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  • Report:  #1288239

Complaint Review: Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate Hidden Scam Beneath the Surface Internet

  • Reported By:
    honestreviews — arlington Texas USA
  • Submitted:
    Wed, February 17, 2016
  • Updated:
    Mon, September 12, 2016

So where should I start?  I forgot how I ever found Wealthy Affiliate.  I think I was a paid member with them for probably 3 or 4 months tops.  I want to begin by saying that if you have to promote an affiliate product and pay monthly membership for it, hands down, that is a total scam right there.  Rarely have I ever heard of promoting affiliate products and having to be a paid member with them to promote their product (eg Clickbank doesn’t even do this). 

Now just to summarize and get to the point here is my honest review of why it isn’t the best training program.  But please note that it isn’t to say that it is ALL that bad.  In some instances, it is rather good but not the best. 

Why Wealthy Affiliate Is a Scam

  1. As stated, they make you pay a membership fee (up to $50) a month  and even though you don’t earn anything usually your first month,  you are basically making them richer  paying for their monthly subscription
  2. They give you siterubix  website  where if you do use their system to build your website,  and if you decide not to pay for their services, they basically hold your website hostage….meaning you don’t get access to your website that you created on their end…….the only way to get it is to pay for your subscription and give them your money to allow you access to your site. 
  3. A part of their system in training is to “teach” you how to promote THEIR brand on your blogs  (if your niche is in online startup business)  and promote THEIR keyword tool. 
  4. I personally have tried to send a message to Mr. Kyle when I used to have a paid membership with Wealthy Affiliate,  but he doesn’t respond back.  Understandably the man must be busy (making money) *cough*  and the has little time to give you in depth answers  to your most required questions.  The same can go for the guy who handles the videos tutorial training on a weekly session; tried to ask him a question, too that puzzled me but did he reply?? NOPE!
  5. The forum is more like a “facebook”  interactive communication  atmosphere where it is stated that “it is made to help answer questions that might be puzzling you but when you ask a question in there, your questions go unnoticed, like literally you have to ask about several times before it finally gets noticed and even when it does, there is very brief answers (kinda reminds me of Warrior Forum posts) but that is another topic to delve into another time).  But the truth is the forum is just nonsensical chitter chatter forum that people ‘laugh it up’ and talk away about mundane stuff.  Now don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with doing that but I think we should leave that to Facebook and not in a business forum where we are here to “learn affiliate marketing” 
  6. The people who help you  are known as “ambassadors” and trust me, by experience, they don’t even know ALL OF THE ANSWERS  that baffles your mind about technical difficulties.  Here is an idea folks at WA, why not get live customer support phone number to help with technical issues?? 
  7. You are only ambassador not by the knowledge you have but by how often communicative you are in the forum.  There is no other incentive  (I’ve reached the top 50 I think with ambassadorship) but hardly knew any acquired knowledge myself. 
  8. Their keyword tool Jaaxy does get you ranked but not all the time for every keyword for your blog.  In contrast, even if you are ranked,  you might only be ranked from the keyword tool’s perspective but from my experience, I was hardly ever found by genuine visitors in the organic searches. 
  9. You only get one week of basic membership that you also have to pay, not even  just try it out for free but still have to ‘pay’ as a basic member.  So much for the ‘try before you buy’ ideology.  Basically if you don’t become a premium member within 7 days, your free trial and access to anything you’d get for premium service with be restricted until you ‘pay up’ to get access to it again. 
  10. Type In Wealthy Affiliate in google search box and notice how many niches are competing for page 1 on Google to become present to promote their site and DESIRE to get conversions and sign ups  fighting for that #1 spot.  Yep, these are members from WA trying to promote WA to start earning with their own ‘home business’. You got these WA members promoting similar niches about making money online, start your own home business, and scam companies and what is not legit and what is (hint – the only real legit business they claim for converting you into a customer is… guessed it, WEALTHY AFFILIATE while they go knocking off other sites that are “scammy”).  

Technically there will be sites that ARE scammy but friends, Wealthy Affiliatte deceptively is not an exception.  There is nothing unique about such sites  with niches of making money online and start your own home business; its just a rehash of everyone trying to do what they are taught to do according to WA member’s website – promote Wealthy Affiliate so they get more business and us folks being trained to promote them to make conversions and live that pipe dream of residual income to pour through. 

I have even made complaints as a fake alias to put out some key points issues that the website had; guess what? The moderates took it down immediately XD  lol  yep.  Because they knew that if anyone read that, they’d lose business! 

At the time when I was a paid member, I was smart enough to realize to start my own website independent of wealthy affiliate siterubix interface which works as a subdomain (eg 

I feel that even if WA is a community of support and encouragement between members to succeed, it is also an illusion of the false beliefs that paid members will achieve a unlimited amount of wealth within a short span of time.  I have this strong feeling (and don’t quote me on this) that if those that do end up succeeding didn’t just do it with WA alone, they had guidance from another unknown source.  I might be dead wrong about this but I also have the right to assume this thought, too. 

