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  • Report:  #607329

Complaint Review: WALGREENS


  • Reported By:
    Hal — Rockville Maryland USA
  • Submitted:
    Wed, May 26, 2010
  • Updated:
    Mon, December 19, 2011
    200 Wilmot Road, Deerfield, Illinois 60015
    Daytona Beach, Florida
    United States of America
  • Phone:
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  • Category:

My name is Hal. A good customer of Walgreens for more than 30 years, I will not walk inside a Walgreens now. I will not support a corrupt company without ethics. If you care about doing the right thing, I suggest you not support Walgreens in any way. Boycott Walgreens. There is a Rite Aid, CVS, Walmart, Costco or independent pharmacy in your area you can spend your money at.

I am only now exposing the horror I experienced as a result of the incompetence and stupidity of an Assistant manager named Gary at store #4261, located in Daytona Beach, Florida where I lived at the time. As a result of the experience, I moved out of the State of Florida and discarded my business which employed more than 45 people. The horrid event still affects me and I do not sleep a full nights rest as a result of the experience. I am scared of any Walgreens when I drive past. They condone and defend bad management. 

On a Sunday morning in February, I was working in my home office when two female Daytona Beach Policewomen came to my door with another woman who was living with me. The woman was an abusive, sick alcoholic who I had already bought an airline ticket for her to travel home in two weeks.

The police stated that, I had beat her that morning and that I had been beating her up previously. Startled, I was in shock. I am 55 and have never been in a physical altercation my entire life. I grew up in a peaceful Jewish household and violence is foreign to me. The thought that I would try to resolve anything by hitting someone is repulsive and absurd. Anyone that knows me knows that. Conversely, this woman had been violent toward me in the preceding weeks from her drunken states. I did not buy this woman alcohol and did not give her money accept for cigarettes.

Apparently, this woman walked up to the Walgreens while I was in my office, bought a bottle of vodka at the Walgreens, drank it in front of the store like a vagrant and collapsed. She had a fresh scrape on her head. I asked what that was about and the Police said tell it to the judgeturnaround, youre under arrest for domestic battery. I couldnt believe it. I was handcuffed and taken to jail.

Totally innocent, when I got out of jail, I went directly to the Police department to retrieve a copy of the taped recording of the original Police call from Gary, the Assistant Manager at Walgreens. 

Obviously the Neanderthal Gestapo tactics of the Daytona Beach Police didnt help. The Police tape revealed that the Walgreens Gary said we have a woman out front whose husband beat her up and dropped her off she is disoriented . I was not her husband, I did not drop her off and I did not beat her up. The incredibly dumb Police believed this idiot Gary. The Police just wanted to arrest a man, regardless of the truth.

The Police did not even give the woman a sobriety test. They just assumed I was guilty and were not interested in allowing me to discuss it. I had not been drinking at all. All over the State of Florida, Police are wrongfully arresting men every day for domestic battery at the whim of any woman who wants to call the Police to even a score or get back at a man since the new rule of no questions, just arrest is being abused. Once determined innocent, the Police will never go back to arrest the women for false claims.

I guarantee every one of these wrongful complaints are from women on drugs or alcohol. The Police do not care. It seems that Florida Police Departments will arrest any man anywhere a woman states he hit me, causing a hell in the mans life. I have spoken to many of these poor men. This situation should not be confused with real domestic violence. Thats another story and I feel sorry for those women.   

Once out of jail and after 4 months of court dates and cooperation with the court, they could not prosecute me. They had no case. The woman long gone did not show up in court. The case was dismissed. I paid my attorney thousands of dollars, left my business I was a partner in, and rushed to get the hell out of hell. Anyone living in Daytona Beach is just plain stupid. It is a primitive place full of struggling people. Business associates I left behind owning businesses there, have all closed. Daytona is a city of low-lifes. You are forewarned. Nascar or the Daytona Speedway seems to control the town.

