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  • Report:  #1123480

Complaint Review: Twisted Terror Convention

Twisted Terror Convention Dorine HartnettAaron Dodge Broken contract kicked out convention horror sci fi bias Latrop California

  • Reported By:
    Eric Morse — San Mateo California
  • Submitted:
    Fri, February 14, 2014
  • Updated:
    Sat, February 15, 2014

 I signed up with Twisted Terror Convention to be a Featured Artist at the event. I paid $50 for a table and was supposed to be guaranteed a spot and to be able to appear at the event. I signed in February 2013 for the event which was on March 29 and 30th 2014. I promoted the convention and even had the convention organizors on my radio show. When I signed they didn't announce me like the other guests. Also they never put my name or picture on any promotional material, which is not the standard of the industry. At horror conventions around America artis that pay for their tables are promoted and posted on the website as a guest. I was not. They put me is a separate section of the website by myself. Then on January first I got a PDF letter from the organizer, Aaron Dodge:


 Twisted Terror Productions Email:


 P.O. Box 785. Lathrop CA 95330


 Dear William Pattison, aka Eric Morse,

We regret to inform you that we will be cancelling your Artist contract with us. Unfortunately, your attendance conflicts with some of our current Celebrity guests.

Be on the lookout for you $50.00 deposit. We will make it out to Jeanette L. Thompson, unless you need it made out to someone else.

This was a Team decision, so please stop all emails to Dorine. We have made this decision and we are not turning back. Our number one priority is our Celebrity guests and making sure that their comfort level is at 100%.

We will be removing you from our website this week.


So they broke and cancelled my contract because a couple of the "celebrity" guests didn't personally like me. This is outrageous. Now it will be hard for me to get into another convention because this makes me look like I did something wrong when I didn't. This ruins my reputation as an artist. The people are crooks and scam artists. They used me for a year to promote their event then tossed me like garbage.

5 Updates & Rebuttals

Eric Morse

San Mateo,


#6Author of original report

Sat, February 15, 2014

Horror fan,

What you are doing is called flaming. It is a typical response on message boards. You attack the character of the person making an earlier post and just literally talk crap about them. I have had people like you do this to me on countless messageboards. I've even had people like you show their ignorance by call ing me a fan fiction writer when it is clear that I am a professional published writer. Nothing you have said in your statement has merit to what is being pointed out in this consumer complaint. The fact that you are trying to sayI am writing somewhere as someone else, which is a lie (other than my pen name of Eric Morse). It is all childish game playing to try to divert readers from the true issue. As Speak The Truth said I and not Mr. Fitzgerald. Mr.Fitzgerald has supported me in the past. The thing is you are just being juvanile to put out bulls*** like "he has no support he just manufactures it all himself." It is all bulls*** and lies perpetrated by children.

The facts are clear. Dorine and Aaron had a contract with me. I was a paid attendee, if you want to call me a vendor who gives a s**t. I was guaranteed my place at that event and nowhere in the contract, as Speak the Truth states was there a clause saying that the convention could cancel that contract on a whim. They clearing and illegally broke that contract. This shows the type of business people Aaron Dodge and Dorine Hartnett are. Artists in horror put a lot of trust into convention organizers and conventions. These convention organizers have shown their true faces in this instance. They are crooked as s**t. They have violated the trust and I saying that artists, actors, filmmakers, vendors, and especially sponsors should look and that and see that these people are not trust worth. They are not professional and should not continue in this business if they are going to treat artists in such a fashion.

I can only imagine that more children are going to come on here and mouth off and insult my character. They are just attacking the messenger, but the message is true. Don't waste your time listening to their crap, because that is call it is. The facts are the facts in this case and they are clear as day.

Speaking Truth


Know Truth Before You Speak

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, February 15, 2014

  First off you not knowing the difference between fan fiction and a true fiction novel speaks volumes against your statement. First fan fiction novels are defined as novels that are written by a fan of said franchise.  The author could be aspiring to be an author or not. Said fan fiction then gets picked up and published then put out as such. Fan Fiction Novels say that is what they are on the covers. Now if you go look up Mr. Morse's novels and look at the covers you will not see this. He was hired by Berkley Books as their choice from the author's they had in line to write the Camp Crystal Lake Novels. Hence he was chosen to write the novels he did not write them as a fan only doing it for the love of the franchise he was hired.

Next you mentioned from dusk til con. You then also don't know the fact that William Pattison AKA Eric Morse was at their con the very first Days of The Dead. He was actually pushing them to add Victor Miller because where Victor wrote the original screenplay for the  original Friday the 13th he deserved a convention appearance him self creating the franchise and the people of that con and many others had the gumption to say oh he's just a writer and isn't important enough to fans deciding what the fans want. I know this cause I followed it closely as I am aa huge fan of F!3.

  Now on to my next point with this. Eric didn't just call himself a featured artist Twisted Terror Con's website had him listed as such while he was on it. Also none of what you stated went with them breaking their contract. Mr. Morse has shown me the contract in question and since their was not a provision stating they could release him at their discretion they legally had no right to take him off the list even so the only people that went to have him removed from the show have since cancelled themselves. Next note before you say Mr. Morse stalked anyone you better have proof because without it this my friend is liable and is slander.

Further more proof needs to also have further investigation into both sides of the story to prove your proof is adequite. Since also there has not even once been a formal complaint made as such against Mr. Morse I say you have no ground to satnd on. Also for your sake I will say just because none of you know who Mr. Morse is does not mean others don't. Many fans of the Friday the 13th franchise do. Why dont you do some investigating and you will see all of the fans reviews and even the fan film made off of one of his novels.

