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  • Report:  #597338

Complaint Review: Veolia ES

Veolia ES Borgeois Medical Clinic DIABILITY DISCRIMINATION Morgan City, Louisiana

  • Reported By:
    mcguire2008 — Dayton Kentucky United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Tue, April 27, 2010
  • Updated:
    Tue, April 27, 2010

I was offered a position with VEOLIA ES in MORGAN CITY,LA back in 2008. I was told that I would be reimburst for anything I had to get in order to get down there and perform my job. I took online classes that I was getting paid $17.50/HR to take also.

 I ended up renting a car, buying equipment and taking the online course before I left from Ohio to Louisiana. When I arrived in Morgan City, LA I called Veolia to get the key to an apartment they said they were going to let me stay in until I went offshore. They told me that they couldn't find who had the key so I'd have to stay in a hotel that night until they could find who had the key, but I'd be reimbursted for my troubles. So I stayed in the hotel that night and was able to get into the apartment the next.

The next morning I had to go to VEOLIA's office in MORGAN CITY and get some papers in order to get my physical done at the BOURGEOIS MEDICAL CLINIC also located in MORGAN CITY. I showed up on time to the clinic for my appointment time. They took blood and did all the other parts of the ADC Physical (DIVE PHYSICAL) except for me actually talking to a doctor. After sitting in the waiting room for Lord knows how long, I finally get called back into a room to be examined by DR. DONALD P. THIBADAUX. When I walked in he was nice as could be and kinda talkative! He told me that I had PASSED all the other parts of the physical with flying colors and now he had some examinations he had to do in addition. As he approached me he saw OLD SCARS on my arm from PAST drug use. He asked me what they were and I told him what they were and that they were old. He then stated that they looked fresh to him! I told him again that they were old scars and that I had already passed the drug test but if he didnt believe me that he could give me another! He stated again that they looked "fresh" to him and that he wanted another doctor's opinion on them. That's when I stated, sternly, that the scars are old and I dont care what his opinion is or his peers' opinion so lets just move on with the physical! That's when I noticed the tone of his behavior had changed to a very judgemental and unhappy state! He then told me that I had an elevated ALT level (liver enzyme level) and that he wanted me to have a hepatitis panel done. He then told me that he was going to call VEOLIA and tell them about my scars and see if they would pay for this extra testing. Veolia said they would not pay for the extra testing, that it was my responsibility. I told DR. THIBADAUX that I did not have the money to get all this extra testing done and that I am in Louisiana with a rented car and everyday I'm here without going offshore is costing a bunch of money! He stated that that was not his problem and I HAD TO GET THE TEST DONE OR HE WOULD STATE THAT I WASN'T PHYSICALLY FIT FOR THE JOB. Not wanting him to say that I was not physically fit, I borrowed the money and had the test done the next day.

Two days later I was called by a doctor from the Tesche Action Clinic to inform me that my test showed me positive for hepatitis c. I had them fax the paperwork over to DR. THIBADAUX at the BOURGEOIS MEDICAL CLINIC after we hung up. I called BOURGEOIS after about 20 minutes to make sure they had received the fax from the Tesche Action Clinic. She stated that she had and I asked her to have DR. THIBADAUX call me to see if he was going to release me to work. I didnt hear anything back that day. So the next morning I called and left another message for DR. THIBADAUX to call me about signing off on my physical so I could get to work! I didnt get a call back that day either! So I called the next morning and the same girl answered the phone and I told her that I had left several messages for DR. THIBADAUX and he never called me back. She put me on hold for a few minutes then got back on the phone to state that DR. THIBADAUX said that I knew what I had to do. I said that I had no idea what he is talking about and I just need him to sign off on my ADC physical so I can go offshore! She again said that DR. THIBADAUX said I knew what to do and then hung up on me. Now I was very frustrated!  I called the doctor at the Tesche Action Clinic that done my blood labs and asked her if she could over ride DR THIBADAUX'S decision and she said that she would but first needed to speak with her boss about it!!! She called me back later and told me her boss did not want her to get involved.

