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  • Report:  #32129

Complaint Review: Walmart

Walmart Employee Health Insurance Rip-off the business that doesn't give a dam Bentonville Arkansas

  • Reported By:
    Springfield MO
  • Submitted:
    Wed, October 09, 2002
  • Updated:
    Thu, August 04, 2005

My husband is an employee of the "family-friendly" Walmart Corp.

I am a dependent on his health insurance plan through Walmart and I have multiple sclerosis requiring MRI scans frequently to monitor the disease progression. These tests average cost is $1500 which Walmart refuses to pay every time citing that MRI are usually required due to an accidental injury which they hope will exempt them from paying for it.

Every time, I have to answer multiple questions from their claim investigators. They do not keep this information in their claims history files so I have to appeal their initial disallowance of the claim until the company that does the MRI contacts me that I am responsible for the entire cost since Walmart will not pay -- then I have to call Bentonville to begin the process all over again.

I also have a medical condition in that my body cannot absorb B12 from foods or oral medication and I must have B12 injections monthly at a cost of $30. Walmart will not pay since this is a "nutritional supplement" not covered by their plan. This is not a "supplement" to me - when I quit taking the injections because Walmart would not pay, I became unable to use the muscle in my legs and arms withou severe pain.

My neurologist told me that it would cause permanent loss of mobility within 6 - 12 months if I did not resume the injections as well as loss of mental function. Yet Walmart does not consider this to be medically necessary. I know $30 per month is not a great amount but consider the number of Walmart employees that are being ripped off for $30 per month and you can see how Walmart is one of the most profitable companies in the world. Not only do they make money from their customers they also make it from their employees since we pay extra premiums for family coverage.

Their prescription insurance is a joke also - Instead of a flat copay for prescriptions like it used to be ($10 for name brands and $5 for generic), it is now $20 for name brand and $% for generic OR 20% of the retail price of the prescription - whichever is greater. They do not cover all drugs either.

I am on an anit-depressent called Wellbutrin that they will not pay for at all. It costs $60 a month. Walmart is now saving $90 per month while taking my money for insurance premiums. YEAH - Walmart - it's such a family-friendly, employee-oriented company - NOT !!!!!!

Springfield, Missouri

16 Updates & Rebuttals



General Health Insurance Misconceptions

#17Consumer Suggestion

Wed, August 03, 2005

Karen I do feel for you and your situation, but most of the other rebuttals have not only been to the point, but they have been completely accurate.

This country has an amazing amount of ignorance when it comes to insurance in general, and especially when it comes to health insurance. This country does not need socialized healthcare, that would only reduce the quality of our healthcare in general as it has in England and Canada. Great they don't pay for it on the medical end, but they pay roughly 50% income tax. And God help you if you need a surgery because you are on a 6 month waiting list. As the others have stated, insurance in general is risk sharing. You pay small (or at least relatively small) to be covered against major loss. You may not appreciate paying $300, 400, 1000 per month, but in the event of a catastrophic incident is it easier to pay $300 or the million that the loss actually incurred? This is the nature of any insurance.

On the end of being able to drop your plan mid can't. I set up section 125 plans for businesses on a daily basis. Section 125 is what allows you to pay for your premiums out of pre tax dollars. Federal law says that you cannot change a 125 plan midyear unless there is a change in status. Being unsatisfied is not a change in status. Birth, death, marriage, divorce, birth of a child are all status changes. The only other exception is termination of employment.

Now granted Walmarts plan isn't the greatest plan I have ever seen, but it is still a benefit offered to you. One thing that does puzzle me you have the best plan or the least expensive? The least expensive plan only covers catastrophic injuries/sickness that were incurred after the plan was in place. With MS you would not be able to find an individual plan that would ever cover you. True a group plan does have to cover pre existing medical conditions (which by the way is part of the reason that health premiums are so outrageous) but in almost every state there are laws that state how long of a waiting period that is. In my state pre existing conditions DO NOT have to be covered at all for the first 6 months. Only one or two states have laws that say they have to be covered from day 1, and many states have longer waiting periods. The plan must be in compliance with state laws for them to offer it, and it will state in your outline of coverage what the waiting period is...unless you have the cheapest plan in which case it states that nothing that occurred prior to placement will be covered.

