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  • Report:  #386140

Complaint Review: -- Raushan Hammond -- Liar And Bullshitter. -- Raushan Hammond -- Liar And Bullshitter. He posted a false bio of me & used my picture without me signing a doc for the rights. Los Angeles, California And Inland Empire, California Internet; He lives in California though.

  • Reported By:
    Santa Ana California
  • Submitted:
    Wed, October 29, 2008
  • Updated:
    Fri, October 31, 2008
  • -- Raushan Hammond -- Liar And Bullshitter.
    Los Angeles, California And Inland Empire, California, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:


I am wishing I kept all of the emails this creep sent me. I met the guy on MySpace, one of the largest, and world-wide known places to find scams. No matter what, you have to be careful! The guy, throughout the months has messaged me on and off. We hit it off pretty good with the networking. He claims to be a childhood actor, in which he played Thud Butt in Hook. I don't know if he has a fake MySpace pretending to be this guy or if he truly was a childhood actor and he was indeed this guy! Either way this guy needs to be watched out for.

Make sure you watch out for the website He runs this site and owns it. He tried scamming me and he will try scamming you......

Several months back he offered me the chance to read for a script for a role in a movie he was going to be a part of making. He kept telling me he had connections and all these wonderful "sweet talking lines." I asked him to send me the script, I read over it, and HATED it. I remember him telling me Warner Brothers was thinking about joining with him, but who really knows? If I see this same exact scene I read over in a future movie, then okay maybe I'll believe that pat was true, but if you read on this very detailed story you will see why I want to warn you of what kind of person he is!

I am an aspiring actress, and what the scripted entailed of I wanted nothing to do with! The role called for me to be a a very seductive girl who was very secretive, slutty, a possible prostitute and total 420-friendly, all of what I am against. I do not want that kind of image or reputation started of myself, no matter how much he was willing to pay me and no matter how much fame it would land me. So I politely told him no and asked him to keep me posted on other acting opportunities available.

So, he told me about a website he was planning in creating, also known as It sounded very cool when he described it, and even though he is shady as hell, it still sounds like a cool idea, and for that idea I give him props, I just don't give him props on what he did to me! The site is still in the making of being fully created. There's going to be tv shows, movies, commercials and so on on this site. It's pretty much an online, 24-hour long, tv program, yet on your computer.

So, very much interested in this project he was starting, I kept in touch with him. A few months passed by, and the site was for the first time launched, yet very, very bare!! All it had were very basic links and pictures on it. He kindly asked me if I would be his cover girl for the website, and he asked me to tell a little bit about me for the bio he was going to write for me. So I asked him to please refer to my resume I sent months prior, and to also refer to my MySpace profile, becase I am quite the MySpacer and have my profile fully detailed enough to write a bio from. He agreed and that was that.

He also mentioned in an email that he was going to send me a document for me to sign so he can gain the rights for him to use my photos on his website. I never recieved this document (nor did I ever sign such a document) so I just waited patiently by for him to send this document to me.

He emailed me randomly, as he had done so many times before, informing me his website has been launched and to check out the website because I was on the cover. Seeing my picture on the website was actually quite awesome, so stupidly I let it slide for about a week-week and a half until I read what he said in the bio.

This is what he said in the bio:

"Recently TYN had the great opportunity of meeting susanne, A lovely 21 year old from the Inland empire.She is an up and coming model and also aspiring actress.TYN recently chatted with susanne and ask her what type of a outside activitys does she enjoy doing when not doing shoots? I'm a very girly girl so I
like to shop for Shoes, hand-bags, clothes, Jewelry,MaKe-Up,Shoes,Shoes, ShoeS and more shoes.Did I forget to mention shoes! lol With an aspiring actress must come a lover of film and sitoms.She replyed, "okay EVERYTHING!! Movies Hocus pocus, "Blood in Blood out" I LIKE IT LIKE THAT,DIRTY DANCING, GREASE,THE COLOR PURPLE, SPACEBALLS (lol), STAND BY ME, THE WRAITH,ROBOCOP, LEGEND,THE LOST BOYS AND SO MANY MORE TO MANY TO LIST. As Far as sitcoms are concerend I like King of Queens,Hannah Montana,zack and cody, hee hee! its true. ok ok I like the cute yellow freak that lives in a pine apple under the sea, as you can tell i'm a big fan of Disney. With A great personality and Skill TvYouno is proud to priemier a new
up and coming talent- Look out for her in the future!"

He made me sound like I was a complete bimbo and he put words in my mouth that never came out. And just because I work for Disneyland he automatically assumes I love everything to do with it, when I don't. Yes I like working there, that doesn't mean I'm obsessed with Hannah Montana or anything relate to! Like I told my friend, this is my first taste of how the press will twist and break your words!! The only thing he got right in that "bio" was the fact that I like Spaceballs, and that I'm 21 and originally from Inland Empire.

