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  • Report:  #84664

Complaint Review: Video Professor

Video Professor not only rips off consumers, but also advertises unethically. They're in VIOLATION of FTC negative option rule. Nationwide

  • Reported By:
    Buffalo New York
  • Submitted:
    Sat, March 20, 2004
  • Updated:
    Sat, March 20, 2004

I, too, have fallen victim to the Video Professor SCAM. Several months ago, I requested their Microsoft Access course. I found them on a late-night television infomercial. That should have been my first warning, but I have bought several products from late-night TV programs (including the Body-by-Jake workout machine, which is excellent).

Anyhow, after a few days, the package arrived. It contained 3 CDs... levels 1, 2, and 3. This was my first surprise. I was expecting only ONE CD. Nevertheless, I opened the package. I must say, the packaging was very beautiful. It was a nice, full-color cardboard envelope with three pretty CDs in it. I can understand why they charge $6.95 to ship something that only costs a buck to mail... no only are they paying for the time for their peons to send the stuff out (aka "handling") but the packaging probably costs them a bundle too. It's pretty packaging.

Next, I loaded the first CD on my computer. I was immediately accosted with "tag-along-ware." They tried installing all kinds of extra stuff on my computer. It took me several attempts to NOT have this stuff installed. After about 15 minutes, I finally got to the first lesson.

I must say, that I was very impressed with the quality of their videos... from a purely ARTISTIC viewpoint. They have very pretty animations. They have little computer-generated talking characters that are cute and fun to watch.

However, what the videos had in cuteness, they totally lacked in substance. IF YOU'RE LOOKING TO SERIOUSLY LEARN MICROSOFT ACCESS, THESE ARE NOT THE VIDEOS FOR YOU. The first hour-long video didn't really cover anything. In fact, after watching all three lessons, I can honestly say that I learned close to nothing.

Video Professor's lesson are ALL FORM, NO SUBSTANCE.

Now, I should admit that I've used Microsoft Access before... and I was just ordering the FREE first level courses to see if it would be worth my while to order more. But after seeing how lacking in content they were, I decided to just send the courses back. That was their offer on TV... John Scherer said, "if you're not absolutely happy with my product, I'll even refund your shipping and handling."

That's where the nightmare began.

A few days after I received and evaluated my product... which was a total of 13 days since I placed my order, but only 4 days after I RECEIVED the product, I tried calling the 800 number to get an RMA (return merchanise authorization). It took SEVERAL phone calls even to get through to talk to a human.

Then, she tells me that it was more than 10 days since I placed my order. To which I replied, "yes, but I've only had the package for a few days... I can't be held responsible if it took 9 days to get to me."

So, after finally arguing with this woman for about 15 minutes, she finally agreed to issue me a refund and gave me instructions for sending back my package. I packed it all up nice and neat and mailed it back to them.

Like a SCHMUCK, I only sent it US Mail withOUT delivery confirmation. I should have mailed it back CERTIFIED so I could tell whether or not they received it... but you live and you learn.

It was three or four days after I mailed my package back that I noticed on my bank web site that the debit card I used to place the order was charged $69.95 by Video Professor. I was quite curious as to what this charge was. They did not mention anything about the $69.95 charge in their infomercial. I was quite perplexed. It was about 2am when I noticed this, so I couldn't call their 800 number, but I headed over to their web site.

In the VERY, VERY FINE PRINT at the bottom of their web page, BELOW their signup form, they have the following text:

"After your 10 day free trial, if you decide to keep the complete set, we'll conveniently bill your credit card just $69.95."

This was NEVER COMMUNICATED TO ME by their sales rep over the phone, and it was NEVER mentioned in their infomercial. They were totally and completely deceptive. Even the fact that they have this information at the bottom of their web site BELOW where consumers go to sign up for their supposedly "free" lessons tell me that their intentions are to DECEIVE consumers.

Furthermore, I am guessing (I can't say this for sure, but it's my hunch) that the reason why their "free" trial's shipping and handling charge is $6.95 and their full price is $69.95 is to further deceive consumers. Senior Citizen John Q. Public who sees the charge on his credit card statement says to himself, "gee, I thought they said $6.95 in the commercial... not $69.95. Oh well."

Let's face it... Video Professor doesn't make their money on repeat business. Their courses are too EXPENSIVE. They make their money on people who (a) don't realize they've been cheated until it's too late, or (b) people who figure it's not worth the hassle with their bank to try to get their money back.

OK, back to my story... so I called their 800 number the next day, and their nice rep (a different one) explained all of the above to me. I replied that I was never told of any such deal. She and I went back and forth for another 10 to 20 minutes, and she finally (grudgingly) agreed to cancel the charges as soon as my return package was receivied. I should wait a week or so and the credit should be posted to my card.

Two weeks went by. Nothing was posted to my card. I called back again. They said they had not received my return package, and that I should try back in another few days.... which I did.

Finally, almost four weeks after I mailed back my package ANOTHER CHARGE FOR $69.95 showed up on my card, accompanied by another package from Video Professor. This time, I marked "RETURN TO SENDER" on the package without even opening it, and I sent it straight back to them.

This practice is actually in VIOLATION of FTC regulations. It falls under the "negative option rule," which is the same tactic that companies like Columbia House have used in the past. Send a free product, hook them with the repeat monthly CDs. BY LAW, Video Professor is required to notify you BEFORE shipping your next lessons, and BEFORE charging your card. Just do a Google search on: FTC NEGATIVE OPTION RULE. You'll see what I mean.

Anyhow... to make a long story even longer... I eventually had to contact my bank to get my money back. My bank was very good to me. They reversed all of the charges, but I ended up having to get a new debit card to prevent future FRAUDULENT charges on it.

BOTTOM LINE: Video Professor is a big SCAM. Their product is near worthless. You're basically paying for pretty packaging. They will keep charging your credit card for future, equally worthless products until you stop them by force. Their customer service is useless. And, if you need to send something back to them, make sure you get delivery confirmation!

Dennis H.

P.S. After getting screwed by Video Professor, I did find another company that offers a GOOD deal on training videos. Their web site is I bought their Access 101 video. The cost was $5.99 plus another $2.45 shipping and handling. The packaging wasn't anywhere near as pretty as Video Professor's but the lesson was solid. I plan to go back to order another one or two.

Dennis H.
Upstate, North Dakota

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