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Vision2000 Consumer Research Group secret shopper job offer Houston Texas
i received a check for the amount of 3,988.19. with a job offer as a mystery shopper in my area of recidence. they offer a star laary of 300. a week for the fist 3 months after that an increment of 650. falow by another increment of 750. if i choose to stay wiht theme.
the program include a self training progran consistent in 2 assigment,1 i have to spent 200. hundred inm walmart,k-mart,sears, j.c penny or one day lodgingat any of the best western or days -inn hotels. secondly i was directed to make a money transaction using moneygram or wastern union, for the amount of 3,400.00 the destinetion woul be specified by my assigmente coordinator . I tried to contac anyone and haven't be able to.
katy, Texas