I DO NOT WORK FOR HARTFORD. I am a small business owner who cannot afford to offer coverage because my having to match premiums would kill me. Walmart pays through the nose for the insurance, good, bad or otherwise. Most people do not realize the expense incurred by the business just to offer health insurance. Group health insurance premiums for the employer kill the bottom line, and do have a direct effect on how much they can pay their employees. I am quite familiar with the plan though. My wife is a Walmart employee so I have studied it at length. It is much cheaper to take her group plan through work than it is to take an individual plan. Granted we pay in excess of $400 per month through the group plan, the cheapest individual plan with any decent coverage (and this coverage fell far short of the group plan) was in excess of $1000. Now my suggestion is to quit bitching about it and when open enrollment comes around take a better plan that will pay more. If you know these are ongoing expensive procedures you WILL want a better plan, and you will want to play by their rules as far as providers, referrals, etc. You get what you pay for, so if you go cheap cheap is what you will get. The B12 will not be covered as near as I can tell after reviewing the policy (with or without a prescription) but if you know this is a recurring expense put that money aside in the unreimbursed medical plan that is also available to you. Granted it will not be covered by the insurance, but it will at least effectively cost you less because it will be taken out of nontaxed money. Walmart does not have any say at all in what the plans pay. They only have a few options to add or delete when they choose a group plan, and most of your concerns would more than likely be corrected by taking the best plan offered, with the exception of potential waiting periods.

Now, for the rebuttal on the long was it from the point of the disability to the point of ssi? These plans vary by state but if your injury was one that it was immediately clear that you would end up on ssi they may not have had to pay. That is a state by state and even incidence by incidence issue. Someone who is driving drunk and plows into a tree disqualifies themself from std as well as ltd plans, so if the injury that caused this happened under a listed noncovered occurence that may also be the issue. The other issue would be if it happened at work. Std and ltd do not have to cover a workmans comp disability in most cases. They cover you off the job, workmans comp covers you on the job.

This is not to be construed in any way as legal insurance advice. State by state laws vary so much that I would not even try. This is simply a reply from a concerned individual with working knowledge of insurance. If this helps in any way GREAT, and I do apologize if I insulted you Karen, but I wanted to get this off my chest. Hopefully you and others will take something from this and run from it. It was designed to shed some light on some of these issues, so if it does some good all the better.

One thing I think that Walmart and any employer should do is have a group meeting with the agent. The agent could clarify the coverage MUCH better than the employer as well as answer any direct questions. Whenever the employer offers a plan with no consultation between employees and agent it makes for a lot of confusion. Granted an agent may not be able to make it completely transparent due to complexities in the plan design, they would at least be able to give you a general idea of the coverage. When it is offered by the employer on paper with no contact all people will look at is the premium and not fully consider the coverage.



Wrong Company!!!

#17Consumer Comment

Mon, August 01, 2005

Wal-Mart does not pay the doctors... the INSURANCE does! Not one in the same! Wal-Mart does not decide what to pay and what not to pay!

However, someone mentioned cancer! Now, my grandfather did have cancer and WAL-MART insurance. It had awesome coverage for him. He died on February 5, 2002, so it may have changed since then. But all insurance companies try to avoid paying the bill. That's just the way insurance companies are.

Now, I agree that the MRI's should be covered if they are required. Grandpa's radiation was, as was his doctor's appointments, hospital stays, specialists, and even hospice. They paid 100% from about March on each year because they had already spent their out of pocket expense maximum by that time. I think God for that insurance!

The shots... of course they are absolutely necessary. And they should definitely be covered! It's a joke that they aren't.

The Meds... now I agree the cost of meds have increased so dramatically that insurance companies have been forced to drop some of the meds from their list and increase the co-pays on them. A couple of suggestions... if they don't cover the meds you are on, ask your doctor if it would be possible to change it to something that the insurance will cover. If it is not a possibility for whatever reason, contact the manufacturer of that medication and ask if they have any programs for reduced cost or free meds. Most manufacturers do. My great grandmother got ALL of her meds (over $700 a month worth) for only $10 a month. You just have the show the need... that it is a required med for you and your finances prevent you from being able to afford it. Another option... I don't know what Missouri offers, but in Arkansas, there is a special type of Government Paid Health Insurance (Medicaid) that covers people with serious illnesses that need help. It is different from the health Insurance offered to low income families. It is based on the HEALTH need.

