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  • Report:  #62979

Complaint Review: Walmart

Walmart ripoff, Christian, biased influence Tucson Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Tucson Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Tue, July 08, 2003
  • Updated:
    Fri, February 06, 2004
  • Walmart
    555 Wetmore Rd.
    Tucson, Arizona
  • Phone:
  • Category:

This is to let everyone know, whether you like Walmart or not, that they are becoming a part of Christian Merchants program run by Kingdom Ventures. This Christian group is hopeful in their idea of having a store that will broaden accessibility to Christian-interests through merchandise, stating: "Our Christian Merchants initiative aims at providing approved companies with easy access to millions of Christians," Gene Jackson, the president of Kingdom Ventures told Business Wire.

"Personally, I would feel much better buying clothes, gas, or computers, knowing that they help increase the Christian Church's positive influence in our country. In fact, the items purchased could remind us of our relationship with God," he said.

I do not have anything against religion but I feel that this is not only giving power to a coalition that needs not have it, as corporation and religion should not mesh because it causes corrupt practices on both sides.

I refuse to shop at any of these stores any longer as I feel this is not only giving power where it doesn't need to be placed but also I feel that this is showing favor for one religion, and one only.

Christians (with or without strong faiths) would not feel comfortable in a store with items such as spell books or book of shadows, magick spellbooks of any area of Paganism or Wiccan or anything else that would threaten or shatter the history and/or basis for their religion. Although I understand that Walmart will not have "Christian based" items in their stores (as ideas go thus far), however, I still feel like the bias is in Christian favor rather than general public.

I'm writing this rip off report to make all of you aware that Walmart is changing into this, if you are Christian or religious you may feel that this is a step in the right direction, however, for those of you who do not, you may want to reconsider patronizing any of these chains. Their low prices really aren't low anymore. Walmart has already had suits of discrimination, race, and prejudice filed against them, what next?

I'm educating you so that you can make an intelligent decision of whether or not you want to shop at these stores any longer. I do not. I will not. My family has decided (and remained firm) not to shop at Walmart any longer.

If you decide to not shop at Walmart due to them being a rip off or because of their discrimination suits or because of their new found interest in one religion that seems to being on the road of monopolizing, I respect that you do it because of your own personal thoughts and beliefs.

If you decide to shop at Walmart, whether it's because you don't care about what they do, you like them, etc, I hope you realize that Walmart is showing that they care less for the public and more for an organization of religion that could make them more money.

I believe in a company doing well, not gaining power through wealth by "opening to new markets" or showing favoritism and influential reputations through popularity of religion.

Thank you for taking time to read my rip off report. Have a beautiful day.

Knowledge is power.

B Gemini
Tucson, Arizona

11 Updates & Rebuttals



This bothers me, Oh well, this makes Walmart as christian a company as most christian people I guess.

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, February 05, 2004

That a store that uses slave labor and puts millions of people out of work in order to fund the last real Communist holdout on the planet would have the audacity to join a coalition of businesses that claim to be of the faith that says it is wrong to exploit others unfairly for your own gain.

Oh well, this makes Walmart as christian a company as most christian people I guess.



This bothers me, Oh well, this makes Walmart as christian a company as most christian people I guess.

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, February 05, 2004

That a store that uses slave labor and puts millions of people out of work in order to fund the last real Communist holdout on the planet would have the audacity to join a coalition of businesses that claim to be of the faith that says it is wrong to exploit others unfairly for your own gain.

Oh well, this makes Walmart as christian a company as most christian people I guess.



This bothers me, Oh well, this makes Walmart as christian a company as most christian people I guess.

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, February 05, 2004

That a store that uses slave labor and puts millions of people out of work in order to fund the last real Communist holdout on the planet would have the audacity to join a coalition of businesses that claim to be of the faith that says it is wrong to exploit others unfairly for your own gain.

Oh well, this makes Walmart as christian a company as most christian people I guess.



