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  • Report:  #290739


VIP ESCAPES, VE HOLDINGS, STANDOUT DESTINATIONS, VIP ESCAPES, VE HOLDINGS, STANDOUT DESTINATIONS, Mikael Frank Audebert Unethical business practices. CEO would not follow agreement. Wrote us nasty email. Dream Vacation turned into nightmare. Orlando Florida

  • Reported By:
    Long Beach California
  • Submitted:
    Wed, December 12, 2007
  • Updated:
    Thu, March 27, 2008
    4833 New Broad Street
    Orlando, Florida
  • Phone:
  • Category:

On November 29-December 6, my Mother and I took an Independent FAM trip with VIP Escapes to French Polynesia. During the trip, we were not given what we were contracted for. However, my Mother fulfilled her obligation by attending mandatory site inspections. I was along for the ride hoping to get my dream vacation. Instead, it ended in a nightmare.

This is kind of long but detailed.

On July 13, 2007, VIP Escapes emailed me an Independent FAM trip Brochure which outlined the following:
8 days/7 nights November 28-December 6, 2007
$2299/agents including air Companions: $2598

International Flight from LAX
7 nights in 4 & 5 star Hotels (Radisson, Bora Bora Nui and Sheraton Moorea)
Daily Buffet breakfasts
Inter-Islands Flights
1 Shark and ray feeding excursion
1 Picnic on a private motu
4X4 excursion
Meet and Greet transfers
Complimentary upgrades when/where available

The host hotels will do their best to upgrade you upon arrival, based on availability, at no cost.

On July 16, 2007, the Reservation Agreement was signed and the only thing that was not included was the 4X4 excursion. This was acceptable as a change and the agreement was made.

On July 17, 2007, I called and spoke to Mikael regarding when we would expect a detailed itinerary which included the air schedules. At this point, he told me that the itinerary would be out as the date approached which would include extras that were not included in the brochure. He told me that I would be very happy with what would be included. He also told me to expect a night time departure from LAX and Bora Bora and to expect over-water bungalows; however, that would not be guaranteed. He also told me that he was working on getting a few lunches and dinners planned into the itinerary. Since his FAM approach also stated this, I believed this to be a correct statement.

FAM APPROACH taken from VIP Escapes website: VIP Escapes takes a different approach when it comes to learning about the tours and destinations it offers. A good and successful FAM TRIP should not be 4 day long and filled with 5-6 site inspections every day. To learn about what VIP wants all travelers to experience, agents must also experience it. From the day trips to the gourmet experience and 2 hour dinners, from the services offered by hotels (activities, Spa, etc..) to the discovery of the featured country and city, VIP makes sure site inspections are well balanced with the actual experience its journeys offer.
VIP selects the best 4 & 5 star establishments and include most lunches and/or dinners.

On November 12, 2007, Mikael emailed out the FINAL ITINERARY (which became our new contract):

The final Itinerary now included 5 Mandatory Site Inspections. (Radisson Tahiti, Sheraton Tahiti, Bora Bora Nui, St. Regis Bora Bora and the Sheraton Moorea) Previously, there were only three. (Radisson Tahiti, Bora Bora Nui and Sheraton Moorea) However, now, there were three lunches and a dinner included in the Itinerary, which made the trip seem even more of a better deal. We decided to accept the new Itinerary. We were happy with the changes!

On November 20, 2007,Mikael emailed with minor changes to the Itinerary which did not change the dynamics of the trip. These were acceptable changes.

The following were Contractual Non-compliant issues with the Itinerary,

On November 30, 2007, We were supposed to be greeted by a cocktail followed by Lunch at the Bora Bora Nui. All of the Travel Agents voiced this concern and showed the Itinerary to Celine, who works at the Bora Bora Nui. Celine said that they did not have this itinerary and that lunch would not be included. Celine then got Mikael on the phone and came back and said that this was a typo in the itinerary and should have never been included. At this point, another agent got on the phone with Mikael and she told us that Mikael said that everything would be taken care of from that point on and that everything listed in the itinerary would be included.

The Hotel was embarrassed by the mix up and comped us lunch on them. They were very apologetic to what VIP Escapes did. If he had just informed the Hotels and had given them the same itinerary as we had, none of this would have ever happened.

