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  • Report:  #262252

Complaint Review: Web Marketing Source/

Web Marketing Held Hostage and Tormented Redmond Washington

  • Reported By:
    East Stroudsburg Pennsylvania
  • Submitted:
    Sat, July 21, 2007
  • Updated:
    Thu, August 16, 2007
  • Web Marketing Source/
    14953 NE 95th St, Redmond,WA 98052
    Redmond, Washington
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Company replied with a email I sent to them to the BBB. These guys are really low down.

They replied with an email I wrote to them under duress to the BBB. All they had there was the email with no response and I thought I had to click yes that I agree writing the email and to my surprise it meant that the case was settled.

If I did not agree I am sure the same would have happened. I do not know how they got that email there for me to click on because when I put in the complaint there was no way for me to attach anything, or I am really over stressed and did not see it. I put a response in and asked for them to explain what their response is since there was only a copy of my email, and I did not understand at all what it meant.

Very tricky, they were rubbing in the letter I wrote under duress. This is how they have been treating me all the time; taking me hostage and tormenting me.

I knew they were stalling me and the proof was when I went to distpute the transaction from my Credit Card Co. they said it was too late.

So I wrote to the Attorney General, which I really think they are no different than the BBB, and then I contacted the Federal Trade Commission,and the IRS because as it turned out Websourcemarketing is actually a merchant that sells new and used books and never had the intension of providing any services and Captures is just a sneaky web builder.

I was shocked when I went to dispute the transaction that WebMarketing Source is a Merchant that sells new and used books.

I guess that is how they move money around and distract customers that want to cancel services. WebMarketingSource and Captures claim to have no association in services, yet this book store charged my credit card.

So, my husband just refiled a complaint with the BBB so not to let them sneak by us again and get away with this.

I could not believe how slick they were by responding with a copy of my email.
I have to call the BBB and ask what actually happens if you do not reply to a ploy like that.

I have to learn how to get my first email to them requesting a refund and cancellation into the reply like them, I cannot figure out how what they did meant a settlement when I asked for a refund.

I did report them to someone else, because I feel they shifted my money around so to distract us.

At this point, I am also thinking in putting an ad in their local paper, calling the media, getting a lawyer.

I will wait to see the last resort I have contacted besides the above mentioned,does.

East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania

14 Updates & Rebuttals



My Rebuttals Are Intended To Inform You AND Others Who May Have Similar Questions

#15UPDATE Employee

Thu, August 16, 2007


I am not trying in any way to compete with your, as you word it, "story." Maybe that's the issue here. What you are stating is a story, not fact. I am not telling a story, but rather trying to help you by stating facts about your account. I am not only doing this for you, but others who may read these reports and believe your outlandish statements or who have the same questions about our services. I have asked you several times to PROVE your accusations. Send us a copy of the billing statement, send me the email you say Ronna sent you stating you would be receiving a refund. If I were to see a shred of proof or fact backing up your claims I would gladly retract what I have stated in my rebuttals in regards to the billing statement and Ronna's email. Send anything you have to me.

I am also not interested in fighting, nor do I believe I have been. I am simply trying to stand up for what I believe and do my job. It also helps you to get answers and inform others who may have similar questions.

I keep referring to the refund issue and I keep telling you that you ARE NOT going to get one unless you submit proof of the statements you have made. We would be willing to look into anything you send and if after reviewing it we find that we were wrong, we would do the right thing.

I hope you make good on your statement not to respond in this same manner. Feel free to send us anything that backs up your claims, I will look into it and get back to you, good or bad. We are still willing to help you get your site up and running.



My Rebuttals Are Intended To Inform You AND Others Who May Have Similar Questions

#15UPDATE Employee

Thu, August 16, 2007


I am not trying in any way to compete with your, as you word it, "story." Maybe that's the issue here. What you are stating is a story, not fact. I am not telling a story, but rather trying to help you by stating facts about your account. I am not only doing this for you, but others who may read these reports and believe your outlandish statements or who have the same questions about our services. I have asked you several times to PROVE your accusations. Send us a copy of the billing statement, send me the email you say Ronna sent you stating you would be receiving a refund. If I were to see a shred of proof or fact backing up your claims I would gladly retract what I have stated in my rebuttals in regards to the billing statement and Ronna's email. Send anything you have to me.

I am also not interested in fighting, nor do I believe I have been. I am simply trying to stand up for what I believe and do my job. It also helps you to get answers and inform others who may have similar questions.

