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TWX unauthorized magazine subscriptions NYC, New York
March 2009, we accepted an Amazon offer for an annual subscription to four (4) magazines @ $10. Paid by our charge account. Thereafter, unauthorized charges for $1 started to hit our a/c. The account was retired and a new one open.
January 2010, TWX hit our new card for four (4) renewal. While we didn't authorize TWX to charge our new account, it was explain to us that as TWX was a legitimate MasterCard vendor, our bank had to forward their charges to the new account. We would have cancel the subscriptions.
As I canceled the subscriptions and over my objection, TWX signed us to new subscriptions. Unable to reach a representative of the company, I complained to the bank. They wrote off the four (4) $2 charges instead of contesting the charges. I complained to MasterCard about TWX fraudulent practice and was told to call the Federal Trade Commission. My FTC complaint reference number is 25368058.
April 2010, TWX has charged my account to renew one of the magazines. This time, my bank is disputing the charges (including the January 2010 $2 charges)
To the Google 30,000+ entries for TWX, unauthorized charges..... make sure you get your "$2 service fee" back from TWX too. Don't let these scammers reap their $2 per magazine windfall.