On December 4, 2007, we arrived at the Sheraton Moorea around 10:30 am. All the Travel Agents inquired about OUR MOTU Picnic to find out that nobody at the Hotel knew about it. The Hotel tried to call Mikael; however, his phone was turned off and he was unable to be reached. Then, Teina and Stephanie from the Sheraton Moorea called both of the companies that handle the Motu picnics and neither one of them had it scheduled for us. Since the hotel was unable to get a hold of Mikael, we had to forfeit the Motu Picnic since it was too late to reschedule and we were scheduled to leave the next day back to Tahiti.

On December 5, 2007, we arrived back at the Radisson Tahiti. We inquired about the dinner and the Hotel stated that they were unaware of the dinner. We gave them a copy of the Itinerary and they said they would call Mikael They told us to check back with them at dinner time. When I called them at dinner time, they said that they received an itinerary from him and it did not include dinner. I asked for a copy of the itinerary and the hotel was happy to oblige. He took out dinner on his master copy and gave it to them. This is a fraudulent practice. You can not give your clients one Itinerary and give the Hotels another.

Therefore, we are owed for the following:
2. Dinner from the Radisson resort.

EMAIL TRAFFIC. The nasty email that Mikael wrote to us and my rebuttals. Please see how he treats his Clients. We are not the only ones to received bad emails from him either and I hope she does this too.

On December 6, 2007, before we even arrived home, Mikael wrote us with a nasty email and this is what he says with my rebuttals indented within.

MIKAEL: I have one thing to say. You are a shame to the travel industry. You are supposed to represent the best of what America has to offer, and instead, your behavior in Tahiti was a shameful demonstration of why Americans are not liked abroad. From the day you set foot there, you complained. For a travel agent, I find you quite in need of assistance for everything and not very self sufficient.
You just could not afford this trip and you should have stayed home. We have picked up 40% of the tab for you and your daughter. That is right. A Fam trip COST ME money because you only pay a portion of what it is worth (Yes indeed, what you paid is far below what I paid to have you attend this tripso much for the thanks). So I have earned the right to tell you what I am about to tell you.

Charlotte: You have not earned the right to take this tone with us. First of all, it was your negligence in misrepresenting your business to us and the Hotels. You say that Dorothy was a shame to the travel industry! Mikael, she is your client. And, with us being your clients, you had an obligation to fulfill in your contract. If we did not have to demand for the contract/Itinerary to be followed, none of this would have ever happened. Do you not understand the obligations that you are bound by in following a contract? A client should not have to point out everything in the itinerary to get what is due to them. This was your negligence! This trip was paid in full! Regardless of what we paid for the trip, whether it was $1 or $7,000, we expect the contract to be fulfilled.

MIKAEL: Your behavior at the Bora Bora Nui over a lunch, followed by your coward attitude in refusing to talk to me over the phone have just demonstrated your inability to show respect and thanks to hosts who have put you in a $1,700/night room for your enjoyment. Your accusations of theft at a hotel which has a PERFECT record and your insistence in getting a refund for a piece of clothing you could not prove the value of are also shameful and dishonest. (I left my electronics and laptop in my room with windows wide opened, and it was all there when I returned). Did you confuse HOTEL with CASH MACHINE? Were you that strapped for money?
Lets not even talk about your lack of spending ANYTHING at the resort. Do you ever study the destinations prior to booking a trip? Didnt you know Tahiti was a rather expensive destination? The least you can do when you are given such a high value stay is to thank your host by at least having a drink or one meal at the restaurant. Everyone else has. If you have no money to travel, STAY HOME.

Charlotte: Our behavior was only to have the itinerary followed. According to the itinerary, we were supposed to have lunch and we voiced our concerns to Celine. This was YOUR MISTAKE! You were the one that screwed this up! Take Responsibility! Once Cindy talked to you and you ensured that everything was taken care of, we went on with our happy ways!

Okay, now, this is where I am extremely angry. I had something stolen at the hotel, not my Mother! It was my article of clothing and you telling me that I am dishonest for reporting something stolen, really shows how you back up your clients. As your client, you should have been apologizing to me and telling me that you have never heard of this happening there. But instead, you chose to belittle me. The Hotel was very nice about it. We worked this out in a very professional matter and they paid me for the article of clothing. This was none of your business! NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! This was between the Hotel and me.

My Mother fulfilled her obligations of the contract by attending the five site inspections. Nowhere did the contract say that we had to spend our money at the hotels! And, just how would you know what we spent anyways? This perplexes me! We were not obligated to spend there! Please show me in the contract where we had to spend our money there? Again, this trip was paid in full! Once we got there, it was up to us on how we wanted to spend our money!