After reading this so-called "true bio," he wrote about me, I immediately messaged him on MySpace and said,

"This bio is COMPLETELY false. I don't want this posted. You bullshitted this whole bio, and you didn't spell my name right, nor did you get my current location right. The only thing you got right in this bio is my age, and the fact I like spaceballs, everything else you bullshitted. Either get my bio right, Ill even write it for you if I have to, or I WILL sue...

Just remember I didn't sign any document saying you post my picture or information... I can sue if I choose to. I don't want wrong info up about me, so I want this all re-written, or completely taken down off your site.

I am sorry for how I'm outbursting, but you did bullshit that whole bio and got everything wrong. Here is what you should write as the bio. I used the same structure as you did, I just corrected everything you messed up....

Recently TYN had the great opportunity of meeting Susannah, A lovely 21 year old from the Inland Empire, currently residing in Santa Ana, California. She is an up and coming model and also an aspiring actress, writer, and photographer. TYN recently chatted with Susannah and asked her what type of a outside activities does she enjoy doing when not doing shoots? My favorite hangouts are: the movies, the mall, the beach, concerts, amusement parks, pool halls, zoo's, parks, plays, the river, L.A., O.C., at home with my boyfriend when I have one: watching dvds; cuddling; enjoying each other's company. And Etc.... With an aspiring actress must come a lover of film and sitcoms. My fave style of moves are: Everything but Horror flicks. My fave television shows are: The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Whose Line Is It Anyway?, That 70s Show, Family Guy, The Simpsons, Futurama, MadTV, and some things on E! With a great personality and skill, TvYouno is proud to premiere a new up and coming talent- Look out for her in the future!

If you want my full bio, I will write one. I am a very detailed person and I will tell every detail there is important if you want."


And then I went on to ask him to upload better pictures of me because the other pictures he had up of me were not professional pictures at all.

This was his response:

"Hello there Just Recieved Your Email.I'm Very Sorry to Hear you don't like the Bio Or pIcs But This Is show Business So WHat i've done Is Notified My webmaster And you will be taken completly off of the site - in about 5 mins:::::: I Will also Remove All information on you and Pull you from our acting database So sorry for all the issues but As a full time producer and director I I have no time to Put up pics and Information that only The talent feels like having on a site. We are very proffesional here and Plan on growing.Good LUck with your Acting & modeling"

I said:

"You're not professional if you're posting bullshit bio's of people."

He said:

"Well as StatedYour posting Is Being Removed A.s.a.p. I also Hae several emails from you as well telling me that it was okay to post your pics and Information on you. If there Are Any other issues there shouldn't be any as your removed from the site.I can Also Put you in contact with my Lawyer if you have Additonal issues. As stated And All emails have been noted from you - thank you so much.

feel free to check the Site In a few minutes as you have been completely removed."

And then he blocked me before I could respond. He didn't even give me enough time to inquire about his lawyer.

I don't mind that he took me off the site, but what bothers me is he DID use my photos without permission; the cover photo in particular. He states that I said it was okay for him to use the photos, but I don't recall any email stating this, and even if I for some reason agreed to this, which I do not recall ever agreeing to, there should still be a model release form saying I give him the right to use my photo WITH my signature included! As well as a document saying I release my information to his site for use, which he bullshitted anyway! But there is no such document. So he is in violation of using my photos without a model release form and I even have proof of him using the cover photo on his website, if you read and look below.....

Here's the screenshot of me in the middle as the cover girl. You can see the date in the right hand bottom screen too. I was there in that spot for a whole week. If I knew what a shady guy he was, I would have taken a pic of it when it was first posted, and I would have kept an online journal of this. Now I know to do this stuff. You can't trust anyone. I would have also shown the pic of the incorrect bio, but I was so frustrated at him, I just sent my angry response, and the next day, aka today, I got his response saying he was going to take me off the website.

SO.... since I caught his angry response back, RIGHT after he sent it, I decided to quickly get on his website and take a screenshot as proof I was on the site, before I was completely erased off the site. He deleted the incorrect bio he wrote of me before I got to that page to take a screenshot but all I really need as proof is the cover pic. So I got the pic in time!

Here it is:

If the html doesn't work on this website, here is the link to the photo:

I also have a screenshot of the new cover girl posted a few minutes after I was deleted, with the date in the bottom right of the screen:

If the html doesn't work, here's the link:

So with this first photo in proof, and there being NO model release form in proof, stated and signed that I give him consent to do this, I hope this is enough proof for all you actors to watch out for Raushan Hammond!!!!! He is a liar, a bullshitter, and he thinks he can get away with doing whatever he wants.

I am sure this one response of mine won't stop him from doing this kind of stuff in the future, but at least it will warn people of who and what kind of person he is!

