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  • Report:  #164544

Complaint Review: Wayne Craig - Gateway 2 Funding - TUFF - Ultimate Funding

Wayne Craig - Gateway 2 Funding - TUFF - Ultimate Funding ripoff, scam artist who say they can help get sdeals funded but all they want is your moeny & they never show you any proof.. all they do is take your money & then try to come back & ask for even more money. Las Vegas Nevada

  • Reported By:
    Silver Spring Maryland
  • Submitted:
    Mon, November 14, 2005
  • Updated:
    Mon, November 14, 2005
  • Wayne Craig - Gateway 2 Funding - TUFF - Ultimate Funding
    Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Stay away from Wayne Craig,Alton Cedric, Gateway 2 Funding, TUFF LLC or what ever other names/alias they go by. They are scam artist who cant not deliver on any promises. ALL THEY WANT IS YOUR UPFRONT FEES. He basicially says helps provide people with collateral(bank guarantees, lines of credit & so on) to use to help them secure funding & then takes that collateral to one of the banks he "has a realtionship " with & then gets the client a loan based on the collateral he provides. he says this can be done real quick, like in 2 weeks -30 days. Everything he says is all BS!!! He is a fraud!!! He basically took me & my assocaite for $16,750 & he is still trying to get us to pay aan additional $9,500. IF YOU HAVE ALSO BEEN RIPPED OFF BY WAYNE CRAIG(or any of the names i listed above)THEN PLEASE CONTACT ME AT THE NUMBER BELOW. LETS WORK TOGETHER TO PUT SCAM ARTISTS LIKE HIM BEHIND BARS.

I am a loan consultant who helps match borrwers with lenders. I originally posted 1 of my clients projects on the business website hoping to attract potential investors. Mr. Craig saw it & contacted me. He told me that a few years ago he was tryying to start a company but most lenders wanted upfront fees & so on. He finally found a lender who dodnt charge much fees & he got his company financed. Then a few years later he sold it for a profit & then made alot of money in the stock market. Now he wants to "give back to the community" by helping other entrepreneurs reach their dreams. He says it cost him alot of money to secure the collateral needed for loans & he will pay that, but he wants the borrower to just pay some oif his legal fees & underwritting fees.

Back in August he said the fee for my clients $500 mill housing development project he said this fee would be $30K. My client has no money left so i & an associatre of mine said we would pay the fee for my client since we would get 2% of the loan amount if the deal closed.However another lender i was working with said they could do the deal so i put Mr. Craig on hold. The deal with the other lender fell through so in early October i tried to call Mr. Craig, however his number was disconected.

So I E-mailed him asking if he still was doing business & he wrote back that he was moving his office & once set up he will have a new number (TO THIS DAY HE STILL HAS NO VERIFYABLE OFFICE NUMBER)Since then all of our communicating has been done by E-mail. So after a few more E-mails he told me that he was in Eurpoe now & has even a better program then before & is now even cheaper. So i resent him my clients summary. he said ihe would only charge a fee of $17,500 plus he would get 1% of the loan amount at closing. Me & my associate said we would pay it. THAT WAS A BIG MISTAKE!!! His fee was supposed to cover all of our costs in this deal. This fee was supposed to cover all of his legal fees, underwritting costs & document preperation.

On October 26 he sends me his contract, with out his signature on it, for $17,500 & said this fee needs to be paid by Oct 28 or this deal is no good. I said this cant be done in 2 days. He then saisd just send a money gram (similar to western Union) for $500 to lock us in & then we will have to Nov 2 to pay the rest of the fee. he sent a revised contract & i sent the money gram myself. Then on Oct 27 he says he people said we need to pay atleast 10% ($1,750) by the 28th to lock us in. He told me to send anoither money gram of $500 & he would pay the $750 himself. So i sent another money gram. Then on the 28th he said some crazy crap that he couldnt get the $750 so he asked me to send another $500 rightaway to keep the deal from falling apart. During the evening of the 28th he sent me 3-4 "URGENT" E -mails basically saying" Jacob i hope you got the money sent beto keep this from falling aprt" So i stupidly finaly sent the last $500. ALL THE MONEY GRAMS WERE MADE OUT TO ALTON CEDRIC, because Wayne said he was in Europe so mr. Cedric would pick them up for him. He said that once the total fee was paid he would send a wlecome package that would inclusde his contract with his signature, the bank s contact info & the contact info of everyione on his side& so on. TO THIS DAY WE HAVE NEVER RECEIVED THAT WELCOME PACKAGE!!

Then on Nov 1 my associate Fed Exed Wayne a certified check for $15,000 for next day delivery & i sent another money gram of $250. Hadnt hear anythign from him so on Fri Nov 4 i wrote to him. On Monday Nov 7 he wrote back saying he got the money & that his people are busy processing this & everything is going well & this deal should be closed. He also said he needed my drivers Licences since i would be the person rhandlign the commisiion & he needed the borrowers drivers licences. He also then requested the full business plan & docuumentation on the borrowers project. So i sent what he requested.