The next morning I drove to the BOURGEOIS MEDICAL CLINIC and found DR THIBADAUX getting out of his vehicle. I asked DR THIBADAUX about what he had told the receptionist to tell me. I told him that I had no idea what I was supposed to do next and that nobody had told me. He told me that I needed to be seen by a gastroenterologist to be examined and come up with a treatment plan. He also said that it was up to the specialist whether or not I was able to work. So in my frustration I made him promise me that all I needed to do was be passed by a specialist and I would be able to go to work...and he said yes. I told him that I didnt have the money to pay for all this extra testing and I just wanted to get to work. He said sorry and walked off.  That day my wife called him to speak to him personally. DR THIBADAUX pacified her with saying that all I had to do was be examined and passed by a specialist and I'd be able to work!!!

So..I borrowed the $275.00 from family and got the test done. The Gastroenterologist told me that I was ASYMTOMATIC and I was DEFINITELY ABLE TO WORK! He also told me that he couldnt stop me from working either..that that would be considered discrimination of disability. Thats when it started sinking into my head that what DR THIBADAUX was doing is considered DISCRIMINATION OF DISABILITY!!! So I asked my specialist if he would fax a special note to DR. THIBADAUX stating that I was ASYMPTOMATIC and that I am ABLE TO GO TO WORK. So he did. Immediately after walking outside of his office I called BOURGEOIS MEDICAL CLINIC to make sure they had received the fax from my specialist including the PASS TO WORK NOTE! She stated that she did have it and that she would give it to DR. THIBADUAX as soon as possible. I then stated that I need him to call me when he gets it so I can get the ball rolling as far as getting on a ship to get offshore. She said ok. Needless to say,  I didnt hear from them or him for 3 days. Finally I called up there again, this time with a more stern voice and demanded to talk to DR THIBADAUX. After being on hold for a few, DR THIBADAUX picked up the phone. I asked him what in the world was going on and why hadnt he called me or signed off on my physical!!! He stated that he told me what I had to do and that's it!!!! I said you told me that all I had to do was be examined and passed to work by a specialist and you'd sign off on my physical!!! He said no...that I had to go home and be treated for my hepatatitis c and that he wasnt signing off on my physical! I was absolutely flabergasted at this point! I called my family doctor back in Ohio and told him what DR THIBADAUX was doing to me and he also sent a fax to him stating that he (family doc) would pass me to work and also faxed over proof of an appointment to follow up with my gastroenerologist's treatment plan when I got home. DR THIBADAUX said that he still wasnt signing off on it! That I HAD TO BE TREATED!!

I then was at my wits end with this guy! I called VEOLIA'S HEADQUARTERS and spoke to the lady in charge of the medical stuff. I explained to her exactly what was going on and that DR THIBADAUX WOULD NOT SIGN OFF ON MY PHYSICAL! She gave me her fax number and told me to have all my medical records from every clinic I had went to, faxed to her. She told me that VEOLIA had an "in house" doctor that gives second opinions on the contracted doctors' physicals. So I did. She told me she would call me back in about an hour letting me know what VEOLIA'S DOCTOR had to say!

About 2 hours later my phone rings. It is VEOLIA HEADQUARTERS! The lady told me that VEOLIA'S DOCTOR had went over the physical and was not going to override DR THIBADAUX'S decision because due to my having hepatitis C that I would be considered a liability to their company and that I needed to leave the apartment immediately and leave the key on the table! I WAS ASTONISHED AND HEART BROKEN!!

When I came home, I found another dive company that wanted to hire me. But of course I need to pass the ADC physical. So I had all of DR THIBADAUX'S notes faxed to another ADC CERTIFIED DOCTOR in Kentucky. This doctor used all of DR THIBADAUX'S notes and told me that I had passed everything with flying colors and he had no idea how DR THIBADAUX justified his not signing off on my physical. Finally with my PASSED PHYSICAL in hand I began work....I took the same exact physical DR THIBADAUX failed me on and passed it using his notes with a different doctor!! AMAZING?! or JUST A CASE OF DISCRIMINATION!!!???

Even if I would've gotten treated...I can never get rid of this disease! So what good would treatment do! You can also have hep c and have NORMAL ALT LEVELS. So everyone should have to be tested for hepatitis then...not just people with elevated enzyme levels!!!!

 I had went in debt over $3000.00 while staying down there! I was there for 13 days total and was not reimbursted for one thing!!!! I filed a complaint with the EEOC when I got home and they are now investigating it!! Its been with the EEOC since January of 2009!!!  What he did was wrong!! And what VEOLIA said and done..was WRONG! THEY NEED TO PAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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