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  • Report:  #1413343

Complaint Review: Tyler Moore

Tyler Moore, Ernest Tyler Moore, ET Moore, Tyler Moore of Lenoir City Tennessee is conning unsuspecting women out of their hard earned savings Lenoir City Tennessee

  • Reported By:
    Anonymous — Tennessee United States
  • Submitted:
    Fri, November 24, 2017
  • Updated:
    Wed, April 15, 2020

Ernest "Tyler" Moore who has resided in Etowah, Cleveland, Charleston and most recently in Lenoir City, TN and he paints a very humbling tale for the ages. Moore derives a sick pleasure in befriending caring women who he proceeds to tell a "bleeding heart" story to, but make NO mistake, that is ALL it is, is a story.

Moore tells women his woes of contemplation of suicide, that he allegedly suffers from PTSD, that his family has disowned/abandoned him, he was homeless, he is going through a divorce and the soon to be ex-wife won't allow him to see his 3 children. That couldn't be further from the truth. 

Moore is a predator who creates fictitious stories to tug on the heartstrings of unsuspecting women who have a soft spot for people in need.

To date, he has scammed a countless amount of money from caring women and it does not appear that he has any intention on stopping anytime soon.

Moore is actually allegedly using the money to feed his drug habit. He has multiple arrest records, including 2 counts of DUI and 2 counts of paraphernalia. Moore was caught with a pipe and a straw in his vehicle. The straw contained residue from crushed drugs that Moore had been snorting.

He works out payment plans for "loans" made to him, knowing that he will NEVER repay them and is arrogant enough to think that no one will ever come after him legally. If you advise him of your intent to pursue legal action against him, you will most likely see a side of Moore that is truly depraved. He has sent violent death threats to women who have attempted to pursue legal action. He has at least one pending matter of harassment and terroristic threats against him at this present time. 

Moore's family does not seem to want to do anything other than coddle him and placate him. No one is really sure why, especially given the vitriol that Moore uses when describing the relationship and dynamic within his family. He states that his oldest sister and her husband have refused to give him money because they state that they don't loan money to family. Yes, those are his words. He stated to one woman that his older brother loaned him $3,000.00 for a rental car, while telling another innocent woman that he hates his brother and that his brother won't help him at all. As far as what is known, Moore does not have contact with his younger sister. This approximately 30 year old man lives at home with his mother who he alleged had disowned him and his children and who he stated to specific people that his mother actually never loved him at all. No one can be sure whether this is the truth or not, but Moore certainly uses this story as part of his narrative and alleges that he and his sister were molested as young children allegedly by his father and someone that his father had known. I'm sure you can understand why there is so much confusion as to why his family seems to be caressing his ego by continuing to defend, shelter, shield and support him, but perhaps the apple doesn't fall far from the tree in this situation because his family has been made aware of the death threats that Moore has made and some EXTREMELY GRAPHIC things that he has written that make Charles Manson seem like Holly Hobby, but whatever their reason, they prove they continue to foster a sense of security for him and continue to defend him. They are even aware that he has wished death upon a cancer patient, yet they don't seem to find anything wrong with this disturbing behavior.

Moore has stated contradictory information to different women, even going as far to tell certain women that he has never met other women who he has been involved with. He has memorized the performance of being sweet, caring, charming and just down on his luck. He will tell you whatever it is that he thinks he needs to do. He is allegedly a malignant narcissist with very clear signs of being a drug addict. He knows exactly how to bait you into believing whatever it is that he wants you to believe. Once he gets what he needs from you, which is typically money, you are no longer of any use to him. You are completely disposable. You will be completely blindsided and NEVER get your money back.


Moore has been linked to approximately 2-3 dozen innocent female victims at once.

If Moore has pulled a scam similar to this on you or if he has pulled ANY scam on you, notify the Loudon County Sheriff’s office if he still resides in Lenoir City or Loudon County. YOU WILL WANT TO MEMORIALIZE MOORE'S SCAMS IN THE FORM OF A POLICE REPORT!! Do not make the mistake of not doing that. If you are threatened by Moore, go to the police immediately. Do not hesitate. Do not be intimidated by him, but do not try to confront or apprehend him. Go to your local law enforcement agency.

Moore has been known to deactivate his Facebook account for days/weeks at a time, alleging that he is going through a PTSD episode. Make NO mistake, the chance that he is plotting his next scheme and lining up his next victim is the more plausible explanation.

Moore has been linked to women in Tennessee, Georgia, North Dakota and New Jersey and more information continues to surface. 

This is a proven diabolical man who has proven that he cannot be trusted. He will not hesitate to do this to you. Do not think you are smarter than Moore This is not a matter of being intelligent. This is a matter of Moore exploiting the emotions of kind women. Do not be fooled by his "charming ways." Do not think you can "change" him. He allegedly appears to be suffering from multiple mental illnesses. The best thing you can do to protect yourself is to stay as far away from Moore as possible. Do yourself the favor. You just got the best free advice you will ever receive if you encounter this alleged sociopath. 