MIKAEL: Then you insult and threaten another one of the agents on the group because you are too coward to call me directly? In front of our hosts.What is wrong with you? Why couldn't you pick up the phone yourself instead of putting in charge another agent? Do you need me to read you the definition of "INDEPENDENT TOUR"? Have you no sense of shame? Do you ever stop complaining? Even when receiving a travel package valued at $7,000+ per person.

Charlotte: The threat did not come from my Mother. You may want to ask your other agent who did the threatening. Because of your negligence, you created a hostile environment. Again, you need to take responsibility for this one! BTW- that other agent stated that she would deal with you when she got home! This is the type of atmosphere you created for us.

Mikael: Needless to say I am not going to entertain any request for refunds for the missed picnic because of the weather and flight schedule changes, nor will I care to read any complaints you have because none can be justified in lieu of your un-excusable behavior. Small and minor issues occurred. Those often do when the trip is not hosted/escorted. But for god sake, you are a travel agent and a grown woman..or are you? You could have simply asked politely by calling me. Instead, you demanded and screamed away. Jaime and Monica contacted me, explained their situation, and received a re-scheduled picnic, ON ME. It's that simple. You get more with honey than mustard. The people of Tahiti are the nicest people I have ever met. They would do anything to assist. You have definitely screwed this one up.

Charlotte: Needless to say, what you just said is illegal and unethical! You can not just keep our money for something that we paid for and did not get. The picnic was never arranged. You owe us for this one. It had nothing to do with the weather. We were there and the picnic was not scheduled. Your phone was turned off when the hotel tried calling you! There was no way to reschedule. And, you are right. The people in Tahiti are the nicest people. They assisted us and tried to make right everything that you screwed up. Do you really think it was us? You screwed this one up. Not us. We are the clients!

Mikael: AND don't even try to play the discrimination card about the bungalows in Moorea. It had NOTHING to do with discrimination, more about me assigning rooms based on the agents who do show thanks to the resorts versus those who don't. The upgrades were offered to me and I disposed of them as I wished. My tour, My choice. The contract you signed does not provide the category of rooms so I could have assigned any basic rooms. Instead, you got upgraded in Tahiti and Bora Bora. You are so ungrateful.

Charlotte: Interesting use of words here. Let's see, what discrimination means:
1. An act of instance of discriminating.
2. Treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit.
3. The power of making fine distinctions, discriminating judgment.

Looks like we were discriminated against based on how much we spent at the resorts. You determined that we weren't worthy for an upgrade; therefore, you singled us out. And, according to your contract, the room assignment was not up to you, it was up to the hotel.

The Sheraton Moorea was put in a very precarious position when you called them on December 3, 2007 and singled Kuper, Sluder and Wolf out and told them not to upgrade us and to put us in Garden Bungalows. How was that to make us feel since we did not even know why we were being singled out? The whole group complained as much as we did but for some reason, we were the ones singled out? Why? Was it because we did not spend as much as the rest? Was it because I reported something stolen out of my room?

Mikael: Please don't be shocked with my tone of voice. You have deserved it 100 times over. When I tried to talk to you over the phone, you dismissed me and instead, passed me on to your daughter who would be a lovely girl if it was not for her mother's attitude. You scream loud to people who have only tried to help, but when facing me, you simply ran like a coward. And the whole time you have seen me at the resort, you did not address your concerns ONCE to me. That shows a lot of courage indeed.

Charlotte: Are you kidding me? Shocked? No, I'm not shocked. The whole tone of the trip sounded this way. It was to be expected. It was the only thing that was pretty consistent throughout this trip. My Mother was passed the phone and didn't understand why. She did not want to talk to you. Was she obligated?
And, we ran into you twice. I never heard you bring up business to Kuper or my Mother. When you saw us, everything was going as planned. We just had the ray feeding excursion and we were pretty happy with that and as I recall, we told you that.

Note that I reserve the right to report your name to a list agents not desired on Fam Trips and maintained by a group of large tour operators.

Charlotte: Legally, on what basis do you have to report this? We didn't spend a ton of money at the hotels? What?