I keep referring to the refund issue and I keep telling you that you ARE NOT going to get one unless you submit proof of the statements you have made. We would be willing to look into anything you send and if after reviewing it we find that we were wrong, we would do the right thing.

I hope you make good on your statement not to respond in this same manner. Feel free to send us anything that backs up your claims, I will look into it and get back to you, good or bad. We are still willing to help you get your site up and running.



My Rebuttals Are Intended To Inform You AND Others Who May Have Similar Questions

#15UPDATE Employee

Thu, August 16, 2007


I am not trying in any way to compete with your, as you word it, "story." Maybe that's the issue here. What you are stating is a story, not fact. I am not telling a story, but rather trying to help you by stating facts about your account. I am not only doing this for you, but others who may read these reports and believe your outlandish statements or who have the same questions about our services. I have asked you several times to PROVE your accusations. Send us a copy of the billing statement, send me the email you say Ronna sent you stating you would be receiving a refund. If I were to see a shred of proof or fact backing up your claims I would gladly retract what I have stated in my rebuttals in regards to the billing statement and Ronna's email. Send anything you have to me.

I am also not interested in fighting, nor do I believe I have been. I am simply trying to stand up for what I believe and do my job. It also helps you to get answers and inform others who may have similar questions.

I keep referring to the refund issue and I keep telling you that you ARE NOT going to get one unless you submit proof of the statements you have made. We would be willing to look into anything you send and if after reviewing it we find that we were wrong, we would do the right thing.

I hope you make good on your statement not to respond in this same manner. Feel free to send us anything that backs up your claims, I will look into it and get back to you, good or bad. We are still willing to help you get your site up and running.



My Rebuttals Are Intended To Inform You AND Others Who May Have Similar Questions

#15UPDATE Employee

Thu, August 16, 2007


I am not trying in any way to compete with your, as you word it, "story." Maybe that's the issue here. What you are stating is a story, not fact. I am not telling a story, but rather trying to help you by stating facts about your account. I am not only doing this for you, but others who may read these reports and believe your outlandish statements or who have the same questions about our services. I have asked you several times to PROVE your accusations. Send us a copy of the billing statement, send me the email you say Ronna sent you stating you would be receiving a refund. If I were to see a shred of proof or fact backing up your claims I would gladly retract what I have stated in my rebuttals in regards to the billing statement and Ronna's email. Send anything you have to me.

I am also not interested in fighting, nor do I believe I have been. I am simply trying to stand up for what I believe and do my job. It also helps you to get answers and inform others who may have similar questions.

I keep referring to the refund issue and I keep telling you that you ARE NOT going to get one unless you submit proof of the statements you have made. We would be willing to look into anything you send and if after reviewing it we find that we were wrong, we would do the right thing.

I hope you make good on your statement not to respond in this same manner. Feel free to send us anything that backs up your claims, I will look into it and get back to you, good or bad. We are still willing to help you get your site up and running.


East Stroudsburg,

To Matt at Web Marketing Source/Captures: a reply to you confusion statement

#15Author of original report

Thu, August 16, 2007

Listen Mr. Matt,

There is a charge Web Marketing Source, which clearly states that this merchant type is a seller of new and used books.

Mr. Tacoronte is not confused about what it clearly states on his statement.

We will no longer respond to your nonsense since it is obvious all you want to do is turn the facts around, and fight.

We have very serious health problems and with the chemo it is not a good idea to generate, unhappy cells.

We do not want to fight back and forth as I have said and that is all that is going on and nothing is getting resolved.

This is not a contest of who has the best story.

Please just refer to the refund issue resolution mentioned by your company last week.

We are not interested is fighting back and forth , this resolves nothing and just causes more stresses, which we clearly do not need at this time.

Where is our refund resolution Ms. Ronna Wickelmann claimed she was going settle for the good?

God Bless,



The Latest Flurry Of Responses Just Prove My Points

#15UPDATE Employee

Thu, August 16, 2007

Yes, you have never spoken to me before. I have left you messages by phone, but technically this is the first time I have introduced myself. The reasons why I have not become involved and why I am at this point are simple. The individuals who are working on your account and who have been in contact with you are managers here. Either Ronna or Warren are completely capable of giving you the answers you request (and have done so this whole time).

I chose not to become involved due to the fact that I feel you are in good hands with them and that they can/will be able to determine whether you qualify for a refund or not (and have told you facts as to why you do not, according to policy). I can see by your emails, ROR reports, BBB, AG, etc. that you are not willing to work with either of them, so I thought maybe I could get involved, not only because I work here and care for this company, but also because I care for our clients and I want to help anywhere I can, especially if you feel you are not being helped by whomever is working with you. Makes sense to me.

