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  • Report:  #932676

Complaint Review: Wags and Walks

Wags and Walks Wags and Walks is a rescue that claims to be non profit but in reality is a scam artist rescue Internet

  • Reported By:
    You will eventually get caught — portland Oregon United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sun, August 26, 2012
  • Updated:
    Thu, October 18, 2012

Wags and walks collect donations to pull dogs from the shelter then dumps them on unsuspecting fosters, out of town rescues, or local rescues and pockets the money collected for this poor animal. Different rescues have kicked her out due to her unethical handling of dogs. Since then she has begun her own "rescue" wags and walks so she can continue her unethical handling of dogs. Leslely gets a high from pulling the dog , so she pulls a dog to get funds, then when she uses those funds pulls another dog to get the funds,then another and another, and she has no exit plan for all the dogs she takes so she dumps them on people out of town without doing any kind of homecheck, and on different rescues. for the dogs she sends out of town she refuses to take them back if things don't work out. Lesley is unemployed and lives off the money people pledge for the dogs she takes into the rescue. People who rescue without having an animals best interest should be stopped

25 Updates & Rebuttals

betsy rosenfeld

beverly hills,
United States of America

Wags and Walks saves lives & Does it right

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, October 18, 2012

With 10 years experience in rescue and having know Lesley Brog for over 5 years I, Betsy Rosenfeld (see when you speak the truth you can use your real name) am proud to say that Lesley Brog and Walks and Walks is a wonderful rescue doing a stellar job of saving dogs. 

It is despicable that someone would come on this site and slander Lesley and the work that she does with lie after lie, and then hide behind an anonymous and clearly bogus name. 

Rescue is a tough road and we all have issues with others at some point or another. But when you take this route, it is the dogs that suffer. 

Shame on on you 'Jessica' for your bogus claim. 


United States of America

A Life Saved...

#26General Comment

Wed, October 17, 2012

I fostered one of the most amazing dogs I've ever met for Lesley.  I met this sweet pitbull-boxer mix, Scotty, at the shelter one weekend for our photoshoot, only to find out days later he came down with a severe case of kennel cough -- usually a death sentence for dogs, especially the pitbull breed.  I frantically tried to come up with ideas of how to rescue him on my own, because of the time constraint.  They had only given him a few days before they were to put him to sleep.  I didn't know what to do without adopting him myself, which I could not do. 

A few people notified Lesley's organization of this amazing dog, and right before he was to be put down, she rescued him!  I offered to take him to my apartment that day, and he was the light of my life for a while until he found a more long-term foster.  Since then, he has found an amazing forever home with a really nice couple.  Without Wags and Walks, that sweet soul would not be walking this earth today. 

Lesley reimbursed me for all the things I purchased for Scotty while he was in my care, like a collar, food, treats, etc.  She is not a fraud -- she has helped a ton of fur babies and is well respected among Cali rescues.

Theresa Dornberg


Jessica~ claiming all rebuttals are false

#26Consumer Comment

Tue, October 16, 2012

Dear Jessica, I am a Real Person and have done Real Home Checks for the PUPS that Wags and Walks Rescue.. Your comment indicating that all the Rebuttal's are made up Saddens me! I am Sorry for you that you do not have the Facts.. Feel free to search my name and Discover I do Exist and what we ALL are saying is Correct and True about Wags and Walks being a Loving, Legitimate Rescue!! Wishing you a Peaceful, Educational Journey on your Road to discovering the Truth! 

Heather R.

United States of America

Someone sounds jealous.. Keep up the good work Lesley!

