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  • Report:  #1312852

Complaint Review: Voxcom PSO

Voxcom PSO PK Telecom Group XOXO Telecom Group Different name, same scam! Don't work for this company if you want to get paid! Atlanta, GA Nationwide

  • Reported By:
    Anonymous — California USA
  • Submitted:
    Wed, June 22, 2016
  • Updated:
    Sat, November 05, 2016

This company has changed their names many times over the years.  

XOXO Telecom Group

PK Telecom Group

And now they're


Here's a summary of the scam:

1.  They hire you, promise you 0.50 per minute to do PSO work.  

2.  They give you 2 characters or more on the PSO site Niteflirt

3.  All is well until you need to take a day off or make a change in your schedule. Once you do, the owner/manager will claim you violated your agreement and keep ALL your earnings.

I was scammed by this company a couple years ago when they were XOXO Telecom Group.  The owner was known as Ann. I do know she resides in Atlanta.  I do not know what name she is using now.  Once they screw over enough PSOs who post here on Rip Off Report or other sites, they shut down, change their company name and then start over again.

Ann is very rude and condecending once you ask for your money.  She has berated and threated me over the course of several emails.

AVOID!  If you need a PSO job, bypass this company and sign up for Niteflirt directly.  At least you know with 100% certainity that you will get paid.  You have been warned!

12 Updates & Rebuttals

Christine Povisils

New Jersey,

Private Investigation and Class Action Lawsuit

#13General Comment

Sat, November 05, 2016

Hello there all. I'd like to formally introduce myself. I'm Christine Povisils, engaged to Vicky Self, who has been spoken about in past posts by "Heather Daniels". Needless to say, all of the insanity that "Heather Daniels" has said about my fiancee and myself are complete fabrications. The only true thing said is that we are lesbians and, last time I checked, there is nothing sinister, criminal, or otherwise illegal about our relationship.  

Because of the many public, open threats "Heather Daniels" has made against Vicky and myself, we hired a private investigator who specializes in internet fraud and scam artists to find the exact name and current address for "Heather Daniels". The investigation took a few months to complete but here is just a little of what was found out:  

"Heather Daniels" real name is Candra Alethea Hall (not Candra Jean Hall). The phone number we had to contact "Heather Daniels" was registered to Eddie Hall, her father, and has since been disconnected. We have her current home address which is in the Atlanta, Georgia area.  

We now have a full, legal report of "Heather Daniels" exact and true identity and we will be filing a Class Action Lawsuit against Ms. Hall.  

I kindly ask all women who have been scammed, used, and abused by this woman to please contact me at Our information is real, legal, and will hold up in any court of law. Vicky and I have both had enough of her abusive emails and empty threats of "exposing" us even though there is nothing to expose. We will be happy to Skype with you to prove our identity and intentions. You'll never receive that consideration from Ms. Hall. 

Warning: Be aware that Ms. Hall thrives on making extremely empty threats to those who dare to fight against her. If she believes you are in contact with myself or Vicky, there are high chances that you will receive harassing emails from her.  

Full Disclosure: I, Christine Povisils, am "Sarah Succubus" and have zero shame about exposing the horrendous scam of Ms. Hall. You may Google my very unique name to see that I am a very real person with a very real life who isn't out to scam or steal anything from anyone, unlike Ms. Hall. 


Hot Springs,

Your slander has become ridiculous

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, August 10, 2016

You never offered me anything. You mentioned an offer you wished to discuss on the phone and when I insisted that ALL communications be in writing, you vehemently declined because, and I quote, "If you think I'm going to put anything in writing for you to share with whomever you please then you've got another thing coming". That right there let me know you were not sincere nor honest in your vague mention of an offer.

The contract you had me sign was illegal in the first place. It's a violation of labor law to hold a contract employee to a set schedule. Therefore, they were not legally binding. One cannot violate illegal contracts. That means I didn't violate your TOS.

