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  • Report:  #1324701

Complaint Review: Vermont Peanut Butter Company

Vermont Peanut Butter Company Daniel Burgess and Christopher B Kaiser Lie, steal, stalking, thief, scam Morrisville Vermont

  • Reported By:
    Sean — Saratoga Springs New York USA
  • Submitted:
    Fri, August 26, 2016
  • Updated:
    Wed, December 28, 2016

I am writing about Vermont Peanut Butter Company and its leaders, Christopher B Kaiser and Daniel Burgess. If any consumer of Vermont Peanut Butter Company knew who these guys truly were and the damages that they have caused innocent people in the past and present then I doubt that they would buy anything from them. Let's start with Daniel Burgess who was reported through RIPOFF REPORT back on October 20, 2014. That report "related to a ponzi scheme where they brought new money into a company to pay back old investors or anyoine else that required payment to keep their scam in Verde Group (OTC: VMGI) going." I copied and pasted that RIPOFF REPORT here;


"William Veve and his fellow croney Daniel Burgess who represents himself as "Will's biggest fan" and "Will's first investor" are basically running a ponzi scheme where as they must bring in new money to pay back old investors or anyone that requires payments to keep their scam in Verde Media Group (OTC: VMGI) going.


Desperate for marketing and new investors, Will Veve and Daniel Burgess of Tucker Financial came up with a scheme in which they would post date a check for services provided by our company and proimised the check for $20,000 would clear. The check was deposited 10 days after the already postdated date, after services were rendered, and after over $15,000 in fees were paid out by my firm on behalf of Verde Media.


Our banker said that the account the check was written on has almost never been in good standing and whoever wrote the check had no intention of writing a good check. Neither Will Veve or Daniel Burgess respond to phone calls or messages now that the check has bounced. We are filing a police report in connection to this check fraud and hope this serves as a warning to anyone else out there who may be speaking with these con artists that they CANNOT BE TRUSTED and they will STEAL WHATEVER THEY CAN FROM YOU."


Now let's jump forward to September 28, 2015 when the State Of Vermont Department Of Financial Regulation conducted an investigation of certain transactions in 2011 and 2012 that related to a company named Tucker Financial and its CEO and 100% share holder Daniel Burgess. They concluded that Daniel Burgess violated the Securities Act as a result of offering to sell and selling securities in Vermont, and failing to register as a broker or an agent under the Securities Act. Consent Order #15 stated that Daniel Burgess and Tucker Financial were to pay restituition to a woman named Sharon Wranosky in the amount of $495,909.67 (eighty 80 percent of stock sales) less any payment made. (SEE ATTACHED DOCKET NO 13-049-S).


Now let's switch gears to Vermont Peanut Butter's other leader, their President and CEO Christopher Kaiser. In order to get inside the mind of a narsacist you should watch Kaiser tell his story of how he got started in the peanut butter company business. Kaiser has been lying to the media and all of their costomers. He has done numerous interviews touting his rise in the peanut butter business as nothing short of spectacular. For you to truly understand Kaiser's version of how he started Vermont Peanut Butter Co you really have to listen to his story in the following videos. The first video is sponsored by Ignite Burlington where Kaiser is a key speaker. Please pay particular attention when you hit minute 9:00 which is where Kaiser starts to explain how he got into the business. He talks about HIKING up a mountain where he was thinking about combining his sandwich with his nature bar which led him to the idea of making peanut butter. He states, “huh, it would be kind of cool if I could put what’s in this bar in the sandwich because I love peanut butter.” He then explain that lightbulbs went off so he ran down the mountain to get started and he mentions that and nobody else was doing it (meaning that nobody else was making peanut butter). Here is the video...


The second video is a youtube interview with Girl On Purpose where he tells the same story to the public...
Here is what Kaiser never mentions to his customers or the media…
In 2005 Kaiser started dating a woman named Jessica in Saratoga Springs, NY. Jessica owned/owns a very successful peanut butter company called Saratoga Peanut Butter Company. Kaiser never mentions that he had YEARS of knowledge of the peanut butter industry from his former girlfriend. Rather than tell the truth Kaiser continues to tell this lie about discovering peanut butter on top of a mountain while hiking in 2008. In 2008 Jessica broke up with Kaiser because, among other things, he sabotaged her peanut butter equipment which cost Jessica a great deal of time and money. He also tried to burn down her ex-husband’s home but was not convicted. In 2009 Kaiser was charged with and pled guilty the following crimes against Jessica (the President and CEO of Saratoga Peanut Butter Company).
(Greenfield, NY Town Court Dockets #09030056 and 09080079).
The Criminal Possession Of Stolen Property charge relates to Kaiser following Saratoga Peanut Butter CEO into a parking lot, breaking into her vehicle, stealing her credit card, and buying items on his computer to frame another person. He also violated the order of protection that the court issued against him by continuing to stalk her. The bottom line is that he terrorized her. The CRIMINAL POSSESSION OF STOLEN PROPERTY charge was a Felony reduced to a Misdemeanor only after he completed his 3 years of probation. These documents are public record and I have attached them below.

