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  • Report:  #1362055

Complaint Review: USAA

USAA USAA Reps Intentionaly Harass People Who Want Personal Information Deleted San Antonio Texas

  • Reported By:
    Chris — Columbus Georgia U.S.A.
  • Submitted:
    Thu, March 16, 2017
  • Updated:
    Fri, March 17, 2017

On the evening of 3/15/05 I went to the USAA web site for an insurance quote. Most sites have you fillout one simple page of basic info for the quote. USAA makes you fill out about 10 pages of info and become a member to get a quote.


I did all that, didn't like the quote and Googled how to delete my non-account, since I have no business relationship with USAA. No WAY ! You have to call. Thenyou have to get jerked around in a horrible voice-response system. THEN THE CUSTOMER REPS JERK YOU AROUND !!! I was told by KELLY (Emp. ID 2378307) in "Authentication" I have to do this and that to have my info deleted and go through verification  procedures with information from Credit bureaus and Public records - just to have USAA delete my quote profile.

It meant GIVING UP MORE PERSONAL INFORMATION. They already have SSN, DOB, City/State etc. Why more ?  Because they are going to sell your personal information to data miners - as punishment for not buying their overpriced quote and quitting their 'membership'.

I kept telling them, it's late, I'm tired and in pain from a disability just help me and delete the lousy quote profile. No.

Called back and spoke with "Moses" (Emp. ID 3907), a manager. No dice. He said go back and jump through all the hoops over again and they might help me - just to get a freaking lousy quote profile deleted !

These people, KELLY (Emp. ID 2378307), and "Moses" (Emp. ID 3907), were enjoying this "Gotcha" game and kept adding to their demands.

USAA is a bad company - I don't care how much their commercials go on and on about "serving veterans and their families"...that is just a come-on and is IS NOT true. Just for a quote you provide enough information to fulfill any data-miner's or Spammer's fantasies - and they want more to jst delete a lousy insurance quote profile.

Once you're in or a customer of USAA I pity you. Their insurance quotes ARE NOT competitive like they brag about in the commercials - USAA's quote swas the highest,

DO NOT trust USAA, it's employees, agents or assignees. You have been warned.

8 Updates & Rebuttals

How's the weather in Sna Antionio at USAA, Robert ?

#9Author of original report

Fri, March 17, 2017

"Did you ask them BEFORE you put all of this in if you can delete it?"


You can't talk to them until you create a profile. You have to keyin your SSN or

Member ID to talk to someone.  Of course you already know that, Robert, because

you're the one who posed as a manager onthe phone yesterday morning. Remember

I asked for your Employee ID ? And you hesitated...


People try to pull stuff like you are doing on ROR all the time. We are hip to that

here at ROR.


God Bless Ed Magedsen !

Hi, again, Robert !

#9Author of original report

Fri, March 17, 2017

SO, you're the Robert I spoke to at USAA who pretended to be a manager !  Your people never did what they promised. I had to waste more time.

Oh, Really ?

#9Author of original report

Fri, March 17, 2017

You assume WAY too much ! I am an old IT guy so I called and bluffed my way to their IT Department and talked to a programmer. Courtesies, then an IT-to-IT guy talk.


What does USAA do with personal profiles used for quotes when the requester doesn't buy ? Any of that used for marketing ?


He pleaded the 5th. USAA fanatically tries to retain the personal data including SSN.


It took me over 2 days 723 minutes of cell time (551 minutes on hold) to get that accomplished. And they STILL insisted on matching my profile to public records ! For what, I am not buying anything and want out. Because matched records like thaqt are wirth more to data warehousers/aggregators.


So that kinda blows you little rebuttal out of thew water. How's the weather in San Antonio at USAA ?




#9Consumer Comment

Fri, March 17, 2017

My post wasn't about what information a company has about you. It was about YOUR accusation that because you didn't buy their insurance they are going to "punish" you by intentionally selling this information to scammers.

If you were really in IT as you state you know that no company would implement such a punitive policy, and no employee would risk termination and/or their freedom by selling or giving out information against company policy out of some score they have to settle. Because in many instances something like that what you are accusing them of could lead to prison time as well as very heavy fines.

As to their Privacy Policy and how they handle customers data. Do you even know what their privacy notice stated? It took me about 30 seconds of searching to find it, and finding that they can share your information with others within their umbrella of companies as well as select 3rd party companies.

So if you say yes you read the policy and you still submitted your information then this is on you. If you say no, then you can't try and come off as some "Privacy Expert" because that is the first thing a person that concerned about privacy would do.

All of these things you "noticed" is also just as irrelevant as well. As again, if all of this was really an issue for you there should have been no reason for you to even give them ANY information. After the fact it just looks like you are some poor petty sole trying to "fluff up" your report to make them sound as bad as possible.

And to avoid the next inevitable post. No I do not now or have I ever worked for this company

Addendum: USAA Effectivley Blocks Little People

#9Author of original report

Thu, March 16, 2017

One thing I noticed when knocking about the USAA site - no email contact with the firm is allowed. It is nigh impossible, for the sly-challenged among us to reach the administrative side of the company. If you have time go to the USAA website - there is only one contact number published, period.  No one else in that firm cares to be bothered by Little People it appears...

To get my profile deleted from the USAA system consumed 723 minutes of cell phone time iver two days and 550 minutes of that on hold. that's almost 10 hours on hold over two days.

Think about that next time you see a fuzzy-wuzzy commercial about USAA "serving" active military and Vets.

One thing I noticed as a former IT pro is how poorly designed the USAA IT system is. You would have to deal with USAA to get what I am typing about with respect to their IT systems.


#9Author of original report

Thu, March 16, 2017

Gee. thanks for all the things I should have done in advance ! I am the only living being who can verify the quote data because I include unique identifiers of my profile when entering personal data on sites. That way I will know who is selling my personal information.

Did you know if a company links your customer record to public records about you, the value of data for the company withthe customer service records quadruples. Done any reading on the subject ? Apparently not. My post was to record my lousy experience with USAA. It is posted here forvermore. That's all.


Nothing you can ever type will dissuade or change anything I typed. Not negotiable. Auf wiedersehen !




#9Consumer Comment

Thu, March 16, 2017

So you had no issues with giving your information out to get a quote. You ONLY had an issue AFTER when the quote was too high for your liking. Did you ask them BEFORE you put all of this in if you can delete it?

You are basically taking about your fear of identity theft and how you put in enough information for any person to steal your identity. Yet when they go through the extra step of having you VERIFY your identity you freak out and write a RipOff report how a company actually wants to verify who you are before they act on your request.

Does that make ANY sense to you?

Of course it makes sense to YOU. Because you then came up with the brilliant "conspiracy" theory that as a major multi Billion Dollar company they are going to be so petty and have nothing better to do that because you didn't buy their insurance as "punishment"(that was YOUR word) they are going to go out and intentionally sell your information to any scammer they can find.

You are probably very lucky they are a multi Billion dollar company as it is unlikely that they will ever see this report or waste their time on it. But if you had done this to a smaller company, they would probably have hauled your body into court and sued you for libel.

By the way your disability has NOTHING to do with this.

Incorrect date in original post

#9Author of original report

Thu, March 16, 2017

The correct year should be 2017.

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