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  • Report:  #300397

Complaint Review: Walmart Store #2357

Walmart Store #2357 I had put Xmas ornaments into a bag & was harrassed by security Germantown Maryland

  • Reported By:
    Germantown Maryland
  • Submitted:
    Wed, January 16, 2008
  • Updated:
    Wed, August 27, 2008

The day after Christmas, after 5pm, I went to Walmart to pick some stuff. I am not 1 of thoses crazy shoppers who don't sleep to get sales :-)while at the store, I saw Xmas ornaments and TOYS on clearance, so naturally I picked a few boxes...until I had my hands FULL -literally !

I a took my "booty" to the scanner in the beauty department to check the prices before I decide what to keep.

Now for the "best part". As I had a few big ornaments, light,Xmas tree(small, I am a petite woman :-)) and toys BOXES, I pulled 2 Target bags that I had in my pocket (I returned something to Target earlier) and put some of them into the bag...after scanning and liking the price. Now the boxes are TOO BIG for the bags and you can see the products. I wanted to have extra help, but since I didn't plan on buying so much stuff initially and I didn't want to look for a Wet cart(it was raining outside-I even had another big bag to put over my head when I came into the store) - and the store was PACKED. Shopping carts slow me down,I carry stuff in my hands usually,and there were no baskets (this store never have them) and I wanted more mobility since there were too many people w/carts loaded to the ceiling.

Then a security lady come to me and asks me what am I doing. I explain.she tells me to take things out of the bags, I do. She tells me that she is a security officer and that I put stuff in bags to conceal it. I reply : it's ridiculous. I ask for help carrying stuff. She was nice enough to call a guy w/ cart..the guy was polite, no problem here.

Then she escorts me to the register to pay for stuff...and tells me "to never come again to the store or she will charge me w/tresspassing"

I asked for for her name repeatedly and she declined to provide it,while her tag was inside cleavage. Needless to say my hubby returned the stuff I bought to Walmart-whatever I could find unused around the house. I shopped at that store for 8 years (when you have kids, you try to save whenere you can) and I did that w/the bag before : I'd unload my stuff on the register belt. never had any problem.

Was I shoplifting ? Insane - the boxes were falling out of the bags ! I was inside the store, no exit in sight.

I would appreciate any comments from this site.
Thank you.

Germantown, Maryland

22 Updates & Rebuttals



Are you kidding?

#23UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, August 27, 2008

I didn't even waste my time reading your whole report. If the shoe were on the other foot would you think it to be okay if you owned a business & someone started bagging your merchandise? Whinning, Complainer! Shope online.


Thunder Bay,


#23Consumer Comment

Sat, August 23, 2008

i NEVER use plastic store bags - i always use my own canvas bags and fill them as I shop, then empty them and pay for my purchases at the register (never at walmart though - I would never shop there). There is no crime unless you do not pay. Sue them, sue them , sue them, they are fascists with a smiley face.




#23Consumer Comment

Tue, July 22, 2008

I understand that this thread is old however I just thought I would add my two cents worth. There is nothing I can't stand more then someone beaking off about something that they obviously have no idea about. Namelesscanadian states that it is not a crime to conceal objects inside the store in Canada. All I have to say is this is not a true statement.

It is a crime to conceal items in a store in Canada. Though it is not common practice to arrest for such things as we tend to give people the benifit of doubt. But it is still a crime in Canada and it is called Theft. Namelesscanadian get your information right before you start rattleing on about things you don't know. And if you are employed in the industry of loss prevention it just goes to further show the lack of training and understanding of authority that is prevalent here in Edmonton with loss prevention officers.



Reuseable Bags...

#23Consumer Comment

Mon, June 23, 2008

As Bryce noted, Wal-Mart(and most stores) now sell Re-usable bags. However, those are different than a regular plastic bag, and NOT what the OP did.

If the OP had a canvas bag that they were carrying around and was then confronted by security that would be a different story. But note that the original OP stated that they pulled 2 Target Bags from their pocket. This is a lot different than carrying a re-useable bag as they entered the store.

The OP also stated in the end of the report that they have done that before without a problem. Perhaps they never had a problem before. But perhaps they always carried around the bag and didn't pull them from a pocket.



More Lies !!

#23Consumer Comment

Mon, June 23, 2008

Did she write a rrport..
did she gather your name and verify who you are
Were the cops called and/ or were you chanrge.
Had the manager specifically gathered information from you......
had you signed any agreement.....
Had you be served with a trespass order...