As for the rest, you made it impossible for someone to be a good employee. You repeatedly asked what you could do to help me, and when I told you, you ignored me. If I was such a bad PSO as you claim, I wouldn't have worked for my previous company for nearly 8 years with only 4 complaints. When I did miss days, I always called in, except for the time I was in the hospital with pneumonia.....which I sent you verification of, although legally, since it was an illegal contract, I didn't have to.

You refused to pay me for my time so I quit. Oh yes, you sent a little termination email, but it was a moot point by that time because I had already told you over the phone that I was not going to work if you weren't going to pay me.

I know for a fact you were logging me off the Niteflirt platform while I was logged in because I had callers tell me that I was not on when I was supposed to be. They also said I was listed as busy when I wasn't. This tells me you were double booking the listings and having two women work one listing thereby undercutting my call volume and keeping me at the lower payout level.

So carry on with your baseless slander and lies. Your little house of cards is falling around your ears or you wouldn't be so upset that a few women are reporting you as the scammer you are.

By the way, wasn't your attorney supposed to be sending me something? I've yet to recieve anything from any attorney. I don't really expect you to do that for you'd have to reveal your true identity for that and that's something you don't want to do, now is it?



Cat's out of the bag!

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 09, 2016

"Sara Succubus" is actually Victoria Margaret Self who is working with her "wife" Christine Povisils for no other reason than to discredit any company they can that they feel is a threat to them working as Phone Sex Operators on the Niteflirt Platform. The two of them have multiple accounts on Niteflirt and instead of focusing on their own affairs, they have spent a sickenly insane amount of time and energy malingning their former employer -Voxcom, when in fact they refused to accept the money they claim was owed to them. Victoria Self hired on with Voxcom simply to learn as much as she could about how to market her own accounts on the platform. She lied on her application about having already had accounts established on Niteflirt and was found to be directing callers from Voxcom to her own accounts. This is theft, plain and simple. When it became apparent that she was going to be terminated, she said she no longer wanted to work in this industry because of its "sinister element" and would be finding more "traditional" work elsewhere. This was an incredible lie just like all of her other lies. She was working all along on the platform with Christine Povisils and began an all out campaign to smear Voxcom to discredit them in order to eliminate their competition. She is now attempting to do the very same thing with another PSO company that has no connection to Voxcom. 

The two, Victoria Margaret Self and Christine Povisils have been sending taunting, harassing emails to various people within the Voxcom organization, priding themselves on how intelligent they are and laughing at the fact that we have no idea who "Sara Succubus" truly is. They laughed all the way into the trap we set for them and we were able to capture their IP address and there is NO DISPUTE that Sara Succubus is in fact Victoria Margaret Self and is working with Christine Povisils.

We have more then enough evidence to launch a suit against them and have them banned from ever working on Niteflirt again. 

Everything that was written by "Sara Succubus" is a complete lie and intended to malign an innocent company. She has spent a tremendous amount of time maliciously defaming us and attempting to create as much trouble as possible. Her efforts have finally been thwarted and now it is payback time. 

To Vicky - I know you gain a tremendous amount of satisfaction from thinking that you have had any real impact on us but I can assure you, you have had very little. We are a very strong organization with many DBAs and employ over 50 PSOs at any given time. You are fighing a losing battle by directing your energy towards negatively affecting us and I suggest you get on with your life and that goes for your as well Christine Povisils. Christine, how would you feel if your web design business was being attacked and your reputation was forever maligned on line for all to see forever and ever???? Well, you just may get a chance to know.  You were warned Vicky yet you choose to continue to keep up your charade thinking you were insulated from every being found out. There is more to come, plenty more. Just wait for it. You will not succeed in your quest for maligning your competition to gain a foothold on Niteflirt. We simply can't allow that. Our company will be suing you and Christine, NOT Heather Daniells. You will never win and the more you try, the more you will ultimately fail.

