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  • Report:  #1315983

Complaint Review: Power PSO Services scam phone sex operator no pay false names theif Kentucky Nationwide

  • Reported By:
    Sarah Sucubus — Somewhere North Dakota USA
  • Submitted:
    Sat, July 09, 2016
  • Updated:
    Tue, August 09, 2016
  • Phone:
    (770) 912-4806
  • Category:

They falsely advertise that they pay $0.50/minute. They do not. They offer maybe $0.30/per minute while collecting nearly $1/per minute. Pays are late and never add up properly if you are like me and keep a log of all calls and times of duration. If you ask about mistakes, you are given a “don’t worry about it” attitude from the owner.

Which I can very clearly and most certainly say, the “owner” of Voxcom/Power PSO Services, "Heather Daniels"  is not who she claims to be and is running a false business under a false name to scam women out of their hard earned money while she just sits back and collects. She fires and hires a new crop of women every couple of months when they become smart enough to realize they’re being had.

I have an infinite amount of knowledge about “Heather Daniels”, whose real name appears to be "Candra Jean Hall". The last contact number I had for her was (770) 912-4806, which is pointless to call as she never answers. However, that's the number that popped up when she finally returned my calls. is a "company" that creates many characters on the Niteflirt platform and only gives you a small portion of your earnings, if you even get paid.. They create listings and hire/swap out women and receive the profits and feedback. When you (the one hired) realize this is what’s happening and you aren’t being paid what they actually owe you, you will be cursed out, fired, and you’ll just be replaced with another innocent soul.

Upon hiring, you are given the Niteflirt 800 number to create your listing greetings. You log in and out via Niteflirt’s phone system (you don’t need to log in online). When you receive a call it says “This is Niteflirt”.

The reason this is a scam company is because Niteflirt is a free service to set up and they use your naivety to convince you that they are something legitimate when all they are doing is collecting money that you earned.

Make no mistake, Voxcom is NOT Niteflirt. Niteflirt is a wonderful, legitimate place to work. Voxcom uses Niteflirt in sinister ways. Voxcom has had dozens of characters on the Niteflirt platform, which means there are dozens of women who don’t know that they’re being taken advantage of by "Heater Daniels". They learned how to take advantage of the Niteflirt system and bank on people not realizing they are doing this.

Please, please, PLEASE… as a warning to other women out there seeking PSO employment… do not work for a “company” that works off of a public, free platform. Set up your own accounts, keep things in your control, and remove the scamming middle man.

6 Updates & Rebuttals

Website Deleted

#7Author of original report

Tue, August 09, 2016


Just a quick update that is now suddenly no longer active. While this may be a small victory, please be fully aware that this woman is now operating under the company name "Erotic Angels Virtual Services". They are advertising phone sex positions on various websites in exactly the same manner. 

Please proceed with caution, ladies. 

"Offering Cash Incentive"

#7Author of original report

Fri, August 05, 2016

If a "legal team is on top of this 24/7 and uncovered quite a bit of information," why does she have to offer a cash incentive for information? Wouldn't her legal team have all the information she requires? Interesting since I still haven't heard from "Heather" or any "legal team" at all. 

Also, Heather works under many phony names and websites to "cowardly hide behind false personas". She currently has a new website with a new name ready to hire a fresh crop of unsuspecting women to begin it all over again. My email address is in plain view, unhidden.

Please see this report:

She is also now making personal threats against website owners who are aware of the scam and refuse to allow her to advertise with them:

Sarah Succubus

North Dakota,

Sarah Succubus is Sarah Succubus with no motive.

#7Author of original report

Tue, July 26, 2016

Oh! Hi Heather. It's wonderful to see you here. It's been a long time. I hope you're doing well. 

While I appreciate that you think you know who I am, I'm sorry to say that you're very wrong. I also hope whoever this woman is that you're accusing of being me sees this post and quickly contacts a lawyer for Harassment and Defamation of Character. With that, I also hope your lawyer and "boss" sees this post and how terribly you have been representing their "company". 