Also you'll see the cost of his novels have quadrupled since their release in the 90's and are gaining new readers and fans constantly to this day. Also fan fiction novels do not get put on local libraries shelves however Mr. Morse's novels can be found in libraries across the nation. One last final note you say Mr. Morse is the bully I believe from where I see you attacking him as a person here you need to look in the mirror. None of your comments in your rebutle stated any fact on why this convention did not rip off Mr. Morse.

All I saw was hate and slandering comments toward Mr. Morse none of which you even have proof to back up so to everyone reading these remember your rebutles are to show how they were not in breech of contract not to bash, name call, or post lies about the individual filing the complaint.That being said until then if you only have hate comments to rebutle with they make no diference in the truth and have no merit helping your cause you are only hurting it by not presenting anything with truth and proof to the table. As for Gerald Fitzgerald I have spoken to both him and Eric over the phone and can assure you they are two different people. That is all.

Eric Morse

San Mateo,

Rebuttal to Statement

#6Author of original report

Sat, February 15, 2014

Dear Mr. Voice of reason,

I am William Pattison, aka Eric Morse. I'm the author of The Camp Crystal Lake Novels (Berkely Books 1994) Mother's Day, Jason's Curse, The Carnival, Road Trip and The Mask of Jason Voorhees. All these books are in the Friday the 13th franchise, which is a major franchise in horror. I also wrote the novel The Traveler: A Conflict of Interest, which is being republished by Wheelman Press later this year. I'm current finishing the much anticipated novel Psychotic State, which will also be published later this year.

I have had six novels published. I co-wrote the screenplay for the horror anthology film The Horror Seasons. I co-wrote the screenplay for the film Sparrow. I co-wrote and worked as an actor and associate producer on the film Midnight Matinee Psycho.I also co-wrote on the screenplay for Derek Young's new film that is premiering in March, Psychotic State.

Also, I'm the producer and host of the very popular podcast, The Wolf Pack Podcast which is on it's fifth season.

Also, a fan of my books has spent several thousand dollars of his own money to produce a film adaptation of my novel Friday the 13th Mother's Day. Which says something about my fan base because I know of very few authors who have had fans do that. In fact several hundred fans voted and named me King of Splatter Punk.

So, voice of reason I am far from a nobody.  I have a large body of work and was recently added to Ranker's All-time Greatest Horror Writers list. I have been interviewed by both GoreZone Magazine and Fangoria. Also, I was in Peter Bracke's book on The Friday the 13th Franchise Crystal Lake Memories. I have far better credentials than Jessica Cameron, who got me kicked out of the convention.

The truth is the only jerks are Dorine Hartnett and Aaron Dodge for breaking my contract and kicking me out of the convention at the whim of Jessica Cameron. Their actions were unprofessional in the extreme. I was guaranteed a table and nowhere in the contract that I signed was there a clause saying that the organizers could randomly at their own whim cancel my contract.  What they did is unfair, unreasonable, and criminal. They violated my rights and tranished my reputation. Their word is meaningles and they both lack integrity. I hope potential sponsors read this and see that these people are not professional and should not be trusted or supported.

Get you facts straight and do a bit of research befor you talk smack about someone. I had every right to be at that convention. I paid to be there and Dorine Hartnett and Aaron Dodge swyndled me.




#6General Comment

Sat, February 15, 2014

I truly feel for William Pattison. Does anyone even know who this guy is? Well I don't.  I'm excited to attend this convention and am glad Mr. Pattison will not be there because he sounds like a jerk. Only real artists are guaranteed a table at conventions, unlike some of the people who have recently left the convention. From what I hear this is Aaron's first convention and he already has built a terrific lineup. Keep weeding out the crap Aaron and continue to be professional as you have been. Don't waste your time on people who think they are famous but aren't. Us horror fans don't want to waste our money to meet nobodies. Thanks for bringing a horror convention to the northwest. Can't wait to see who will be there next year. 

Horror Fan

los Angeles,

Morse/Pattison delusional

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, February 14, 2014

Truth is, Eric Morse aka William Pattison aka Gerald Fitzgerald is a fan fiction writer who had some Friday the 13th teen novels published in the mid 90's (which he will bring up every chance he gets) 

 Morse/Pattison has also become so well know for his stalking of female actresses and bullying both celebs and fellow fans on-line, many celebrities refuse to attend conventions he is at. 

Morse is a vendor, "featured artist" is something he calls himself to elevate his ego. After celebs for Twisted Terror con came to promoters with their concerns about Morse/Pattison he was refunded and removed, because lets face it, fans come to see celebrities, not fan fiction writers with attitude problems.

 Recently he added himself to a "All Time Greatest Authors List" on a website then posted he was "shocked and honored" to be on the list (even though on the site it clearly shows he submitted his own name).

If you do not agree with Morse/Pattison's opinion, or try to defend someone he is bullying, you are instantly a "troll" a "hater" or called a "bully" yourself. You are also then blocked which is then touted as a "victory" for his fragile ego.

 Check out Morse/Pattison's own blog for his psychotic rants, threats and bullying. My personal favorite is his being mad at popular directors The Soska Sisters for not calling him on his birthday.

Or popular horror con forum From.Dusk Till Con where he ask fans to pressure a convention to add Victor Miller (Writer of the film Friday the 13th) and himself to their show. When fans call Morse/Pattison out on his irrational rant he calls them the typical Troll/hater combo and runs off.

 Be sure to watch for comments from Gerald Fitzgerald (also Morse/Pattison) his #1 fan who chimes in to defend him and stroke his ego. If your lucky you'll see them interact and laugh that its Morse/Pattison talking to himself (Fitzgerald)

 And now Morse/Pattison will respond calling me a "troll", "bully" or "hater" in 3.....2......



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