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  • Report:  #1222461

Complaint Review: Verizon Wireless

Verizon Wireless Misrepresentation

  • Reported By:
    Victim — Smithsburg Maryland USA
  • Submitted:
    Tue, April 14, 2015
  • Updated:
    Mon, April 27, 2015

Following is my April 14, 2015 email message to a Verizon Supervisor, Ramona.  That is followed by my chat on the same date with Vanessa at Verizon.

Dear Ramona:

We spoke at length on February 20, 2015 about the above referenced account.  The events leading up to our conversation were:

1.            The above referenced account features were:

a.            700 minutes of talk

b.            Unlimited text

c.             Unlimited data

2.            In December 2014, I added two additional lines to the account

a.            XXX-XXX-XXXX:  transferred from another Verizon Wireless account

b.            XXX-XXX-XXXX:  new number

3.            I was told at the time of setup the additional numbers that all three numbers will share the talk, text and data.  This was confirmed on several subsequent conversations with Verizon Wireless.

The details of our call on February 20, 2015 were:

1.            You informed me that Verizon Wireless representatives misinformed me – all numbers cannot share unlimited data

2.            You converted the account to (all numbers sharing):

a.            Unlimited talk

b.            Unlimited text

c.             10GB of data

3.            I requested to be given 15GB of data at the same price of 10GB of data since Verizon misrepresented the available services

4.            You PROMISED to check into this request and get back to me.

We are now 2 months removed from our conversation and I have not yet received a call or email message from you.  So far, Verizon Wireless’ service poor at best:

1.            Misrepresentation of available services (by three separate CSR on three separate days), which lead to the purchase of two I-phones, the transfer of a number from an existing Verizon Wireless account and the establishment of another number/account.

2.            On January 19, 2015, a CSR apparently could not assist me after I provided her with the details.  So, she hung up on me.

3.            On January 23, 2015, I provided another CSR with the details.  She promised to call me back.  She never did.

4.            On February 4, 2015, Regina listened to the details.  She had to research and call me back.

5.            On February 5, 2015, Regina called me for more information.  She informed me that the unlimited data is not available.  She will try to put me with 15GB data, and unlimited talk & text for $180/mo.  I told her I was informed I can share the unlimited data.  We left the call with Regina working through the best plan and will call me back.

6.            On February 6, 2015, Regina call with the following proposal

a.            Unlimited Talk & Text

b.            15GB of shared data

c.             Total bill at $200/mo

d.            A $240 annual credit, which I will have to request each year.

I did not like having to request a credit each year.  I anticipated issues (like I am now experiencing) each and every year.  Regina informed me she had to refer the issue to her supervisor, Eduardo, who is (according to Regina) very responsive and very good at working through exceptions.  Regina told me Eduardo will call me same day, February 6, 2015, or on the following Monday, February 9, 2015.

7.            On February 20, 2015, two weeks after Eduardo was to call me (he never did), I call a Verizon Wireless CSR.  I went through the entire story, which keeps getting longer.  She apparently could not help me because she hung up on me.

8.            On February 20, 2015, I called Verizon Wireless back again after the CSR hung up on me.  I was connected with Carissa.  I again went through the entire story.  Carissa now informs me that the 15GB data plan is discontinued.  So, not only did Verizon Wireless misrepresent the unlimited data plan, the also have delayed resolution to my issue so long that the 15GB plan no longer exists.

9.            On February 20, 2015, Carissa transfers me to her supervisor, you, Ramona.  We discuss the issues of the prior two months for about two hours.  In the end, you…

a.            Setup the new plan

i.              Unlimited talk

ii.             Unlimited text

iii.            10GB data

b.            Put in a pricing request #XXXXX

c.             Promised to check into an exception for 15GB of data

d.            You promised to get back in touch with me….STILL WAITING

10.          Today is April 14, 2015, nearly four months after giving Verizon Wireless more business, transferring a number and setting up a new number – something that should be somewhat simple.   Over the four months, I’ve been…

a.            Lied to (misrepresented) multiple times

b.            Hung up on multiple times

c.             Left hanging (waiting on call back) multiple times

…and stupid me, I continue to be a loyal customer – I continue to pay my billed, I have 5 numbers with Verizon Wireless, and I’ve been a customer since 1997.

