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  • Report:  #600850


VANDERBILT MORTGAGE AND FINANCE,INC. Totally unprofessional - Prefer to foreclose and have a negative than refi, loan mod, reduce % rate and show a positive asset Nationwide, California

  • Reported By:
    Kris — Redlands California United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Fri, May 07, 2010
  • Updated:
    Fri, May 07, 2010
    500 Alcoa Trail maryville tenn
    Nationwide, California
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I started with a terrible loan because of the incompetance of the loan officer.  SHe received a much larger commission with a hard money loan (which we did not need), never received a GFE or estimated HUD.  She screwed up on the docs cosing us thousands of dollars.  We had our loan for over 10% with Popular Mortgage.  We almost lost our home ( I am in real estate and my income slowed down and went to a halt).  We redeemed our loan, were were told to make 6 months payments on time then we will refinance at under 6%.  After 6 months the loan officer said wait a coupld more months, haha we were sold to Vanderbilt.  I fought for our refi for over a year.  A manager did a minor loan mod by reducing our % rate by 1% to 9.18% and taking about $23K off the balance and making a separate ballon payment out of it.  Our payment has gone from $1800 up to almost $2600 a month!  It is now Just over $2100.  When I called to see if there was any progress on a new loan mod I had started with a law firm, my rep which had usually been nice turned into flipped out mental ward witch!  She was getting personal.  I kept speaking in a calm voice, told her not to screw up our amicable relationship and I would pay when I could.  We are under 60 days behind.  But she says as soon as we go past 60 days then they start foreclosure.  State of California it is 90 days then another 30 days before you can do that.  If they lowered our interest rate (keep amount owed the same) to 3-4% it would be at 30% of our net income payment per month and they would have a positive asset, Instead they run people out of their homes and have really negative financials.  Is anyone setting up a website or contact for us all to meet online?  We can then get legal representation.  I see others wanting to do the same.  I read that someone started on myspace, I will look on facebook too.  Let's all do that and force them out of business or fix what they can and pay off everyone that has been ripped off.  I did not buy a home from Clayton homes (thank God , after reading so many horror stories).  I cannot believe any company can continue in business with such a horrible track record, illegal practices and blatant fraud.  I went on some blogs and found inside information from former employees.  SOunds like Pandoras Box eh?  You can reach me through my church website.  I lead the womens ministry, and I can gather some info and send in to whomever is organizing a lawsuit.  alfm. org


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