WA is just a company recruiting members to “promote” their website to get more recruited members from already present members.  It is fine for this to happen I mean after all they are paying their paid members to recruit new members since it is an affiliate website paid to recruit newcomers. 

Then you got the people who  are like “please let us welcome our newest member to the team” that have their ego so high up there that they feel proud that they finally persuaded a member to join the recruitment and get commissioned for it.  But WA also says that getting your friends or family to join will also help you get a commission.  I think it is easier to make money off of family and friends than strangers.  WA doesn’t care, their members who come on board that become paid members only helps thrive their business even more. 

I mean as much as I hate WA now than I ever did before, I honestly hate to admit it but they are not ALL that bad……they are useful for beginners that don’t know how to get started nor ever have any experience with wordpress or their own website before  but overall the point of this post is to just say that they are definitely shady  in their business  etiquette.  Yes they are useful for gaining basic knowledge that I, too, never knew till learning a few things here and there but overall their business is very deceptive and unfair.  Heck you could even ask for emailing members in the forum for support and advice but good luck ever trying to hear back from them.  LOL I mean it, from my own experience they never reply back to any of my questions I had at the time (SMH). 

I think members in the WA community are fed a lot of dreams to “defend” the site and the community such that they are “seduced” or “entranced” to defend the site and it is ‘legit’ too disillusioned to realize its true reason of what is really happening outside of the box.  Heck whoever from WA probably reads this post will ‘attack’ it just to defend the community  and WA claiming there is nothing wrong with the business only because they don’t want their dreams attacked in the instance that they want to have faith in WA that will one day help them earn limitless abundance.   And who knows, maybe it might be true but won’t happen suddenly and will take a lot of practice and hard work…..and I am expecting about 2 years at the minimum to see something so guys if  you still want to give WA a shot, go ahead,  knock yourself out  but don’t come complaining after spending WA membership  and wasting your hard earned money still trying to achieve conversions.  By the way, the exception to the rule is those that are promoting WA that are gurus and masters in the affiliate marketing industry. New players like myself will have a tougher time getting conversions. 

So as some sound advice to you guys out there considering WA, do what I do  and download a plugin from firefox  after paying a ONE TIME premium membership and DOWNLOAD ALL VIDEOS from this plugin  to keep with you and look back at it at your convenience when needed without having to pay regular monthly memberships to  retrieve access to videos that cannot even be downloaded by default (I guess the programmers did this intentionally so that cheaters don’t just download the videos and leave with the free knowledge from the video training tutorials.  Not to brag but I guess I was smarter to outsmart a deceptive system like WA to do just that. 

Also note that if you want to get real experience, forget WA and hire a personal one on one coach. Someone like on Fiverr that can put their full attention on you and teach you  as a mentor….that is the best way to learn.  And then finally do what I am doing; when you have learned everything you need to to make passive income from affiliate marketing, THEN go back to WA (albeit as a paid member) and get your monthly big fat commission checks from this business)….You don’t even need to be interactive in the community just pay to get paid……I think it is only of value when you know how to convert others. 

Well that’s about it thanks for reading folks.



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Wealthy Affiliate-On the fence

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, September 12, 2016

Before I get into my thoughts on WA can you tell me what this plugin from Firefox is and where I can download it?

I'm on the fence with WA at the moment, still teetering but trying to be positive.

I found WA through some "Make A Million Dollars In 1 Hour" b.s. miracle site that I know everyone reading this has seen 100's of times. I have been with them going into my second month now and yes I bought into the premium membership, which they just raised the price of this week $2 dollars more a month. I did not join to be a promoter of WA as a business model, (although I could see from the beginning that they push this issue from day one of their free 7 day trial) but because I myself had no real knowledge of affiliate marketing, online business or website building/design.

If you are an absolute beginner in the online/affiliate world like me then I think WA is a good place to start. The info/training you can get in the free membership will get you going and give you a basic understanding of how it all works, as well as get you a site built up and running. The WordPress tutorials alone have been worth my time. BUT, If you are going into WA thinking that simply promoting WA is going to make you any money I think you are going to be disappointed. Look at all the online entrprenuer, work at home, fake review sites out there already promoting WA and imagine what it would take for your site to pop up in that bunch. WA is better used as a guide to set up your own site promoting actual products through known affiliate programs.

As far as the online community/forum within WA, many (most) of the members do use it like a facebook, patting each other on the back and touting the greatness of being a WA member. And the ranking within the community says nothing of your expertise, but more of how much you blather on about this and that, but you can follow the good ones and ignore the rest. You see members that are following 100's of other members but I have only found a handful at this point that I find knowledgeable enough (and active enough) to follow and you can ask them directly though it may take some waiting for an answer.

And yes everything taught through WA can be found online for free, but I like the convenience of having it all in one place and not having to search for it and weed through all the b.S. and other sales pitches for Guru teachings. The instructional videos are done in a step by step, easy to follow format and short enough to not get burned out on.

All in all, I am going to stay with WA until I have a few sites up and learn a little more about the industry and it's practices, which is why I am working through the training as fast as I can. But I can also see where at some point the membership will become a liability once I've learned what I can.

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