Here’s the truth about how Kaiser got started with Vermont Peanut Butter Company. What he touts as a miracle idea that hit him on top of a mountain was actually 3 years of inside knowledge of how Peanut Butter Manufacturing really works. Kaiser learned this over the course of his 3 year relationship with the CEO of Saratoga Peanut Butter Company. On March 5, 2009, only six days before he was charged with terrorizing this woman, Kaiser started Adirondack Peanut Butter Company (DBA) Vermont Peanut Butter Company. The company headquarters was located in New York State and the manufacturing facility was located in Waterbury, Vermont. The company was 100% owned by a family in New York that Kaiser convinced to help him. This family in NY owned 100% of Adirondack Peanut Butter Co (DBA) Vermont Peanut Butter Company until 2012 despite the fact that Mr. Kaiser touts that he has been the owner since 2009. Kaiser deceived this family a great deal which caused them to file suit against him in order to get their investment back.
On March 31, 2011, while an EMPLOYEE of Vermont Peanut Butter Company Kaiser sold a fake Vermont Peanut Butter Co stock certificate to a doctor named Jon Gerber for over $4,500 (see attached). 
On April 1, 2011 the Owner of Vermont Peanut Butter Company FIRED Mr. Kaiser for stealing peanut butter from the company. For the previous 9 months Mr. Kaiser was taking cases of peanut butter and selling them for his own personal gain. One of the organizations he sold a GREAT DEAL of peanut butter to for cash was the University Of Vermont. He did this behind the owners back. On April 13, 2011 Kaiser's termination letter was issued to customers of Vermont Peanut Butter Co by the owner (see attached letter).


A few weeks after being fired, Christopher Kaiser and the owner of Vermont Peanut Butter came to an agreement that would give Kaiser full control of the company. The terms of the sale are unknown however, I do know that Kaiser failed to honor the agreement. In November 2011, with the help of the Sheriff’s Department, the original owner legally repossessed the production equipment from Kaiser’s new facility in Morrisville, Vermont.


In March of 2012 and with the help of Daniel Burgess, Christopher Kaiser finally paid a total of over $150,000 to get the equipment back and assume full control of Vermont Peanut Butter Company. Kaiser never mentions these facts to the media or to the customers. Instead, he touts that he has owned Vermont Peanut Butter Company since 2009 which is a lie. Nowhere on Mr. Kaiser’s website or in his interviews to the public does Kaiser mention his extensive knowledge of the peanut butter business before starting his own peanut butter company. Nowhere does Kaiser mention that he stalked and terrorized a woman who owned a peanut butter company before he came up with the idea to make peanut butter. Nowhere does he mention that he was charged with a felony and two misdemeanors for the things he did to this woman.


Now let's talk about the Boston Red Sox who just named Vermont Peanut Butter Company the "Official" peanut butter of the Boston Red Sox. I have spoken with the Executive Vice President of Partnerships for the Boston Red Sox (Troup Parkinson) and sent him all of the information to include official documentation and all he did was thank me. Here is Mr. Parkinson's contact information...

Troup Parkinson

Boston Red Sox

EVP Partnerships

4 Yawkey Way

Boston, MA 02215


I will close by saying that Burgess and Kaiser come off as good old Vermonter's. But the truth is that Kaiser fled NY in 2009 right after pleading guilty for terrorizing his ex, the CEO of Saratoga Peanut Butter Company. He stole from and was fired by the real owners of Vermont Peanut Butter Company back in 2011. Kaiser tries to come off as this guy who came up with this great idea of making peanut butter on top of a mountain when in fact he had knowledge of the peanut butter business all along from his relationship with Saratoga Peanut Butter CEO. Kaiser is a liar and a convicted thief. Burgess is no different.


4 Updates & Rebuttals



Daniel Burges busted by FBI finally

#5General Comment

Wed, December 28, 2016

Videos of owner Chris Kaiser

#5Author of original report

Tue, December 20, 2016

I read "Tom H's" response titled, "Smear Campaign Shows Such Jealousy and Insecurity." Hmmm, this response sounds a lot like Kaiser himself because it's LOADED with far fetched tales of Chris Kaiser greatness! One way to find out if Kaiser wrote this or not would be to find out if it was sent from his computer. You know Chris..the way the cops caught you when you stole your ex girlfriends purse and you made those charges with her credit cards. They traced it back your computer and you were charged. You’re a genius!