If you ignore this advice, the only one to blame in the end will be yourself. Prior to November 2017, no one knew that Moore was this type of person. Even someone who had known him from approximately 2010 has been decieved by Moore. She will never know if Moore has always been like this or he has just snapped and become this different person; however, Moore owes her in excess of $3,500.00 because she though he had fallen on dire times, felt badly for him, had a loan agreement and never saw this coming. There are other women who are becoming very vocal as well and are finally having their voices heard. 

Moore's arrest records appear here:

10 Updates & Rebuttals


United States


#11Consumer Comment

Wed, April 15, 2020

 Y’all need to grow the hell up. Get off his back. Ty is such an amazing man. Y’all did him wrong and what his reactions were.... they were probably better than how you would of handled it yourself. Everyone messed up in life and everyone makes mistakes. We are human. Get over it and move on. And leave Tyler and his family alone.

The bitch that WILL take you down!

United States


#11Consumer Comment

Sun, June 24, 2018

 I wanna just clarify.. this is NOT Tracey! Stop bashing that woman! You bash everyone arnd you! Me, Tracey, your wife! Everyone, you need to stop... and open your crazy eyes... and see that YOU are the problem! Not us! And Tracey isn’t a stalker! YOU are! I have so many messages from different Instagram messages from you, I actually had to delete my Instagram bc you wldnt stop! Then you started on fb! You’re the stalker! Your insane! And you need to be placed in a padded room so you can’t hurt anyone else!

The bitch that WILL take you Down!

United States

Sick bas*rd

#11Consumer Comment

Sun, June 24, 2018

 You’re a sick Ba*rd! Everything hat comes out of your mouth is fkn lies! You’ll split hell wide TF open one day, and when you do... it’ll be bitter sweet revenge for ALL of your victims! You’ll rot in hell where you belong!

The Bitch that WILL take you down!

United States

I’m coming for you!

#11Consumer Comment

Sun, June 24, 2018

 F* you TYLER! The life we lived was a GIANT f*g lie! I know why you can’t be arnd your wife and kids. It’s because you hurt them! Just like you hurt me! You’re fkn pathetic! And I pray to GOD you don’t hurt anyone else! You may have physically injured me... BUT my injuries are only temporary! I AM healing! I WILL get better! YOU will always remain the same fkn crazy pos you have ALWAYS been! Where’s your army friends?!? Right! I know... they have nothing to do with you, because of your crazy sh*! And that alone is crazy, bc those mother f*s stick together! You WILL NEVER hurt me again! And I stand for every f*g woman you have ever hurt or forced yourself on A*Y! You’re fkn worthless! You’ve told me and your children’s mother "you’re a waste of perfectly good air” no Tyler... no... YOU are! You’re a deranged fkn monster! And this is just the beginning of us victims speaking out! We’re standing together, to take you down! And we won’t stop until we’ve done so! You’re a danger to every human arnd you! You basically threw your wife out of a truck... I’ve seen the pictures! I’ve heard the recordings! I have one where you CLEARLY STATE "I don’t want those d**n kids” your own babies! How you wld get down in those babies faces and tell them " mommy’s a crazy b*h” f* you! You were lucky to ever come across someone like her or me! Count your blessings now m* f*! Because after the abuse and sexually * forcing yourself on women... your freedom days are coming to an end! What I wanna know is why?!? Why? Why force yourself * on every woman you’ve been with?!? You gay? You too ashamed to admit it?!? Women can’t please you? That’s why you do that and beat the living f* out of them! Whatever it may be... just know, I don’t stand for just myself.... I fkn stand for every single one of your victims! We will NOT remain silent anymore!


United States

Mentally Deranged

#11General Comment

Sun, June 24, 2018

Today I decided to come forward. I am another victim of Tyler Moore's. There is something not mentally right with him. He currently has warrants out for his arrest for horrific crimes against a woman. He needs to be caught and go to jail and stay there for a very long time. I don't believe that any therapy in the world can help him. He is just a sick person and I want to warn everyone so that he can no longer hurt anyone else. He ruins peoples lives. Please do not get involved with him if you do not want to be physically abused and worse. 


United States


#11General Comment

Fri, April 20, 2018

Ernest Tyler Moore you know you have no hair to pull out.


New Jersey,
United States

Let The Record Speak For Itself

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, April 20, 2018

Tyler Moore's history and record of crimes, abuse, lies and military demotion should speak for itself. I, on the other hand, have no criminal record. Therefore, Mr. Moore's juvenille statements should be taken at face value. He has a wife and 3 children, 2 boys and an baby girl, who he has abandoned, has no contact with and has been in serious arrears for not paying child support. More details will follow shortly. 