So, where do I go from here?  What a sorry situation.  A total collapse of accountability and customer service.  At this point, Verizon Wireless should be giving me 20GB of shared data and begging for me to retain the service.

So unbelievably disappointing and frustrating!

I will appreciate you contacting me as soon as possible.




Next is a follow up email on April 14, 2015, to Ramona at Verizon Wireless:


I am chatting with a Verizon Wireless CSR.  She informs me you called my father’s number (XXX-XXX-XXXX) on March 3, 2015, and left a voicemail message.  I provided you with my contact information – XXX-XXX-XXXX.  Why did you call his number?  He knows nothing about the issue and probably does not even know how to check his voicemail for messages.

Verizon sure does have a tough time getting things right.

The chat representative stated my request for additional data was denied.  So, Verizon does not care about the misrepresentation and my (and family) long standing loyalty?  Does Verizon hope that I forget about the issue if enough time passes?  At this point, I am resigned to the fact that Verizon has won.  There is nothing that can be done – because of the imminent overage charges, I was FORCED to change plans.  Verizon knew this and is now laughing at the chump (me) who allowed this to happen.  I am only hoping for a consolation – a recognition from Verizon that they were able to get me off of an unlimited data plan AND were able to charge me more for less – HAHAHA!!!  So, I am back to my original request of 20GB for the price of 10GB (what I am currently paying).  Verizon still wins - by far.  Verizon no longer has to honor the unlimited data plan that was represented, I am paying more and Verizon retains a long-term customer (good for the stats).  Verizon can still claim a victory over the minions; BUT, look like a wonderful company who wants to make all things right by giving a customer extra data for a “little” problem – Verizon’s customer service is so great!!

I know this message is dripping with sarcasm; but, that is the only thing retaining my patience at this point.


I hope to hear from you soon.





Finally, next is the chat on April 14, 2015 with Vanessa at Verizon Wireless.  The chat started with the original email message (above) to Ramona, which I omitted.

XXX: This is the message I want to get to customer service.

XXX: I copied and pasted from a Word document and obviously the formatting was lost. I think you can still get the message

XXX: Are you there?

Vanessa: Good afternoon XXX, sorry about my delay response, was catching up on your paragraph.

Vanessa: I will go ahead and pull your account up, and see what we have going on here with your data plan.

XXX: I will gladly email my message to customer service if you provide an email address.

Vanessa: While there is not a direct email address to send the message to, there is, however, a mailing address. But that would take the situation a lot longer to be resolved. I would be more than happy to assist you as best as I can today.

XXX: OK, thanks. I hope to somehow get the issue resolved. Ramona is apparently a supervisor and she has completely dropped the ball. So, I'm not sure if you will be able to help. How do I get the issue escalated?

Vanessa: I do apologize about the incident, I do see that Ramona did contact you back on 3/3/15, but was unable to get in touch with you, so she left you a message. Were you able to receive that message from her? I believe that she was going to inform you about the inactive pricing request that she submitted for you. From what I am seeing on your account notation, the request for the plan was denied by the channel approver, as there were no notation on the acct to advise that the plan was offered prior to the promotion end date.

XXX: What type of message? Email or voicemail?

Vanessa: A call, to the mobile number XXX-XXX-XXXX

XXX: That's my father's mobile phone number. That was one of the added numbers. He knows nothing about the issue. I provided her with my mobile number and my email address.

Vanessa: Oh okay, that makes sense why you never received that voicemail. Again I do apologize about that.

XXX: So, what are my options? Resign myself to the fact that Verizon does not care about promises and customer loyalty? It is what it is and Verizon just hopes I stick around and forget about this misrepresentation? Does Verizon not care about losing customers?