The "same story" you speak of in your first reply has to do with policy. We follow it here and the fact that you are hearing consistent answers just goes to show that that we do follow policy. Our policies do not change very often, we always notify clients if it does and it is fair.

In response to the following question...

"In fact, are you not the person who also ripped off another client complaining about you on this site?"

As I stated in my first rebuttal, I am a manager here. Part of my duties are to make sure clients are happy and being taken care of. You posted here several times that you were not, as have few others compared to our entire client base. When that happens I reach out and offer advice, help, state policy, inform, and a whole bunch more. You state that our titles change? It's funny, since I have always been a manager, so has Warren (we started out at that position and are still in it years later). Ronna is in administration, part of her duties involve responding to customer complaints and working to find a fair resolution.

Ronna never lied to you. No one ever lied to your here Arline. I have reviewed ALL the emails, all the phone conversations and all the notes we have on file for you. No where in there have I seen anything that justifies you a refund or clearly shows that we have not provided you the services you have paid for, plus some. If you have an email stating that, I would love to see it. Better yet, post it here for everyone to see. From what I have seen so far, you have NO proof, just nasty remarks about people YOU feel ripped you off. In actuality, it probably had nothing to do with US and everything to do with YOU. We followed through more than once and you refused service. We have built you two Websites that you signed up for. They work, you refuse to work them and learn how to add products.

It doesn't matter if we have never spoken before. I am trying to help you and it is obvious that you aren't willing to receive it at this point. I am not helping to add my 2 cents, as you stated. I am helping because I care for the customers our company deals with and the company itself.

In response to the following statement...

"Settle your own matters before involving your self in others business you know nothing about."

I have plenty of other things to keep me busy Arline. I spend time handling my matters each day, although very few have to do with ROR or unhappy clients. I work roughly 70+ hours a week and on weekends, not because I have to, but because I enjoy what I do. That doesn't count my personal life. Isn't it nice of me to take time away from all of that to try and lend a hand in your matter? Or at least try and help if I can? Why wouldn't you want to have more people involved? Isn't that why you post here, on BBB and other places? To get more people aware and involved?

As I mentioned in my first rebuttal, it appears as though you will not be receiving a refund. That doesn't mean that we cannot find another solution (could be complementary services, waiving of monthly payments). I am NOT PROMISING anything, but we can certainly talk about upgrading your account or possibly waiving some of your monthly fees. In my opinion, we have done nothing wrong to warrant waiving fees or upgrading you, however we are still willing to offer it as an attempt to show you what the site you own can do.

Arline, as I sated before. We are willing to try and resolve these matters in a fair way, with NO refund. Ronna has never sent an email stating that and if you have one i urge you to post it, forward it to us or do something with it so we can end this matter.

We are still willing to show you everything about your site and train you on how to use it. No hard feelings, we just want to come to a FAIR resolution for both of us.


East Stroudsburg,

To Matt at Web Marketing Source/Captures: I am not interested in the lies you tell me. You rip off alot of people

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, August 16, 2007


If you provide proof to your customers, why are there complaints, here on this site that when a customer asked for proof, you out right told them that you do not have to show them proof.

I am not interested in what you have to say about other customers

Only interested in my refund, per Ms. Wickelmannn.

Busy bodies know much about nothing.

God Bless


East Stroudsburg,

To Matt at Web Marketing Source/Captures: I am not interested in the lies you tell me. You rip off alot of people

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, August 16, 2007


If you provide proof to your customers, why are there complaints, here on this site that when a customer asked for proof, you out right told them that you do not have to show them proof.

I am not interested in what you have to say about other customers

Only interested in my refund, per Ms. Wickelmannn.

Busy bodies know much about nothing.

God Bless


East Stroudsburg,

To Matt at Web Marketing Source/Captures: I am not interested in the lies you tell me. You rip off alot of people

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, August 16, 2007


If you provide proof to your customers, why are there complaints, here on this site that when a customer asked for proof, you out right told them that you do not have to show them proof.

I am not interested in what you have to say about other customers

Only interested in my refund, per Ms. Wickelmannn.

Busy bodies know much about nothing.

God Bless


East Stroudsburg,

To Matt at Web Marketing Source/Captures: I am not interested in the lies you tell me. You rip off alot of people

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, August 16, 2007


If you provide proof to your customers, why are there complaints, here on this site that when a customer asked for proof, you out right told them that you do not have to show them proof.

I am not interested in what you have to say about other customers

Only interested in my refund, per Ms. Wickelmannn.

