Seattle. So I'm not a city boy, just because I know how a normal town, and a decent sized city and their peoples conduct their everyday lives. Furthermore, Snohomish's elevation is roughly at 2000ft. above sea-level! Higher than some of these LAUGHABLY named "High Peaks".

First and foremost I would like to address Tupper Laker's misconception that they live in the "mountains". Allow me to drop some knowledge on some of your dumb asses. A good rule of thumb to go by would be this, if you can build a road to the top, or construct a town on the top of it...ITS NOT A MOUNTAIN! WTF people, your stuck in the Ice Age's, in more than one way. Yes the Adirondacks at one time were a large and respectable mountain range, but these days its more of a foothill range, or a nice hiking destination where old rotten crotch grandma's and snot nosed kids come to spend a day hiking, and fool themselves into believing they accomplished something. Now, my observation here may be a bit biased, fore I come from Washington state where the Cascade mountain range bisects the state. Granted its not the BIGGEST range in the world, but at least it's highest peak clears the 16,000ft marker.

Now to move on to the inhabitants. Just because you people want to claim you live in the mountains, does not mean that you need to conduct your daily affairs as if you lived in a cave. I would like the reader of this (this only applies to you if you live in the town, and embrace it), to pleeeeaaase pull your head out of your a*s, and take a deep, cleansing breath. Some of you may find that an offensive stench is interupting your cleansing breath, in that case, I implore you to wipe off your upper lip, then try again. This town must account for around 30% of Carhardt's merchandise! You can't escape the brand, no matter where you go. Also, one couldn't help but feel as if they were driving in a NASCAR race, except for the only numbers that are seen are 3, and 8....go figure. Earnhardt's DEAD! He died cause he was an idiot and didn't wear his harness, do you people really feel the need to golorify this type of ignorance?

7 out of every 10 homes/trailers in this town are equipped with either a two-way radio, a scanner, and/or binoculars. Why, I asked myself when I stumbled across this fact. The answer is, because it seems to be the only thing that makes existance in this town almost bearable. You people spy on each other in an attempt to live your lives vicariously through others, only to find that their lives suck just as bad as yours. Even the local news papers publish the names, addresses, and a brief description of all the police, fire, and rescue calls! What in the hell is that!? I am willing to budge a bit and say that this isn't entirely Tupper Lake's fault, its kind of a tri-lakes thing, but the town is still guilty by association on this. Now normal towns, report NEWS, things about the economy, world events, and scandals of noteworthy proportions. In a Tupper Lake newspaper one could expect to see who shot the largest deer last week...real noteworthy people.

Tupperlaker's seem to have their own vonacular as well, just as any other area in the world would. However, TL'ers vonacular isn't unique because of its elegance, words, (wurds) like nuttin' brefest, touch-hole, s**t-the-bed, eh, f***, f***in, f***ed, and f***er. Im going to go on a tangent and explore why a deer's a*****e is referred to as a "touch-hole". Just to OVER siplify this, why would a hunter (which would include 99% of the male population in Satan's a*****e uhh I mean Tupper Lake) refer to a deers a*****e as a TOUCH hole? Is it because theres a significant amount of affection or touching that is involved with it? Hmmmmm something I pondered the first time I heard it.

How many towns that you know of (excluding your own TL'ers) have to routinely defend themselves on the topic of inbreading? Why is it, that a man from Texas after reviewing TL's rip off reports says that this town "must be the town from hell!" Why is it that the majority of your rip off reports aren't about business at all, but rather about whos stickin who at the bar, who's the biggest s**t, and who's the biggest drunk?

I also found it a bit peculiar that when I went into a local bar, and saw mullets abound, that I was the only person laughing! In fact, when I told somebody about it, they had no idea what a mullet was! Don't feel bad if you find yourself in this catagory, you probably have a mullet, its not your fault, you are a product of your environment. Also, if you don't know what a mullet is, do me a favor and make sure that your house is still securely placed on its blocks, they say a windstorm is blowin in. I also noticed a disposition towards "the south". And its not talking about "down state" haha, which is another topic altogether. No, rather I find that you people seem to enjoy poking fun at things like southerner's reputation for inbreading, bigotry, retardation, general SLOW pace, un-intelligable vonacular, etc. Now if you live in TL, I want you to take a moment, and try and remeber the last time you had to defend your hometown for ANY of these subjects haha. I'm sorry my downsyndrome looking friend, but you and the south have more in common then you'd like to admit...

What is Tupper Lake's main export? Besides drunks? If anybody has an answer I would really like to know, and don't bother trying to say logging, everybody knows all the logging is done in Canada and in the West now.

