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  • Report:  #188736

Complaint Review: University Of Phoenix

University Of Phoenix ripoff dishonest business practices Costa Mesa California

  • Reported By:
    Dana Point California
  • Submitted:
    Wed, April 26, 2006
  • Updated:
    Wed, April 26, 2006

I am former UOP student and I have to agree with most of the negative posts on here. Not only am I outraged with UOP but I am also angry with myself for falling for such garbageand that's what it is. For those of you thinking of attending DON'T! And for the minority of you that did and are defending it let me ask you a question. After all is said and done is your degree from UOP worth the paper it's written on? Did you really increase your income as much as you had hoped? Was it worth all of the time invested and money lost? Was it worth going in debt over?

As a single mother with two children I was hoping that UOP would help me advance in my career and increase my income. I had always regretted not going to college right after high school but life happens and priorities change. I'm not sure how many of you fall into that category of regret and/or the desire for a better life, but I have a feeling I'm not alone. Most of the students I met at UOP were in a similar situation. I think that's why they (UOP) are so successful. They market to (or prey on) people who have limited choices due to family and/or career issues. I took 10 classes at Phoenix and didn't learn a thing that could apply to my career. Okay, I take that back. I learned to tolerate ignorant teachers, write in APA format (which I have never used or will ever need to use outside of Phoenix), and that's about it. I gave up hours of time that I could have spent with my kids.

My experience at Phoenix has been nothing but a disaster and after numerous headaches and arguments with the finance department (they're like pariah) I have decided to transfer to CSF and finish my degree there. It will take me longer but at least I won't be embarrassed about where I went to school and I may actually learn something that I could apply to my job. Hmmm, now there's a concept. The disappointment gets worse as I'm finding that most of my credits from UOP won't transfer. Only a few qualified as GE transfers which means I have to take most of those classes over. So, not only did I not advance my career or increase my income, I am now $13,000 in debt for classes that aren't worth crap. This has really helped my financial situation. I paid for most of that $13,000 with student loans but as many of you know, student loans will not cover the entire year. So, I'm stuck paying $2700 out of my own pocket. They pretty much bullied me into taking the last two courses threatening me with larger fees and sending my financial aid back. I am up against a brick wall and they refuse to work out any type of payment plan. I contacted them on several occasions and only received a pay within two days or be sent to collection letter. I am so disgusted with them. They call me daily wanting payment and have now turned me over to collection. I have been making payments every other week but that's still not enough. They want it NOW!!! And to top that off they are charging me more than my last statement with no explanation as to the differences. If I had the $2700 I would pay them just to get them to shut-up, but who has that kind of money sitting around? I have two kids that require three meals a day and a roof over their heads. Yes, I know this probably sounds a bit on the bitter side but I am bitter! I loath them and regret the day I agreed to attend classes. UOP has made my life a financial nightmare!

So if you want a quality education that can actually benefit you in life DON'T GO TO PHOENIX. And for God's sake if you decide to ignore these posts and go anyway, don't put a UOP license plate cover on your car (you know who you are). It's not cool! No one will be impressed that you went there and graduated with honors. Don't advertise it.

Dana Point, California

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#2Consumer Comment

Wed, April 26, 2006

Your post says it all. Too, here is what UOP insiders are saying,

"I am a current employee with UOP and I can openly say that "yes we are a degree mill"...Our admissions department will enroll anybody (no matter what their background holds). In fact our campus recently enrolled a 75 year old woman into our Computer Technology program who has never touched a computer in her life. As I spoke with her more, she also cannot speak english as well. Apparently she has 3.4 GPA in her program...Also our Online program is a joke (in my opinion). You might as well teach yourself and save over $30, 000 dollars...I mean there is not even a simple lecture explaning anything in each course. Student's are just expected to miraculous pull the answers out of their head...."

My wife is a graduate of a major university, with a nursing degree, looking to upgrade her you, the idea of a targeted program she could follow at at home was UOP's Siren Song.

Unfortunately, the hospital she works at is now on full alert for UOP grads and will not even look at 'em. The hospital, too, follows the blogs and knows full well that UOP gets the vast majority of complaints; it was easy finding this site and so many others with one common theme: just type in "UOP rip off"...whew! I've tried the same trick with Stanford, Cal, Wisconsin, Harvard, Georgia and even mid-level schools such as Louisiana Tech and Northern Illinois...not one hit, nada.

If I can keep just one person from making the mistake of getting ripped of by UOP, my efforts on this blog will have been so very worthwhile.

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