Due to the contractual non-compliances, how are you going to make this right? Please take responsibility for your actions. Also, an apology is owed to Kuper, Wolf and me for your actions on this trip. Your actions were completely uncalled for. Even though the contractual non-compliances were only a few, you managed to make this a miserable trip for my Mother and me. For me, I was a client going on her dream vacation. Because of the way I was treated by you, the vacation ended as a nightmare.

Long Beach, California

11 Updates & Rebuttals


Long Beach,

Refuses to give refunds unless ripoff report is taken down.

#12Author of original report

Thu, March 27, 2008

With the following emails, you can tell what a bullying demeanor he has. He agrees to the $300 only if this is taken down. So, he agrees that the $300 is owed but will not pay. These are all his emails: (I have not altered any of his he implies in his rebuttals...he is just a bully)

On January 2, 2008 Mikael wrote the following:

Lucky you the IT guy has not blocked you off yet..I would have never seen this email.

1- The picnic figures are wrong. Through our vendor, we pay 56 euros minus 10% commission..lets just say 56 euros for the sake of it, or $84. No clue where you got your figures from but those are off. I am not paying the price you found on some random website or charged by the hotels with a 25% mark-up.

2- Dinner is reasonable.

Ill do this. Completely remove the posting on the website (I mean GONE for good retract, do whatever you have to but have them remove it so it cant be found or read anymore) and I will send you a check for $290.32. Ill even round it up to $300. You seem to need more than I do.

Unless ALL postings are removed from that website, we are at an impasse. The picnic refund will be sent to charity since you made it clear you dont want it, and I will wash my hands off of this matter.

You will sign an agreement stipulating the amount refunded closes ALL MATTERS and that you will not talk about this online, or anywhere in a public forum.

Its reasonable considering you also received 2 free lunches and upgrades to overwater bungalows in Bora (yea, what a terrible vacation you had).

On March 25,

He wrote back the following:

I am sorry but short of a full removal from rip-off report, I will not send a refund for the requested amount. And please do not communicate with me anymore unless you are willing to fully remove the report. I do not need to look better. Your request and your report is so shameful and out of line with reality that it is not affecting me. I put a note on there asking people who read it to contact me if they have any questions. When they do and get the whole picture and the full version of the story, they are all good. Ill handle BBB the same way. I have proofs we have sent checks and you never cashed them. From that moment, my will to resolve the issue has been proven and thats all they want to see. They have no powers to force corporations in doing something against their will.

You are rather pitiful asking for $300 especially since checks were mailed out and everyone but you and your mother have cashed them.

Ill meet your demands if you meet mine (full removal of rip-off quite simple). Otherwise, stop wasting my time. If you really want that money (times must be difficult), you will simply remove it.

On March 26, He wrote the following:

We never negotiated anything. You never agreed to anything except your own terms which I turned down many times. SO there is no negotiation. please go over all of our email exchanges before making such statements.

I continue to maintain you are the ripp off artist. No report gone, no 300. End of discussion. You don't even deserve the 300. I would only do it if you remove it. And since they won't, maybe this will teach to open negotiations first and foremost.

Once again, I have to ask you cease and desist any direct communication of any form or shape with this company. I have retained and attorney to look into a deffamation lawsuit focused around the word rip off and the lack of full disclosure on the website. Be on the look out.

From another response:

Do whatever you want.

Charlotte, you dont scare me. Remember that. I deal with bigger fish and more interesting people. I have absolutely NO RESPECT for you. You are an opportunist and a scam artist. And a pitiful one at it. I am not going to cave like most businesses do by fear of losing business and I do not need to be scared. May I suggest you get a life? I am sure you will take great pleasure in posting this on your rip off report. And again, I am not scared of that either. I think people are starting to realize you are an opportunist as they read your comments. We did our part and refunded what was not received (the picnic). You not cashing the check is YOUR problem, not mine.

So if you want to waste your time and money filling a report, please go ahead (I wonder how people who read the report are going to see thatshe wants money but waste some on filling a case that has no chances to be won).

On March 27, 2008,
He emailed the following:

The offer I made to you had a condition..the removal of the posting. Your REFUSED, hence why we went back to only refunding the cost of the picnic which was fair since you had not received that part of the trip. I dont see where I broke my promise since the removal of the posting was a condition for that promise to be kept, and once again, you refused to do so.

You remove it, or sign a removal promise, and we can talk. Until then, leave us alone.