Chris Kaiser can't help praising himself though because he's a raging Narcissist. One Narcissistic trait is, "A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts: ... Requires excessive admiration.” Based on how much “Tom H” was talking Chris Kaiser up either “Tom H” is more than friends with Chris OR “Tom H” is Chris. From what I know nobody loves Chris more than Chris. 

But here's real proof that it was Chris. Take a good look at the rebuttal heading from "Tom H" here..


"#1 REBUTTAL Owner of company 

Smear Campaign Shows Such Jealousy and Insecurity


Now is it just me or did he actually type in #1 REBUTAL OWNER OF COMPANY? Answer: yep. We have a winner! It WAS Christopher Kaiser!


My efforts here continue to be simple. I am warning hard working people before Chris or Burgess get their meathooks into their money. Chris's rebuttal was loaded with how great he was/is and he forgot to mention that Mr. Burgess, Chris's partner and the majority owner of Vermont Peanut Butter Company, was indicted by a Federal Grand Jury on October 27, 2016 (after my initial report). WHAT A FREAKING COINCIDENCE! I must be Nostradamus with these revelations. 

"The indictment charges that between August and October 2011, Burgess sold all 520,0000 shares of the penny stock for a total of about $619,000. The woman’s 80% share of the sale proceeds was about $495,000. Burgess paid her about $246,000, but fraudulently converted the remaining money for his own use.”So the Intictment alleges that Burgess stole about a quarter MILLION dollars from this poor woman and FRAUDULENTLY covered it up. And Burgess is the majority owner of Vermont Peanut Butter Company. Enough about Burgess..let's get back to Chris Kaiser because he's way more fun.

Let's straighten out "Tom H's" statement that Chris, "was still living in the home he owned in Saratoga in 2011". Chris - seriously, you've got to stop posting these stupid statements. You have to assume that I have factual information to prove you wrong on every lie you make. Please, think them through or have Bobby proof read your work. You certainly did own a house in Saratoga County, NY in 2011 but you didn't live there. You lived in Vermont where you were stealing peanut butter as an EMPLOYEE from the facility. You were fired on April 13, 2011 by the real owners at the time. I attached that termination letter again just in case you didn't see it. The only reason you owned the home in Saratoga until 2011 was because the ORIGINAL owners of Vermont Peanut Butter Company, you know.. the ones that you stated in your rebuttal as being your "closest friends"..yea, they fired you AND placed a lean on your home.

This brings me to the question of how you were able to afford that house in Saratoga County, NY in the first place? So I spoke with Mr. Yullman, the guy you borrowed $60,000 cash from to buy the house. He told me that you never paid him back. How do you know Mr. Yullman? That’s right - you were his personal trainer and you smooth talked him into “borrowing” it. Mr. Yulman is a great man and the very example of why I am posting this information.. so you can’t steal from others. 

Now let's talk about the "horrific entrapment his ex girlfriend created for him." This is just another trait of the narcissist..LACK OF EMPATHY. So I suppose you were charged with all of these horrible crimes (STALKING and POSSESSION OF STOLEN PROPERTY) for no reason? And not once did I hear you or “Tom H” admit the things you did to that woman were horrible or regrettable. Let's put this one to bed quickly. Scroll down to the videos and have fun watching a narcissist apologize. Pay close attention to the ones where he admits hurting her.

I know this is a tough one for you to swallow because you’re a narcissist and all Chris, but always remember that I’m backed up by facts and OMG a lot of video. I post only facts. You are backed by lies. I only post these things because you continue to lie to people with the intent of taking their hard earned money. I told Burgess last summer, if you stop lying on social media then I wouldn’t have anything to talk about. 

Thanks for the Holiday wishes Chris. May your stockings be filled with coal.







Smear Campaign Shows Such Jealousy and Insecurity

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, December 16, 2016

I came across this report as it was mentioned from a friend who was very upset about someone trying to smear a very good person.   I actually think this entire website is awful as there are very great companies on here and people being smeared because of personal vendettas.  It is thoroughly disgusting that anyone feeling venom can attempt to verbally smear, intentionally harm and knowingly spread hate.   It is the core of my personal values to allow people to be happy and move on with their lives and mind my own business.    In regards to this obvious abundance of time "Sean" has on his hands, I want to set the record straight on behalf of Mr. Kaiser.   I have known Mr. Kaiser for over ten years closely from 1997 until I moved south with my family.   Mr. Kaiser built and operated an amazing fitness center in the Saratoga community for local residents, handicapped individuals, young athletes and those in need of physical rehabilitation.   It was a welcome addition to the communityin 1996.   Mr. Kaiser was a very talented trainer with more than five nationally recognized certifications and years of professional experience.   Mr. Kaiser not only helped me physically with a life altering disability, but he gave my wife and children memberships for free, and hired my daughter so they could be there to exercise while I did the rehab.   Funny how someone can paint such a picture of negativity about Mr. Kaiser without obviously knowing him.   I remember that type of scenario happening in middle school, not by adults.  It is especially strange that this smearing is happening after eight years.   Mr. Kaiser changed my life and pulled my family back together, and we are forever grateful.  