New Jersey,
United States

Not Fazed, But Confused

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, April 19, 2018

Tyler Moore's rebuttal was just brought to my attention. I'm not quite sure why he has decided to direct his response towards me, but, I have not seen him since October 2017, when we spent a few days in Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg, TN. I helped Tyler out during what I believed to be a very difficult time in his life, but a couple weeks afterwards, a friend of his advised me that he was allegedly seriously abusing drugs and alcohol. The person who relayed the information to me was very credible. I decided to confront Mr. Moore with this information in early November, after learning about his history of arrests for drug and drug paraphernalia possession and advised him that I was no longer willing to help him if he wouldn't seek help for himself and his problems. He then became very hostile and resentful and began sending me emails wishing death upon me and telling me that he wished that the cancer that I was battling would have killed me and telling me how he wanted to take me for a long ride out in the woods, implying that he was going to kill me. I have not spoken a word to Mr. Moore since I told him that I was no longer willing to help as long as he was CHOOSING to abuse drugs and alcohol. Again, that was in November2017.  

I was also contacted by multiple women who Mr. Moore was allegedly having relations with while he was still married to his wife (who raises their 3 children alone since Moore has abandoned his family) and I learned more extremely disturbing information about Moore. While on a conference call with a woman by the name of Lauren Coffey and a third party who monitored the entire call, Coffey told me that Moore had beaten her and broken her ribs. She stated that she felt sorry for him when he told her that he was homeless and abandoned by his family, so she gave him a key to her home and allowed him to live with her. She spoke of his alleged violence in great detail, which was a familiar subject to me, especially considering that Moore had mentioned several times that wished death upon his wife, which I reported to the authorities in TN. Finally, Coffey wanted to make sure that I legitimately knew Moore since he told her that he had never met me. I forwarded her photos that I have of Moore to prove that I did, in fact, know him. I was contacted by multiple other women who Moore was allegedly having relations with who wanted to know if Moore and I were involved. We absolutely were not. Mr. Moore is just not my type. I tend to like men who are taller than me (5'6''.) I believe that Mr. Moore took my kindness and empathy towards him as something other than what it was and I strongly believe that Mr. Moore needs to learn how to deal with his anger instead of writing childish, senseless, delusional, and peculiar rants. 

I told Mr. Moore that I wished him well and that I hoped he would get help. I find his rebuttal to be beyond odd because I don't understand why Moore is targeting me and not only that, nothing that he says makes any kind of sense. I don't know anyone else who Moore knows, so I don't know who he thinks I "stalked." I battled cancer for 2 years and had undergone 4 extremely major surgeries during that time. There's no way humanly possible that I could spend 24/7 behind a computer. That would mean that I never slept or did anything else with my life, which is certainly not the case. I am involved in numerous charitable causes, including dog rescue. I founded and run a non-profit dog rescue organization, as well as being involved with other causes close to my heart. I love to travel. I have two dogs-- one a special needs dog, who requires a good amount of care. I have extremely good credit, which clearly means that I pay my bills on time, which would also indicate that I obviously must have a source of income, and I also have many good friends. As a matter of fact, one of my closest friends, who owns a car dealership and another one of my friends who also works for the dealership, attempted to help Moore get a vehicle when he learned his was being repossessed, but Moore was completely unappreciative of their help and disrespectful towards them. They are both very upstanding members of the community. I also even helped Mr. Moore in trying to get him a service dog, but unfortunately, I was told by the head of the organization that he would not allow Moore to get a dog until he addressed his substance abuse problems. 

If it wasn't for someone notifying me of this weird diatribe by Moore, I would never have known about it. I have no contempt towards Mr. Moore. I just hope that he discontinues his attacks on me and others, including his own family members, who he claims have all abandoned him. The most unusual part of all of this is that Mr. Moore texted me repeatedly, telling me that I was his best and only friend and that no one has ever helped him the way that I had, but his tune only changed once I told him that I would not enable him. I will continue to hope that he finds God. 

Be scared

New Jersey,
United States


#11General Comment

Wed, February 07, 2018

 She has no life, she will harass you until you pull your hair out. She is absolutely disgusting.


Lenoir city,
United States


#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, February 07, 2018

My name is Tyler Moore, This lady's name is Tracey Bradshaw, she lives at (((REDACTED))) Clifton, NJ 07011. She has been harassing and causing problems for me and several other people for the last 7 years. She makes fake profiles on Facebook and contacts anyone who likes any of my pictures or anyone whose pictures I like. SHE IS A GENUINE PSYCOPATH, she gets pleasure from stalking people online. If you ignore her she doesn't get her "high" and she will leave you alone for a couple of months. If you reply to her she will just annoy the living hell out of you, she wants you to respond so she can get her excitement. She literally has no life, she is very unattractive and has no friends or family so she sits behind her computer 24/7 waiting to harass someone. She has attached to me like a disgusting cancerous growth for over 7 years now, I have spoken to law enforcement in Clifton new Jersey as well as where I'm located and a case is being built in both areas. I have also been in contact with a computer technician who has been monitoring the situation very closely. I know for a fact one of her fake Facebook accounts is KEN OWNER, she has harassed several of my friends using this account. The best thing to do is just ignore this cancerous person and hope that someday soon she will disappear and no one will have to hear from her again!

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