Becoming eligible for another insurance (including state assisted insurance) IS an acceptable change to be able to change or drop your coverage with Wal-Mart! At least it was when my husband worked for Wal-Mart in 2001.



RE: Insurance Payments

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, July 28, 2005

Insurance companies are set up to "help" with the costs. Unless your policy states that you have 100% coverage, you cannot expect them to pay 100% of the costs.

The old addage - what you pay for is what you get, is exactly true with insurance companies.

I'm sorry that you are suffering from MS. I have a relative that not only has MS, but other issues as well medically, and I myself deal with medical conditions, in which my insurance does not pay all the costs either.

You cannot ream out or single out a particular insurance company or store because you are not getting your way.

My suggestion would be to look into various other programs offered by other companies, information on them can be found at your local pharmacies. There are programs out there to help individuals and families pay for costs that are not met by your primary insurance company alone.

I do not work for Walmart, but I do know people who do. They have families, and medical issues as well. I can't think of too many families in America that doesn't face problems or uprises health wise. However, they also accept the fact that they are responsible for their parts of the bill.

Generally, if you have a "supplement" that you need medically, and it is not a written prescription of an FDA approved medication, chances are, you will certainly have to pay for that out of pocket. I have to for some. I take B-12 combo shots, and I have to pay for them out of pocket, because it is a vitamin...not a drug, and I live on a fixed income through SSI, because when my disabilities hit me, I hadn't worked enough hours to earn points to qualify for SSDI. I get a whopping $579.00/month to live on. With that money, my rent, utilities, car insurance, etc. comes out of it, as well as medical needs that my insurance doesn't cover.

I'd love to be able to have a salary of someone who works for Walmart or other coporations, but I do not. I am unable to work. However, I do not sit around finding someone else to blame for my misfortunes.

We are all adults, and it is high time that people who are adults start acting like they are and stop looking to cast their problems onto other people. There are people who are much worse off than any of us on this site posting rebuttals - medically or financially speaking.

No money isn't a lap of is down to the cents at the end of each month, and at times, I do not go many places just because I cannot afford to go. But I'm living, and I accept the fact that I have to pay my part as well.

Sorry, not trying to be cruel to you, but I think your view of your situation is a "feel sorry for me" approach and an attempt to literally cast blame to Walmart and the insurance they provide as a scape goat for your financial burdens. We all have them... it's a part of life. Some just have it worse than others.

I do wish you the best of luck, and I do urge you to look into those other programs if you really need the help financially. I can't give you any gaurantees on qualifying for your applications, as I am not sitting there processing the paper work. But you will never know if you do not try.



You dont understand

#17UPDATE Employee

Fri, November 26, 2004

I just want to clarify a few statements that have been made. First off any time someone recieves the answer "It is in the benefits book", that comment also includes the page number in the book where it is noted. I am not sure of any group health plan in which you can drop cov simply because you are not happy. Wal-Mart is not telling anyone they cannot drop coverage except for these certain times of the year. Your medical premiums are taken out on a pretaxable basis there for it is the IRS Section 125 that tells you when you can and cannot drop coverage,,,,not Wal-Mart.
And for Wellbutrin, it is a covered benefit, and always has been.
And as for your MRI, just because you recieved a questionaire to fill out doesnt mean your claim was denied. Once you returned that form and it was determined to not be an accident or whatever your claim was paid more than likely.
If you do not understand your benefits call customer service. The number is on the back of your card. And when you call that number, remember the people on the other end are human too, and they like you are Wal-Mart associates with the same insurance you have.
And also, 90%of health insurance plans have a pre-existing exclusion, not just wal-mart. If you had previous coverage 18 months before going on your group health plans insurance you should not have a prexistion exclusion as long as you have provided a letter from the previous insurance.
I am not writing in defense of Wal-Mart, i am writing as an associate that gets yelled at everyday because someone has not read their benefits book and think we are wrong for referring to it. All of the answers are there in black and white. The person who is answering the phone is simply there to assist you.