We have kept in contact off and on over the years, and I received a note from a friend in 2011 that Mr. Kaiser was once again "helping people" by creating super nutritious foods, but different ones.   What a perfect fit for his background. Someone who is vicious and evil does not choose businesses that directly help with peoples health.  They don't!  I reached out to Mr. Kaiser and congratulated him, and of course he sent me many free jars without me asking!  To make another correction on the smear attempt, Mr. Kaiser was still living in the home he owned in Saratoga in 2011 when we spoke(so the false statement of "he fled NY in 2009"  is nonsense) He sent me pictures of his home in 2011, and sold it shortly thereafter to bein in VT full time, and concentrate on his new enterprise, so that is a fact.   He told me about his adding "nutrition bar" type protein to his peanut butter, and it was revolutionary, and it obviously was.  That was his idea of a nutritional bar and peanut butter he got from his hike, and he never said he "discovered" peanut butter there.   So again "Sean", you are misleading in trying to state Mr. Kaiser stole anyones idea.  He was simply making his original idea better with more nutrition and more in line with his fitness background. He also shared updates about the other company he started before I moved, and was having their plain peanut butter made by Once Again Nut Butter in NY.  He felt it was DISHONEST TO CONSUMERS TO JUST PUT A LABEL ON SOMETHING HE DID NOT MAKE HIMSELF without telling them.  He wanted to make the worlds best peanut butter, not just a name, he said.   Mr. Kaiser also told me about the horrific entrapment his ex girlfriend and partner, Jessica of Saratoga Peanut Butter created for him.   It is a very long saga, but there are two sides and it is profoundly unjust to portray him as a criminal, when she had an equal part.  It is just not right, and it needs to be set straight.  They lived together as a family for years, and after a disagreement they parted ways.  Accepting show tickets, sleeping over his house and inviting him to her house(while broken up ) is no way of showing how much you want away from someone.   To keep Mr. Kaiser from the business and ideas he created, there were many attempts to make him look terrible.   As one example he spoke of, Stealing an IP address from the end of his driveway in the middle of the night to make illegal purchases is indeed the true "evil".  

By the way this "NY Family" were one of Mr. Kaisers closest friends.  They were members of his fitness center and well known in the area.  He helped their child and the wife, as they went through an awful situation with a cheating husband. He spoke of their financial investment, but again, there are two sides, and Mr. Kaiser paid them in full!  A judgement is is not criminal.   As for the additional smear attempts on Mr. Kaiser and the Vermont Peanut Butter Company, it is no secret that success brings people out of the woodwork to do nothing but point out bumps in the road.  It is that simple.    

From my wife and I can see, there is an obvious "chivalry" attempt by "Sean" to resurrect a relationship from OVER EIGHT YEARS AGO, and be some kind of hero.   It is acutely clear Mr. Kaiser has moved on successfully, far away from his old partner, and is showing that the free market, free enterprise and the entreprenuerial spirit is alive and well. Why is there no complaint about the forty six other peanut butter companies out there doing similar things as Mr Kaiser?  It is also very clear that from what I see, Vermont Peanut Butter is being built, not only with many more unique ideas, but with relationships.  What is the problem?   What is "Seans" objective here?   Move on with your life, and maybe help your girlfriend with her enterprise.   Negative slander is not a positive way to live your life.  The time you spend trying your best to be the hero makes you look spiteful and very insecure.  "Sean" we truly wish you well.

Below is what I found and it clearly shows some very misguided information from "Sean".     Mr. Kaiser started his old company, just as he did his new one.  I would think he wants to fully concentrate on that and his own life.  Merry Christmas Mr. Kaiser, and we wish you all the very best.  


Mr. Kaiser Filed for the Trademark Saratoga Peanut Butter.  Why would he do that if it wasn't his business?


It looks like Mr. Kaiser and his partner are having fun.  I remember Mr. Kaiser showing me those lebels he printed on his computer, and showing me the original website he built for that company.


Mr. Kaiser registered the original website as well.

To clarify

#5Author of original report

Fri, August 26, 2016

1. It was reported to police that Christopher Kaiser attempted to set Jessica's ex-husband's home on fire but he was not charged with this crime. 




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