I wrote to him on March 28, 2008:


You can't keep the money. You never refunding anything to me. You owe us $300. Until I receive the money, you are ripping me off more. The only condition is that you owe this money. It's quite simple. REFUND THE $300.

Okay, at this point, I'm left with adding to my ripoff report. I would like to add that you refunded the $300; however, it's so clear that you refuse to do so. At this point, you are clearly ripping us off more everyday. I am allowed to post on whatever website that I want when there is a clear case of a ripoff. I can even create a myspace if I like, put it in the newspaper..etc. You can't get away with ripping people off and treating them the way you do.

We went by your itineray and were made to go on two extra hotel tours that were not in the contract. We abided by it, why won't YOU?

I still can't believe that you are saying you refunded me anything when I never received anything. Or did you send it to charity like you said you were going to?

So, your emails really show how you treat your clients. Again, you have 10 days to refund the money. You've already had three's way overdue.

He wrote back the following:
Waste your time, I don't care. I build a bigger case against you everyday.
So pathetic yet so sad, that's the way you look to the eyes of the world and all the people I spoke with after they read your report. So you are not harming me and will get nowhere with all your threats. Not with me. Haven't you established that yet? Should I file a complaint for harrassment now? What part of cease and desist didn't you get?

I wrote back the following:

What kind of case could you possibly be building against me? What? The fact, that I, as a consumer is trying to get her refund and you refuse? What part of "You must refund me $300, do you not get? I'm not being hurt at all in trying to get my money refunded and I'm not harassing you. I just want my refund. However, you threaten and bully me in most of your emails. Your bullying tactics will not work against me.

Are you going to refund or not? It's clear that you don't intend to make this right!

Ve Holdings, Inc - Legal Department


For a full transcript of the REAL conversation and a copy of the contract she signed, email me!!

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, February 05, 2008

If you want a REAL and FULL transcript of my email exchange between our company and Charlotte Sluder, please contact me directly at

I will also provide a copy of the contract she signed showing that NOTHING is owed to her to the exception of a refund for a picnic, refund she refused to cash because she disagrees with the amount.
This company has not ripped her off, or anyone else as a matter of fact and our record speaks for itself.

Finally, I will provide a list of references and clients comments to anyone asking for it (note Mrs Sluder WAS NOT a client, she was part of a travel agent educational program, traveling for less and obligated to abide by rules of conduct).

Thank you

Mikael Frank Audebert
VE Holdings, Inc.


Long Beach,

VIP Escapes will not negotiate! Please see email traffic. And, CEO said to post. So, here it is.

#12Author of original report

Wed, January 02, 2008

Today, I received an email from Mikael stating the following:

Still missing the mailing address for your refund.

Please send to my accounting department so they can mail it (I did request it in a previous email)


First of all, Mikael never requested my address. He only stated that accounting will be in touch with me for the figures. Accounting never contacted me.

I then emailed him back and asked how much the refund will be. He wrote back the following:

$71.45/pers. for the picnic. In the envelope, I included proof of what we would have paid to the local supplier since I am certain you would have requested it.

No refund on the dinner since it was not included in the contractual agreement (nor were the 2 lunches you received at the BBN and ST REGIS. Yet, you did receive them).

Had you been a bit patient in resolving this issue and not slandered our name on a consumers website, I would have been willing to make an effort for the sake of good customer service. Got no incentive to do that now do I?

Your check will leave today to the address provided below.

Thank you


I then, emailed him back the following:

Do not send the check to this address. Actually, do not send the check since I do not find this amount acceptable. It would have cost us much more to reschedule this on our own and now, we will never be able to get this picnic. At this point, I would really like proof of where you scheduled it in the first place. BTW- you could have really made this right. But, you chose to attack us just on hearsay. You weren't even around us during this whole stay. BTW- you slandered us by saying we were dishonest. Oh..................BOY!

He emailed the following back:

Fine. Ill send the check to a charitable organization, and make the donation in your name. I am sure they will appreciate it and on our end, we would have made good of what was owed.

I dont have time to waste on you or your mother over $71 and will certainly not consider a penny more since we gave you two additional lunches and upgraded you 3 nights in overwater when that was not even included You want to refund me for that? Honestly. This is becoming ridiculous and truly your demands are laughable.

Anyway, have a good year and a good life.


I emailed the following back to him.

Wow, you have great public relations. BTW- How were we not considered full clients? You really made us feel like VIP Clients......especially with the nasty email that you had for us when we came home. I'm still curious how you felt like that was justified. Almost everything was based on hearsay since you were not there.

