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  • Report:  #415119

Complaint Review: Amelia Amelia Fake & scam spell casting website. Results do not appear quite frankly. Internet

  • Reported By:
    New York New York
  • Submitted:
    Fri, January 23, 2009
  • Updated:
    Wed, February 11, 2009

I googled love spells and found, I urgently like yesterday needed a powerful love spell so I made my purchase, her best spell Freya Spell Ritual' costing a cool $850but as it would end my pain I went ahead. After 10 weeks my situation has deteriorated beyond repair, Ameila's caring' response was that she doesn't guarantee anything, now I've read, she is a fake and the same person a Rishi Bhrigu from Whatever, the fact remains I lost $850 and my situation is worse Ameila, isn't psychic and her spells don't work. She has refused to suplly what I paid for.

New York, New York

13 Updates & Rebuttals



Raging Against The Machine, Exposing Scam, Protecting The Innocent.

#14Consumer Suggestion

Wed, February 11, 2009

Raging Against The Machine, Exposing Scam, Protecting The Innocent.

Greetings. My name is James R. Morgan II of the former Dragon Spells L.L.C. This post is a attempt to assist and resolve the unfortunate instances of persons being scammed out their money by fraudulent and or fake spell casters, psychic readers and others. I've researched and practiced the arts of magick for twenty-eight years now, with eight or nine of those years being on the net as a spell caster myself before my business officially closed down a couple of years back. Janhett T. Windglows of is now my trusted lady and confident whom has been gifted the remainder of Dragon Spells in the capacity of free magical information source for all to view.

She has now included all 199 pages of this copyrighted material into her her current sites to which can be viewed via the link above. Both Jan and myself thought it extremely important to address these topics regarding magical practice and the fraud occurring in and around this profession. And so, in the name of Divinity do we write this post in order to help, assist and save Divinities children from these Imposters. I would also strongly encourage other up right magick sites to stand against these same imposters as our very good names are under attack as a result of their negative and harmful deeds against the innocent.

The art of magick is a holy thing to both Jan and I not to mention both of us being great lovers of Divinity and all things spiritual. The scamming on the Internet must stop, however we in the magical community can't do it alone, and urgently need your assistance in resolving this matter through your own self- education and efforts. Only you can stop the scam before it turns into a scam. Think about it, Expose the scam artist, cut off their money supply through this espouser, then sit back and watch the internet become clean and free of them. They will leave because there's no more blood to suck or ignorance to pray off of in short.

The content of this post will typically convey not only my personal observations and beliefs, but the shard experiences of others regarding the subject of magical practice. Some practicing persons of the art may not agree with some or all of my statements; however, they are always free to dispute what I personally know to be long held truths concerning this subject. Let me first start off by saying that magical practice is a discipline, like any other discipline, that moreover takes unending dedication and on going sacrifice demanded or the Practitioner over the span of many years. It's just not something that you can learn overnight or from one or two books.

Also, Spell casting its self is a very small aspect to the over all faith system for most men and women of the magical arts, that some may or may not choose to incorporate into their over all belief system. A strict code of spiritual conduct is in play a great deal of the time and must be followed inherently in order to maintain one's communication and or working relationship to the Divine, this is done through a person's right thought, speech and action and therefore causing this relationship endure become strong between the ANY person and the Divine Source, or Divinity as I like to address Them. This same relationship must also be taught and passed to the Client of any magical operation to have any hope for spell success as it is Divinity that grants a prayer and not the caster. A common person may achieve their dreams without the use of magick through a proper relationship to the divine source, however it does take a lot of hard spiritual and mental work to get there. Nothing is free in Heaven or earth and their is a price to pay for everything that we want out of life, however this price has nothing to do with money more so then it has to do with self-growth and change.

There are numerous faith systems existing skirting the three mainstream religions better known as Islam, Judaism and Christianity, and it is these more recent faith systems or disciplines past these three systems mentioned above that go on to be represented on the net as spiritual spell casting sites. Some examples of these more recent sites are predominately the Voo Doo and Wicca sites and other that we see all over place these days. These particular new age sites typically have their origins deeply rooted in the past predating the three main religions above, but in essence have developed more so into free style, or liberal type systems of belief and not really emanating the dogma of the prototype earth faith systems from which they were derived.

