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Vinoy George Scammer Lakeland, Florida
Mr. George started his practices while he was in Kerala, India when he was found guilty of murder against his father. He was able to migrate to the US by marrying a US resident. He falsified on his US immigration paperwork by not stating the facts about the trial and verdict against him. After arriving in New Jersey he began to create multiple businesses. In order to cover his expenses, he continuously borrowed through credit card companies and solicited small amounts from local residents that he acquainted with through social, religious, and vocational circles. He was forced to leave New Jersey after filing bankruptcy and following utter embarrassment and humiliation from the community. In Florida, he again followed similar practices by making connections with new friends, neighbors, and occupational subjects. Mr. George was also able to deceive a bank (State Bank of India, Marine Drive, Cochin, Kerala, India) to lend him money during his last trip abroad. Mr. George took investment properties in Cochin, Kerala, India which he did not pay and has many private lenders after him in India as well. Therefore, he has not returned to India, in order to evade them.
He has already filed two bankruptcies in sixteen years. Yet again, he is continuing to lead a life of financial fraud and deceit, as he has persuaded a few more people to lend him more money. He does this by telling people he needs some money for a short time to help him support his businesses of importing goods from India. He is able to do this since the ones that lend to him do not know what he has done in the past. He keeps the operations of his business secretive and never reveals them to his lenders. Mr. George then routes the money to India through his relatives including his mother, brother, sister, brother-in-law, and uncle, who make investments with the money. He also leads a lavish lifestyle with business trips to various locations within the United States. The following is the information of Mr. George and his relatives.