Its late now, and I'm finding it far too easy to pick this town apart, consider this installment one, of many! Please respond and refute if you can. Remember, spelling is going to be key for anybody to take your rebuttal seriously.

November C Tupper Lake, New York

Tupper Lake & Saranac Lake getting the long over due publicity it so richly deserves. CLICK HERE ..Read about all the corruption on businesses, Police & Probation Department, Sunmount Developmental Ctr., Jack Delehanty Asst. District Attorney & much more!

17 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,

adirondack villages

#18Consumer Suggestion

Mon, February 02, 2009

It's so easy to knock someone ,or someplace,especially if you don't have to face 'em. actually i think i'l confine my comment to the place,and hope the reader
will overlook the indivdual? undoubtly in any small village,or town you'l find people
that are not recptive to new persons.when i 1st.came to the villages of the adirondack mtns i was frustrated by the cold reception that some individuals gave me. it passed, i realised why i came ,and forgot the feeling? i came for the mountains,and stream, and clean waters, the air, and the forest. it's a truely beautiful place. tupper lake is not just a village by a lake, it has water literly all around it, lakes,rivers, bogs, birds,wildlife, plants that exist only in the adirondack
park it's the largest park in america.6,000,000 acres of life, 6ft.northern pike,
moose,loons, eagles, i suspect the gray wolf will eventually make a comeback?
if you really want to knock tupper lake, or saranac lake ,or lake placid ,or the adirondacks? why not come and see for yourself ,then make up your mind. i trust you'l think a bit differently about the park,and it's people. i could go on about the reasons why this place is unique, it's only 150,000 people in 6,000,000 acres?
moneys tight here, but i don't live here 'cause i want money. i came for the experence, lifes short, if you want to poke fun at "towns" go right ahead. you'v no
idea what you missed?


Middle Grove,
New York,

not a piece of trash from tupper

#18Consumer Comment

Sun, July 13, 2008

I don't know if you've ever been to tupper but everyoneain't bad. You all get on the computer and you don't even know the people, and I am sure where you come from has their own soap opera. Quit putting every one down because i am sure you all have your own dirty laundry in your closet. I've been married for 21 yrs and trust me none of you have anything better to do than talk about other peoples misfourtuners. Grow up and think about how perfect or unperfect your lives are and then pray to god for forgiveness' then pray foe redemption. You all need it.

Help! Stuck In Tupper Lake!

Tupper Lake,
New York,

Tupper Lake has beautiful scenery for visitors!

#18Consumer Comment

Wed, March 19, 2008

I have lived in, this little town called, Tupper Lake for 12 years now. I am a mother in my 30's and I have raised my child here since she was 2. I do have family here but wasn't raised here. I loved visiting Tupper Lake when I was a young girl- back when I was playing hopscotch and just starting to like boys. Tupper Lake was safe and everyone was friendly.

Then, I made the decision to move here when I was in my late teens. I slowly started to see what Tupper Lake was about. I had some friends from my earlier years visiting, and they taught me what it was like to be a "Lumberjack"! I wanted to finish high school at the time but I quickly became "TUPPERFIED". I started drinking heavily, doing drugs, and riding fast machines. School was put on the back burner and I was kicked out. No questions asked about why I wasn't in school or how we could solve the problem of my absences. (Probably a good reason of why people aren't highly educated here.)
Luckily, I met a respectful guy (not from TL) who became my boyfriend and later the father of my child. He "rescued" me from this town. I moved away, finished high school and enjoyed being a new mom. However, we lived with his parents and it was time to go. Guess where we went. Good old Tupper Lake, New York where we had met. I thought since I had become a mom Tupper might be a nice place to raise a child. I had gone to many schools growing up I didn't want that for my child. Well with moving to Tupper Lake,I didnt socialize with the people I had once called friends. I chose to work, be a decent girlfriend and mother. A few years worked out great. Especially when you don't socialize with anyone. (That is another problem here. It seems if you want to stay out of Tupper drama stay home! Even then people make up s**t and try to bring you down to their level just because they're bored.)

So folks I don't need to go any further. HELP! I'm still stuck in Tupper! I don't have a car because the jobs around here only pay minimum wage or you work for Sunmount and your co-workers should be the ones locked up in an institution along with the consumers. I feel I'm at a dead end road. I want more than this for my daughter. Any suggestions?

Like I said, Tupper has beautiful scenery for visitors, however I don't have too much to brag about living here. This town either has had an evil curse struck on it or this is the way the world really is. I have been "TUPPERFIED" and not sure how to get out!



Tupper Lake is a Laughingstock, it's too late for damage control

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, February 25, 2008

Wow. A touch hole. Wow. What are they doing up there? I know there are a lot of hunters around here, but I never heard of anyone calling anything's anus a touch hole.