In light of these varying systems of faith that are moreover stemming from the past, and were primarily drawn off of elemental worship in the beginning, please note that these faith systems also varied in practice from region to region. It only stands to reason that the offspring of these older or ancient systems would expand and project a wide and diverse array of beliefs and magical technique as can be seen currently on the Internet; especially when a general system such as the bible wasn't existent in the beginning of this earth faith based creation period was commonly practiced. Ok, what does all this mean? It means that when a person goes on the net looking for a spell caster, this is like being lost in the chaotic jungle of numerous faiths and practices. It means that a person can be taken in quite easily; especially if their not familiar with magical practice of any kind. A person can become open to scam artist pretending to be a legitimate spell caster or psychic.

The Internet is a place where one can find old world witchcraft merging in with Voo Doo and Wicca on occasion, where old testament magick intertwines with the new testament and Chinese faith systems. Further, where you can find a place for the ancient Babylonian Gods and Goddesses coinciding with the angels of King Solomon, lol? A bit confusing, isn't it? This is why you should ask numerous questions to guard yourself against fraud as anyone can make up a fake magical system and bedazzle you with promises of future happenings. Take the time to read the site, then step back to see if any of it makes sense to you, check the site out by speaking to the site owner while cross referencing it with known magical practices if you can. There's plenty of material on the net outlining the magical disciplines and the magical techniques they use.

I hear the word "scam" being screamed out and echoed across the universe these days regarding white and black magic or magick sites, but what does this word really mean, I ask you? (( A quote from Wikipedia)) - A scam is a confidence trick. 1. A ploy by a shyster to raise money. 2. A fraudulent business scheme. To "scam" means to victimize, deprive of by deceit; "He swindled me out of my inheritance"; "She defrauded the customers who trusted her"; "the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change" 3. A confidence trick, confidence game, or "con" for short (also known as a scam) is an attempt to intentionally mislead a person or persons (known as "the mark") usually with the goal of financial or other gain. The confidence trickster, con man, scam artist or con artist often works with an accomplice called the "shill", who tries to encourage the mark by pretending to believe the trickster. By Jennifer S.F., end of quote.

Obviously, no real spell caster or person that follows any kind of a spiritual pursuit will engage in this sort of activity, this goes against the very nature of walking a spiritual path and is more so highly contradictory to what a person is trying to accomplish in their life such as achieving spiritual peace through divine knowledge and conduct. The type of activity stated and quoted above belongs solely to the unscrupulous person who has no fear or respect for Divinity, not to mention fearing any karmic retribution coming back from the negative acts they tend to carry out on a daily basis. These are is just a few things that separate the scam artist from the legitimate spell caster and or spiritual person. Ok, now that we have established the difference between the spiritual person and the scam artist, lets explore the conflict that has been taking place on the net between the Client and Spell Caster, let's do this via the definition of a binding contractual agreement as follows:

Again, a quote by Wikipedia, That depends. First, the agreement must be a contract, which means there must be an offer, an acceptance, consideration (value exchanged) and a lawful purpose. The exact definition of each of those terms depends on state law. Second, some contracts can only be enforced in court if they have been signed. For example, contracts that cannot be performed in one year, or for an interest in land must be signed. Each state has slightly different rules on which contracts must be signed. Those rules are known, collectively, as the "Statute of Frauds". However, even if you have a valid oral contract that does in fact violate the statute of frauds, you may have a difficult time proving it without some sort of documentary evidence such as witnesses to contract. In conclusion its best to get everything signed and in writing, end of quote.

In light of the definition above referring to the verbal agreement, I would speculate, that in some instances of reported fraud up here on Rip Off Report are more or less are misunderstandings of the contractual agreements made between Client and Caster, and not likely fraud itself. In other instances where fraud has actually occurred as stated above in the definition above, it is hard to prove, unless the victim of the crime has a witness to the contract, recorded or written evidence to support their claim of wrong doing such as emails, phone records, receipts, etc.

Let me further yield my definition of fraud. For example: Let's assume that a person comes in to a site looking for spell work, let's continue to say that the caster makes guarantees to that perspective client of a given spell casting in saying that will work for you within three days, moreover without mentioning any possibilities of it not working for the perspective client at all, or telling them directly that there isn't any possibilities of it not working for them. This is a statement and promise to the client at this point that further convinces that client to come in for the spell through a verbal or gentleman's agreement. The client sends the requested funds to the caster via postal mail or wire and the caster begins work upon receiving the needed payment and items.

If the Caster "GUARANTEED" the casting and the spell doesn't work as the caster said it would for the client in three days, then this is technically fraud as this client would have never contracted the caster had he or she told them that there was a possibility of the spell not working for them at all. The client was under the impression that it was going to simply work and wasn't told any different; or was told directly that the spell couldn't fail. If the caster implied that the spell would work, but made no guarantees to the client, and said nothing about the possibility of the spell not working for whatever reason.

