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  • Report:  #928157

Complaint Review: US Financial Crime Enforcement Network

US Financial Crime Enforcement Network They say they are a Law Firm for Sean Marsh Telephone scam threaten to arrest, garnish wages, and freeze assets , Internet

  • Reported By:
    CynPliAlive — Perth Amboy New Jersey United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Thu, August 16, 2012
  • Updated:
    Thu, August 16, 2012
  • US Financial Crime Enforcement Network
    544 Marcy Avenue
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I am not sure if the nation is aware of a growing issue happening now with telephone scammers.  Let me explain what I mean, starting with todays dilemma.  

Today at my place of employment I received a phone call from a Lawyers office stating that I am being investigated for a crime I committed and should contact the following number immediately before the authorities are sent out to arrest me.  IF this had not already happened to me earlier this year, I would have fed into this bull and called asap.  BUT since I had already fallen victim to this line of bulls%@T, I was prepared. 

 Now let me explain how this scam works.  Idont know what the Scammers get out of it and even if they get far, but it is
becoming a constant, it is frustrating because I feel as though I cant do anything about this.  All hours of the day 50 times a day I get these calls.  BUT they have done some really crazy things that IF I ever find these people, they will have to put hands cuffs on me to stop me from punching them.  I say that because they went as far as to harass my children. 
Let me tell you the STORIES:

 1st time scammed:

Back in January I fell into some really hard financial times and was trying to find a way out of my dilemma.  I started to do research over the internet searching for personal loan company, credit unions, banks, even loan sharks it got so
bad.  Anyway I needed to find a resolution to my issue, because I was facing eviction.  I was on the internet filling out every possible application I could, thinking they were all legitimate sites, because they stated they were secure sites.  They would have a Security logo flashing and since everything on my end seemed as though it was on the up and up I
thought nothing of it.  Then the calls started.  I received a call from the National Crime Division Of Investigations which sounds so random to begin with.  Anyway, every five minutes until I answered my phone they kept calling.  Then when they finally left a message and I heard that I was going to be arrested for fraud I called right away.  Although the
Hindi accent was questionable, but I did not want to seem as though I was profiling, but when I got on the phone with Det. Alan Jackson I knew something was fishy.  The mans name was Alan Jackson, but he couldnt even pronounce it correctly, and his English was terrible. 

Then the more I listened to the voice message he left, you could hear in the background the multitude of Hindi voices all stating the same thing, they were calling from blah blah and they are looking for whomever, I heard it all.  Then when I
tried to call the second number the gentlemen called me back from, it came back stating it was a Magic Jack phone number and could not be reached.  So I waited because I knew Alan Jackson would be calling back.  Of course he
did, but this time he called the owner of my company telling her what I did and what was going to happen if I did not comply.  Of course my boss became nervous for me and called me in.  When I advised that something was not
Kosher, she agreed.  Then again he called and when we advised him that we knew he was scamming me, he became extremely irate and vulgar and threatened to send the FBI.  So we said do it.  But what he sent was constant
harassing phone calls and calling and hanging up for 2 months straight.  They even called my accounting department and advised that they would garnish my wages.  It really got scary.  And the worst and most frustrating part is you have no one to turn to to stop it.  I which they could get arrested something, but there nowhere to go!!!  They only way I stopped them was I got soooo tired I went and brought an Air Horn and the next time they called me I blew out their ears.  They called one more time after that and it was done. 

Oh yeah my kids- once my 9 year old daughter answered my line, being a nosey kid, and do you believe they told her they were coming to arrest me and scarred the crap out of my daughter.  Who does that.  I even hate talking about it because I become soooo angry.  Then my 14 year old got on the phone and they spoke to her like she was a
wh*&e.  He said things to her that would disgust a sicko.  Where do you turn and who does that??  It really hurts me that I couldnt do anything about that and my daughter was so confused and scared.  I tried o find someone to help, the local police, I filed complaints with IC3 a FBI internet scam website, but that doesnt go far.  I feel this needs to come
out in the open because I know I am not the only one and I believe if these stupid idiots realize we found them out they will stop.  Then I was told by the police department that I need to make sure when I go on a site and put in any personal info that the web address should state https not just http.  The s states security.  Ever since then I look for that and
I have been ok.  I also wanted to see if I could find which sites were scams and I would input fake info and notate which site I did what.  Then when this idiots would call and then try and scare me that they have my social I laugh, then tell them I realize there scam because the info the have is fake, like their websites and they could do whatever they like with the info they have, because it will not affect me in anyway.  They become angry and sart to talk dirty to me, they are gonna violate me with there man-hood, etc. etc.  It really is sad, disgusted, and pathetic. 

This scam has happened to me 8 times this year alone, and we are not done with the year yet.  But I know what to look for now.  I just want to see a report that the world is aware of these idiots.  I want these idiots to see HA we see you stupid!!!! Something has to be done.  This is how it works in short:

They make fake websites ie: 
College website (because it also started to happen when my son and I started to look for schools and fill out requests info Any Pay-Day loan site and personal loan sites where you have to input a social security number (always check for the https to be safe)
Credit score sites  Sweepstake sites
Debt relief sites Basically any financial site where  you will input personal financial info and social security info and does not have the https is usually a fake site.
They are always, god forgive me, Indian/ Hindi.  They never ever speak proper English
They use these random company names but make it seem as though they are big wigs, Ive gotten the
calls from: National Crime Investigation Bureau
US Legal Affairs- Fraudulent Loans Dept.
US Financial Crime Enforcement Bureau
National Investigation Bureauof Financial Crimes  

They threaten to: arrest you at your home or place of employment Garnish your wages and throw your social security number in your face to scare you into giving them money
They threatened to freeze assest and tell you your bank info which is totally scary because If they have the account and routing thats all they need, but I always put a fake account number with correct routing so when a legitimate company calls me I give them the corrected info.  But that was always my rule of thumb, my Account number last 4 would always be switched so I could say later it was a typo (my own little security system)  Imagine If I didnt do that I would have been wiped out clean, although I have nothing right now anyway.  But this could be done to other good people, senior citizens, so many its just wrong.

The phone calls happen all day every 5 to 10 minutes, they could get you fired because they dont care and they harass everyone they could, so an employer would not tolerate.  I am lucky my boss was patient.  Now I havent had a call like this in about 2 months, but then today I got a new one and I went along with it enough to get some info, then advise I know they are scammers.

This is the info the moron gave me that is soooo random.

He was calling from a lawyers office called US Financial Crime Enforcement Network from New York Albany, thats exactly how he said it.  Then I asked for the address where I could send a check:
544 Marcy Avenue, New York, Albany  11206  7th floor  Lawyer is Sean Marsh and he couldnt spell Sean correctly the first time I asked.  The whole time I am asking him these questions he is placing me on hold and being coached by
another. Then I asked for an email he gives me and then the Indian on the phone was Adam White, I asked him to spell and again there was a hesitation.  I asked if I could speak with Mr. Marsh, I was placed on hold then he stated he was not in.  I then asked if I could have the mans voice mail and thats when he got upset and stated that I was a stranger and it was unsafe to put me in his voice mail without any identification- How ridiculous is that.  I told him it was the stupidest thing I ever heard and the reason he could place me in v/m is because Sean
doesnt exist.  I told him I looked him up as we were speaking on Better Business and I looked up Sean Marsh to check were he has his Bar License and he hung up on me.  I guess I will not here back from him!!!! Please Please

help me stop these idiots or at least let the nation know to be aware and to let these idiots know- we know what you are doing and we are not stupid!!!!!

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