insurance enrolement period is standard

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, November 24, 2004

The insurance enrolement period is standard for insurance accross the board. Everyone is only allowed to make changes to thier plans in October or in the case of a "life change" no matter who you work for or who you have your insurance through. You need to read your paperwork more carefully or consult your benefits advisor. With HMO's you should check before you schedule ANY service to see what your plan allows. I also agree with the stop whinning about the cost of medications. At least you have insurance while millions don't. If you are paying less than $100 for a prescription you ARE getting a deal even if you don't know it. Have you looked up how much prescriptions cost with out insurance?? I have. Try at least $150 for something of the sort you are talking about. So be glad for the price you pay. Like the other person above said, make sure you follow the correct procedures when you get care too, if you want services covered, sorry but you kinda need to do their dance a little. But think about it worth having most of a $1500 service covered to spend 30 min on the phone?



You have to read the paperwork

#17UPDATE Employee

Wed, November 24, 2004

I have been an employee for almost four years now. If you read the paperwork when you sign up for the 'insurance' it tells you that it's catastrophic care coverage only. It covers accidents, heart attacks etc. Routine care concerns have never been covered, and they've only recently updated the plan to include vaccines for children. No offense, I understand that you are in pain, but have you considered SSI? or Medicare? They have broader pay-ins and can cover more things. Just my $0.02.



Every single claim we have had with them we have recieved a letter wanting to know if it is a pre existing condition.

#17Consumer Comment

Fri, November 12, 2004

to Jay from Phoenix (karen dropping insurance)

My Husband is an employee at Wal-Mart. We about 6 months ago took on there insureance (what a Laugh). Every single claim we have had with them we have recieved a letter wanting to know if it is a pre existing condition. Including my son cutting off the end of his finger. I take the paper work to the doctor. Have it filled out. Send it back to them. Only to get a letter stating.... "the claim for this paptien was reviewed based on additional information received. We have completed an adjustment, and have determined that an additional payment is not available." We pay close to 400.00 a month for this coverage that has paid like 140.00 in 6 months.

As for dropping the coverage what a laugh. We have tried. We get well the only time we can change our coverage is "when family statis changes or durring there 1 time a year inrollment session." which is in september.

they give you a handbook and no where in this book does it state that you can not drop this coverage if you are not happy. But when you call them they use the excuse its in the handbook that this is the only time you can do it. Nor do they explain this to you when you get it. Now would you think when they are having an "Enrollment for insurance class" that would mean hey I want to drop my coverage I better go. I sure in the Heck wouldnt.

Karen Hun I feel for you.... I know exactly what you are going threw


New York,

Health Insurance is Health Insurance

#17Consumer Comment

Mon, September 01, 2003

Karen I feel for you. Health Insurance is supposed to be Health Insurance. It is a sad fact that most insurance companies are now cutting back on what they will cover and what they will not cover.

For those others who have misconceptions about Health Insurance group plans. Here is what it is. When a company gets an insurance benefit packet, they get one that is most affordable for them and for the employees. The insurance is supposed to cover the health conditions of the employees and their families. Most insurance companies will require a co-pay where you will have to pay so much of your own expenses per year for the deductible and then they will start to kick in usually an 80/20 percent ratio where you pay 20 per cent. I have never known any company to provide one hundred percent free health coverage.

Some suggestions. I too have to have a SCAT scan done once a year for liver problems. However my insurance has specific rules that you must follow in order to get those scat scans done. First I have to have a primary family provider ( a doctor or a specialist) write up a consult and a referral to submit to my insurance company. I theenk have to call about four or five days later and get verification of the consult, authorization, and an authorization number. If I don't get the authorization in advance, I end up paying for the visits or trying to get a claim adjustment which is a pain in the headache.

I also have to pay a certain percentage of my meds and it seems to be getting higher. My suggestion would be to see if you can get the generic drugs or get on a subscription plan that may help in you in other ways. Some people buy their drugs from Canada because they are cheaper.

Wal-Mart as a whole corporation may not have as much room to get a better insurance plan that is cost effective. The retail industry always operates on a low profit margin because their goods are so cheap and labor costs with the benefits can eat up the costs. Where they make their money is market saturation and investments.