Have you ever given thought that there are "disgruntled employees" because your company is doing something wrong? Dozens of women have all made the exact same claims. It isn't my fault that you have terrible business ethics and have stolen money others worked very hard for. 

I'll have you know I haven't "joined forces" with anyone and am simply just one of dozens who have been screwed over financially by Voxcom/Power PSO Services. I must commend you on the great defense that I'm working with others to bring you down. Very clever since the original poster (not me) of this report claims that you're all the same company. Interesting, no?

I only ask one thing of you, "Heather"/Candra Jean: Instead of blaming others, I'd appreciate if you contacted me directly. I have made my email address very public and easy to find. You have a problem with me so it would be in your best interest to just contact me. Otherwise, your outbursts may just get you in trouble for harassment of others. Surely you have my email address since you seem to think you know exactly who I am but just in case:

Don't blame others for things I'm doing. It's sad, very wrong, and actually makes any case against you that much worse. 

See, I'm looking out for you as well. :)  


To Vicky Self: I don't know you or who you are but  I'm very sorry that Heather Daniels thinks you're the one posting Ripoff Reports and warning others about the scam they are running. It appears as though you have also had a problem with Heather, judging by this venomous post. I suggest you contact a lawyer ASAP as this is obviously Defamation of Character and Harassment. 

Again, I have a world of regret that you have somehow gotten dragged into an ugly battle with someone void of any moral character. I do hope you see this and accept my apology. 


Everyone else: 

I'm not the only woman who has worked for Voxcom and experienced problems. A simple Google search of "" or "Power PSO Services" (include quotes) will lead you to others who were also ripped off and scammed. While I understand no one is being forced to work for Voxcom, people should be aware of all the false claims, sketchy behavior, multiple name changes, and non-payouts. 

I really wish I was the only one who made these accusations of Voxcom but sadly, I am not. 

Malicious People Stealing

#7Author of original report

Mon, July 25, 2016

Hello Lilly Rose and your rebuttal. While I appreciate the fact that you claim to have once worked for this company, perhaps it was at a time when "Heather Daniels" was using a different name, as she's often known to do. You also are no longer with them and that indicates that, perhaps, there was a problem working for a scam artist. 

Allow me to make it perfectly clear that I was not fired from working for such an awful company. I left of my own accord. I never broke any rules or violated any TOS, ever. 

All listings on Niteflirt that are created by Voxcom/Power PSO Services/Whatever They Call Themselves Now are marketed towards the "No Taboos/No Limits" caller, which in PSO speak means "everything against TOS". There's also zero way of anyone, including "Heather Daniels", to know what anyone is talking about when a call comes through. Calls are not recorded or reviewed ever. I was told by "Heather" that I'm to never hang up and my only job is to "keep them on the line" no matter what. Also, recent employment listings for this "company" state that they are looking for "young sounding girls". So to even suggest that "discussing banned topics" would be cause for getting fired is absolutely ridiculous and absurd when I was ENCOURAGED to do such things. 

Your pay scale is also mathematically impossible when the starting rate is a measly $0.30/minute. You only get 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Even being an excellent PSO, keeping men on the line for hours at a time, I still never cleared anything over $200 a week, according to "Heather Daniels" and her horrible mathematics. 

They do not offer pay stubs or any sort of breakdown of your calls of what you actually earned. You're supposed to just "trust" them that you're getting what you're owed. Obviously, after learning this, I kept my own ledger of each call's length and earning and worked out what my $0.30/minute would give me. My payments from Voxcom/Power PSO Services were HUNDREDS of dollars short. 

I'm not the only woman who has worked for Voxcom and experienced problems. A simple Google search of "" will lead you to others who were also ripped off and scammed. While I understand no one is being "forced" to work for Voxcom, people should be aware of all the false claims, sketchy behavior, multiple name changes, and non-payouts. 

I really wish I was the only one who made these accusations of Voxcom but sadly, I am not. 

