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  • Report:  #1514092

Complaint Review: Veteran Forces

Veteran Forces Jerry Shaffer Gerald Shaffer Gene Overstreet Sergeant Major Overstreet Veterans Caskets Veterans Direct Warrior City Asked me for $10,000 to help stop PTSD Dallas 4900 S Lancaster Rd.

  • Reported By:
    George — Texas Dallas United States
  • Submitted:
    Thu, December 02, 2021
  • Updated:
    Thu, December 02, 2021

You may know the name Jerry Shaffer as the Lance Corporal who started Jerry Shaffer has also in the past operated many different types of businesses such as and now all in partnership with Gene Overstreet the very famous and beloved 12th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps

I've donated money from time to time upwards of $15,000 to Shaffer/Overstreet's Texas based Non-profit "Veteran Forces" Tax ID:  46-1462602 (which if you search the ID number on it does not show up) Shaffer has on occasion approached me about sponsoring a combat disabled veteran for The Adaptive Training Program which I later found out my money was never used for that purpose. 

With a very simple internet search I've noticed Veteran Forces has not filed taxes with the IRS for many years or posted financial statements online, the organization does not currently seem to have an active board overseeing donations or the requested recurring monthly donations; where does this money go? The address attached is the same address as The Veteran Resource Center of Dallas, Strange!  

Has anybody donating to this mysterious Lance Corporal Jerry Shaffer bothered to ask or are you blinded by the smoke and mirriors of the 12th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps. involvment with this guy?  I'm starting to question what's really going on here, you should to!  One would think having Sergeant Major Overstreet's involvment would command transparency with those donating their hard earned money to veteran causes!  I've simply made a few phone calls to others who have donated, all are saying the same thing, I simply asked questions!  are we not asking these very important questions because of the great reputation of Overstreet?   

What has Veteran Forces actually done for veterans since 2013?  How much money have they raised and how has it be allocated?  We can't simply overlook the fact that none of these answers are available anywhere!  Over the past year I've heard some very unsetteling stories about donated funds that were given to Jerry Shaffer directly, where were those donations directed?  How come Veteran Forces who has clearly taken in donations over the years not filed taxes?  I have more questions than answers as should you.  

I saw a campaign today posted on Overstreet's personal Facebook page asking friends for $10,000 to be donated to Veteran Forces directed towards PTSD awarness, this is the actual post: (Veteran Forces is launching an initiative to fight PTSD and help stop veteran suicides. Will you join me in this fight? Will you donate at least $10 to help veterans? Or make a recurring monthly donation. Every donation is tax deductible.) 

This post got me thinking, one; I don't think Overstreet is behind the campaign, anyone who knows these two knows the post was more than likely crafted by Lance Corporal Shaffer.  Which leads me to believe either the 12th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps. is being scammed himself or Overstreet is an accomplice.  What is Veteran Forces planning on doing with this $10,000 ?

Curiousity has gotten the best of me! So today I've asked the Attorney General of Texas as well as The Federal Trade Commission to look in to Veteran Forces business dealings.  I know there are more folks out there who have donated to Jerry Shaffer so i'm posting this to open the forum for disscussion.  

If the 12th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps. is being scammed by a Lance Corporal (E3) this very well may go down as a very sad story for Overstreet, if he's an accomplice then that's a whole other story.  I think those who are donating to this organization need to dig a bit deeper on Lance Corporal Jerry Shaffer and Overstreets past ventures together and I feel the picture will be very clear what's going on here, sadly. 

I would like to add in closing that Overstreet has and does advocate for veteran causes, he loves veterans!  it is OK for Overstreet to get paid for his services, he should be compensated for his services to the veteran community, but just like the many past business ventures these two have partnered on most if not all of these have been complete failures, and from what i'm hearing major financial setbacks for Overstreet and his family.  Somthing else is going on here and I don't think it will be good for Overstreet.  We shall see. 

If you or someone you know has had dealings with this organization please feel free to share your story positive or negitive.  

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