So the conclusion is this person lied to you in an effort to use a heavy handed scare tactic.... I would not believe her and I'd go there anyhow.

My one neighbor was banned but he was arrested for stealing from them, and part of the court dealings included serving him with a trespass order to stay off walmart property or he'd be charged with the things they did not press charges on at this time. He ended up on probation for what was charged and his lawyer said a trespass order is not good indefinitely unless they go before the supreme court. So even if you were forbidden it must be in writting ( trespass order) and that is only for so long...probably one year. Nothing in writting then it is only hot air from a Door Greeter or whatever she was..



More Lies !!

#23Consumer Comment

Mon, June 23, 2008

Did she write a rrport..
did she gather your name and verify who you are
Were the cops called and/ or were you chanrge.
Had the manager specifically gathered information from you......
had you signed any agreement.....
Had you be served with a trespass order...

So the conclusion is this person lied to you in an effort to use a heavy handed scare tactic.... I would not believe her and I'd go there anyhow.

My one neighbor was banned but he was arrested for stealing from them, and part of the court dealings included serving him with a trespass order to stay off walmart property or he'd be charged with the things they did not press charges on at this time. He ended up on probation for what was charged and his lawyer said a trespass order is not good indefinitely unless they go before the supreme court. So even if you were forbidden it must be in writting ( trespass order) and that is only for so long...probably one year. Nothing in writting then it is only hot air from a Door Greeter or whatever she was..



More Lies !!

#23Consumer Comment

Mon, June 23, 2008

Did she write a rrport..
did she gather your name and verify who you are
Were the cops called and/ or were you chanrge.
Had the manager specifically gathered information from you......
had you signed any agreement.....
Had you be served with a trespass order...

So the conclusion is this person lied to you in an effort to use a heavy handed scare tactic.... I would not believe her and I'd go there anyhow.

My one neighbor was banned but he was arrested for stealing from them, and part of the court dealings included serving him with a trespass order to stay off walmart property or he'd be charged with the things they did not press charges on at this time. He ended up on probation for what was charged and his lawyer said a trespass order is not good indefinitely unless they go before the supreme court. So even if you were forbidden it must be in writting ( trespass order) and that is only for so long...probably one year. Nothing in writting then it is only hot air from a Door Greeter or whatever she was..


Boca Raton,


#23Consumer Suggestion

Sat, February 09, 2008

A useful statistic provided by Wal-Mart is 89% of people in the U.S. and Canada shop
at Wal-Mart.

Now, I enter the store all the time with merchandise from other stores and a handbag.

Yes, I am a guy but it is a professional business bag that holds my receipts which I am

OCD and don't like to fold up. I put all my receipts in the bag when I get them.

Sometimes for certain merchandise from another store I need one of their bags.

Usually it is bottled water by the gallon as I need it for my medications when it is

hot especially.

Now the greeter ,the question they ask me is that a return and I smile no.

I shop and go about my business. When I finish at the register paying for everything

I sometimes consolidate bags from other stores. I have all my receipts intact in my


Sometimes I have to run to the bathroom and I won't leave my bags in the cart

because they are not responsible for medications or merchandise if someone walks off

with it while you are in the facilities.

Sometimes with some time for the bus to go I go back and buy some discount DVD's

that I like. With my cart full of groceries I put the DVD's at the top of the cart

where a child would sit.

I never ever steal from anybody or anyone and have never had problems with

Wal-Mart or other stores. When they want to check my stuff at the security

checkpoint I pull out my receipts and give adequate explanations about all my

places where I have bought other merchandise and also theirs.

I think that if the person who complained about her bag problem in the first place

explain to the working personnel who are responsible that she would not have had

that problem.

I don't however put anything in my handbag I am buying from the store until I have

the receipt to prove it is now my asset and not an incurred liability that has not been

satisfied. So, I have a special situation which I hopes helps others who are ADA and

also need guidance with communicating their actions correctly to what their behavior

intends to be in the store.

Thanks, I know I have a weird name but it fits a lot of times.



New Update to Wal-Mart Bags

#23Consumer Comment

Sat, February 09, 2008

Interestingly enough, I went to Wal-Mart today, a day after I originally commented on this report. I noticed that they now sell bags of some sort, nylon, polyester, a blend, whatever. They look like they hold a little less than the regular plastic shopping bag. They are sold with the tagline of "Paper or Plastic? Neither."