Then this this is the obtainment of moneys through misleading speech via not disclosing all the facts. This falls under unethical practices more so than fraud as there was misleading speech taking place against the person looking for the spell work. The caster failed in educating the perspective client concerning much needed facts and this is why it is so important to ask a lot of hard and direct questions before giving any monies over to a on-line caster or land based spell caster. In other words, if your looking for spell work then be smart and don't let anyone take advantage of your ignorance pertaining to the matter of magical operation. Don't pay dearly for your ignorance folks.

It's very important for a perspective client to understand what is needed and or expected from them regarding any spell work offered FROM THE START; Not during or after the work is complete, But From The Start. It's Again, very important that a client has a very realistic view and or goals of what is, or could be obtained from spell work before entering into any spell process. Lastly, It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to stay within the guidelines of the site regarding the offered spell criteria should the client decide to engage in any kind of magical operation with a spell casting site or land based casting business. Don't come in if you don't think you can adhere to the rules as this isn't fair to the spell caster or you, this will only cause major problems and bad feelings down the road.

The best way to avoid being scammed or misunderstanding the contract in which you might be getting yourself into, is to ask a lot of pertinent questions. To check the site out via the B.B.B. and licensing commission of the state the site is registered in. Of course, you may use Rip Off Report as a indicator of what kind of site you may be completing spell work with, however don't let your investigation stop here as the information your getting may or may not be entirely correct. An example, Questions a perspective Client can ask: 1- How long has your business been in practice? 2- Do you have a license to practice and in what state? 3- What exactly will be expected of me personally regarding my spell?

4- What can I SPECIFICALLY expect in the way of spell results? ( get this answer from the potential caster in a email.) 5- Can you send me a policy sheet regarding the things I should do and the things to stay away from during this process? 6- May I have a copy of your disclaimer? 7- What happens if my spell doesn't work, and will I be charged again? 8- Do you guarantee your spells? (If they say they do actually guarantee a spell, THEN RUN.) Guaranteeing sub services that come with the spell in some instances such counseling or pictures are things that can be easily carried out or guaranteed as "services". You can't guarantee the spell operation itself; as this is like guaranteeing that it will rain tomorrow. Knowledge is power folks, so be a smart shopper.

As I've stated in many other reports up on Rip Off Report, Any legit spell casting services will have no problem in addressing these questions for you. You can then distinguish the scam artist from the real spell casters through your knowledge obtained. Fake casters won't address these questions for you and will moreover become evasive concerning these questions and issues put before them. Perform a background check on a potential spell caster to be safe and don't feel pressured in sending your funds off right away no matter what the caster says until your completely satisfied with what you have learned and feel comfortable with it all, no matter how badly you want a certain spell ritual. It's better to be safe then scammed, wouldn't you say? ONLY YOU CAN STOP SCAMS before they occur.

What is magick you ask? Magick is a holy communication that takes place between You, the Caster and Divinity. A prayer to the Divine Powers that be made in your behalf by the Caster, A positive joint effort of souls regarding the out come of one's life through a spiritual request. It's not a joke, no more then it's fun time or parlor tricks; it's something serious that a person should think long and hard about before jumping into, be they a new caster or a client. Real magick is not to be played with nor taunted; least your ready to pay the price. To those that scam people out there, well, your on notice and will be dealt with in good time. To those who fight the good fight and carry on Divinity's teachings, my hat is off to you. I don't advocate spell castings paid or otherwise unless a person has exhausted every other avenue of resolving a problematic situation in their personal life.

Most magical people love the clients in which they work, they will, in fact go the extra mile for the client however It's important for the client to realize that magical people are just that, (( PEOPLE )), just like you. We're not Demy Gods more so then just ordinary people living in a extraordinary ways, yes, we have gifts, or curses that might be considered gifts when looking from the out side in, but still, just people. People that deal with nothing but crisis most of the time and only see the harsh realities of what goes on in other peoples lives around the clock, month after month and year after year.

We are not perfect ourselves, all though this is our goal at times, lol. We have the same likes and dislikes as most other people not to mention our down sides or mood swings so please be as understanding as you can with us when dealing with a real spell caster. We have dedicated our lives in serving Divinity and you, that have in many instances gone through the same things that our clients are coming to us to fix them now. Sometimes a client can learn more by listening to their caster rather then trying to speak over them.