Then 2 days later (Nov 9) he sends a "URGENT" E-mail saying that there is a problem because the bank suprised him by suddenly requiring a site visit & feasibility study for this project & they wanted to Charge $60K. However he said he was pissed at them but he finally got them to agree to let him us an independent contractor to do the site visit& study & that contractor would only charge $25,00. He then said his compnay doenst have the liquid assets to pay the entire fee but they would pay half & he would pay $3K out of his own pocket. SO HE WAS BASICALLY COMMING BACK ASKING US FOR ANOTHER $9,500. He also said he already spent close to $1 Mill of his own money into this deal to bring it this far. He said onnce this fee is paid the deal can close in 72 hours.. OF COURSE THAT IS BS!!

I told him that his contract said our fee covers our cost & that there is no clause in his contract that says there may be additional fees required if the bank charges any fees & we are not paying him anything else period. We have been E-mailing back & forth since then. I have been telling him that its not our fault that he didnt charge us enough money but we have done our part based on his contract so he needs to do his part or give us back our money. Plus i told him to just pay the contractor his half of the $25K now & pay the contractor even $50K 3 days later at closing & he could take the $50K out of my comissions. Of course he didnt agree to this. He said the fee needs to be paid first.

I then told him all that made no sense. I told him if he made all this money in the past & was able to spend close to $1 mill of his on money & was so sure this deal can close in 72 hours then why cant he come up with the $10k. $10K for somneone like him whshould be peanuuts. It makes no sence why somone who stands to lose close to $1 mill of there own money if this deal falls through wouldnt find away to come upwith $10K to keep from losing this close to $1 Mill he already spent. Plus i told him why wouldnt the contractor be happy gettign $12.5 K now & 3 days later get an additional $50k. That would be alot more then the $25k he was originally charging. Plus if he was so sure he could close this deal in 72 hours & he was going to make a good profit then why wouldnt he pay the $10K hhimself. Who wouldnt come up wiht anotyher $10K to ensure they would nt lose the money they already spent, plus make a big profit if they knew this deal would close.!!! Plus i mentioned that anybody who does deals like this knows that a bank probably would require a site visit & feasibility study for a lage commercial loan project like this so he shouldnt have been suprised when the bank actually required this.

Then he sent me the most ridiculous E-maiul i have ever seen. He said he couldnt come up with the $10K & asked me to split that with him, or pay what ever i could come up with. He then said" HE WOULD EVEN BE WILLING TO FORFIT HIS COMMISSION JUST TO SAVE FASE WITH HIS COLLEAGUES & THE LENDING BANK" That would mean when the deal closes he would get nothing, so he would lose the close to $1 Mill of his own money. That is ridiculous. He is expecting me to beleive that not only would he work for free to get this deal close but he would be willing to lose close to $1 mill of his own money just to "save face" Nobody in their right mind would work for free let alone be willing to lose $1 mill just to save face!!!! I cant believe he was able to even type something that crazy with a straight face.

Plus in My E-mails i kept asking him to send me his welcome package, proof of some sort that the bank is willing to close this deal once the site visit issue is resolved. I also asked for the contractors informnation. I even asked him for phone numbers of somebody for somebody from his office, the bank, his collateral provider & so on. I asked to see a copy of the collateral he was using plus to show us some sort of documentation of how the money we paid him was spent. I have asked this a ferw times but in none of his E-mails did he ever acknowledge or address this issue. He just kept comming with more BS. All he has done was take my $16,7500 & then come back asking for more money , but he has never shown any proof that he can sdo anythinhg hee said.

OF COURSE HE DIDNT RESPOND TO MY REQUEST BECAUSE HE COULDNT PROVIDE ANY OF THESE THINGS BECAUSE HE NEVER HAD THEM IN THE FIRTST PLACE. If he had them then he would of paid the remaining $10K himself because he wouldnt lose the close to $1 mill he says he already spent , plus he would make good money when this deal closes. If he could close this deal in 72 hours then what does he need my additional $10K for??? So now in the past few days I have been requesting a refund & still havent got one.

Taking money for nothing is fraud. So is trying to come back & charge more money then what was originally in his contract. Plus not living up to his contract is fraud. As is drawing up a contract & taking money for a service that you cant perform. That is mispresentation & fraud.

So SO AGAIN I ASK ANY OF YOU WHO HAVE BEEN RIPPED OFF BY THIS GUY OR COMPANY TO PLEASE CALL ME SO WE CAN PUT HIM BEHIND BARS. There is strenght in numbers & by working togethewr we can get scam artisits like Wayne Craig (or what ever his real name is) off the streets so he cant ripp off anybody else.

I look forward to working with any of you who got rippedd off by him.

Jacob Rosenthal

Silver Spring, Maryland

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