Please see all of the following which proves I'm not the only one:

Proof of my claim they want "young sounding voices" to "discuss banned topics":



Sarah Sucubus

New Jersey,

Also a Victim

#7Author of original report

Mon, July 25, 2016

They falsely advertise that they pay $0.50/minute. They do not. They offer maybe $0.30/per minute while collecting nearly $1/per minute. Pays are late and never add up properly if you are like me and keep a log of all calls and times of duration. If you ask about mistakes, you are given a “don’t worry about it” attitude from the owner.

Which I can very clearly and most certainly say, the “owner” of Voxcom/Power PSO Services, "Heather Daniels"  is not who she claims to be and is running a false business under a false name to scam women out of their hard earned money while she just sits back and collects. She fires and hires a new crop of women every couple of months when they become smart enough to realize they’re being had.

I have an infinite amount of knowledge about “Heather Daniels”, whose real name appears to be "Candra Jean Hall". The last contact number I had for her was (770) 912-4806, which is pointless to call as she never answers. However, that's the number that popped up when she finally returned my calls. is a "company" that creates many characters on the Niteflirt platform and only gives you a small portion of your earnings, if you even get paid.. They create listings and hire/swap out women and receive the profits and feedback. When you (the one hired) realize this is what’s happening and you aren’t being paid what they actually owe you, you will be cursed out, fired, and you’ll just be replaced with another innocent soul.

Upon hiring, you are given the Niteflirt 800 number to create your listing greetings. You log in and out via Niteflirt’s phone system (you don’t need to log in online). When you receive a call it says “This is Niteflirt”.

The reason this is a scam company is because Niteflirt is a free service to set up and they use your naivety to convince you that they are something legitimate when all they are doing is collecting money that you earned.

Make no mistake, Voxcom is NOT Niteflirt. Niteflirt is a wonderful, legitimate place to work. Voxcom uses Niteflirt in sinister ways. Voxcom has had dozens of characters on the Niteflirt platform, which means there are dozens of women who don’t know that they’re being taken advantage of by "Heater Daniels". They learned how to take advantage of the Niteflirt system and bank on people not realizing they are doing this.

Please, please, PLEASE… as a warning to other women out there seeking PSO employment… do not work for a “company” that works off of a public, free platform. Set up your own accounts, keep things in your control, and remove the scamming middle man.


Lilly Rose


Malicious People Lying

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 22, 2016

It's a shame that people who lie and cheat are able to slander their former employer so easily - It's a common occurance with all businesses and a very sad reality. The person who wrote this "report" does not have her facts straight and is obviously very angry. While I no longer work for Voxcom, I was working there long enough to see my fair share of PSOs who broke the rules repeatedly and then cried foul when they were terminated. Yes Voxcom does operate on the Niteflirt platform, however, they do not put a gun to anyone's head forcing them to work. They offer a very incentivised payment structure and I have personally seen women make over $1,000 per week routinely. The person who wrote these terrible things was probably someone who was fired for stealing customers, money, not working when scheduled, missing calls repeatedly, discussing banned topics, etc; (these are the most common reasons for termination) and didn't like having to suffer the consequences - all of which are clearly listed in black and white on the PSO agreement everyone is required to sign. Voxcom doe not "cheat" people out of anything, ever. They make it incredibly easy for people to work as a PSO making excellent money, provided that they follow the rules which are actually very simple. Working on the Niteflirt platform is very challenging and difficult for most people to do on their own and Voxcom makes it very easy for anyone who is willing to actually work, something certain people amazingly enough don't seem to want to do. They take care of all content, marketing and having worked there, I have seen the numbers and know that they pay hefty amounts to feature all of their PSOs. They actually net much less than their PSOs do with all of the fees and marketing expeses they have to shell out. To this person who wrote this defamatory post - You sound very angry. Is it because you realized that working on the Niteflirt platform on your own isn't exactly a walk in the park like you may have thought it was? Is it because you broke the rules and were terminated? Is it because you are not making any money currently and apparently have a lot of time on your hands? While you claim to have an "infinite" amount of knowledge about Voxcom and various employees of this company you most certainly do not. They are not affiliated with any of the other names you listed and probably know who you are already. I would read what your contract says about what you are doing, it's very actionable and can land you in quite a bit of legal trouble. 

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