And for the high school student--I would never bring my kids to your town. I wouldn't even stay myself after dark.

We need to hear more about Tupper Lake. Perhaps how it all started? Some family lineages, prior feuds, and especially details about the exact moment this town went down. Let's all keep this hellhole in mind. It'll make us feel better about the piddly things we're all worried about in our own town. No place could be as infested with human misery as much as T L. After all, isn't that why Springer is a success?

A Normal Tl Citizen.

Tupper Lake, NY,
New York,

It's time that we all look deep into what we are saying

#18Consumer Comment

Sat, January 26, 2008

I am a local student at Tupper Lake High School. For those across the country who think this community is a bunch of inbred loosers- you are so wrong. My friends and I come from some of the nicest families in Tupper Lake. We have amazing reputations and good backgrounds that have nothing to do with our parents sitting in bars drinking their lives away. If you took a look around you could see there are people here actually trying to make a life for themselves. There are many wealthy people who live in Tupper Lake. Check out some of the huge camps when you go on a boat ride. Some of the local s also have really nice homes, myself and my friends included. We stay out of all this retarded bullshit. Yes, there are a lot of retards in this community and we all just laugh at them because we are better than most of them! People may hate us for it but it's just because we are not ignorant inbred slobs! So for those who don't live here and like to judge. Come and see how me and my friends live. You'd be really surprised.


La Canada,

I want my Tupper TV - VD is nothing to clap about

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, June 20, 2005

I want my Tupper TV! While I do not agree with the original smear "report" as a real "Rip Off Report" in that all is did was blast a town for no good reason. However, the reports about your local Doctor, your police officers, your D.A., the local roofer / handyman, bar owners, land lords, mothers who spike three month old babies into snow banks, families who steel frozen fish sticks and lets not forget the classic about the poor young lady reporting she received the gift that keeps her dripping from a married man makes us all laugh at loud at Tupperheads. (remember VD is nothing to clap about)

I really want to get a list of locals, what they do and who they are so I can have a better handle on the never ending "Tupper Opera", you know like box stats we can all follow along with. Who will be the first to sell the Tupper Lake Dweller program with box stats? I want to hear it like the barker yells at ball games "you can't tell one mullet from another without a program, get your program here".

YES, I want my Tupper TV!


Ft Bragg,
North Carolina,

Snot nosed know it all college kids...

#18Consumer Comment

Sun, June 19, 2005


Your spelling is way off, as are your geographics, but mostly your outlook on the townspeople as well. You've probably only lived in one or two places in your whole life. After being in the Army for a minute or two I can assure you that Tupper Lake is not that bad, there are worse places. Your probably some snot nosed know it all college kid who probably really doesn't know s**t man.


Ft Bragg,
North Carolina,

Snot nosed know it all college kids...

#18Consumer Comment

Sun, June 19, 2005


Your spelling is way off, as are your geographics, but mostly your outlook on the townspeople as well. You've probably only lived in one or two places in your whole life. After being in the Army for a minute or two I can assure you that Tupper Lake is not that bad, there are worse places. Your probably some snot nosed know it all college kid who probably really doesn't know s**t man.


New York,


#18Consumer Comment

Thu, August 07, 2003

Wow!! A friend told me to check out all the "Gossip" that goes on regarding Tupper Lake!

Yes, we are a small town in the Mountains, and Yes it is a beautiful place to live. But if you decide to squandal you time in bar rooms here and fratinize with such, then by God, what does that make you? I learned along time ago,

If you want to meet the "better class" then hang with the "better class". I certainly dont hang out in these bars myself. If I feel the need to party, I go to dinner in Lake Placid, then for a drink at a little bar.

It doesnt have to do with Tupper Lake, you see,

It has to do with the Company you keep. I enjoy the hell out of my 19 foot boat in the evening, with friends and family! I also enjoy my job and think we have wonderful people who dedicate a lot to Tupper Lake.

So next time you decide to "venture" to Tupper Lake, visit our beautiful Lakes, take your kids tubbing up the lake, go camping, ride a bike thro the trails, take a nature walk, just enjoy......

Evidentally your missing a whole lot!




Why Change Anything?

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, August 04, 2003

Ahhh, yea, what November C said.

With all due respect, David, why shut them up? I mean keep on egging them on. The threads on Tuppervillains are more entertaining than a kitten that shits half in and half out of the catbox.

Tupper Lake is just chock full of leaders in the lowlife, scumbag, drunk, and inbred categories. Who can hate a cockroach that doesn't run when the light is shined on them? Ya gotta love it!

stomp stomp STOMPITY stomp!



Why Change Anything?

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, August 04, 2003

Ahhh, yea, what November C said.