This bothers me, Oh well, this makes Walmart as christian a company as most christian people I guess.

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, February 05, 2004

That a store that uses slave labor and puts millions of people out of work in order to fund the last real Communist holdout on the planet would have the audacity to join a coalition of businesses that claim to be of the faith that says it is wrong to exploit others unfairly for your own gain.

Oh well, this makes Walmart as christian a company as most christian people I guess.



Tolerance is one thing...

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, October 03, 2003

Yes Jerry it is hard to tolerate your 'ilk' as I have yet to find any 'pagan' FORCE FEED their views down my throat. Pagans don't come to my door step and bother me during dinner or call me at my home and work.

Now to rebut your points:

"It is precisely because the Christian faith has for so long been left at the door of the church building that there is so much corruption in business these days. I know of a lot of businesses and people who would benefit from following Thou shalt not steel[Exodus 20:15 KJV]."

This is great. The Church doesn't have corruption? The Christian faith is a healing balm that will solve everything? HA! Let's start with Jim Baker and his group. Then we can throw in the child molestation from priests and on and on... And finally I like your commandment qote, 'STEEL?' Love that!

"A fallacy of modern American culture is that religion is any belief system. This is not so. Religion is To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. [James 1:27 KJV]. Which is the crux of the Christian faith."

So the Christian faith is it. Islam, Judaism, and the 700 million + Hindus are all on the wrong train? (Just to name a few) The high and mighty Christians are the ONLY path? Ever hear of humility or compassion? (sure so long as one is Christian right?) You also state in this quote of the fallacy of American culture...perhaps you'd enjoy living somewhere else since American culture is causing you problems with 'tolerance' and more than one religion? Tell you what. Saudi Arabia is ruled by one religion as are many of the Middle Eastern countries. Why don't you move there?

And before you go thinking I'm some misguided pagan, I believe in God though it certainly isn't the God you follow. You can keep your hateful God who is evidently willing to condemn billions of souls just because they chose to take a different path to Him...or maybe that's just you Jerry and your wonderful Christian extremism.



Religion in general

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, October 02, 2003

Wal-Mart joining some Christian oriented group doesn't bother me. Wal-Mart offering better benefits to their gay and l*****n employess doesn't bother me either. What sticks in my craw is the bible thumping, religious right extremists that think everyone that doesn't do exactly what they say will be going to hell! Didn't you know that only those who follow the Bible can have Christian morals? Yeah right!



I have three points to rebut

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, October 02, 2003

I would like to rebut three points:

1} I feel that this is not only giving power to a coalition that needs not have it, as corporation and religion should not mesh because it causes corrupt practices on both sides.

It is precisely because the Christian faith has for so long been left at the door of the church building that there is so much corruption in business these days. I know of a lot of businesses and people who would benefit from following Thou shalt not steel[Exodus 20:15 KJV].

2} I feel that this is showing favor for one religion, and one only.

A fallacy of modern American culture is that religion is any belief system. This is not so. Religion is To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. [James 1:27 KJV]. Which is the crux of the Christian faith.

3} Christians (with or without strong faiths) would not feel comfortable in a store with items such as spell books or book of shadows, magick spellbooks of any area of Paganism or Wiccan or anything else that would threaten or shatter the history and/or basis for their religion.
This is less a rebuttal as just a question. I, as a believer (in Christ), have long been pressured by this society to accept paganism (in all of its forms) under the guise of tolerance. Is it so hard to tolerate me as well?



Walmart Christians?????, well maybe maybe not.---?????