To Jennifer Smith - you were offered more than what was owed to you despite having violated our TOS many times over. Despite having received numerous negative feedback. Despite not working when you were scheduled many times. Despite being beligerent to your management on numorous ocassions, and yes, despite being an absolutely terrible PSO. Yes, despite all of that we offered to give you what you claim you were owed and you refused. Regardless of how many times you deny it, we have it all in black and white. You obviously gain more satisfaction by communicating with Vicky Self maligning us) then by receiving what you claimed you were owed and moving on. It's very unfortunate that you choose that route. It was the wrong one.



Sarah Succubus

North Dakota,

Website Deleted

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 09, 2016

Just a quick update that is now suddenly no longer active. While this may be a small victory, please be fully aware that this woman is now operating under the company name "Erotic Angels Virtual Services". They are advertising phone sex positions on various websites in exactly the same manner. 

Please proceed with caution, ladies. 


Hot Springs,

You never offered me anything.

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, August 06, 2016

"Heather", you never made an offer. You wanted to talk on the phone and I wanted to conduct all communications by email. You refused because you didn't want me showing that email to anyone else. That struck me as suspicious. If you're being sincere and honest, why would you hesitate to put your offer in writing? Oh sure, you alluded to an offer, but when I refused to speak on the phone, you became abusive and nasty.

Did you forget that you put that in writing? I still have all the messages.

You also never sent me ANY money, not even some "pro-rated" amount. When I inquired about it after the 30 day window, you threatened to report me for harassment and then said you'd put me on an industry wide "do not hire" list. (I kept that email too. I kept EVERY email you ever sent.)

Two things:

1. I have every right to try and get the money I'm owed and it does not constitute harassment.
2. It's a violation of labor laws to put someone on a "do not hire" list if such a list existed. It doesn't.

Once again, you're full of lies and hyperbole. I have not slandered you. I have simply told the truth. If you find it unpleasant then perhaps you should do something to rectify the situation instead of making empty threats. 

So you go right ahead and have your lawyers contact me. You'll have to reveal your true identity to do so.....and we all know you don't want to do that.



Hot Springs,

I quit because of your failure to pay.

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, August 06, 2016

"Heather", you didn't fire me. I quit because you refused to pay me. I had been sick with pneumonia and even sent you photos of my discharge papers. You tried to hold a contracted employee to a schedule, which is illegal. Ergo, your TOS and contract are null and void. You cannot hold someone to an illegal contract.

But thanks SO MUCH for providing me with the legal fodder necessary for my legal actions.

Keep talking, "Heather", you're just digging yourself in deeper and deeper.



Jennifer Smith and Vicky Self, you have been warned.

#13REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, August 05, 2016

As a company that has over 30 PSOs working at any given time, the fact that these two people - Jennifer Smith and Vicky Self (another we are in the process of verifying and will update shortly) are the only two people who are viciously and actively smearing us should speak volumes. They were both terminated for violating our TOS multiple times for reasons such as poaching callers, taking money off of the site, failure to work when scheduled, repeated missed calls, dishonesty and a host of other reasons. They demanded they be paid immediately upon termination when our contract clearly states that final checks are mailed within 30 days for a pro-rated per minute amount. They did not like having to deal with the consequences of their actions and have engaged in a full out, drama drenched campaign to malign our name and members of our management team. Vicky Self in particular is very good at creating lies and drama and we honestly wish she would move forward in her life and stop living in the past. Jennfier Smith was recently offered her full amount of outstanding pay despite the fact that she is not entitled to it after violating our TOS to the degree in which she did, however, she flat out refused to accept it. She would rather continue to bash us then to actually receive what she claims she is owed. 

It is unfortunately all too easy for any disturbed person(s) with too much time on their hands to file malicious reports on this and other sites and we are simply asking that anyone reading these reports will take the accusations and slander with a grain of salt. 

We are dealing with this from a legal standpoint and are taking measures that we can not disclose, however, we simply will not tolerate these lies any longer.

Jennifer Smith and Vicky Self, you have been formally warned. Sara Succubus can claim all she likes that she is "not" Vicky Self. We have proof.


