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  • Report:  #275704

Complaint Review: UT Medical Germantown

University Of Tennessee ( Also Known As UT Medical) Medical Germantown In Pain in Memphis Germantown Tennessee

  • Reported By:
    memphis Tennessee
  • Submitted:
    Sat, September 22, 2007
  • Updated:
    Sat, September 22, 2007
  • UT Medical Germantown
    7945 Wolf River Parkway
    Germantown, Tennessee
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I went to this OBGYN because I was pregnant and this is who my insurance at the time sent me to. Everything was fine until my daughter decided it was time she was ready to come out, I was due Oct 17th according to the doctors, even tho according to my last period I was due September 15, It was my first pregnancy so me and my hubbie decided to trust the doctors, I had originally been seeing the downtown office doctors and we moved and the Germantown office was 20 minutes closer to where we were moving to. When I was going to the Downtown office I never saw an actual Doctor it was always interns and always a different one each visit which made me nervous being a first time mother and all.

So we asked for a transfer since we were moving and wanted a closer location thats where the office in Germantown comes in. We started going to this office and everything seemed to go fine. I was seeing Dr. Anand and I really liked her. This all occurred in 2002. On October 15th I had a Doctor\'s appointment I had been having contractions since about 230am that morning and I went to my appointment like normal and told Dr.Anand and she was like ok if the baby don't come by this weekend we will do and inducement Tuesday morning I was like ok fine I was 1 1/2 centimeters dilated she said . Well my contractions were 6 minutes apart and my water bag was leaking I know it was leaking because I was staying extremely wet (hope thats not to graphic I apologize if it is) Well Dr.Anand sent me home. I went home still having contractions but I was listening to the Doctor. Wednesday I was still having contractions and when my husband got home from work we went to the hospital. The contractions were 8 minutes apart and I was less than 1 centimeter dilated the doc at the E.R. said, and my doc wasn't on call it would be a different doctor from the medical group who would be delivering my baby if it was decided to go on and take her. I was throwing up & extremely dehydrated and it was the 16th of October now remember I was due October 17th, well they sent me home and told me to just relax I was a first time mom and I was over exaggerating, and of course that ticked me off but what was I suppose to do ya know, well on October 17th, I was at home with my mother there with me in case anything happened and I needed help because we had just moved about a week before and my hubbie was still moving everything from our old house to the new one. well I went into full hard back labor ( all of the contractions were in my back) and they were 2 minutes apart. my parents lived a block away and so my dad came and got me and brought me to the hospital, I believe it was 10 pm at this point, well we got to the hospital around 10:30 pm, they put me on a fetal monitor, (the nurse did) and around 11 pm a doctor Dr.Hsu (pronounced sue)came in and in a very calm and quiet voice told me they had to do an emergency c section because every time I had a contraction the baby stopped breathing, and I was less than 1/2 a centimeter dilated I was literally closing up and they never found out why.