#26General Comment

Tue, October 16, 2012

I have known Lesley @ Wags and Walks for over a year. I have fostered two pit bull puppies through her rescue, both were pulled from a high kill shelter. The rescue paid for the spaying/neutering surgeries for both dogs, shots, & even threw in a large bag of expensive, high quality dog food. Yes, I live out of town , but Im in a bordering state. I drove halfway & met the transporter to pick up the one of the fosters, the other was delivered to my door. (the transporter eventually adopted that pup after falling in love during the 6 hr journey) Both fosters are doing great & I am in communication with their adopters to this day. They are living happy lives because of Lesley, for they would have been euthanized if her rescue would not have saved them. Nowadays I foster with a very reputable rescue in my state & have fostered for local shelters. My references can be easily checked. I would gladly foster through Wags and Walks again. Not sure where Jessica is getting her information but, since its so easy to go on this site to slander someone - Im not happy with my mailman, maybe I can start a false campaign against him here.  Hmmm...


los angeles,
United States of America

Jessica-Lets hear your facts

#26REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, October 15, 2012

"Jessica" we would all LOVE to hear your facts.  Please provide us with the name of the rescue that allegedly kicked me out.  Also please provide the names of the fosters names that i "dumped" dogs on.  While you are at it, provide your real name.  If these are truths, they should be easy to list and you should proudly state your name.  Oh and provide info that we are not a 501C3.  Looking forward to all your facts.

Friend of Lesley

United States of America

Complete garbage!

#26General Comment

Mon, October 15, 2012

I've known Lesley for about a year and have nothing but good things to say about her. (I am a real person, by the way, as are the others on here).

She is fastidious when doing home checks and will not pull a dog from a shelter without knowing exactly where it is going.

I've seen her request temperament tests numerous times, and continually follow up on them if they're not forthcoming.

She routinely drives to out-of-the-way shelters to save forgotten dogs - and often picks up another one or two while there, because she cannot bear to see them left behind.

One dog she rescued had to be carried up and down the stairs in the temporary foster's apartment building because it was so scared and had never seen stairs before! The foster was an experienced but very slightly built person - the second she called Lesley, Lesley got in her car and drove over to help her. The dog was placed into a great forever home shortly thereafter.

Lesley follows up with her fosters and their dogs to check on their health and happiness.

She has saved around 200 dogs! I honestly don't know where these outright lies are coming from, but in my experience Lesley has done - and continues to do - life-saving work!


United States of America

Wags & Walks

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, October 15, 2012

To the person who posted the negative comments about Lesley and her charity Wags Walks, clearly you have some issues, I've heard nothing but wonderful things about Lesley and her work saving dogs, especially Pitbulls.  You should get a life and stop trying to hurt someone doing great work in the community.  How about you get off your a*s and contribute to society instead of bad mouthing those who do?

About 6 months ago, Lesley rescued a female Pitbull who was just about to be euthanized and gave birth to puppies on the table.  Lesley recued them all, took care of them and found them all loving homes.  My friends adopted one of these puppies and he's now a happy, loving 6 month boy. She does not make money doing these rescues, in fact, I'm certain she loses money covering expenses out of her own pocket.  This is just one story of the many rescues that Lesley. 

How exactly are you an unsuspected foster, if you agree to foster, you know what you're in store for.  People like you should be stopped, you are clearly crazy and should start taking your medication again.


United States of America


#26General Comment

Mon, October 15, 2012

I am the husband of Lesley Brog and I am deeply saddened, angry and troubled by the two vindictive and inaccurate reports about Lesley and her legal 501c organization Wags and Walks. 

Lesley works nonstop to save dogs and to better their future.  She has saved well over 100 dogs in the last two years with only the limited funding that she receives from contributions.  This feat is incredible , but is superhuman when in addition that these dogs are in great homes with families that love their adopted dogs.  Lesley has an amazing ability to find sweet, loving and friendly tempered dogs and match them with families that possess the same traits.  It is uneducated, insulting and ridiculous to say that Lesley uses any of the donated funds on anything , but the dogs she has saved.  Our house and car has experienced a great deal of damage from having almost all of the dogs she has saved live at our house and yet we have never used a penny of that money to repair anything.


los angeles,
United States of America

support for lesley and walks and wags

#26General Comment

Mon, October 15, 2012

Lesley Brog works tirelessly to save animals from our brutal shelter system.   Anyone who claims otherwise clearly has no desire to know the truth, or, in this case, and agenda of their own to promote.