How the costs of insurance is calculated and applied to a company is based on the demographics of the workforce. Certain demographic employees are considered to be high risk. They are men and women over 35, women of child bearing age. The majority of Wal-Marts work force is women and they are a cost to insure because as women get older, they start to have a lot of health problems. Men too. But women tend to file claims more often than men. I had heard this statement from a health insurance provider. How true and to what level I am not sure.

You have my prayers.

I hope this helps.


Las Vegas,

Rising Costs of Insurance and Coverages

#17Consumer Comment

Sun, August 31, 2003

I am sorry for your misfortunes Karen and for the lack of sympathy or compassion the other people who have written to your post actually have.

Th the others - I sure hope that you or anyone else in your family ever becomes a victim of cancer, leukemia, Alzhiemers, Parkinsons Disease or the many others that require monthly Doctors care and support.

That is the problem today, everyone has the selfish attitude of take care of #1 only. I have just purchased health insurance for me and my 2 children. I am paying $256 a month for the 3 of us with no help from my children's father. I have arthritis and degeneration of my spine due, which, Thank God, this company I am with does cover for about $20 a month more.

Karen, I think you need to look into whoever governs insurance agencies and file compalints with them regarding the conduct WalMart is putiing you through with your condition. You did not state whether your husband was insured with them before you were dianosed with MS or not. I am understanding of the problems with MS as a friend of the family, who is near and dear to my heart, just past away recently, who had been suffering through this disease most of her life.

Shame on the person who told Karen to stop whining! I suggest a search on the internet to understand more clearly what these people have to live with day in and day out. I just pray to God that he chooses not to inflict that or worse upon you for such an attitude like that.

If WalMart accepted Karen with her condition at the time they qualified for insurance, they should have received a "Care Plan & Routine" from her physician. They already know in advance what to expect from her disease. They will also consult with their own doctors as to what the routine procedures and care outline is to verify what her doctor states. It seems to me that they are trying to get them to go elsewhere so that they don't get in trouble for denying her claims constantly.

People need to grow up, instead of telling people to quit whining they should be giving advice on how to get help for the needed medicine and treatments they need so they can continue to be productive people in today's society.

At least when an animal is in extreme pain and of extremely poor health, it can be euthanized. No such luck for any of us, we have to find ways to compensate for unethical companies and their unethical and uncaring "insurance" policies.

Good Luck and God Bless



FINALLY - someone said it . . . Insurance is

#17Consumer Suggestion

Fri, May 23, 2003

NOT a maintenance plan (no matter what bill of "goods" we were sold in the late 80's and early 90's) - it is there SOLELY for major medical emergencies - like back when insurance FIRST came out and was affordable and you could go to ANY doctor you wanted and could actually SEE the doctor without waiting for an hour (at a schedule appointment) and AFFORD your bill.

The SCAM was HMO's - it was doomed from the beginning - the selling point was "if everyone pays a little then all can have covereage" - they knew most consumers would buck at that so they sweetened the deal with "see, we'll pay for the little stuff like checkups and birth control and encourage everyone to go EVERY time they get a hang nail or runny nose so we'll look like we're offering something for them" meanwhile they were ripping (and pissing) off the doctors and hospitals who "participated" in their plan - basically when Americans accepted the HMO they let a "middle-man" in.

Insurance companies are only around to make money - end of story. Now, they limit their "accepted PPO or HMO" doctors to only the most mediocre of individuals which lowered the overall quality of healthcare and increased malpractice lawsuits which also directly affects our health care premiums and our choice of doctor - the quality doctors got tired of not being paid (sometimes for over a year) for services provided (don't believe me - type in insurance and/or hmo class action lawsuit into any search engine and see what comes up) and got out of it.

Do you think the insurance company is gonna take the hit - NO WAY! They just keep jacking up our rates until people like me (who make upper middle-class income) weigh weather they wanna pay $500 a month for the "privelege" of carrying an isurance car (with a $1000 yearly deductible) and decide to "risk" it (I am what is known as the "working uninsured"). And no one will ever convince me that they are entitled to health insurance. No one is. Sorry - I'll put my soapbox away now. I do pity this woman for her situation but (and I am sorry if this is calloused) I have my own family to take care of and I work hard for my money and I resent it deeply when my premiums shoot up every year because of someone else's medical condition (case in point the new allergy medication scandal). I am charged with providing for and taking care of MY FAMILY.