You are not the one that upgraded us and you are not the one that gave us ( the entire group) the lunch at the BBN. The BBN comped us on that because they were embarrassed that you had it on the itinerary but would not pay for it. You really owe them an apology for that.

He emailed this back:

Listen, I truly have a lot of work and although there is so much more I would like to say to you, I will be the grown up this time and just let it go. I only emailed to get the address, not to fight.

SO, do you have a charity of choice? Because if you dont want it, its going to charity, so you might as well chose which one. Otherwise, Ill donate to an AIDS organization in Los Angeles. Ill give you until 5pm today.

I emailed this back:

I never said that I did not want the reimbursement.....We need to negotiate the amount. We are still owed for a dinner also. This is not a unilateral decision as it takes two parties to negotiate. I do not feel like you are trying to make this right. Also, we are owed an apology for the way you treated us. You never had the right to treat us as you did based on hearsay only. You are able to turn this around. As your clients, and yes, we were you clients, you had a duty to us and you did not fulfill that duty. The contract stated only three site visits but the Itinerary had five...does that mean, that the Travel Agents were not contractually obligated to attend those site visits?

He emailed the following:

Negotiate what Charlotte? You have no bargaining power since you posted your comments on the internet. You had one before. In the art of negotiation, you usually threaten people to do what you have done before actually acting on it. Not the other way around. Now, you have absolutely NO bargaining power.

If your comments and your posting on the rip off website go, we can start talking. I mean the comments and posting together must completely go. Not just a correction. When I type vip escapes in google, I dont want to see that link anymore. THEN, and only then, we can talk monetary compensation for your last dinner. Until then, there is nothing to negotiate. You were not ripped off and your posting is completely incorrect and taken out of proper context. You were OFFENDED for the email I sent you and that I can understand. But thats far from being ripped off. Being ripped off is not receiving what you have paid for or receiving less than what was promised. And based on our agreement, its far from being the case. What you have not received and should have based on the contract (picnic) is being refunded. There is no rip off in your matter. Wrong choice of website Charlotte.

I am not going back and forth on this. Too much time has been wasted. You have my position, and it stays as is until the posting is gone. If it stays, then its fine. But dont expect me to say anything more.

I am not refusing to refund you for what you have not received.No meals are owed. Where in the travel agreement does it say I owe you meals? Just show it to me.

On the picnic, the refund is leaving. Please give me another address or it will go to your work address.

Thank you


I emailed the following back:

From your first email: (Hmm, this is before we even got home........why would you think we even wanted a refund unless you thought we should have gotten one. We never contacted your regarding it) However, you knew it was coming.

"Needless to say I am not going to entertain any request for refunds for the missed picnic because of the weather and flight schedule changes, nor will I care to read any complaints you have because none can be justified in lieu of your un-excusable behavior."

From another email:

Please dont email anymore Charlotte. Its pointless as we both disagree on substance and solution.

With these emails, it is very clear that you did not care to negotiate and accounting never contacted me to even discuss figures. I have all of your emails Mikael. You did this...not us. You could have handled this so differently; however, you chose to handle things your way. You still have the opportunity to make it right before I file a complaint with the BBB. I have given you every chance to make this right and you choose to continue to belittle us. Is that how a CEO of a corporation should behave.

Mikael, you were not on the trip with us. How dare you accuse of anything that you were not a part of.

BTW- Negotiation is not a threat. Negotiation is where two parties come to an agreement on terms. Again, you have the power to make this right. You have the ability to shine. Show the world that you can shine.

Again, do not send the refund until there is an agreement. Yes, we were ripped off. We should not have had to ask the Hotels to follow your itinerary. When one sends out an Itinerary, both parties shall follow that itinerary.

He wrote the following back:

You want the refund, but you dont want it, but you want it make up your mind.

I wonder what your boss would think of all that taxpayers time and money spent arguing with me instead of working.

When people look over your case, they will realize you are a disgruntled woman with nothing else better to do than b***h over a few dollars. So I am not worried about shining. My conscience is clear and I have all documents to show anyone who ask to prove it. And if your comments on the website mean some people wont buy through me, thats fine. People who make decisions solely based on some random posting online coming from a disgruntled traveler who did not get satisfaction to her unreasonable bitching are not my clientele. For every 100 customer happy, I have one complaining and never letting go. Its OK. Its a good this time, its you. For every one like you, I have 100 letters of compliments and praises from clients I can send to anyone who asks so you see, I am not worried about what you are doing right now (which seems more like what a con artist would do), or about shinning or showing the World I am a good CEO. (and please, go ahead and post this..make sure its the integral version).

