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  • Report:  #1448914

Complaint Review: University of the People

University of the People UoPeople A diploma mill Spammed with unsolicited advertisements and a useless degree

  • Reported By:
    Laurent — Low Angeles United States
  • Submitted:
    Mon, June 25, 2018
  • Updated:
    Mon, June 25, 2018

UoPeople has taken the world by storm in how presents itself as what’s known in business science as a disruptive innovation- where something comes along and changes the way something is traditionally done. Do not believe the hype. Uopeople isn’t an actual university who’s degree will be taken seriously. Starters: They are not headquartered in the United States. The address they use is a P.O. box. Headquarters are actually located in Israel. Their poorly paid program advisors are located in Africa and, despite working in this allegedly American university, generally speak poor or bizarre English. Their degrees are not generally recognized with regard to credit transfer. DEAC accreditation just means an institution offers some academic program via distance learning. If you tried to use your UoPeople bachelor degree to get into a master’s degree at any legitimate institution, you would be considered a joke. Their MBA is worse than even their standard degrees. Such qualifications are only considered valid when accredited by one of three accrediting boards. AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS. UoPeople boasts about DEAC again here.

Good luck getting a career with a UoPeople MBA. Such courses should also come with GAMA- which uopeople does not. Grades are assigned through peer assessment which means that it’s possible you could write an excellent essay (as many students there with American, British, or European high school diplomas do, and then get zero marks just because a student who’s previous education was attained in a third world country and doesn’t understand the course material couldn’t understand your essay. Peer assessment in circumstances like this undermines what little academic credibility they already have. Whilst a grade appeal option does exist, it’s only theoretically possible- actually appealing your grades will get nowhere because it relies on your program advisor bothering to pass on your appeal paperwork and emails with your course instructor.

Good luck with that, as the poorly paid Kenyan program advisors are unlikely to remember to do that. Their advertizing is unethical and their poorly paid Kenyan program advisors and their student unpaid volunteer representatives spam discussion threads with creepy hyperbole about how UoPeople is 'the greatest university ever with the GREATEST instructors and the only university with a truly academic concern with the greatest courses ever’. This advertizing is grossly unethical conduct. If institutions have to resort to grossly disgusting unsolicited hyperbole in order to advertize themselves, you know they are not legit. If you want to get a degree you don’t have to pay in order to get, consider learning in some European countries where all students including international students do not have to pay- don’t waste your time attaining meaningless and unworthy paper by the diploma mill UoPeople.

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