People, if you find fraudulent spell casters on the net, then expos them for the sake of all of us out here, but do it the right way. Make sure they are fakes before you condemn them on the open air ways, make sure your reasons for doing so are correct. Think about it, what if you are condemning the wrong caster that is moreover acting in the capacity of a diplomat between heaven and earth. This would most certainly have long reaching effects in your life be you a Atheist, Christian or other. I've had my conflicts up here on this site with others, however I've tried to present the facts as I've seen them and moreover proved my case for the most part and thereof exposing what I believe to be fake magick sites.

In short, it's not about pointing the finger or hurt feelings so much as it is proving your case beyond a reasonable doubt to the public should a conflict occur, if at all possible, and given the circumstance of Rip Off Report. Coming up here to vent and or just to blast another site or person is absolutely the biggest waste of time ever; especially when you don't have much or anything in the way of substantiating your case, so why do it? Why upset yourself or expose your statements to public ridicule from those who have drawn their own conclusions via the lack of proof from either side?

HAVE YOU BEEN SCAMMED? If you feel that you have been scammed by a given magick site, be it on-line or off, here are a few options that you can pursue. Let's first look at land based psychic spell caster scams. If you again, feel like you've been scammed, then the first option is to report this activity to your local police along with a in-depth report outlining the offense that has taken place, you will also be required to back up your statements with verifiable and creditable proof in the way of eye witness accounts, recordings or documentation.

This information will be passed over to the District Attorney's Office and he or she will investigate it through the Department Of Justice depending on the amount of money lost and or other offences that may have taken place. Should the D.A. find that a report has substance to it , then this office may turn a company over to the county licensing and zoning not to mention the U.S Marshal's office. In the many instances that a report is found creditable, the business bureau authorities will pull the licenses and close the establishment until the investigation is complete and or the accused is either found guilty or innocent to some varying degree by the courts. The codes and penalties of fraud are clear and decisive in most counties and states however may differ from state to state in who will pick up and carry the charge against the offender.

Most law enforcement agencies will also make a clear distinction between actual criminal act and civil matters; and thus, a complaintent might have to pursue their grievance through the civil courts solely should law enforcement find the complaint in the civil arena instead of the criminal realm. Again, file your report with your local police department then follow it up with the local district or state attorney's office in the instance of a land based business infraction. In the case of Internet fraud, The Internet is a HUGE legal gray area to start off with and often times land based laws, simply can't or won't apply or transverse across the air ways from state to state. Many states have varying laws regarding what they consider to be fraudulent act; and will handle it concerning what local and state laws dictate concerning this issue, not all states agree in short and have a lot of trouble with jurisdiction issues.

In light of this fact, most counties and states would rather not deal with such internet issues or crimes as: on-line stalking, on-line harassment, Internet fraud, phone and email harassment or slander issues in most cases and thus these offenses become the property of federal jurisdiction and not county or state. Many out there on the net will tend to turn their complaints into the F.B.I., I.R.S, A.T.F., and other government agencies; however, these law enforcement agencies may look at, but won't really investigate Internet complaints,, they deal with actual physical or tax crimes referred to as "capital crimes" that occur against the state or federal government in short.

The B.B.B. is neither a federal or state agency, but rather a company like any other in the private sector operating under federal guidelines much like a bank or firm that has been contracted by the government. The B.B.B. is ineffectual at best as they are subject to the contributions of business and tend to perform half-assed investigations concerning any a reported business. They're not for the client in short, despite what they say. Regarding the illegal actions above, a complaintent would need to contact the Department Of Justice via filling out a complete report of the recent incident with the attached evidence of documentation backing up the complaint. This complaint will need to have a special and legal NOTARY SEAL on the documentation before the D.O.J. will enter it into investigation status.

Once received, they will contact you and more then likely then turn over a valid case to the Attorney General's Office for prosecution; he will in turn pass copy of it to the state and then district attorney for prosecution. The U.S Marshals office and local police will be set into motion in the instance that a bench warrant is sworn out against the offender by the Department Of Justice.

Again, the process may differ from state to state; however, this is the jest of it all. When the offender is charged and convicted of the crime, only then may the complaintent file civil charges in a civil court for suit against the offender in a effort to recover monies lost through misrepresentation or fraud. As stated above, you may file a charge through a civil court against a perceived offender however this is considered a weak case in this instance without the backing of a law enforcement agency. Be safe, Have peace, Love Divinity with all your mind, body and soul. -------- Jim Morgan



Love Spells and Magick is NOT fake

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, February 10, 2009

I am sorry to tell you that lovespellsandmagick has no connection to ultimatespellcaster or any other site. You are free to call me and ask any questions you may have. If you want to call them first and just listen to the voice difference then go ahead. I run a straight company and I have never had a bad report. I would appreciate you doing your research before you accuse me of being fake. I understand if you dont believe in magick or spell casting but that doesnt give you the right to bash me. I don't tell you or anyone else what they should do or not do. Please respect my choices and my decisions.