Let me ask this: If I buy some of these resusable bags for $1 each, and enter the store with the intent of buying only enough items to fill said one or two bags, must I get a cart to put my items in? Or may I place the items in my official Wal-Mart reusable bag and proceed to the checkout, unhassled? Will door greeters make it a point to always hassle customers who use reusable bags?

Seems like Wal-Mart really doesn't have a problem with people bringing bags into the store. Seems like they invite it.

Atlanta Guy



#23Consumer Comment

Fri, February 08, 2008

I'm not sure about all states, but here we have a law known as "willful concealment" which states you cannot put items in a bag, box, in your pockets, etc. and then state that you were going to pay for them when caught. You go to jail whether you are caught inside the store or outside.

Atlanta Guy



#23Consumer Comment

Fri, February 08, 2008

I'm not sure about all states, but here we have a law known as "willful concealment" which states you cannot put items in a bag, box, in your pockets, etc. and then state that you were going to pay for them when caught. You go to jail whether you are caught inside the store or outside.

Atlanta Guy



#23Consumer Comment

Fri, February 08, 2008

I'm not sure about all states, but here we have a law known as "willful concealment" which states you cannot put items in a bag, box, in your pockets, etc. and then state that you were going to pay for them when caught. You go to jail whether you are caught inside the store or outside.

Atlanta Guy



#23Consumer Comment

Fri, February 08, 2008

I'm not sure about all states, but here we have a law known as "willful concealment" which states you cannot put items in a bag, box, in your pockets, etc. and then state that you were going to pay for them when caught. You go to jail whether you are caught inside the store or outside.




#23Consumer Comment

Fri, February 08, 2008

I guess you have a point, for me personally I don't see the point in stealing something if you have the funds to pay for it. Then again Ive never stolen anything in my life either. Here it is different though, the security people can't confront a person for suspected shoplifting unless they try to leave the premises without paying for the merchandise. Pretty much one foot out the door.



Read what I wrote, Robert

#23Consumer Comment

Fri, February 08, 2008

I stated right after my comments about the types of shoplifters this:

"Of course there are all types of shoplifters, but I don't believe this reporter fit the description of any of them."

I paired two types of shoplifters that are very popular here at two of our local stores. One seems to slip beneath the radar, and you never hear of them or see them being hassled. The other is hassled and stereotyped perhaps a little too much.

There really is no need to bring it to someone's attention that their statement is flawed when they acknowledged that before you even had a chance to read it.

And for your statement that: "A good Security(LP) person goes on actions of an individual."
The truth of the matter is that a lot of these people are not "good security persons," but rather fell into the job because it was available and they were there to take it. If Wal-Mart had good security people they would not lose the millions they lose each year.



More of a lack of common sense than a RipOff

#23Consumer Comment

Fri, February 08, 2008

Wal Mart is private property. They have every right to request that you do not return. Personally I try to avoid the store like the plague for several other reasons. What you did is considered concealment. In some areas concealment is illegal, in others it is not. So I won't get into that. Would it have been smarter for her to wait and see if you actually left without paying..yea. Would it have been smarter for you to think and not put items into the bags..yea.

You stated she asked what you were doing and let you explain your story. She then got someone to get you a cart to use. She then followed you to the registers. At no time do you say she ever tried to detain you. So there was nothing that can be seen as illegal on her part.

I would probably suggest that you don't keep bags in your pockets anymore. Also, do not use them to hold unpaid merchandise.

Just a comment to Namelesscanadian and Flutterby. It is doubtful that you have ever worked in retail or Security(Asset Protection,Loss Prevention). If you had you would realize how inaccurate your suggestion that because she had the money she was not going to shoplift. Now I am NOT(repeat NOT) saying that she was going to. But when a shoplifter gets caught very often the first thing out of their mouth is "Why would I shoplift, I have the money to pay for it"

For Bryce: There is no "look" to a shoplifter. I have seen people of all ages, races, and economic backgrounds get caught. A good Security(LP) person goes on actions of an individual. Whether people want to beleive it or not the action of placing unpaid items in a bag is something that any good LP person looks for, and is why she was confronted.