I offered you a fair refund for the picnic that had to be canceled, and you will not get a penny more. As I said, if you dont want it, I will send to a charity and keep the proof. I just dont want that money in our account anymore. Maybe some good will come out of this. Someone more worthy will benefit from it. Ill send you the receipt when it has been received by the charity, and Ill make sure to post a scan on the website you have introduced us to.

This is our last communication Charlotte. You have showed to be unreasonable and instead of offering a solution (like the amount you would like to get) and negotiate the removal of the posting, you simply go on and on about how you and your mother are right, and we are wrong. Great negotiating skills by the way..that and the acting before threatening..that was smart, really!

Your email address is being blocked by my IT staff effective now. I have no time to waste with you any longer. If you have time on your hands and your life is that pathetic, good for you. I simply have too much work for this. (how is that for belittle?)

Thank you for the donation.


I then emailed him what I thought was a fair amount:

Okay, here are the figures for Tahiti trip:
Motu Picnic (from Moorea)
9850 xpf = $122 US X 2 = 244.00
Dinner at Radisson =
$61.16/per person US X 2 = $122.32
Your harassment in Emails: Priceless.

Therefore, the amount you owe us is $366.32

That's not much to ask for considering we will not be going back anytime soon and you ripped us off on those.

For all the harassment, it's unbeleivable that this is all I am asking for. But, thank goodness for rip off report. But, as you can see, he'll only negotiate if this is taken down.



Long Beach,

Based on BBB files, VIP Escapes has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau due to unanswered complaints.

#12Author of original report

Wed, January 02, 2008

Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau due to unanswered complaint(s). Before doing business always check with the BBB. This is something that I failed to do prior to this trip. I will never make that mistake again. Please note that BBB records are Public Information. You can copy and paste the following link into your browser for VIP information.

Also note, that I am not a travel agent and that my Mother, who is the travel agent abided by the terms of the agreement. Also note, that there was no such thing as "Rules of Conduct" in our seven page agreement. We were clients that signed up for a "Published FAM" in which all fares were published on the internet to all interested parties. This is how I, as a non-travel agent, found this trip.


Long Beach,

Based on BBB files, VIP Escapes has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau due to unanswered complaints.

#12Author of original report

Wed, January 02, 2008

Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau due to unanswered complaint(s). Before doing business always check with the BBB. This is something that I failed to do prior to this trip. I will never make that mistake again. Please note that BBB records are Public Information. You can copy and paste the following link into your browser for VIP information.

Also note, that I am not a travel agent and that my Mother, who is the travel agent abided by the terms of the agreement. Also note, that there was no such thing as "Rules of Conduct" in our seven page agreement. We were clients that signed up for a "Published FAM" in which all fares were published on the internet to all interested parties. This is how I, as a non-travel agent, found this trip.


Long Beach,

Based on BBB files, VIP Escapes has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau due to unanswered complaints.

#12Author of original report

Wed, January 02, 2008

Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau due to unanswered complaint(s). Before doing business always check with the BBB. This is something that I failed to do prior to this trip. I will never make that mistake again. Please note that BBB records are Public Information. You can copy and paste the following link into your browser for VIP information.

Also note, that I am not a travel agent and that my Mother, who is the travel agent abided by the terms of the agreement. Also note, that there was no such thing as "Rules of Conduct" in our seven page agreement. We were clients that signed up for a "Published FAM" in which all fares were published on the internet to all interested parties. This is how I, as a non-travel agent, found this trip.

Ve Holdings, Inc - Legal Department


Correction to Incorrect Rip Off Report

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, January 01, 2008

Dear Readers:

Amazing how the truth can be turned into ugliness.

Our company provides travel packages to individual consumers AND travel agents.
Thie individual filling this report was, and applied for a highly discounted trip, as a TRAVEL AGENT. This means they are bound to abide by certain rules in the industry, including not disclosing how much they have paid for their trip (the trip they took cost over $6,000. Obviously, as travel agents, they enjoyed a huge discount). One of the requirements is also to attend site inspections and be courteous to their hosts.
TRAVEL AGENTS paying discounted packages are not considered full clients and MUST abide by the rules of conduct set forth in our agreement.