Thank you Trisha


New York,
New York,

You have shot yourself in the foot!!!

#14Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 05, 2009

No Name from Tulsa, Oklahoma you have posted a fake testimonial for yourself at:
At least I know not to wait any longer for results from your fake spells. is a con, fake and genuine scam.



Where in the world did YOU get $850?

#14Consumer Comment

Sat, January 31, 2009

I didn't think that people under 21 were allowed to use those "psychic" websites which are just as FAKE as the telephone hotlines.

This is an extremely IMMATURE WASTE of $850!

You need to be SAVING your money and NOT giving it over to rip-off artists and con artists!





$850 is a month's rent and a month's utilities and some groceries for my entire family!




United Kingdom


#14Consumer Suggestion

Sat, January 31, 2009

ALL-AMERICAN girl? Since when? Your so called photo is number #6087639 from istockphoto's website at because you are a big fake and the same person as Rishi Bhrigu and Dena and your new scam where you change your name to Trisha.'
Scam, end of the story.




#14Consumer Comment

Sat, January 31, 2009

There is no such thing as a "spell caster" or "psychic" or "witch"
Stop spending money on there scammers

No Name


Who the heck is a Rishi Bhrigu from

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, January 31, 2009

How can an ALL-AMERICAN girl reigning from Texas be called "a Rishi Bhrigu"? Are you kidding me? This is CLEARLY someone setting me up. I am a white, blonde haired, blue eyed gal living in the US, born in the US, only speaks English - Thus, how could I also be an "A Rishi Bhrigu"? This report is BOGUS!! Anyone who believes this nonsense is out there.

My site provides white magick ONLY. I do not consent to black magick nor do I practice it. My site is 100% based around genuine, pure, good magick-- so why would I also have a black magick site??? It makes no sense!!! This report is clearly ludacris and it makes me sad to know there are so many pathetic people to chastise and create a fool out of someone else just because they are envious of them. This is a classic case of someone hating on my web site and my services. To talk to the bright, intelligent, clever, witty, magickal Amelia contact me via my web site. I am as good as they come and if others have to write negative things about me to feel better that I just feel sorry for them and have to chuckle. Oh and by the way, my website has barely been on the world wide web for ten weeks- Thus, how can you have waited ten weeks already?? It makes NO sense!! The site is brand new. Only from the end of November was it placed officially online. Take your lying, uncredible comments elsewhere!



United Kingdom

Of course you are keen to defend your scam Dena

#14Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 30, 2009

Psychic Dena your scam website promotes many of the scams listed here. You are a fake and cheat, and you make Pinocchio look honest. Your luck is running out.



Last comment is a fake

#14Consumer Comment

Wed, January 28, 2009

The above poster is named Frater Dantalion and is the caster from

He is a very disturbed person who do anything to talk bad about other spell casters. He makes a fake list and claims all are bad. Only reason is to make himself look good.

Just because someone writes a list of sites are bad doesn't mean it's true. Don't believe all the hateposts you see here. 99.9% are lies to make a competitor look bad.


United Kingdom

Worse than you think, there are 60 scams operated by a bunch of fakes, there might be more, please post any missing from the list.

#14Consumer Suggestion

Sat, January 24, 2009 used to be Kimberly Rose of fast spells, ROR has countless reports on them. are on the notorious spell casting scam list - DO NOT EXPECT RESULTS FROM ANY OF THEM, better still don't use them:
/ (YouTube)
Http:// - Lee Ann Professor Jorge Sharon Notre-Dame - Isidore Bonjoko - Angel-Priestess Maria - High Spirit-Priestess Faera Deborah - Altea - Josue J. Lenoir - Luther Joseph LaFortune - Gwendyth


United Kingdom

I have been looking for a scam report on this cowboy.

#14Consumer Suggestion

Sat, January 24, 2009 have failed to grant results for me after 72 days, their customer service is lousy. i am having trouble with and Can anyone give me a clue to who works?


U.S.A. & are the same scam

#14Consumer Suggestion

Sat, January 24, 2009

I got scammed by, it turns out has the same scammers behind them. No results for me. is also linked to them, which is ironic since Robet Mason says spells cast by Amelia or Lady Diana don't work.

Can't Say

United Kingdom

no results..

#14Consumer Suggestion

Sat, January 24, 2009

I had the same spell as you and it didn't work and now they have blocked my email address. I think amelia is fake and is a scam.

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