I am very involved with the rescue community in Los Angeles and have worked side by side with Lesley on many occasions in the past two years.  She is deeply commited to saving animals.

She has never, ever, been "kicked out" of a rescue organization.  And her organization is, in fact, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit.

Lesley is not "unemployed".  She has the means to follow her passion.

It is upsetting that this report (however poorly written) might incorrectly influence anyone.  By slandering Lesley all that is accomplished is that even more animals are left in the shelter to die alone.

This report against Walks and Wags is categorically false and should be removed.  Slander is a serious crime and whoever submitted this report might want to consider the consequences of such a malicious and deliberately false statement.

Plus your grammar is appalling.


los angeles,
United States of America

Dear Jessica-

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, October 15, 2012

If you would like to contact each of us personally, you may.  The comments were written by real people, not Lesley.  Why are you filled with such hate? Time to move on...


United States of America

Lesley you are a liar

#26General Comment

Mon, October 15, 2012

Lesley you are so completely pathetic and sad, it is so obvious all the good reviews were written by you!!


United States of America

Lesley is amazing

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, October 15, 2012

I was lucky enough to run into Lesley while walking my two dogs almost a year ago and of course she instantly got down on the ground to their level to play and snuggle them with kisses. We got to talking and from that point forward have kept in touch, taken several walks with her rescues and have spent lots of time talking about our passion for animals. Her home is filled with love with her two kids, husband, her own dogs and her latest recuses who she treats as her own. She is a funny, wonderful person to be around and she truly has a pure natural love and instinct for animals.

She does in fact keep in touch with her rescues, follows through, schedules meetings, etc to make sure everyone is a good fit with everyone's best interest at heart. I watched first hand Lesley rescue a beautiful, sweet pit who she soon found out was pregnant with 8 puppies. Lesley did not give up at any point to make sure mama and every last puppy was happy, healthy and adopted to the best homes including their sweet mama, who she actually just recently visited! It saddens me to read about her in this negative light because I feel I have a great judge of character and Lesley is a genuine person who runs this organization with nothing but love.

And considering she has a full house and family to take care of shows me her heart and intentions are in the right place. I cannot fathom that someone had the audacity to write this sad, untrue article. Clearly it must be a personal thing, I don't know why you would take out your anger on the animals because at the end of the day, they suffer most. I just hope that people who don't know Lesley and her Wags & Walks non-profit organization take the time to get to know her and what she is truly all about. I promise you will realize that this accusation is the farthest from the truth. I would 100% recommend Wags & Walks to any animal lover looking to add to their family. Lesley you are amazing, keep loving all these sweet animals, you are forever changing their life. 


United States of America

Wags and Walks - Legit Rescue Doing Good Work!

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, October 15, 2012

I have known Lesley for the past few years and there is nothing about this report that is remotely true.  Lesley is a dedicated member of the rescue community and works hard to place her rescued dogs in the best-fit homes possible. 

There is no money rescue.  If anything, rescue sucks money out of you/your organization.  No matter how much you are able to fundraise, there are never enough funds.  Lesley always wants to do more to help the dogs and the rescue community and many dogs are living today, that otherwise wolud have been euthanized, with wonderful Forever Families thanks to Wags and Walks.

Clearly, whomever wrote this article is an ill-informed, angry, mean-spirited individual who simply wants to hurt Lesley. Anyone who knows Lesley and who is familiar with her rescue work knows this post to be totally fabricated. 


United States of America


#26General Comment

Mon, October 15, 2012

First of all. This article took my breath away. The fact that something like this could be written without ANY facts-NONE-is horrifying. Lies. Lies. Lies. Meet Lesley and then you will know the truth. Heart of gold. A mother. A wife. A warrior for animals. I do rescue work and have worked with leslie on numerous occasions and the work she does is admirable. It AMAZES me that people can be so vicious.