Sarah Succubus

North Dakota,

"Offering Cash Incentive"

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 05, 2016

I should get in on that monetary reward for information. :) Interesting since I still haven't heard from her directly. If a "legal team is on top of this 24/7 and uncovered quite a bit of information," why does she have to offer a cash incentive for information? Wouldn't her legal team have all the information she requires? 



THEY'RE BAAAAAACK - PK Telecom Group, Voxcom, XOXO Telecom Group have resurfaced - SAME SCAM ANOTHER NAME!!!!

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 04, 2016

Wow, so they've resurfaced under the name of "Erotic Angles". Their website is and they are advertising on to recruit more unassuming PSOs to work for them for peanuts. The domain name can easily be traced to Lorainne Ocasio who is the domain name owner of PK Telecom Group. All of their listings on Niteflirt look EXACTLY the same as all of their old listings, so much for creativity! 

I urge everyone who reads this and cares about people getting scammed to contact Niteflirt and let them know they are at it again . . .

Sarah Succubus

North Dakota,

Sarah Succubus is Sarah Succubus with no motive.

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 29, 2016

Oh! Hi Heather. It's wonderful to see you here. It's been a long time. I hope you're doing well. 

While I appreciate that you think you know who I am, I'm sorry to say that you're very wrong. I also hope whoever this woman is that you're accusing of being me sees this post and quickly contacts a lawyer for Harassment and Defamation of Character. With that, I also hope your lawyer and "boss" sees this post and how terribly you have been representing their "company". 

Have you ever given thought that there are "disgruntled employees" because your company is doing something wrong? Dozens of women have all made the exact same claims. It isn't my fault that you have terrible business ethics and have stolen money others worked very hard for. 

I'll have you know I haven't "joined forces" with anyone and am simply just one of dozens who have been screwed over financially by Voxcom/Power PSO Services. I must commend you on the great defense that I'm working with others to bring you down. Very clever since the original poster (not me) of this report claims that you're all the same company. Interesting, no?

I only ask one thing of you, "Heather"/Candra Jean: Instead of blaming others, I'd appreciate if you contacted me directly. I have made my email address very public and easy to find. You have a problem with me so it would be in your best interest to just contact me. Otherwise, your outbursts may just get you in trouble for harassment of others. Surely you have my email address since you seem to think you know exactly who I am but just in case:

Don't blame others for things I'm doing. It's sad, very wrong, and actually makes any case against you that much worse. 

See, I'm looking out for you as well. :)  


To Vicky Self: I don't know you or who you are but  I'm very sorry that Heather Daniels thinks you're the one posting Ripoff Reports and warning others about the scam they are running. It appears as though you have also had a problem with Heather, judging by this venomous post. I suggest you contact a lawyer ASAP as this is obviously Defamation of Character and Harassment. 

Again, I have a world of regret that you have somehow gotten dragged into an ugly battle with someone void of any moral character. I do hope you see this and accept my apology. 


Everyone else: 

I'm not the only woman who has worked for Voxcom and experienced problems. A simple Google search of "" or "Power PSO Services" (include quotes) will lead you to others who were also ripped off and scammed. While I understand no one is being forced to work for Voxcom, people should be aware of all the false claims, sketchy behavior, multiple name changes, and non-payouts. 

I really wish I was the only one who made these accusations of Voxcom but sadly, I am not. 

Just Your Typical Smear Campaign


Sara Succubus is Vicky Self with an ulterior motive

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, July 27, 2016

So, it appears as the incredibly articulate Phone Sex Operator Vicky Self has been masqurading around the internet disguised as "Sara Succubus" in order to malign and defame various PSO companies, none of which are related to one another despite the "infinite amount of knowledge" Ms. Self proclaims to have.  It seems as if she has joined forces with the former operators of "Elite PSO" and "XOXO Telecom Group" and has made it her mission in life to spread as much misinformation and lies as possible in an effort to cast a negative cloud on her competitors in order to send potential employees running scared. She claims to have been in touch with "many" other ex-employees of the myriad of PSO companies she mentions and it seem her favorite hobby these days is to make defamatory posts in forums containing incredibly overexaggerated claims - peppered with many lies, inaccuracies and malicious statements.