Not to mention, look at what kind of pictures he is adding to the new girls page:


This is her bio:


I am hoping this girl knows he is using her pictures and her bio, and if she does know, I hope her bio is correct, unlike mine was! I really do feel bad of what kind of photos he choose for her!!! She shouldn't be seen like that. She should be seen with respectful and tasteful photos. When I asked him to change the photos of me to my more professional pictures, he just gave me an attitude and just brushed it off. I'm hoping he's not doing the same thing to this girl.

So as I've said, be warned of this guy... His site isn't even legit looking, and he needs to hire someone to edit information he writes because he butchers his grammar!

I was nothing, but nice to this guy until he wrote the wrong bio about me and didn't even have me sign documents stating he had rights to my photos! I don't have proof of him using the OTHER photos he did, BUT I DO have proof of him using the cover photo without my permission!!! That's proof enough

Be warned of this guy and stay FAR away!!

He will lie, bullshit, and scam you!

Beware of the owner Raushan, of!!! And if he isn't even Raushan Hammond, and he's using a fake persona, then please be warned of any guy trying to pull this kind of bullshit on you if you stumble on someone like him.

Please be careful, keep a journal unlike I did, keep emails of anything "too good to be true," and like me, take photos.

Be safe.

Santa Ana, California

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Los Angeles,

Female Stalkers.Report has been filed.Cannot be Several hundred feet or more from company!

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, October 30, 2008

All Emails Below were sent from the Above stalker:- & Papers Were Filed on Person/s.
Please let this be learned from the above situation.Always Be proffesional when contacting companys for work,Especially Large corps: don't excessivly Beg employess and or mangers of companys to be with you on a more personal level.Or Attemp to say Mean And slurish words against people/s.Assosiated with such companys.Please Treat everyone on the internet as if they were right in front of you in person.

RE: hello
Yeah it's all on my profile... It's nothing too formal, more casual then anything. Here's about me:

I was born in Santa Ana, California, but I grew up in Riverside, California for 19 years of my life. I am currently living back in Santa Ana, CA. My birthday is September 28th. I am going to 21 this year. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, and I sure as hell don't go to parties involving those things.

I am a blunt/truthful person, yet I am a very loving, caring person as well. I HATE to fight, so if you are filled with drama, please, leave it at the door. I am a bubbly gal, who likes to relax and have fun in ways other than "partying". I am not the wild, crazy party girl type, so if that's the type you like, look elsewhere! I am VERY affectionate and I LOVE to cuddle. Cuddling can be better than sex, SOMETIMES. :P I am very faithful, when in relationship as well! I can be very random and spontaneous. My humor is strange, but intriguing. I like adventures, as long as they don't involve scary bugs, heights, or annoying children. I like to try new things and I like to go to places I've never been before, which can go with the adventures part. :) I am a very unique person, and I love to meet people who are just as unique, if not more. I dislike boring and "normal" people.

My favorite hangouts: Movies, Mall, Beach, Concerts, Amusement Parks, Pool Halls, Strip Clubs, The Zoo, The Park, Plays, The River, L.A., O.C., At home with my boyfriend: watching dvds; cuddling; making out; enjoying each other's company. And Etc....

My passions are: Acting, writing, photography/photoshopping, modeling, make up. My persuit is to become a famous actress/writer. I love to write short stories, poems, and I'm working on a novel, a book of excerpts, and a screenplay.

I prefer to meet people who DON'T drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs, and don't party. I really don't mind if you drink occasionally, but I hate abusers and addicts. So if you are one of those types of people, leave now. I can't stand people who are full of themselves either, so if you are stuck on yourself, get over it! No one likes a-holes.

RE: hi
I'm about to head to bed...

Are you up to anything on your website? Are there any other roles available? I do need a second job. Disney isn't giving me many hours. I only work 3 days for 4 hours next week, so it isn't much!

----------------- Original Message -----------------

Aug 21, 2008 8:16 PM Flag as Spam or Report Abuse [?]

It's going good, but they aren't giving me enough hours, so I'm searching for a 2nd job.


hmm looks cool. :)

So are there any projects you working on that I could do a role? I'm in need of a second job! Disney doesn't give many hours.

----------------- Original Message -----------------

Oct 4, 2008 5:09 PM Flag as Spam or Report Abuse [?]

RE: hello

my number is 714-454-1909, if you forgot, and my name is Susannah.

I need to hop in the bath and shave, so I'll talk to you later. :)

----------------- Original Message -----------------

Oct 16, 2008 12:20 AM Flag as Spam or Report Abuse [?]
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Message If you get a message that is spam (someone trying to sell you something, get you to look at their profile, or redirect you to another website), click the Spam' button to notify us. If the email is not spam, but is abusive in nature (cyberbullying, inappropriate content, or another matter), click on Abuse'. You can then let us know what type of abuse the message is. Thanks for your help in moderating MySpace Mail! Subject:
RE: hey there
I don't have an agent.. I wish I had representation, but it's hard to find an agent who will take me. I have acne scars, and I don't have the money to get the laser surgery I wanna get. It's 8,000 for the three treatments. :/

----------------- Original Message -----------------

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