Busy bodies know much about nothing.

God Bless


East Stroudsburg,

Reply #2 To Matt about Web Marketing Source/Captures

#15Author of original report

Thu, August 16, 2007

Mr. Matt,

If you cared so much about your customers they would not all be complaining on this site.

I am glad you got a promotion, I bet you are getting paid with all the money you owe the customers who filed a complaint against you guys.

Since you do not have anything to do with the matter concerning my complaint, you are wasting your time posting any remarks that do not concern you in the first place.

It just show and confirms that Web Marketing Source/Captures are total bullies.

Thank For Nothing.

I am still awaiting the refund Ms. Wickelmannn said she had for me. I have her message documented.

So where is my refund?


East Stroudsburg,

My reply to : Matt/WebMarketingSource/Captures

#15Author of original report

Thu, August 16, 2007

I have never spoken to you before. It seems Web Marketing Source/Captures has the same story for everyone.

In fact, are you not the person who also ripped off another client complaining about you on this site?

You people change titles on a daily basis and the only thing you are consistant with is, insulting people and misleading others with false information.

I just got a call the other day about your Ronna Wickelmannn who lied in her phone message saying that she had a solution that would make us both happy.

Instead, I was lied to and very greatful that Ms.Ronna implicated her self in the email response she sent me. She confirmed that it was a total lie and a ploy to fight.

I am no longer intimidated by any of your antics.

I admit making the mistake of visiting Web Marketing Source(Merchant Seller of New and Used Books)/Captures.

Since, I have never spoken to you, I cannot see how you can put in your 2 cents in a matter that does not involve you.

You have nothing to say about this, seeing you have your own problems dealing with the people you ripped off your self.

Settle your own matters before involving your self in others business you know nothing about.

I am still awaiting the refund that Ms.Ronna Wickelmannn assured me she would give me, just a few days ago.

I will make note of your concern.



Arline, Take Responsibility For Your Actions & Stop Blaming Others

#15UPDATE Employee

Wed, August 15, 2007


I am marketing manager at I am attempting to shed light on the issues you have complained about and the people you slander within your numerous reports.

First of all, I would like you to know that I personally care a great deal for ALL of our customers, whether they have spent hundreds of dollars or thousands of dollars with us. I am also willing to do anything within my power and company policy to settle this manner in a fair way for the both of us. I have spent several hours reading through the 5 different reports you have made here, along with the BBB and AG complaints. I understand where you are coming from and I am familiar with your account including all the email correspondence, phone calls and attempts on our behalf to settle the matter.

After reading through the 5 reports, I couldn't help but feel a little offended by your statements, reactions, accusations and repeating what was posted in numerous other reports posted by you and your husband. I feel honored to be a part of a company like and, for now, wouldn't dream about working somewhere else. Our company genuinely cares for the client base and spends great amounts of time and money to make sure we are giving clients everything they pay for, sometimes more. That said, I feel now would be a good time to address your concerns myself and let you know your options (I have been tempted to post before, but held off thinking you would listen to representatives from our support staff, billing department and complaints division, but obviously you are just going to continue to poorly describe what actually happened and slander hard working people who are trying to help you, not rip you off). I will address the latest reports first and work my way back.

In response to both Irv's reports from 8/11/07...

Warren Daerda is a manager in our sales department and oversees several important aspects of our business. To my knowledge, he has never mis-represented himself while working at I am not sure where you are getting your information from, but obviously Irv is confused. Warren has never sold books, new or used, and has never owned his own Web store selling anything Online. To slander his name without knowing what you are talking about is an awful thing to do, no matter how upset you are at How appropriate is that?

It appears that Irv is repeating hear say that has either been passed down by you or is not from a reputable, trustworthy source to begin with. Our web sites are not free and we never offered you one for free. We do provide a free analysis of you original site, and point out things that can be done to improve what you already have. During the analysis, our reps do spend time talking about the sites we build and the benefits to owning one (which there are many). In no way were you forced, held hostage, pressured, or made by us to order the package you purchased. An agreement which outlines all the details is provided to you on the date you sign up. You have every opportunity to review the agreement before you sign up. It always amazes me how someone could be confused about what they bought when there is a complete outline of everything at your disposal.

We offer two separate types of services, one where we market web sites we did not build and another where we actually build and market a new site ourselves.

Our web site agreements last 24 months and it is clearly stated in the agreement you received. You can cancel your agreement after 24 months or pay off the entire agreement at once (paying all remaining monthly service fees).