FINALLY - someone said it . . . Insurance is

#17Consumer Suggestion

Fri, May 23, 2003

NOT a maintenance plan (no matter what bill of "goods" we were sold in the late 80's and early 90's) - it is there SOLELY for major medical emergencies - like back when insurance FIRST came out and was affordable and you could go to ANY doctor you wanted and could actually SEE the doctor without waiting for an hour (at a schedule appointment) and AFFORD your bill.

The SCAM was HMO's - it was doomed from the beginning - the selling point was "if everyone pays a little then all can have covereage" - they knew most consumers would buck at that so they sweetened the deal with "see, we'll pay for the little stuff like checkups and birth control and encourage everyone to go EVERY time they get a hang nail or runny nose so we'll look like we're offering something for them" meanwhile they were ripping (and pissing) off the doctors and hospitals who "participated" in their plan - basically when Americans accepted the HMO they let a "middle-man" in.

Insurance companies are only around to make money - end of story. Now, they limit their "accepted PPO or HMO" doctors to only the most mediocre of individuals which lowered the overall quality of healthcare and increased malpractice lawsuits which also directly affects our health care premiums and our choice of doctor - the quality doctors got tired of not being paid (sometimes for over a year) for services provided (don't believe me - type in insurance and/or hmo class action lawsuit into any search engine and see what comes up) and got out of it.

Do you think the insurance company is gonna take the hit - NO WAY! They just keep jacking up our rates until people like me (who make upper middle-class income) weigh weather they wanna pay $500 a month for the "privelege" of carrying an isurance car (with a $1000 yearly deductible) and decide to "risk" it (I am what is known as the "working uninsured"). And no one will ever convince me that they are entitled to health insurance. No one is. Sorry - I'll put my soapbox away now. I do pity this woman for her situation but (and I am sorry if this is calloused) I have my own family to take care of and I work hard for my money and I resent it deeply when my premiums shoot up every year because of someone else's medical condition (case in point the new allergy medication scandal). I am charged with providing for and taking care of MY FAMILY.



FINALLY - someone said it . . . Insurance is

#17Consumer Suggestion

Fri, May 23, 2003

NOT a maintenance plan (no matter what bill of "goods" we were sold in the late 80's and early 90's) - it is there SOLELY for major medical emergencies - like back when insurance FIRST came out and was affordable and you could go to ANY doctor you wanted and could actually SEE the doctor without waiting for an hour (at a schedule appointment) and AFFORD your bill.

The SCAM was HMO's - it was doomed from the beginning - the selling point was "if everyone pays a little then all can have covereage" - they knew most consumers would buck at that so they sweetened the deal with "see, we'll pay for the little stuff like checkups and birth control and encourage everyone to go EVERY time they get a hang nail or runny nose so we'll look like we're offering something for them" meanwhile they were ripping (and pissing) off the doctors and hospitals who "participated" in their plan - basically when Americans accepted the HMO they let a "middle-man" in.

Insurance companies are only around to make money - end of story. Now, they limit their "accepted PPO or HMO" doctors to only the most mediocre of individuals which lowered the overall quality of healthcare and increased malpractice lawsuits which also directly affects our health care premiums and our choice of doctor - the quality doctors got tired of not being paid (sometimes for over a year) for services provided (don't believe me - type in insurance and/or hmo class action lawsuit into any search engine and see what comes up) and got out of it.

Do you think the insurance company is gonna take the hit - NO WAY! They just keep jacking up our rates until people like me (who make upper middle-class income) weigh weather they wanna pay $500 a month for the "privelege" of carrying an isurance car (with a $1000 yearly deductible) and decide to "risk" it (I am what is known as the "working uninsured"). And no one will ever convince me that they are entitled to health insurance. No one is. Sorry - I'll put my soapbox away now. I do pity this woman for her situation but (and I am sorry if this is calloused) I have my own family to take care of and I work hard for my money and I resent it deeply when my premiums shoot up every year because of someone else's medical condition (case in point the new allergy medication scandal). I am charged with providing for and taking care of MY FAMILY.



FINALLY - someone said it . . . Insurance is

#17Consumer Suggestion

Fri, May 23, 2003

NOT a maintenance plan (no matter what bill of "goods" we were sold in the late 80's and early 90's) - it is there SOLELY for major medical emergencies - like back when insurance FIRST came out and was affordable and you could go to ANY doctor you wanted and could actually SEE the doctor without waiting for an hour (at a schedule appointment) and AFFORD your bill.