I have quite a bit of information on Vicky Self, although it is not as "infinite" as the information she claims to have. I will be posting much of this information in many forums and a full blown wordpress site is in the works. So, Ms. Vicky Self, Expect a lawsuite to ensue as you have so blatantly violated the TOS you agreed to in writing and of course, many other repurcussions which I will not disclose at the present time.

You are a l*****n who despises men which is why your characters on Niteflirt are very dominent women. You claimed to have gotten out of this business because of it's "sinister" element yet you are very well entrenched in it, self appointing yourself as the PSO Den Mother to a few disgruntled ex-employees who were terminated because they lied and stole from the company that employed them. Yes, I know who they are, I know who their characters are on Niteflirt (as well as yours, wink wink) and unfortunately, their days on NF are numbered, as are yours. I hope you don't feel too badly about having disrupted the livelihood of these PSOs who you so kindly helped right into legal hot water. Their, as well as your livliehood is about to dry up.

You will NEVER elude the people you have maliciously attacked and your lies will soon be advertised for all to see. When anyone Google's your name - BAM, along with the names of the PSOs who are in cahoots with you. Yes, we know who they are as well. You will be unable to obtain a job in this business again and you will ALWAYS be playing cat and mouse with us. Unless you plan on creating new characters, changing your distinct New Zealand accent and not featuring your characaters on the first three pages - EVER, you will simply be too easy to spot and we simply can't have that.

You should have known when to stop, but I suppose you get more enjoyment maligning a company that has done nothing but enforce their policies and contracts than actually tending to your own affairs. The spin you've put on things is quite amazing. Your relentless obsession with sticking it to Heather Daniells is impressive. I suggest you find another cause or purpose in life. All of the time and energy you've spent will soon be all for naught. Tsk tsk, I really thought you were much smarter than that . . .



Sarah Sucubus

North Dakota,

Also a Victim

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, July 26, 2016

They falsely advertise that they pay $0.50/minute. They do not. They offer maybe $0.30/per minute while collecting nearly $1/per minute. Pays are late and never add up properly if you are like me and keep a log of all calls and times of duration. If you ask about mistakes, you are given a “don’t worry about it” attitude from the owner.

Which I can very clearly and most certainly say, the “owner” of Voxcom/Power PSO Services, "Heather Daniels"  is not who she claims to be and is running a false business under a false name to scam women out of their hard earned money while she just sits back and collects. She fires and hires a new crop of women every couple of months when they become smart enough to realize they’re being had.

I have an infinite amount of knowledge about “Heather Daniels”, whose real name appears to be "Candra Jean Hall". The last contact number I had for her was (770) 912-4806, which is pointless to call as she never answers. However, that's the number that popped up when she finally returned my calls. is a "company" that creates many characters on the Niteflirt platform and only gives you a small portion of your earnings, if you even get paid.. They create listings and hire/swap out women and receive the profits and feedback. When you (the one hired) realize this is what’s happening and you aren’t being paid what they actually owe you, you will be cursed out, fired, and you’ll just be replaced with another innocent soul.

Upon hiring, you are given the Niteflirt 800 number to create your listing greetings. You log in and out via Niteflirt’s phone system (you don’t need to log in online). When you receive a call it says “This is Niteflirt”.

The reason this is a scam company is because Niteflirt is a free service to set up and they use your naivety to convince you that they are something legitimate when all they are doing is collecting money that you earned.

Make no mistake, Voxcom is NOT Niteflirt. Niteflirt is a wonderful, legitimate place to work. Voxcom uses Niteflirt in sinister ways. Voxcom has had dozens of characters on the Niteflirt platform, which means there are dozens of women who don’t know that they’re being taken advantage of by "Heater Daniels". They learned how to take advantage of the Niteflirt system and bank on people not realizing they are doing this.

Please, please, PLEASE… as a warning to other women out there seeking PSO employment… do not work for a “company” that works off of a public, free platform. Set up your own accounts, keep things in your control, and remove the scamming middle man.

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