It AMAZES me that an article can be written and posted online with NO FACTS. Just an opinion. An opinion of someone who clearly has a personal issue with Leslie and has way too much time on their hands. Every person I know in the rescue community (and I know a lot) say nothing but wonderful things about Lesley and the work she does. I would LOVE to know who wrote this article. LOVE. Come forward. let's chat. I am sure whatever is upsetting you could be resolved. 


United States of America


#26Consumer Comment

Mon, October 15, 2012

I am deeply sadden by someone writing such garbage about Lesley Brog. She is truly a friend to animals and a hero and a life saver to many amazing dogs that with out her would not be here any more. I am disappointed that things can be posted with out any fact checking. Many people fear pit bulls because of all the lies that are told about them and Lesley opens her home and her heart to everyone of them that need her help. I am truly honored to to know Lesley and I admire the amazing hard work she does to help so many four legged pals and I would Vouch for her any day. 


United States of America

I *heart* Lesley and Wags & Walks

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, October 15, 2012

I have rescued two dogs through Lesley's non-profit and am a huge supporter in the work she does.  She works tirelessly to ensure she helps as many dogs in need as possible.  All donations go directly to the animals and the care for them.  She has a strict adoption policy and personally reviews every single case making sure the dog and the adopter are both a good fit for each other.  She works with other rescues sharing information and resources - she wants the best for everyone.  The only reason someone would post such a nasty comment is out of pure jealousy.  I've worked with Lesley and have seen first-hand how much her heart and soul is poured into her rescue work.  Perhaps the person who wrote such a nasty comment in the first place, should put their time and energy into something positive.


United States of America

In Support of Wags and Walks Rescue

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, October 15, 2012

I am shocked at such False accusations towards Wags and Walks! I have been a big supporter of this Rescue Organization and have followed donations contributed to help the Dogs get out of the Shelter and into a Loving home, which is what happens! All monies collected go directly to the Dog being rescued! 

I am also offended at the comment that Home Checks are never done. Well I just Volunteered to do a Home Check for Wags and Walks and I did a complete, competent job to be sure the new Home was a Perfect fit. And it was! Another Rescued Dog is now living in a Loving Home. 

I fully Support Wags and Walks without a second thought! I will be by their side to help in any way I can to Save any and all Dogs from the Shelter. That's what is the Goal here and False accusations only Hurt the Dog in such dire need of a Home and Love!


los angeles,
United States of America

Lesley Does Amazing work

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, October 15, 2012

Lesley has changed our community with her rescue dogs.  She has taught the children in our neighborhood what love and compassion is and that one dog at a time, we can make a difference in this world.  We will continue to love and support Lesley and wags and walks.  Pictures speak louder than words.


United States of America

Absolutely Absurd

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, October 15, 2012

I am so appalled by this report. I have the most incredible dog from Wags and Walks and have also helped to re-home and foster some of the Wags and Walks dogs myself! This report is unfounded, malicious and just plain mean-- not only to Wags and Walks (a certified 501C3), but more importantly, to the dogs. 

Wags and Walks rescues countless dogs from some of the worst shelters in LA. I can say, from seeing this woman in action that she works for little to no money, often loses money on her rescues and works completely and 100 percent with an attitude of love and passion for these dogs. I am just sick that somebody could write such terrible and untrue things about such a positive non-profit. 

There are far too many animals being euthanized every day in this country as a result of selfishness, ignorance and irresponsibility. Stop accusing this non-profit that is making a huge difference, and start directing your energies to making a difference on your own.

Wags and Walks is an incredible non-profit, and I speak from experience with them. We could all learn a thing or two from this woman. If I know one thing, this won't get her down. It will inspire her to work that much harder for these animals. And, for that, I am endlessly inspired. 

