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Ultimate Warranty Authorized Repair after Extensive Hassles now not paying the Repair Shop Rock River Ohio
It has been over two weeks of my car being in the shop for repairs. My service representative and I have attempted to contact the company numerous times. The first week the only way to contact them was to go to the web site and submit your claim that was done, twice.
As of Oct. 30th, the company started "receiving phone calls" again. I was on hold for nearly one and a half hours. Then I was told by the company that no claim is put in for my account and and there has been a problem with all claims sent through the website, (even though this was the only way to submit them).
The second week the car is in the shop the company had both me and my repair facility on hold for over a hour, numerous times, only to disconnect the calls. Finally, after dozens of attempts to reach the company a person told me that the claim had been approved. I called the repair shop and asked the shop to please attempt again as I had been told about this approval.
So, thinking I was in good shape the car had been repaired. Only now I find out that Ultimate Warranty is only covering a portion of expenses that had previously covered. Only a portion of the labor charge yet before they covered everything on other repairs from the same shop.
It has been days since my car was fixed. The shop has yet to receive payment and only will release my car when they receive payment or if I pay the complete bill plus the 1200.00 portion that Ultimate owes. When the shop called to check on the payment they were told, "don't call us we'll call you". I fear paying the bill because I don't know if I will ever get re-embursed however like everyone else need my car back.
Being that I still have 50,000 miles left on my warranty I fear having to deal with this company again. The reason we buy a warranty is to feel secure in the event of an expensive repair. I would have been better off putting the money I paid for the policy into an account and paying repairs from that account. I still paid much more for the policy then they have paid for my repairs.
The company that sold me the policy is a different company then Ultimate and have made it clear that they are just sellers of policies. I am left with no recourse for a refund or a prorated refund in the event that I feel that the warrany company is not living up to their obligations.
Justice Please
Central, Missouri