Our marketing agreements are 6 months in duration and you have the option to cancel those after the 6 month term or you can pay off the remaining monthly fees. We waive the first three months of marketing fees.

It is all clearly stated in the agreement you received.

We always show proof of what we have done for our clients, it would be silly not to. You have been shown, Arline has been shown and it has been clearly stated through several different individuals who work at besides in the agreement.

By reading your second report, lettered a-i (with two g's and two h's) it became more apparent to me that you really have no idea what you are talking about in regards to how our company contacts and informs users about our services. Did you actually participate or are you hearing all of this from you wife? It sounds like you weren't even there to begin with and much of your report is just plain wrong.

a. All results are not the same, you could have seen by trying our tool yourself, you obviously haven't. I would be surprised if you have even seen it.

b. We take personal information after you have agreed to give it and sign up. After that we call, email or both to begin services, not stalk. If you feel trying to service you was stalking, well then I guess you're right.

c. We typically compliment sites we have not built, although we do point out things that could be done to improve your results on search engines. If that upsets you, I am sorry, but at least you know that the site has more potential and things can be done to help (whether we do them or not).

d. There is no reason for canceling to be an uphill battle. We have been very polite and pleasant each time with you on the phone. To cancel you simply must wait for the contract to expire or pay off all remaining monthly fees (like a cell phone company).

e. Our agreements are easy to read, there's a print function and we have never falsified any document. There is no reason to falsify documents here, that is simply your opinion and it constitutes as slander.

f. Just because someone stated they were allowed to cancel within ten days does not mean it's true, accurate or wasn't for a specific reason not affecting your situation. Just because someone is saying something you happen to side with doesn't mean that it's true or should be believed (I am not saying they lied, only that it may not be accurate or you don't have all the information about their situation).

g. Like I stated, there is no other company and Warren doesn't sell books, never has. You are really confused here in my opinion and if you can provide me proof of a credit statement that has a name other than (or any of our subsidiaries) I would be willing to retract my previous statements about this and look into why that would ever happen (not saying it did or would, just that i would look if you can prove it).

h. If you cancel your credit card before you have canceled your agreement we will send you to collections for failure to comply with a legal document signed by you. I suggest not doing that. You're better off working with us for a resolution.

g2. This is just silly. We call you all the time. We email you all the time. How would you know all our employees names if they hadn't personally contacted you and given you their information? There may be a time span after a request of cancellation that we take to review your account. There is typically no contact made during that time, but it's not long.

h2. The way this is going I don't see a refund in your near future. Not from us anyway. By the amount of reports you have filed and the way you choose to handle your frustrations and the slander, it is getting less likely that you will see one approved by our GM. I will still help if I can and you are willing to work with us.

i. Feel free to contact whomever you would like. I feel that our company does a fantastic job of servicing it's clients and if any one of those complaint companies were to open an investigation I am confident they would come to the same conclusion.

I strongly recommend you contact me to try and work this out. We are willing to listen and hear what you have to say as long as the attitude is professional.

Tomorrow I will respond to your report dated 07/21/07 titled "Web Marketing Held Hostage and Tormented Redmond Washington" and gladly explain why we have not tormented you and why the wording you have chosen is more than a slight exaggeration.

I plan to respond to each of your other reports one day at a time after that until my rebuttals total the 5+ reports you have submitted.

I consider myself an honest person and I believe that we can truly help you and any of our other clients, there must just be some confusion down the line somewhere.


East Stroudsburg,

Contacted by: Webmarketingsource/captures Redmond Washington today August 9th 2007 Under false pretense of resolution

#15Author of original report

Thu, August 09, 2007

WebMarketingSource/ called me today under false pretense to come to a resolution in the matter of my $3000.00 refund.

Miss Ronna Wichelmann left a message stating that we should contact her because she was sure we can come to a resolution that would be satisfying to the WebMarketingSource/Captures.

As it turned out my calls are being forwarded and so we responded by email requesting that she lay out the resolution plan she claimed to have.

Of course, in stead I have gotten a reply which as usual proved to be a ploy and they just want to continue to change the subject and fight with me.

It seems they are very unhappy about the reports I filed with the BBB and Attorney Generals Office, and she just wanted to tell me off.

In the end she told me that she is just the person who responds to the complaints against this company. So I suggested that it is unfair to respond to complaints that she has no first hand knowledge of when pertaining to the cases filed against WebMarketingSource/Captures.

As a result having Web Marketing Source/ Captures of Redmond,Washington comfirm their unprofessional tactics and dishonesty.

Thank you, Arline

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