With all due respect, David, why shut them up? I mean keep on egging them on. The threads on Tuppervillains are more entertaining than a kitten that shits half in and half out of the catbox.

Tupper Lake is just chock full of leaders in the lowlife, scumbag, drunk, and inbred categories. Who can hate a cockroach that doesn't run when the light is shined on them? Ya gotta love it!

stomp stomp STOMPITY stomp!



Why Change Anything?

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, August 04, 2003

Ahhh, yea, what November C said.

With all due respect, David, why shut them up? I mean keep on egging them on. The threads on Tuppervillains are more entertaining than a kitten that shits half in and half out of the catbox.

Tupper Lake is just chock full of leaders in the lowlife, scumbag, drunk, and inbred categories. Who can hate a cockroach that doesn't run when the light is shined on them? Ya gotta love it!

stomp stomp STOMPITY stomp!



Why Change Anything?

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, August 04, 2003

Ahhh, yea, what November C said.

With all due respect, David, why shut them up? I mean keep on egging them on. The threads on Tuppervillains are more entertaining than a kitten that shits half in and half out of the catbox.

Tupper Lake is just chock full of leaders in the lowlife, scumbag, drunk, and inbred categories. Who can hate a cockroach that doesn't run when the light is shined on them? Ya gotta love it!

stomp stomp STOMPITY stomp!


Tupper Lake,
New York,

Suprised you really took the time to chew our town out online?!

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, August 04, 2003

Well, I agree that there are many strange people in my little hometown of Tupper Lake, however, I must defend Tupper in that there are many great, normal people here also. I find it very humorous that you can sit there in your little computer chair and talk so much smack about this town that you have driven through and never lived in. I mean it was you who took so much time to type paragraph after paragraph about Tupper. I do agree though that Tupper has its "Jerry Springer types", I do however, know from over 20 years living here that this town is a very nice place to raise your children and even though I have since moved away to school, I will always think of Tupper Lake as my hometown.

So I guess my main gripe for you people who spend like a half an hour writing nasty stuff about Tupper Lake on the internet is that you take the time to do so. Why? It really stands out to me like you have no life yourselves. So throw stones all you like, but I must say that most of what you write is bullshit!!


Tupper Lake,
New York,

Ohh, Again?

#18Consumer Comment

Sat, July 26, 2003

Hi Dave, David and November. I am very happy we give you all a few chuckles. Try living here and being normal. lol We love camping, and hikeing and havig life at it's fullest. You Keep bashing, and the norms here will laugh too.

Bye all



Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

#18Consumer Comment

Wed, July 23, 2003

It happens on both coasts...

"Remember, spelling is going to be key for anybody to take your rebuttal seriously."

November C, I couldn't agree with you more. Let's take a look at what being from "real mountains" has done for you.

"a farm town thats a mere 15 minutes from Everett"

-Are there multiple "thats" running around or did you mean "that's" as in the conjunction for "that is"? Okay, maybe I am just being too picky.

"Everett is just 10 minuties away from Seattle"

-Here in the middle of the country we measure time in "minutes". It must be a small town thing.

"an offensive stench is interupting your cleansing breath"

-Or maybe it is "interrupting" your ability to spell correctly.

"do you people really feel the need to golorify this type of ignorance?"

-I suppose you would understand my response. I do not want any ignorance "glorified"

"it seems to be the only thing that makes existance in this town almost bearable"

-It probably helps with their "existence" tolerable too. Descartes would be proud.

"Tupperlaker's seem to have their own vonacular as well"

-Do they have their own "vernacular" too?

Okay, now I am just getting bored. So as that I don't get accused of missing anything, here is the annotated version of the remainder:

Im...OVER siplify...deers...theres...

inbreading...whos...catagory...un-intelligable vonacular...remeber...downsyndrome...

I do understand that people frequently use poor grammar on message boards. I have no problem with that. I have never corrected another post for grammatical errors. The Lord knows that my secretary prevents me from looking like a moron on a daily basis. I chose to point this out to you only because of your closing statement.

"Its late now, and I'm finding it far too easy to pick this town apart, consider this installment one, of many! Please respond and refute if you can. Remember, spelling is going to be key for anybody to take your rebuttal seriously."

Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. If they do, they should buy a ditionary (yes, that was intentional)


Bullhead City,

Tupper Lake ripoff Reputation known across the Nation

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, February 10, 2003

I gotta agree with you. We are laughing about Tupper Lake out here in Arizona. I just sent a whole s**t load of Rip Off Reports to the Tupper Lake Chamber of Commerce so they could see what the nation was laughing at. Maybe they can shame some of the in-breds into shutting up? I'm telling you Jerry Springer needs to hear about this town. Hmmmm I think I'll email his staff about Tupper Lake.

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