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, October 01, 2003

I was just listening the other day that WALMART will be catering to the gay/l*****n needs of their employees, such as: incervicing their non gay/l*****n employees bout the "new lifestyle" and from my understanding they will be able to insure each other, just as a "normal" family unit would.....Did you say what's wrong with that????, well if the owner calls himself a christian he will see a lot wrong, the BIBLE speaks against those condoning evil as good, and good as evil...If a man lies with a man sexually, as a man lies with a woman sexually that is an abomination before the turn WALMART STORES will SUFFER drastically for this, and phase one has already started, I was looking at TV, and there is a Class Action Lawsuit to be filed against WM for overworking and slave driving of it's employees...Also, just watch and see how these DOLLAR STORES are going to come up out of nowhere, they are already selling name brand products, picture frames, tissue, tools, cleaning agents...the very thing you depended on WALMART for you can now get it for a DOLLAR....I need not say anymore just sit back and watch...One day you'll all be sitting around saying, hey remember that BIG GIANT OF A STORE CALLED WALMART!!!!!...whatever happened to them.....



St. Paul,

All Christians Are Not Prejudiced Against Other Faiths

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, September 20, 2003

Why do people have to think all christians are prejudiced against Wiccans, Pagans and New Agers? Just because idiots like Jerry Falwell are in the media doesn't mean the rest of us think the same. I've had Pagan, Wiccan, Agnostic, and Athiest friends and personally would feel more comfortable in some Wiccan circles than some Christian extremist circles.

For the record, I'm Lutheran. I don't give a crap what religions a store is alligned with so long as it's not Satanism or another cult that advocates doing harm to people. Wicca's main commandment, btw, is do as ye will but harm none. They don't even believe in Satan. They don't threaten the Christian religion as many paranoid extremists would have you believe.

Their "magick" is just like prayer, but to a female deity and they use candles, herbs, and gemstones and other stuff as props. Christians use candles, too. In fact, many areas of Christianity, such as the saints and Holy Communion, were actually borrowed from Pagan religions. Just ask a theologist or do the Internet research yourself.

Anyway I'm just sick and tired of people claiming that all Christians are "uncomfortable" with people of other faiths or being in the same room with items of other religions when it isn't true at all. Also for the record, Christianity used pentacles before the crucifiction, they are and were symbols of protection. The cross only became a meaningful religious symbol after Christ was murdered and rose again. They were first seen as evil by Christians during the witch hunting years, and that was due to an error on the church's part.

Do the research yourself if you don't believe me. You don't have to take my word for it. Read books. Don't just assume other people are evil because they're different.

And Walmart does sell Christian jewelry and books, so they do technically have Christian products.



The Christian Perception

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, September 09, 2003

In regard to your comment that any Christian would not feel comfortable in a store where anykind of spell books or Wiccan subject matter was offered. Simply not true. A true Christian can go to a book store, for instance where books on many subjects including those offensive to both Christians and non-believers. As a Christian I am not threatened by a book sitting on a shelf. It simply has not affect on me. A true Christian fears nothing except falling away from the mercy of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. In fact Christ hung out with prostitues and thieves, when the "religious" leaders of the day questioned him he explained that these were the people he was trying to reach. AFollowers of Christ feel comfortable anywhere because they are not affected by this world. It is what they keep in their hearts that can make or break them.



I'm not sure how often you've been in Walmart but I've shopped there for years

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, July 09, 2003

Anyone familiar with Sam Walton and his businesses knows that Walmart has always been run by a man who was a believer in Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. They have, for as long as I can remember, sold Bibles, books by Christian authors and other books not by Christian authors that are of a spiritual nature. It's never bothered me one way or the other.

Private businesses should be allowed to run things as they please, as long as they are doing nothing illegal. The greatest thing about this country is that you can choose where you want to shop and where you don't want to shop. But, to be honest, your reasons for trying to encourage a boycott are somewhat silly, IMHO. How upset would you be if someone on here wrote what you did but in regard to a well known store that supported New Age thinking? Why you would be quite upset, I'm sure. I mean how DARE they try to force THEIR beliefs on YOU?? Think about it. There is no reason why a business can't associate itself with any group for whatever reason. You don't have the right to tell them that they can't do that.

If you don't want to shop there, that's fine. Your choice entirely. I'll keep shopping there. And I'll shop in Borders Books too....even though they sell books by authors I don't agree with! GASP!!

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