Jan S

los angeles,
United States of America

wags and w

#26General Comment

Mon, October 15, 2012

This report is utterly ridiculous and totally untrue.  I met Lesley several months ago, responding to a post of a dog that I was interested in.  She promptly responded to me and asked me many questions about my home, wether I had any other animals in the home and so on.  After being satisfied that I could possibly be a good candidate she invited me to her home to visit with the dog.  Her home is lovely, she has two young children and very supportive husband.  She is the daughter of a veterinarian.    Since that day I have become friends with Lesley and I can vouch for what an honest, loyal and passionate person she is.  She is tirelessly saving dogs from our corrupt and inept shelter system.   She would never do what she is being accused of.   This is VERY unfair and cruel to even report such nonsense. 


United States of America

Un True! Lesley is the Real Deal!!!

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, October 15, 2012

This is so far from the truth it makes me sad. I adopted a dog from Wags and Walks and I have seen nothing but love,compassion and complete honesty from Lesley. She goes above and beyond to help save dogs. And help them to be matched with their perfect forever homes. The work she does is amazing.She is so very unselfish! Her goals and dreams to change the way dogs are treated. And to educate everyone on the animals behalf,are happening.

But she cannot to it alone.We all need to do our part. To have someone post such unbelievable lies is so hurtful. Hopefully the negative attention will turn around to something positive for Wags and Walks,and Lesley will be able to continue on her wonderful journey saving lives,educating and making families complete with their fury friends. If I ever need help or want to adopted another dog,Wags and Walks is the ONLY place for me!


los angeles,
United States of America

Lesley Brog Rocks!

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, October 15, 2012

I have known Lesley for many years.  I have watched her rescue so many dogs, caring for them every step of the way.  She welcomes the dogs to her home, with her family, and she is very involved in our local school-teaching kids about rescues.  She always gets the dog fixed, groomed, and any medical attention it may need before even accepting any applications.  We have several families in the neighborhood that have rescued a dog from Lesley rather than going to Barkworks in the mall.  She is a role model, teaching kids how to show compassion and love to animals.  It is sad people post negative thoughts, its only the dogs in the shelter that will pay the price.  Let's work together to show the next generation how they can save lives of animals, just like Lesley has.


los angeles,
United States of America

I am the Founder Of Wags and Walks

#26REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, October 14, 2012

This article saddens me as there is not on ounce of fact in this article.  My sense is that a disgruntled foster posted this because she became mentally ill and we took the dog out of her care.

To set the record straight, Wags and Walks IS a 501C3 dog rescue organization that I founded 2 years age.  I have NEVER been kicked out of any rescue organization, in fact I still help and work with all the reputable ones in my are area.  I am in this for my relentless love of animals and usually end up with pitbulls who are the most challenging to get adopted but there are so many and they break my heart.  I rarely adopt out of state in less it makes perfect sense for the particular dog.  Every penny raised goes back into the medical care, transport, food, supplies etc for each animal.  An article like this is not only hurtful personally but potentially slows down my ability to continue saving animals, my true passion. 


United States of America

Lesley brog is a fraud

#26General Comment

Sun, October 14, 2012

I have known Lesley for a few years, we were working with the same rescue before she was kicked out and started her own. I saw first hand how she worked and can say without a doubt that she thought being a foster was a way to collect and pocket money. Once in long while i meet someone like lesley and it breaks my heart that such a person is involved with animals.  i am glad somebody finally stepped up and filed a report about her!! At the same time i feel sorry for lesley because she is a little delusional in how she views herself and has a false sense of entitlement. I am appalled that she is still getting away with scamming people, i thought she was no longer up to her old games!


Santa Barbara,
United States of America

Completely untrue...

#26Consumer Comment

Sat, October 13, 2012

I fostered a dog that Wags and Walks rescued for 4 months, and Lesley was involved every step of the way in rehabilitating, and finding a perfect home for the dog we fostered.  I know that she even went and visited the dog much later after he was settled to check in on him (and it was more than an hour away from her home!).  I don't know what experience this person had with them, but I can tell you my experience is exactly the opposite.  Lesley works hard and and great personal expense and completely selflessly to help and rescue many at need animals and it is truly a shame that someone can post something so untrue that would damage her reputation and ability to do the amazing work she does. 

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