Without going into details online as to not fall in the same ugliness (I would however gladly answer any questions sent to me directly), Charlotte and her mother broke all the rules of conduct and honesty when attending that trip.
VE HOLDINGS, Inc serves thousands of satisfied customers every years and those, you rarely hear from. Our company is in business, doing amazingly well, and the record speaks for itself.

Charlotte and her mother expect a refund of less than $100, and shall receive it for the picnic excusion they have not received because of bad weather.
My harsh words towards her and her mother were justified and shall not be confused with the way we treat each and every individual. It was well targeted and well deserved.

Questions? please send to our Public Relations office at

Yes, a law suit will be filed in California against Charlotte for defamation and slandering.


Long Beach,


#12Author of original report

Wed, December 12, 2007

Mikael wrote in an email the following:

I do however regret accusing you of faking the theft of a piece of clothing. That was crossing the line as I have no proof of the contrary and for that, I apologize.

However, in another email, he wrote the following:

Read your contract..There were NO Dinner included whatsoever, which is why no one else has asked for a refund on dinners. You want to play the contract card? Lets!!!

Please dont email anymore Charlotte. Its pointless as we both disagree on substance and solution.

Accounting will be in touch with figures for the refund.


Okay, looks like I may get a refund. But, according to him, it will be based on his negotiated prices. Should be interesting. And, we never disagreed on substance and solution since we had not even gone there yet.

I would never deal with this company or person again. You may get what you pay for if he accompanies you on the trip; however, if he doesn't, don't expect to get what you pay for. And, expect nasty emails if you don't spend anything at the hotels.


Long Beach,


#12Author of original report

Wed, December 12, 2007

Mikael wrote in an email the following:

I do however regret accusing you of faking the theft of a piece of clothing. That was crossing the line as I have no proof of the contrary and for that, I apologize.

However, in another email, he wrote the following:

Read your contract..There were NO Dinner included whatsoever, which is why no one else has asked for a refund on dinners. You want to play the contract card? Lets!!!

Please dont email anymore Charlotte. Its pointless as we both disagree on substance and solution.

Accounting will be in touch with figures for the refund.


Okay, looks like I may get a refund. But, according to him, it will be based on his negotiated prices. Should be interesting. And, we never disagreed on substance and solution since we had not even gone there yet.

I would never deal with this company or person again. You may get what you pay for if he accompanies you on the trip; however, if he doesn't, don't expect to get what you pay for. And, expect nasty emails if you don't spend anything at the hotels.


Long Beach,


#12Author of original report

Wed, December 12, 2007

Mikael wrote in an email the following:

I do however regret accusing you of faking the theft of a piece of clothing. That was crossing the line as I have no proof of the contrary and for that, I apologize.

However, in another email, he wrote the following:

Read your contract..There were NO Dinner included whatsoever, which is why no one else has asked for a refund on dinners. You want to play the contract card? Lets!!!

Please dont email anymore Charlotte. Its pointless as we both disagree on substance and solution.

Accounting will be in touch with figures for the refund.


Okay, looks like I may get a refund. But, according to him, it will be based on his negotiated prices. Should be interesting. And, we never disagreed on substance and solution since we had not even gone there yet.

I would never deal with this company or person again. You may get what you pay for if he accompanies you on the trip; however, if he doesn't, don't expect to get what you pay for. And, expect nasty emails if you don't spend anything at the hotels.


Long Beach,


#12Author of original report

Wed, December 12, 2007

Mikael wrote in an email the following:

I do however regret accusing you of faking the theft of a piece of clothing. That was crossing the line as I have no proof of the contrary and for that, I apologize.

However, in another email, he wrote the following:

Read your contract..There were NO Dinner included whatsoever, which is why no one else has asked for a refund on dinners. You want to play the contract card? Lets!!!

Please dont email anymore Charlotte. Its pointless as we both disagree on substance and solution.

Accounting will be in touch with figures for the refund.


Okay, looks like I may get a refund. But, according to him, it will be based on his negotiated prices. Should be interesting. And, we never disagreed on substance and solution since we had not even gone there yet.

I would never deal with this company or person again. You may get what you pay for if he accompanies you on the trip; however, if he doesn't, don't expect to get what you pay for. And, expect nasty emails if you don't spend anything at the hotels.

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