(btw this is the first time I had even talked to a Dr. since I had arrived in the maternity E.R.)We were at Methodist Hospital Germantown, The Dr. left and I was wheeled into surgery at 11:55 pm on her due date my daughter was born from an emergency c section 7 lbs 7 oz 21 1/2 inches long. This was a Thursday night, well they sent me home Sunday afternoon and told me to come back in on Tuesday October 22nd to the doctors office for a check up we went and since my normal Dr. had not delivered my baby I had to see the Dr. that did which was Dr.Hsu. Well Dr.Hsu had cut me from hip to hip on my bikini line for the c-section and she had used copper studded staples (im highly allergic to copper)which I put in my forms when I filled them out for the Dr.\'s office. Well Dr.Hsu didn't stay in the exam room with me long she went and got my normal Doc Dr. Anand to come in and remove the staples and talk with me about how to clean my incision and what not well a nurse came in to remove the staples, and she apologized every time he removed one cause having staples removed really does hurt. Dr. Anand came in when the nurse was done to look at my incision, she said it was healing up fine but there was one spot on the left side of my incision that was red and she wanted to go ahead and put me on antibiotics so it wouldn\'t get infected, we left went and got the prescription i took the antibiotic and went to bed that night well the next morning my daughters pediatrician wanted to see her since she was an emergency c section, we got dressed to leave and when we were walking out the front door we smelled this horrible smell which we thought the baby had filled her diaper and my hubbie noticed my pants were wet well we thought i had an accident cause we were told it could happen after having a baby with everything moving back into place, My hubbie went to change the baby I went to the bathroom and when i pulled my pants down the smell hit me and knocked me to my knees, There was so much infection coming from my incision it was green puss pouring down my leg that my hubbie called the Doctors office they wanted me to come in immediately my aunt was in town so she came and got the baby and brought her to her doctors appointment while my hubbie brought me to my Doctors office, we got there and Dr. Anand met us in the waiting room with a wheel chair and immediately wheeled me to an exam room she looked at the incision and told us that it was definitely infected and she wanted to open it up and see how deep the infection was and that if it was to deep that I would have to go to the hospital to get it cleaned and fixed, she gave me 2 Valiums and it took 5 nurses and my hubbie in there to to hold me down while she took a pair of scissors to reopen my incision to look at it and she determined that it was not to deep that she could clean it and fix it , she used saline solution and packed it with gauze and wanted this done 5 times a day , it took me 5 mos of home health nurses coming everyday and my hubbie cleaning it and packing it before it healed, and many many visits back to the E.R because new puss pockets kept coming up and they had me on 3 protein shakes a day to increase healing before it completely closed back up. I got pregnant again when my daughter was 6 mos old and it wasn't planned we had new insurance so we used a new doctor and because of the births being so close together he only wanted to do a c section when he did the c section it took an hr and a half longer than it was suppose to because he was trying to fix the incision and there was quite a bit of scar tissue, he had to remove before he could even perform the c section This was march 1st 2004. my incision never got infected he checked my incision on every visit to make sure it wasn't being to stretched by the pregnancy he was wonderful, i did keep a yeast infection on the incision during my 2nd pregnancy and he stayed on top of it. Til this day I am still having complications with my incision, If i move the wrong way or stay bent over to long even during intercourse with my husband the left side of the incision hurts where the infection was the deepest which is where the red spot was at when I was first put on the antibiotics , it has made life difficult . I cant sit on the floor and play with my kids cause If i get up wrong it pulls my incision , on my period all I do is hurt on the left side of my incision, there are some days I hurt so bad in my incision that I cant move and it makes my life hard because I have 2 small children and I am a stay at home mom, I have tried getting disability because of this and have been denied I am in constant pain.

I have had ultrasounds down and all kinds of tests have been run and no one can seem to figure out why I still hurt like I do. I have contacted lawyers regarding this and have been told by them that there is no medical malpractice here, that I will just have to live with the pain and have been told by many doctors that the reason my incision got infected is because I am overweight and had a stomach when my daughter was delivered (please tell me what female has a flat stomach after having a baby)I did gain weight while pregnant which is normal and I am having a very difficult time getting the stomach off I have just recently gotten feeling back in my lower stomach and around where the incision is at and its 2007, I have been told that there is no reason for my incision to still be as sensitive as it is. I am tired of not being able to live a normal life, because of the constant pain that I am in all of the time so if anyone has any advice or anything for me I would greatly appreciate it because I am tired of hurting. I don't know what the statues of limitation are on something like this I was told by 2 lawyers it was 6 mos after it happened and I don't believe that, personally I think they just didn't feel like being bothered, I don't know. So with all this said I hope someone can help me out here with what I should do now, any and all comments emails etc are welcome on advice. I advise friends and family to not use this medical group because of this incident, and have met others in life and online who have had this same problem with this hospital and with this medical group this is a very prominent medical group in this state and its obvious that they don't care about the lives of their patients, I could have died because of this and it seems that no one cares.. The only thing I have gotten from this Company is a Thank you for using us card right after my daughter was born.

memphis, Tennessee

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