Vanessa: No sir, that is not the case at all, here at Verizon Wireless we do value you and your family as loyal customers. We would love you keep you part of the Verizon Family for many more years to come. I will see what I am able to do on my end to ensure that we can resolve this issue today once and for all. I appreciate your time, and patience with me today. I again do apologize about everything that you are experiencing, and I thank you personally for continuing to be such a loyal customer even thru all of this. Give me just a moment to see what I can do for you today Mr. XXX.

XXX: Vanessa, I was told on three occasions prior to setting up the two new numbers that all phones will share the (at that time) existing unlimited data. This was totally misrepresented. Because of overages on one of the new numbers, I was FORCED to go to a 10GB data plan, or else the overages would have continued. So, now, I am paying more for a limited plan - FAR more limited. Does this seem fair? All I am asking is for Verizon to consider the misrepresentations and the long standing customer loyalty, and provide the account with 20GB of data instead of 10GB of data. This is still FAR from unlimited data; so, Verizon still wins in the long run. Yes, I look at this as a victory for Verizon - you get someone off of an unlimited data plan, you charge more and you retain a customer. I ultimately lose - I pay more and I have limited data. AND, I have to live with being a chump and Verizon laughing about that.

Vanessa: I will see what I can do about getting you that 20Gb of data. Reviewing the account and seeing if there is way to get that done for you at this time.

XXX: Thank you

Vanessa: Still here, still looking into this for you.

XXX: OK. I am still here.

XXX: I am typing a message to Ramona. I will copy the message into the chat.

XXX: The message I just emailed to Ramona: Ramona: I am chatting with a Verizon Wireless CSR. She informs me you called my father’s number (XXX-XXX-XXXX) on March 3, 2015, and left a voicemail message. I provided you with my contact information – XXX-XXX-XXXX. Why did you call his number? He knows nothing about the issue and probably does not even know how to check his voicemail for messages. Verizon sure does have a tough time getting things right. The chat representative stated my request for additional data was denied. So, Verizon does not care about the misrepresentation and my (and family) long standing loyalty? Does Verizon hope that I forget about the issue if enough time passes? At this point, I am resigned to the fact that Verizon has won. There is nothing that can be done – because of the imminent overage charges, I was FORCED to change plans. Verizon knew this and is now laughing at the chump (me) who allowed this to happen. I am only hoping for a consolation – a recognition from Verizon that they were able to get me off of an unlimited data plan AND were able to charge me more for less – HAHAHA!!! So, I am back to my original request of 20GB for the price of 10GB (what I am currently paying). Verizon still wins - by far. Verizon no longer has to honor the unlimited data plan that was represented, I am paying more and Verizon retains a long-term customer (good for the stats). Verizon can still claim a victory over the minions; BUT, look like a wonderful company who wants to make all things right by giving a customer extra data for a “little” problem – Verizon’s customer service is so great!! I know this message is dripping with sarcasm; but, that is the only thing retaining my patience at this point. Unbelievable!! I hope to hear from you soon.

Vanessa: At this time, I went thru all the notation, starting from back on 12/8/14, the rep that you said told it would be unlimited, posted that it was going to be on the "shared plan", not an unlimited. I went ahead to still try to over ride the system to get that plan to be the 20Gb for you, but I was unable to. I asked a supervisor to to look over the account with me and see what we can do for you about that, and it was not possible at this time to get you the 20Gb. I checked the account for any possible promotions that would allow the account to get the 20Gb for that same price as the 10GB, but since there is not a promotion of the kind at this time, it would not be able to be added. The only way that would be possible is if Verizon happens to start a promotion for that amount for that price, then we would most definitely get you that plan. But since the plan at that price is non existent, we could not accomplish your request for the 20Gb for the price of 10Gb. Again Mr. XXX, I do apologize about the entire situation, if I was able to get that done, believe me, it would have been done.