Wal-Mart Jokers

#23Consumer Comment

Fri, February 08, 2008

Why would any door greeter let you in with purchases from Target? It's obvious if you were leaving with Target bags stuffed full, those greeters should be checking those Target bags, IF they had let you in the store with them, but they didn't. The only way this could've been intent to shoplift would have been if you had carried empty Wal-Mart bags in and stuffed them with merchandise. The door greeters should have been the ones to stop you if you had tried to pass through the exit with full Target bags.

You have to realize that this buxom security guard really has no concept of what a shoplifter would look like, and was eager to finally do something on a boring day. The people I NOTICE shoplifting are of two types here at our Wal-Mart and Lowes: 1) Teenage girls in the make-up and health sections, and 2) The Amish in Sporting Goods and Hardware. Of course there are all types of shoplifters, but I don't believe this reporter fit the description of any of them.

It's happened more than once where I've seen an Amish guy go in the bathroom and if you take a look, you'll see empty packaging off a hunting knife or tool where the guy was. And there's usually another one, standing around outside the door. It's fairly obvious, as the lookout doesn't go in the restroom and leaves after the guy inside does. But they don't leave together, they both just kind of walk away, without walking together, talking or even acting like they know each other. And the girls are just plain obvious, and you see them being held up around the security office all of them time by the security people.

And besides, the security there is just plain inept. I had an incident where my kid would not leave the store unless I bought him a tent. He parked himself right by the tents, with the one he wanted in hand. He's fifteen, a little too old for that sort of stuff. So I wound up getting the head of security. I asked him to go scare the kid a little, you know, tell him they would ban him from the store and call the cops for trespassing. We walked back to him so security could deliver the message. The head told the kid what I wanted him to, and the whole time the guy looked nervously at me instead of firmly looking my kid straight in the face. My kid is not threatening, is not violent, and this hulking head of security was so insecure he couldn't even bluff him very well. The kid left the store almost immediately after smirking, and then pulled the "I'm not getting in the car" routine after we got outside. Luckily there was a sheriff's car pulling into the lot, and I acted like I was going to get the policeman to give him a talk. That moved him.

Security at Wal-Mart is a joke. They don't know who they should be looking for, so just make sure you complain complain complain to Wal-Mart if something like
this happens to you.

And it's all the better when what you are *stealing* is low dollar clearance items. We all know that's where the money is.




#23Consumer Comment

Thu, February 07, 2008

I can see where your frustration stems from, where I live it is not shop lifting until you physically try to leave the business without paying for the merchandise in question. So you would have been fine unless you attempted to leave the store.

It seems really unfair to me that you pretty muched proved yourself by paying for the merchandise in question that she would still ban you from the store, if you had intended to steal the items chances are you wouldnt have had the money to pay for them to begin with. Go figure. Well good luck with future shopping trips.




#23Consumer Comment

Thu, February 07, 2008

I can see where your frustration stems from, where I live it is not shop lifting until you physically try to leave the business without paying for the merchandise in question. So you would have been fine unless you attempted to leave the store.

It seems really unfair to me that you pretty muched proved yourself by paying for the merchandise in question that she would still ban you from the store, if you had intended to steal the items chances are you wouldnt have had the money to pay for them to begin with. Go figure. Well good luck with future shopping trips.




#23UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, February 07, 2008

Well you didn't shoplift but they did have every right to stop you. You can not, in any store, bring in your own bag and put items in them. That is really just common sense. I would let it go because it was irresponsible on your part. Walmart does have the ability to tell customers not to come back but what she did was wrong in letting you pay first.

If I were you I would contact the store manager and tell him you think what happened was a little extreme considering you were going to buy the items and you had the money to pay for everything you had in the bags. I'm sure they won't ban you forever. Loss prevention (thats what they call the security at wal-mart) actually has people in normal clothes walking around the store and looking for shoplifters. If you were spotted then its their job to confront you. Once again, banning you after you paid was their error. That is what you should mention to the store manager.


South Carolina,


#23Consumer Comment

Wed, January 16, 2008

But by putting the items in the bag you have concealed it and can be considered to be shoplifting. It'll happen in any store, so if you think it's just Walmart try it at Target or any where else. If the store carts "slow you down" get one of the folding carts that you can use or being some one with you to carry you stuff. but hiding it in a bag is wrong.



What did you expect?

#23Consumer Comment

Wed, January 16, 2008

You were putting unpaid merchandise in a bag, how did you expect the security person to react? You may have had good intentions, but you were a little lacking in the common sense department.

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