The SCAM was HMO's - it was doomed from the beginning - the selling point was "if everyone pays a little then all can have covereage" - they knew most consumers would buck at that so they sweetened the deal with "see, we'll pay for the little stuff like checkups and birth control and encourage everyone to go EVERY time they get a hang nail or runny nose so we'll look like we're offering something for them" meanwhile they were ripping (and pissing) off the doctors and hospitals who "participated" in their plan - basically when Americans accepted the HMO they let a "middle-man" in.

Insurance companies are only around to make money - end of story. Now, they limit their "accepted PPO or HMO" doctors to only the most mediocre of individuals which lowered the overall quality of healthcare and increased malpractice lawsuits which also directly affects our health care premiums and our choice of doctor - the quality doctors got tired of not being paid (sometimes for over a year) for services provided (don't believe me - type in insurance and/or hmo class action lawsuit into any search engine and see what comes up) and got out of it.

Do you think the insurance company is gonna take the hit - NO WAY! They just keep jacking up our rates until people like me (who make upper middle-class income) weigh weather they wanna pay $500 a month for the "privelege" of carrying an isurance car (with a $1000 yearly deductible) and decide to "risk" it (I am what is known as the "working uninsured"). And no one will ever convince me that they are entitled to health insurance. No one is. Sorry - I'll put my soapbox away now. I do pity this woman for her situation but (and I am sorry if this is calloused) I have my own family to take care of and I work hard for my money and I resent it deeply when my premiums shoot up every year because of someone else's medical condition (case in point the new allergy medication scandal). I am charged with providing for and taking care of MY FAMILY.


Baton Rouge,

Explain why Wal-Mart should pay for these things

#17Consumer Comment

Fri, May 23, 2003

WalMart makes huge profits because of their retail business, not from ripping off hypochondriac employees and their dependents. If you're so dissatisfied with the service, then WHY DO YOU PAY THE PREMIUM EVERY MONTH? If you're screwed with MS anyways, save yourself the 30 bucks!

By constantly submitting claims that you know will be denied, you're making the adjusters waste time and energy that could be spent helping those who CAN be helped.

Boo h*o that you can't get your drugs that cheap anymore - NO ONE CAN! Why not write a RipOff Report on Pepsi because it's not a nickel anymore!

I think the lack of B12 is ALREADY causing loss of mental function. GET A GRIP YOU WHINER!



WalMart is not the culprit/Karen has unreal expectations

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, May 22, 2003

I hear this story every day of the week!

Think about this, people! Karen's MRI's are $1,500 each. She has several of them a year. That is several thousands of dollars. How much is Karen paying for them? Probably about $60 as an employee of WalMart. That's $720 per year.

So, Karen pays $720 per year. The WalMart insurance company pays several thousand. WHO do you think is making up the difference? Is there some magic pot of government money helping to offset Karen's loss to the insurance company? Maybe it comes from the tooth fairy!

It's the same with karen's drugs. Prescription drug costs have soared in the last decade. Yet Karen wants to pay the "old" prices! Wake up people!

Karen wants the insurance company to PAY MORE for her health care than she pays for her insurance. How many businesses do you know who can afford to pay out more than they collect? Or maybe Karen wants her fellow healthy employees to PAY FOR HER healthcare with THEIR premiums? Well??????

Insurance is about RISK. Karen probably expects her auto insurance to pay for her wiper blades and tires and oil changes. She wants her home owners insurance to pay for her yard work and carpet cleaning. Sorry. Times have changed. The old HMO health plans which paid for everything went bankrupt. Your health care insurance is there to pay for the BIG stuff.

Get used to paying for your own maintenance. WalMart's plan, by the way, is better than most group plans and better than ALL individual health care plans.



Walmart insurance HARTFORD Insurance is a RIPOFF

#17UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, November 01, 2002

Walmart employees have STD and LTD with HARTFORD insurance. I carried it, and when I became disabled to work in 1999, I did NOT receive ANYTHING from HARTFORD. I received total SSDI back to my last day of work. HARTFORD insurance is a total WASTE of money.

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