XXX: Vanessa, the purpose of the multiple calls to Verizon was to specifically ask that all phones share the unlimited data. The first CSR confirmed. I called back another day to see if I get the same confirmation. Again, I asked if I add two more phones, do they share the unlimited data. The second CSR confirmed. The third time I called was to add a number and transfer a number. Again, prior to doing the transaction, I confirmed that ALL phones share the unlimited data. I received a third confirmation. Otherwise, there was no reason to transfer the XXX-XXX-XXXX number from my sister's Verizon account.

XXX: I have told this story OVER AND OVER. I anticipated this problem and did all I could to avoid it by confirming multiple times. Because of buyer beware, I that precaution AND Verizon is still bending me over.

Vanessa: I understand sir, and I do apologize about the misinformation. But again, since the promotion doesn't exist, I would not be able to get that 20GB plan for you. If I could, I would. If you would like, since there is no reason for that line to be on this account, you are able to do another assumption of liability, and have that line (XXXX) moved back to your sister’s account. That is only if you would want to, you don't have to.

XXX: This should have nothing to do with promotions - promotions are available to everyone. This is a matter of misrepresentation and poor customer service. Verizon should want to repair the damage.

Vanessa: And we do want to fix that damage, but with what you are asking, we cannot do that since it isn't available for us to do. I can submit another request for that 15GB plan for the $100 price, but since it was denied once, it may be denied once again.

XXX: Verizon should be embarrassed. I'm so disappointed that we have businesses that take advantage of individuals and the individuals have no way to defend themselves. Verizon is a multi-billion business and they jam it to someone who is only asking for something that will essentially cost Verizon nothing! What a FRAUD! What a total mess! What a total shame!!

3 Updates & Rebuttals



Somewhat Similar Situation

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, April 27, 2015


I encountered a somewhat similar situation with Verizon.  I needed to add hotspot functionality to my Verizon cell phone and I called.  The CSR quoted a price which I wrote down.  He gave me a total price, including taxes and fees.  I then asked for a confirmation number because...well, it's not my first rodeo with Verizon.  Yet they're the only game in my area.  :(

As you can guess, the bill came and didn't match the price I was given.  I was really upset and called, and I basically got the same run around you're getting.  I cited my confirmation number and learned that, even if Verizon listens to the recording of our call, they still don't want to honor the deal made on the phone.  Plus they won't let the customer hear it anyway, so what the heck?--They can claim anything at that point!

I was still determined to have the deal honored and turned to the Verizon forums for help.  Ha!--Big waste of time, because "Tyg"-like folks try to club you into submission via the internet.  They're either crazy or paid by Verizon.  Don't pay any attention to them.  Don't even respond to them.  I guess that's why they're "Verizon" forums.  ;)

I looked at Verizon corporate website pages and found the name of a regional vice-president.  I called his office or emailed (it's been a few months).  His blurb on the Verizon website stated how committed to the customers he is, etc., so that's why I tried it.  His assistant got back to me.  I told her the story, and even though I had heard, over and over, how "what you're asking for doesn't exist; we can't do it," I got what I wanted or at least a fair compromise.  Verizon ended up issuing a credit for the amount of the difference sufficient to take us up to the date of my next phone renewal.  It was about 12 months worth.  Make sure you get it in writing!  I, too, was put into a slot that suited them in terms of current "plans."  They wanted to get you out of your unlimited data account because data is how they're making all their big profits now, so they used your changes to do it.  When I called, they did the same thing--instead of giving me what they were saying they we're going to give me, they stuck me into a higher priced plan.  Same thing.

So....forget Ramona and all those CRS.  Find the name of a Verizon bigwig and go to him or her.  Despite their misuse of my confirmation number, it would help if you had one when you talk to the higher-up.  

I'm sure you didn't call them and say, Oh, hi, Verizon.  I'm calling today to lose the benefit of my unlimited data plan by asking for your more costly "shared data" plan as I, a loyal customer, add even more lines to my account."  Nope.  I fully believe the CSR's are truly given the primary objective of upping your bill.  They probably get rewarded for doing so.  That's why there are so many hang-up calls on their part--you're not getting them to their goals of selling.  Sell, sell, sell!  