Its clear to me that Walgreens CEO Jeffrey A Rein does not care at all about my incident. After writing to the CEO, he passed it off to their legal department which angrily refuted any responsibility. This proves Walgreens is a completely irresponsible corporation with no conscience.

Walgreens never apologized and is in 100% denial of any wrongdoing. Thats how blind to the truth they are. Obviously only interested in protecting their dumbest managers and their companys profits. They refused to reimburse me for any of my expenses, lost income or anything else. I was just totally screwed by Walgreens! There was ZERO just compensation for their insane actions.

My life has been changed forever. The punitive damages are irreversible. Put yourself in my place and youll have a hard time staying calm. Keep in mind I did not even step inside the Walgreens that day and yet Gary felt it was acceptable to call the Police on me.

I have added up my receipts from purchase made at other Pharmacies since this event, and they add up to more than $7,000.00, I expect to spend much more at other Pharmacies other than Walgreens before I die. 

After reading this, if you spend a cent at Walgreens you are soul-less. Find a Pharmacy you can trust.

7 Updates & Rebuttals

Bernie M

United States of America


#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, December 19, 2011

I had to sign up for this website just to tell you all how nonsensical this post was. This is not even a legitimate complaint.



True that Walgreens doesn't care about people

#8UPDATE Employee

Thu, December 23, 2010

I am presently employed by Walgreens and agree that some asst. mgr., exa's, and even as high as the store mgr. are stupid and uncaring. It has been my experience as an employee that they don't care about us. The motto at Walgreens is "to give the best customer service above and beyond any other drug store". It's terrible to think that a mgr. would have taken the woman's or the police officer's word about you, but I do believe it could happen. I have been on the other end of the lack of caring for people's feelings, as the employee.I took so much abuse as an asst. mgr.from customers and employees, even other mgr.'s were abusive. I had an employee refuse to do something, that was actually in their job description, and nothing was done. That made me look stupid and as if I had no authority. At the time I was the mgr. on duty, so there was no other member of mgmt. there. I'm sorry to hear ofyour bad experience at Walgreens, but it's not at all surprising.

I am the law


Put yourself in their shoes...

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, December 07, 2010

Let's say a battered woman walked into your business crying that she'd been beaten by her significant other and abandoned. Would you not call the cops?

I don't think you really have a right to blame Walgreen's. They were trying to help out what they thought was someone in distress.



How is this about Walgreens?

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, May 27, 2010

   Apparently, the assistant manager just called the police and told them what he'd been told.   There's nothing wrong with that.   He didn't say he saw you beat her or drop her off, did he?    He just made a phone call because he obviously had someone on his hands that appeared to need help.

   The one who has the most responsibility in this (besides the woman who made the false claim) is you.   If you're going to allow drunken, crazy women to live with you, this kind of thing is going to happen.  Don't you ever watch the show COPS?

   Everyone knows that the domestic violence system can be used to put someone in jail under false pretenses.  The one thing that most of us can rely on is not being involved in a domestic situation with someone who would stoop to such tactics.   You know that there's not a thing the cops could have done for you once the complaint was made.   I don't know why your mad at them either.

  Bottom line, the company you keep can have a large influence on your criminal record.   You seem to want to blame those who had insignificant roles in your predicament instead of directing it at the only one who could have prevented it altogether.  That would be you.





#8Consumer Comment

Wed, May 26, 2010

I am a happy customer of Walgreens and will continue to be, this story will not change that.

I am CERTAIN there a couple other sides to this story.

banking professional

United States of America

Vodka at Walgreen's

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, May 26, 2010 can't buy vodka at Walgreen's in the state of Florida.  Also, I live in Daytona Beach and guarantee that I am not a low-life deadbeat.


Highlands Ranch,

"CREEPY POEM" is a poem about the medication Pristiq. Anyone can 'Google' this- BROCK O'BOMB-A POEM, and that should take you to where "CREEPY POEM" is posted....

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, May 26, 2010

along with many other poems.

Thank you

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