As a final note, I was prepared to take my case to small claims court in my area.  Fully prepared.  A deal is a deal.  I'm not a lawyer, but I know a little about contract law, and (get ready for the internet haters to appear...1,2, Verizon was in the wrong.  A local judge would have agreed.  It would have been my pleasure to go to court about it.  So...if you consider small claims, don't bother with all the emotional stuff, just state facts, including your long-time contractual relationshp with Verizon.

Good luck!

A Fellow Marylander

P.S.  I wonder if Verizon would allow us to record phone conversations with CSR's.  Maryland law dictates we advise both parties to the call that recording is taking place (two-party consent).  They'd probably hang up.....  Maybe the online chat thing is best for future needs as it creates a written record.

Had enuff


Does Tyg work for Verizon?

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, April 15, 2015

This guy "Tyg" needs to be checked out. He is threatening and hostile, iIwonder if he is a Verizon employee?  Can RIPOOFF REPORTS verify?  

I too have had some of the problems you've had with Verizon. 'Tyg" knows that Verizon knows everything you do because For years, the Internet behavior of all Verizon Wireless smartphone customers was being tracked by “supercookies” on their devices that they could not opt out of. After the tracking became public knowledge, the company recently gave its customers a way to shake off the invasive snooping, but that isn’t stopping the FCC from looking into whether the program violated federal guidelines. 

 Check your bills for  UNBILLED DATA FROM PRIOR MONTHS. Something needs to be done about  verizon!




#4General Comment

Tue, April 14, 2015

 YOU are misinformed as to HOW Verizons unlimited data worked. If YOU had unlimited data and YOU wanted UNLIMITED DATA YOU had to purchase the phones for their FULL retail value. Since YOU did not do this and YOU went with the subsidized phones then YOU lost the unlimited data. Don't sit there and TRY and play the victim when the reality is YOU ARE TRYING TO SCAM THEM INTOP GIVING YOU YOUR WAY!!!! It doesn't work the way YOU want it to. Verizon can lose YOU and it wont hurt them one bit. YOU are demanding something that IS NOT your to demand. Then YOU want Verizon to give YOU free services and discounts BECAUSE YOU SCREWED UP. Not because THEY have made a mistake, but because YOU wanted a NEW PHONE and YOU did NOT want to pay the roughly $800 for said phone. YOU wanted as CHEAP as YOU could get. When YOU went that direction YOU tied Verizons hands. YOU were informed of this when Verizon dropped unlimited data. Just because YOU don't remember doesn't mean the rest of us all who HAD Verizons unlimited data didn't pay attention. YOU should be ashamed of yourself. YOU ARE A SCAMMER!!! Period and end of story. Verizon would do well to drop YOU and let YOU go somewhere else so YOU can attempt to SCAM THEM!!! Thankfully, YOUR OPINIONS put on a media outlet such as the web ARE actionable.

YOU do NOT have the right to defame someone by putting YOUR OPINIONS on the web as fact!! YOU have done this to an extent that Verizon should REALLY take a look at YOUR POST and take YOU to court for it. I think THEY deserve a chance to take YOU to court. YOU seem to think YOU are untraceable online. THAT is FALSE!!! Everything you do, every communication, every web site you have visited has been saved and recorded. All it will take is a court order to obtain it from YOUR ISP. So do YOU think YOU can sustain a prolonged legal battle against the NUMBER ONE cellular carrier in the US?? Im betting YOU can barely afford the proverbial pot to piss in, let alone a LONG legal battle. So MAYBE YOU can avoid that battle by rebutting your own post and explain that YOU wrote it in anger and its YOUR OPINIONS and NOT an active attempt to either SCAM or DEFAME them. Or don't and risk the lawsuit. The choice, just as with when YOU went and got your phone, is YOURS.

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